
    Everything you’ve always wondered about The Vergecast

    enOctober 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • VergeCast Q&A EpisodeThe VergeCast team answered listener questions about their show, the Verge, and their thoughts on the future, providing valuable insights for their audience.

      The VergeCast team answered listener questions in a special episode. David Pierce shared his experience traveling with a 10-month-old on a plane and announced a fun show filled with questions about the VergeCast, the Verge, and their feelings about the future. Listeners had asked about Neeliah's bossing skills, which the team addressed. The episode was structured with questions about the VergeCast first, followed by questions about the Verge, and ending with questions about their thoughts on the future. The team was ready to answer these questions and provide insights for their listeners.

    • Exploring the Possibility of Merging Decoder and The VergecastBoth Decoder and The Vergecast have distinct focuses but complement each other. They are merging to provide additional context and journalism on The Vergecast, while maintaining each show's unique qualities.

      Despite the apparent tension between Decoder and The Vergecast, both shows have distinct yet complementary focuses. Decoder, hosted by Nilay Patel, is a business podcast where they discuss the people behind the products, while The Vergecast, also hosted by Nilay Patel, is a tech product show. However, as they have recently explored the possibility of bringing the shows closer together, they have discovered that there is no particular reason for the separation. David Pierce, who has joked about hating Decoder, clarified that he actually enjoys it. Nilay admitted that he had been waiting for someone else to suggest merging the shows, but when the opportunity arose, he wanted to ensure that The Vergecast had enough space to grow. Now that the process of merging seems complete, they plan to incorporate Decoder clips into The Vergecast to provide additional context and journalism. The hosts' roles on each show are also different, with Nilay adopting a more serious tone on Decoder and a more lighthearted one on The Vergecast. This dynamic creates an entertaining contrast and allows them to explore various aspects of the tech industry. Ultimately, as they expand their podcast universe, the challenge is to find a way to do so in a cool and engaging manner while maintaining the unique qualities of each show.

    • Providing value to diverse audiences through unique contentNeil Viny of The Verge uses a simple home studio setup and aims for consistency, while adapting to new technology and upgrading equipment as needed to cater to diverse audience interests and grow their podcast following.

      Creating unique and engaging content is essential for podcasting. Neil Viny and the team at The Verge believe in providing value to diverse audiences by offering distinct podcasts rather than repetitive content. Neil, for instance, uses a simple yet effective home studio setup with Sony ZV1s for his podcast recording, aiming for consistency in the look and feel of the show regardless of location. However, they acknowledge the importance of adapting to new technology and upgrading equipment as needed. While Neil's current setup is a hardware solution, he is planning to improve it to better match the studio's look and ensure a seamless audience experience. The team's goal is to grow their audience by catering to various interests, ensuring that each podcast offers something new and valuable.

    • Finding the Perfect Webcam Setup: A Journey of Trials and ErrorsInvesting in a reliable, name-brand webcam and interface saves time and frustration in the long run, despite the initial cost.

      Choosing the right hardware and software for a reliable webcam setup can be a challenge. Alex and Mike have had numerous experiences with different webcams and interfaces, encountering issues with overheating, software compatibility, and buzzing sounds. They've tried various options, including the Opel C1, Sony Imaging Webcam, SM7B microphone, and Insta360 Link. Each setup had its pros and cons, with some requiring constant troubleshooting and replacement. The lesson learned is that investing in a reliable, name-brand webcam and interface can save time and frustration in the long run. Although it might be tempting to opt for cheaper alternatives, the potential for ongoing issues and the value of time make the extra cost worthwhile. Both Alex and Mike have had their fair share of webcam trials and errors, but they've finally found success with the Insta360 Link. While the journey to a stable webcam setup may be frustrating, the end result is a more efficient and effective podcasting experience.

    • Hosts use different setups for podcasting and workThey use an iMac for podcasting with a camera for notes and eye contact, and a Samsung curve TV for work with a central camera for a more personal feel. Frustrated by lack of chapters in their podcast audio, they're excited to create a new jingle produced by Breakmaster Cylinder, blending old and new elements.

