
    Microsoft Build 2020, Elon Musk's factory play, and Joe Rogan moves to Spotify

    enMay 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Microsoft Build, Elon Musk, and Canva's AI-powered tool headline this week's tech newsMicrosoft and Facebook adapt to remote work, Canva's AI tool saves time, Elon Musk makes headlines, and Spotify enters podcasting. Innovation and challenges mark the tech industry this week.

      This week was filled with significant news from various tech companies. Microsoft Build brought lots of new announcements, Elon Musk continued to make headlines, and Spotify made a big move in the podcasting world. For those looking to create impressive presentations for work, Canva's AI-powered tool can save time and effort. Meanwhile, the documentary "Art Beets and Lyrics" showcases the growth of a cultural phenomenon. In the tech industry, companies like Microsoft and Facebook are adapting to the new normal of remote work. Sundar Pichai and Mark Zuckerberg shared their insights on managing this transition. However, not all news was positive, as high school students faced issues submitting their AP exams due to technical difficulties. Overall, it was a week filled with innovation, challenges, and adaptation in the tech world.

    • Apple's Health Accessibility feature and Amazon's Prime Day among pandemic's secondary effectsApple's HAIC feature sparks controversy, Amazon delays Prime Day, NYC uses UV lights on public transport, FCC faces pressure over internet pledges, Microsoft's virtual Build event receives positive feedback

      During this week's news cycle, there were several significant developments related to the ongoing pandemic and its secondary effects. One of these stories involved Apple's Health Accessibility (HAIC) feature and the controversy surrounding its patents. Many people expressed strong feelings about this issue, leading to a follow-up story. Another second-order pandemic story involved Amazon's decision to delay Prime Day until September. In the realm of technology and science, there was news about New York City's plan to use UV lights on subways and buses to kill the virus. The FCC also faced pressure to address hundreds of complaints about internet service providers not honoring their Keep America Connected Pledge. Microsoft's virtual Build event, which focused on developers, received positive reviews for its innovative format. Despite these developments, the FCC's response to these issues and the ongoing debate about its role in regulating internet connectivity remains an ongoing story.

    • Microsoft's Fluid Office Documents: A New Way to Collaborate Across AppsMicrosoft's new Fluid Office Documents feature enables real-time collaboration and interoperability across various apps, allowing users to create and edit tables or charts in one app and have them update in real-time when pasted into another. Microsoft needs developers to adopt this technology to make it a standardized format and unlock its full potential.

      Microsoft's latest announcement about their Fluid Office documents represents a significant shift towards making office documents more collaborative and adaptable across various applications. This new feature allows users to create and edit tables or charts in one app, like Slack or Outlook, and have them update in real-time when pasted into another app or email. The ultimate goal is to create a more seamless and integrated experience for users, allowing them to work on documents more efficiently and collaboratively. However, for this new feature to truly take off, Microsoft needs developers to adopt it by rendering the fluid components within their apps and enabling developers to switch out strings to make their apps more collaborative. This interoperability is crucial as it will allow users to work on documents in various apps without limitations. Microsoft's decision to open-source this technology is a positive sign that they are committed to listening to the community and making it a standardized format. The potential applications of this technology, such as live editing Excel inside of Discord or Twitch streams of Excel content, are exciting and could revolutionize the way we work with office documents.

    • Microsoft's new initiative, Fluid, aims to make documents interconnected and collaborative across various appsMicrosoft's Fluid initiative integrates Office apps and Teams, enabling seamless document editing and collaboration, with a focus on chat app interface and eliminating the need to jump between apps.

      Microsoft's new initiative, Fluid, represents a renewed effort to realize the long-standing dream of interconnected, live, and collaborative documents across various applications. This time, Microsoft is not just focusing on embedding documents within other apps but on sharing the underlying technology, making it possible for developers to incorporate it into their own projects. Microsoft's approach involves integrating Fluid into Office apps and Teams, aiming to keep users within these platforms and make editing documents seamless and collaborative. The concept is inspired by past attempts like Microsoft's OLE and Apple's OpenDoc, which failed to gain widespread adoption. However, Microsoft's current strategy, which includes leveraging Teams as a hub and focusing on a chat app interface, might make the dream a reality this time. Ultimately, Microsoft is striving to meet users where they work and eliminate the need to jump between apps, creating a more efficient and collaborative experience.

    • Microsoft's New Approach to an Old ProductMicrosoft is reviving a failed project with a new name and approach, focusing on open source and Linux, and offering hardware acceleration for Linux apps on Windows to attract developers.

      Microsoft is making a comeback with a new approach to an old product, and this time, they might succeed. They're bringing back a failed project, now named differently, and they might pull it off due to advancements in technology and changes within the company. Microsoft's shift towards open source and acknowledgement of the importance of Linux are significant differences from past attempts. Additionally, the advancements in hardware and the ability to run Linux apps directly on Windows with full GPU hardware acceleration are making a significant impact. Microsoft's goal is not just to keep Windows users, but also to cater to developers who prefer other platforms for development. The Windows Subsystem for Linux and the development of a direct text driver for Linux on Windows are evidence of this shift. Overall, the changes Microsoft is making reflect the realization that the future of technology does not revolve around Windows