      The hosts of this podcast have separate setups for podcasting and work, each with its own advantages. For podcasting, they use a 27-inch iMac with a camera setup allowing them to have notes and look directly into the lens. For work, they use a Samsung curve TV with a camera in the middle for a more "looking at people" feel. They also expressed their frustration with not having chapters in the audio version of their podcast due to using Megaphone, a product by Spotify, which doesn't support this feature yet. They shared their excitement about creating a new jingle for their podcast, which was produced by Breakmaster Cylinder, and mentioned that they aimed to incorporate elements of the old theme while making it sound more like "Fascination Street" by The Cure.

    • Rebooting The Verge podcast: Creative and business considerationsThe Verge rebooted their podcast, creating two distinct shows to balance creative vision and business demands

      The decision to reboot The Verge podcast was driven by both creative and business considerations. Creatively, the team wanted to make new kinds of shows and felt that a change in host and format was necessary. Business-wise, the show was successful, and the company wanted more content, but the team recognized that they couldn't sustain an infinite amount of production. The result was the creation of two distinct shows, a more focused Wednesday episode and a looser Friday episode. This dynamic allows The Verge to continue producing high-quality content while also acknowledging the limitations of their resources. For those interested in the behind-the-scenes of podcast production, this conversation offers insight into the balancing act between creative vision and business demands.

    • Creating a Successful Podcast: Unique Voices and MissionTo create a successful podcast, find your unique voice, stay true to the mission, and prioritize connection for innovation.

      Creating a successful podcast, such as The Vergecast, involves a great deal of thought and effort. The hosts, including Vergast, discussed the importance of finding their unique voices and staying true to the show's mission. Vergast shared the pressure he felt to contribute and the potential consequences of ruining the show. Ben suggested hosting a watch party of a relevant movie, but acknowledged the challenges of outdated content and potential contractual issues. The sponsor, Deloitte, emphasized the importance of connection in driving innovation. The Art Beets and Lyrics documentary showcased the power of connection in building a cultural phenomenon. Overall, the conversation highlighted the dedication and collaboration required to create and maintain a successful podcast.

    • Verge's Newsroom is structured for subject matter expertise and format-specific divisionsThe Verge's newsroom is organized by subject matter expertise and format-specific divisions to optimize production, maintain focus on quality, and encourage collaboration between teams.

      The Verge, a digital media company, is structured with a focus on subject matter expertise and format-specific divisions to enable a high-performance and flexible work environment. The newsroom is organized by subject matter expertise and has desks dedicated to reviews, policy, and creators. There are also format-specific divisions for audio and video, which require different tools, processes, and cadences. The managing editor, Alex, ensures effective communication and overlap between teams to prevent redundancy and encourage collaboration. This structure allows for efficient and effective production while maintaining a focus on quality and innovation.

    • Balancing speed and depth in journalismEffective news organizations prioritize the overlap of news and in-depth reporting, allowing their journalists to understand the context and trade-offs of the stories they cover, while making low stakes decisions quickly and decisively to adapt to the news cycle.

      Effective news organizations like The Verge strive to maintain a balance between producing news at the speed of the industry and taking the time for in-depth reporting. This overlap can be challenging, especially as the organization grows and takes on more responsibilities. For instance, news and reviews operate on different timelines, and separating these teams can lead to better results, but maintaining their overlap ensures that reviews are relevant to the current news cycle. The Verge prioritizes this overlap, despite the challenges, as it allows their news reporters to understand the context and trade-offs of the products they cover. When making decisions, it's crucial to divide them into low and high stakes, and make the low stakes decisions quickly and decisively. This approach allows the organization to adapt to the ever-changing news cycle while maintaining the depth and quality of their reporting.

    • Making important decisions in media organizationsMedia organizations face crucial one-way door decisions affecting credibility, requiring instinct and collective intelligence. The Verge, a tech news org, looks forward to transitioning to WordPress for a larger software ecosystem and user experience focus.

      Media organizations face the challenge of making important decisions with long-lasting consequences, such as headline and image choices, which are considered one-way doors. These decisions can impact credibility and require a well-honed instinct and collective intelligence. The Verge, a tech news organization, has benefited from a long-term team and the ability to move quickly in response to its younger, faster-moving audience. The upcoming transition to WordPress is met with excitement as it offers the opportunity to tap into a larger software development ecosystem and focus development resources on user experiences rather than building proprietary software. The anticipation of this change brings joy and nervousness, as the team is eager to improve user experiences and adapt to new tools.

    • Friendly competition in tech journalismCompetitors in tech journalism maintain a collaborative relationship, recognizing the small community size and frequent interactions, leading to a cycle of growth and healthy competition.

      Despite being competitors in the journalism industry, publications and their teams maintain a friendly relationship and collaboration, recognizing the small size of the tech journalism community and the frequent interactions they have at industry events. This dynamic fosters a sense of camaraderie and even graduates many talented individuals to other publications, creating a cycle of growth and healthy competition. The speakers acknowledged the importance of having great competitors to keep each other sharp and innovative. They also emphasized the unique culture of the tech journalism world, where everyone covers the same beat and interacts frequently, leading to a kinship among the publications.

    • The Verge team advocates for intentional tech useThe Verge team prioritizes focus and productivity by intentionally using technology, blocking notifications, removing apps, and figuring out which tools work best for them.

      The Verge team, despite being deeply involved in the tech industry, does not necessarily embrace the idea that constant notifications and heavy use of technology are required to be a power user. Instead, they advocate for using technology in a way that suits their needs and prioritizes focus and productivity. The team members shared their personal experiences of blocking notifications, removing apps, and using technology in a deliberate and intentional way. They also emphasized the importance of figuring out which tools work best for them and incorporating them into their workflow. This perspective challenges the common assumption that being a heavy user of technology means being constantly connected and available to notifications.

    • Everyone at The Verge has unique tech passionsThe Verge fosters a work environment where employees can freely explore and share their diverse tech interests

      Everyone at The Verge has a unique passion for technology, and there's a vast array of tech niches to explore. The tech industry has evolved significantly over the years, offering countless options for individuals to immerse themselves in. Neeliah, the co-host of the podcast, is an exceptional boss who fosters a cool and relaxed work environment. He encourages his team to be as passionate and chaotic about their tech interests as he is. From home theater systems to the latest gadgets, everyone at The Verge has a specific tech obsession that sets them apart. The beauty of working there lies in the freedom to pursue these passions, even if others may not share the same level of interest. So, whether it's building a new home theater rig or discussing the history of Luddites, everyone at The Verge is free to talk about their tech loves, no matter how obscure.

    • Neelai's creativity and restlessness fuel innovation at The VergeEncouraging creativity and restlessness in leaders can lead to innovative ideas and new directions, but it's essential to support the growth and confidence of younger team members to maintain a healthy work culture.

      Neelai's creativity and restlessness are valuable assets in the ever-changing media industry. A bored Neelai can lead to innovative ideas and new directions. However, ensuring the growth and confidence of the youngest team members is crucial for maintaining a healthy work culture. Elias, as Neelai's boss, recognizes the importance of fostering an environment that encourages experimentation while supporting the professional development of his team. The media industry's instability necessitates constant innovation, and the Verge, under Neelai's leadership, aims to stay ahead by embracing change and nurturing talent.

    • Exploring the opportunities and challenges of technology, especially AIThe Verge covers technology advancements with earnestness and curiosity, acknowledging complexities and potential consequences, and strives for a better world through positive innovation.

      Technology, particularly AI, presents both incredible opportunities and significant challenges. While it's easier than ever before to create and spread misinformation, there are also countless individuals and organizations working tirelessly to develop new technologies and tools that can improve our lives. The Verge's approach is to report on these advancements with an earnestness and curiosity that doesn't take the complexities and potential consequences for granted. The world is on the cusp of massive change due to technology, and it's essential to take it seriously, engage deeply, and ask critical questions. Ultimately, the hope is that the positive feedback loop of innovation will lead to a better world. Despite the challenges, the fascination with technology and its potential remains a unifying force.

    • Embracing the complexities of AI discussionsPublications, including The Verge, should focus on the benefits and exciting possibilities of emerging technologies like AI while acknowledging potential risks, and engage in nuanced conversations to avoid oversimplifying the discussion

      While it's important to acknowledge and discuss the negative aspects and potential risks of emerging technologies like AI, it's equally important to focus on the benefits and exciting possibilities they bring. Publications, including The Verge, have a responsibility to engage with their audience honestly and authentically, acknowledging the complexities and nuances of these technologies. This approach allows for a more nuanced and engaging conversation around the impact of technology on our lives. The goal is to avoid oversimplifying the discussion to stock prices or good vs. bad dichotomies, and instead embrace the messiness and ongoing evolution of these technologies. As Walt Mossberg famously demonstrated, being unafraid to speak truth to power and holding a nuanced perspective is a valuable and engaging way to approach technology coverage.

    • The Verge's shift from content supplier to software builderThe Verge is transforming from a content provider to a software builder, aiming to federate content and create unique user experiences, while also exploring ways to exist beyond social media platforms.

      The Verge is aiming to evolve beyond being just a content supplier and instead focus on building cooler user experiences and competing in software within the media industry. They plan to federate their content and be more natively integrated with new social networks, while also figuring out how to exist outside of these platforms in a meaningful way. The media industry has spent the last 15 years playing by others' rules, but now, they're looking to build a place where people want to be and not just rely on free traffic from social media giants. The role of traditional media in the ecosystem has changed, and it's time to create a product that reflects that. The Verge is embracing this change and is excited to lead the way in confidently building innovative solutions. While the specifics of how this will all work are still uncertain, the team is determined to invent and build a lot of it from scratch.

    • The Verge values connecting diverse voices and perspectivesThe Verge sets itself apart by embracing external links and fostering collaboration, leading to meaningful impact in media and beyond

      The Verge values its role as a connector within the media ecosystem. Unlike some publishers who view linking to external content as a threat, The Verge sees it as an opportunity to bring together diverse voices and perspectives. This approach not only sets The Verge apart in the current media landscape but also allows them to maintain their independence and cover topics that truly matter to them. The documentary "Art Beats in Lyrics" on Hulu showcases a similar ethos in the art world, where collaboration and community-building have led to the success of the Art Beats in Lyrics festival in Atlanta. Both The Verge and Art Beats in Lyrics serve as reminders that in an increasingly fragmented world, the power of connection and collaboration can lead to meaningful impact.

    Recent Episodes from The Vergecast

    The music industry’s AI fight

    The music industry’s AI fight
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    The Vergecast
    enJune 28, 2024

    New chips, new screens, new gadgets

    New chips, new screens, new gadgets
    Today on the flagship podcast of the many definitions of electronic paper:  03:12 -The Verge’s David Pierce takes a look at the Boox Palma, a phone-shaped e-reader that runs Android. He also compares notes with Clockwise’s Matt Martin and writer Craig Mod.  The Boox Palma is an amazing gadget I didn't even know I wanted New Pop-up Walk, Reading Digitally in 2024 — Roden Newsletter Archive  30:06 - The Verge’s Nathan Edwards and Tom Warren join the show to discuss their experience using Microsoft’s new Surface Copilot PCs. They also answer a question from The Vergecast Hotline. Surface Laptop 7th Edition review: Microsoft’s best MacBook Air competitor yet With Copilot Plus, the new and improved Windows PCs are here  Microsoft’s embarrassing Recall  Microsoft makes Copilot less useful on new Copilot Plus PCs  Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enJune 25, 2024

    The next next thing in AI and AR

    The next next thing in AI and AR
    The Verge's Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz, and Alex Heath discuss Apple's Vision Pro team reportedly refocusing on a cheaper headset, Meta launching a new "Wearables" organization, a new AI company startup from former OpenAI chief scientist, and a whole lot more tech news. Further reading: Apple’s new hands-free unlocking feature won’t work with existing smart locks Apple’s fancy new CarPlay will only work wirelessly Android’s AirTag competitors are off to a poor start. This universal remote wants to control your smart home sans hub The Framework Laptop 13 is about to become one of the world’s first RISC-V laptops The Beats Solo Buds have a great look and an even better price Xreal’s new Beam Pro is an Android tablet designed to work with your AR glasses Apple’s Vision Pro team is reportedly focused on building a cheaper headset Meta forms new Wearables group and lays off some employees OpenAI’s former chief scientist is starting a new AI company Perplexity continues to piss off publishers. An AI video tool just launched, and it’s already copying Disney’s IP Anthropic has a fast new AI model — and a clever new way to interact with chatbots AIs are coming for social networks TikTok ads may soon contain AI avatars of your favorite creators McDonald’s will stop testing AI to take drive-thru orders, for now Nvidia overtakes Microsoft as the world’s most valuable company US sues Adobe for ‘deceiving’ subscriptions that are too hard to cancel Tech CEOs are hot now, so workers are hiring $500-an-hour fashion consultants Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enJune 21, 2024

    Tesla’s big, epic, confusing future

    Tesla’s big, epic, confusing future
    Today on the flagship podcast of super helpful humanoid helper robots:  05:07 - The Verge’s David Pierce and Andy Hawkins discuss the latest at Tesla: new products, new initiatives, and a payday for Elon Musk.  Tesla’s 2024 shareholder meeting: all the news about Elon Musk’s $50 billion payday Let’s speculate wildly about Tesla’s three mystery vehicles  Tesla shareholders approve Elon Musk’s massive pay package — was there ever any doubt? Whatever Elon wants, Tesla gets 40:21 - Vee Song joins the show to discuss updates to the Apple Watch, a new Samsung Galaxy Watch, and more wearable news.  Finally, the Apple Watch will let you rest - The Verge Samsung’s Galaxy Watch FE is its new entry-level smartwatch - The Verge The Pixel Watch 2 can now detect when you’ve been in a car crash Apple announces watchOS 11 with new training features and Live Activities Samsung sues Oura preemptively to block smart ring patent claims 1:02:54 - David and Liam James answer a question from the Vergecast Hotline about weather apps.  Forecast Advisor Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enJune 18, 2024

    Apple and OpenAI make a deal

    Apple and OpenAI make a deal
    The Verge's Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz, and David Pierce discuss takeaways from WWDC, this week's gadget news, and Elon Musk dropping his lawsuit against OpenAI. Further reading: Apple and OpenAI aren’t paying each other yet, says Bloomberg MKBHD interviewed Tim Cook. Tim Cook is ‘not 100 percent’ sure Apple can stop AI hallucinations Can Apple Intelligence fix the iPhone’s broken notifications system? The AI upgrade cycle is here Here’s how Apple’s AI model tries to keep your data private The best small updates Apple didn’t mention at WWDC Apple IDs are becoming Apple Accounts Apple skipped over the best visionOS 2 updates iOS 18 will let you record calls — and tells everyone for their privacy SharePlay is coming to Apple TV, HomePods, and Bluetooth speakers  Finally, offline maps with turn-by-turn guidance. The new versions of iOS and macOS will let you rotate your Wi-Fi address to help reduce tracking. Xbox boss: ‘I think we should have a handheld, too’ Microsoft announces a discless Xbox Series X console in white Xbox chief confirms more games are coming to other platforms Jabra’s earbuds are going away, but the impact they made isn’t The best thing about Jabra’s new earbuds is the case  The Light Phone 3 adds a better screen, a camera, and new ways to replace your smartphone The Windows on Arm chip race heats up with a challenger to Qualcomm Did startup Flow Computing just make CPUs 100x faster? Here’s the white paper and FAQs Google is putting more Android in ChromeOS Elon Musk drops lawsuit against OpenAI Elon Musk has unusual relationships with women at SpaceX, WSJ reports Sony buys Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Pew: A growing number of Americans are getting their news from TikTok Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enJune 14, 2024

    Apple Intelligence, iPhones, and the rest of WWDC 2024

    Apple Intelligence, iPhones, and the rest of WWDC 2024
    The Verge's Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz, Allison Johnson, and David Pierce discuss all the announcements from Apple's WWDC event. Further reading: Apple WWDC 2024: the 13 biggest announcements   Apple Intelligence: every new AI feature coming to the iPhone and Mac  Apple is giving Siri an AI upgrade in iOS 18  Apple announces iOS 18 with new AI features and more customizable homescreen Apple says iPhones will support RCS in 2024   Apple’s AI can make custom emoji and images iOS 18 introduces satellite capabilities to its iMessage app Apple announces iPadOS 18 with a built-in calculator and customizable homescreen  Apple made an iPad calculator app after 14 years The iPhone’s new Game Mode makes it faster and more responsive  Apple announces watchOS 11 with new training features and Live Activitie Apple announces macOS Sequoia at WWDC 2024  Apple’s standalone Passwords app syncs across iOS, iPad, Mac, and Windows  Apple’s AirPods are being upgraded with powerful accessibility features   Apple’s InSight feature for Apple TV Plus will tell you who that actor is Apple teases new seasons of Severance and Silo Apple announces visionOS 2 with 3D photo transformations and an ultrawide Mac display Apple is finally launching the Vision Pro outside the US Canon made a special lens for the Apple Vision Pro’s spatial videos  Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enJune 11, 2024

    Apple’s AI moment is coming

    Apple’s AI moment is coming
    The Verge's Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz, and David Pierce discuss what they expect to see next week at Apple's WWDC, or "dub dub" as it's more affectionately known. But first, we take you through all the gadgets previewed at Computex. Further reading: This is Lunar Lake — Intel’s utterly overhauled AI laptop chip that ditches memory sticks Humane is reportedly trying to sell itself to HP for $1 billion Humane, the startup behind the AI Pin, in talks with HP, telecoms to sell  Humane warns AI Pin owners to ‘immediately’ stop using its charging case Even the Raspberry Pi is getting in on AI  Apple put a Thread smart home radio into its newest Macs and iPads Apple just corrected the M2 iPad Air’s core count  Samsung leak reveals a cheaper Galaxy Watch Meta is fixing three of the biggest Quest 3 annoyances with v66 update  Nothing’s Phone 3 will be all about AI apps  The Asus ROG Ally X is official — and I took a peek inside Palmer Luckey is now selling pixel-perfect ultrabright magnesium Game Boys for $199 iOS 18 (and AI) will give Siri much more control over your apps Apple’s non-AI WWDC plans include Settings and Control Center revamps Apple might bring AI transcription to Voice Memos and Notes Apple’s WWDC may include AI-generated emoji and an OpenAI partnership Apple’s WWDC 2024 is set for June 10th Think inside the box Max raises prices across its ad-free plans We tested Aptoide, the first free iPhone app store alternative Google acquires Cameyo to integrate Windows app virtualization into ChromeOS Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enJune 07, 2024

    Sonos' headphones are extremely Sonos

    Sonos' headphones are extremely Sonos
    Today on the flagship podcast of audio over Wi-Fi:  03:02 - The Verge’s Chris Welch shares his review of Sonos's Ace headphones. Sonos Ace review: was it worth it? Sonos CEO Patrick Spence addresses the company’s divisive app redesign 28:58 - MoviePass, MovieCrash director Muta’Ali and MoviePass CEO Stacy Spikes discuss what went wrong with the MoviePass subscription service and how that story was documented in the film. MoviePass, MovieCrash review: a damning account of corporate greed MoviePass is using you to ruin the movies  56:47 - Jennifer Pattison Tuohy answers a question from The Vergecast Hotline about smart home gadgets for renters.  Home Assistant: Setting up the Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor - Derek Seaman's Tech Blog  Yale launches its first retrofit smart lock — the Yale Approach with Wi-Fi  The new Yale Keypad Touch brings fingerprint unlocking to August smart locks Aqara kick-starts its first Matter-over-Thread smart lock with a promise of Home Key support  The new Yale Keypad Touch brings fingerprint unlocking to August smart locks Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enJune 04, 2024

    Inside the Google algorithm

    Inside the Google algorithm
    The Verge's Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz, and David Pierce discuss Google's algorithm leak, OpenAI content deals, and more tech news from this week. Further reading: Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation Google confirms the leaked Search documents are real An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked Unpacking Google's massive Search documentation leak How SEO moves forward with the Google Content Warehouse API leak Google responds to leak: Documentation lacks context Vox Media and The Atlantic sign content deals with OpenAI Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search  Apple’s WWDC may include AI-generated emoji and an OpenAI partnership OpenAI CEO Cements Control as He Secures Apple Deal Custom GPTs open for free ChatGPT users OpenAI has a new safety team — it’s run by Sam Altman Why the OpenAI board fired Sam Altman  Elon Musk’s xAI raises $6 billion to fund its race against ChatGPT and all the rest New Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Ring details have leaked, courtesy of the FCC The Fitbit Ace LTE is like a Nintendo smartwatch for kids  Discord’s turning the focus back to games with a new redesign The business behind Unnecessary Inventions’ millions of followers Welcome to Notepad, a newsletter on Microsoft’s era-defining bets by Tom Warren Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enMay 31, 2024

    Why Microsoft bet on Surface

    Why Microsoft bet on Surface
    Today on the flagship podcast of open smart home standards:  03:25 - Microsoft’s Pavan Davuluri, leader for Windows and Devices, joins the show to discuss the future of the AI PC and what’s next for Microsoft’s hardware Microsoft’s new Windows chief on the future of the OS, Surface, and those annoying ads Microsoft’s big bet on building a new type of AI computer  Microsoft Build 2024: everything announced 30:25 - The Verge’s Jen Tuohy and David Pierce discuss the latest updates in the smart home world in a segment called “Does Matter matter yet?” The Dyson WashG1 is the company’s first dedicated mop Amazon’s Matter Casting is shaping up so nicely, I want to use it everywhere Matter 1.3 arrives with new device type and features Smart lighting company Brilliant is looking for a buyer Google launches new Home APIs and turns Google TVs into smart home hubs  01:13:20 - David answers a question from the Vergecast Hotline about AI-powered search engines.  Google is redesigning its search engine — and it's AI all the way down  Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI-powered search and the future of the web Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    Microsoft Build 2020, Elon Musk's factory play, and Joe Rogan moves to Spotify

    Microsoft Build 2020, Elon Musk's factory play, and Joe Rogan moves to Spotify
    It’s Friday, which means there’s a new episode of The Vergecast to fill you in on all of the news from this week. Join Nilay, Dieter, and a rotation of other editors for everything that you need to know. The three topics covered this week are: Microsoft’s Build developer conference Elon Musk’s... active month Spotify getting exclusive streaming rights to The Joe Rogan Experience podcast During the first part of the show, Verge senior editor Tom Warren joins Nilay Patel and Dieter Bohn to discuss what was announced at Microsoft Build 2020 and what’s next for Windows software. Microsoft Lists is a new app designed for Teams, SharePoint, and Outlook Microsoft’s new Fluid Office document is Google Docs on steroids Microsoft to unify Windows desktop and UWP apps with new Project Reunion Microsoft’s new PowerToys Run launcher for Windows 10 is now available to download Microsoft Edge is getting a new sidebar search feature and Pinterest integration Microsoft is bringing Linux GUI apps to Windows 10 Microsoft’s new Windows Package Manager is already better than the Windows Store Microsoft Surface Earbuds review: comfort at a cost Microsoft Surface Go 2 review: don’t push it First look: Microsoft’s 13.5-inch Surface Book 3 A little over 35 minutes into the show, Verge deputy editor Elizabeth Lopatto updates us on Elon Musk’s latest endeavors, including his battle with Alameda County over opening his factory, his protests against lockdown orders, and SpaceX’s upcoming Crew Dragon spacecraft launch. Elon Musk’s battle to reopen Tesla’s Fremont plant may shape his legacy Tesla drops its lawsuit against Alameda County over lockdown order Elon Musk is playing Twitter footsie with the fringe right Here’s why Elon Musk keeps raising the price of Tesla’s ‘Full Self-Driving’ option Elon Musk’s Boring Company finishes digging Las Vegas tunnels Meet the first NASA astronauts SpaceX will launch into orbit Last but not least, senior reporter Ashley Carman stops by to explain the importance of Spotify landing The Joe Rogan Experience podcast as an exclusive. Joe Rogan’s podcast is becoming a Spotify exclusive It just took $700 million or so to put Spotify on top of the podcasting world Google suspended a popular Android podcast app because it catalogs COVID-19 content There’s a whole lot more discussed in this episode, so listen here or in your preferred podcast player to hear it all. Other stories discussed in this episode: Mark Zuckerberg on taking his massive workforce remote Students are failing AP tests because the College Board can’t handle iPhone photos Amazon reportedly delays Prime Day until September as it works to restore normal shipping Here’s how NYC is using powerful UV light to kill the coronavirus on subways and buses The FCC has received hundreds of complaints about carriers’ coronavirus pledge Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Live Episode! Clubhouse: Paul Davison and Rohan Seth

    Live Episode! Clubhouse: Paul Davison and Rohan Seth
    After selling both of their social app companies and rethinking their day jobs, Paul Davison and Rohan Seth knew they should not get into the volatile business of social media again. Despite exploring more practical ideas in other industries, they were found themselves drawn to the potential of live social audio, and decided they had to build another social app. What they didn't know was that, as they launched Clubhouse in March 2020, a global pandemic would create a new market of people looking for virtual spaces to connect. Today, despite issues with chat moderation, an invitation-only launch and increasing competition from established media companies, Clubhouse has continued to grow and now has over 10 million users. This interview was recorded live as part of a virtual event in April 2021.

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    Science a Key Component of Corporate Sustainability

    Science a Key Component of Corporate Sustainability

    For Gayle Schueller Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability officer at 3M, science has always been an important part of her life. In this episode she explains how through pandemic, loss of biodiversity and the climate crisis, the importance of applying scientific principles has drastically increased. We learn what the 3M initiatives “Science for Climate, Circular and Community” means in practice. Gayle lays out the way forward in fostering large scale collaborations across organizational boundaries to jointly achieve ambitious sustainability targets.

    Recording a Promo for the Pod

    Recording a Promo for the Pod
    Joe and David begrudgingly record a Promo for their own podcast. A glimpse behind the curtains of the PR machine at Chatabix HQ. Follow Chatabix on Twitter & Instagram: twitter.com/chatabix1 www.instagram.com/chatabixpodcast/ Patreon for early access to our eps: https://www.patreon.com/chatabix Crunchy fresh tees and hoodies: https://chatabixshop.com/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    13: Comebacks and Ripple Effects

    13: Comebacks and Ripple Effects

    Rural America is full of places of innovation--towns where people work together to conceive new ideas and spark engagement by the community to implement them. Journey with us in this first episode in our look at rural innovation to explore two stories of social innovation, visiting towns that took risks and dreamed big to revitalize their downtowns, and show the community what was possible when they worked together. First up, learn how Hillsboro, Illinois, brought energy and commerce back to Main Street. Then, hear about the creative ways Bethel, Vermont, reinvigorated a sense of community and place.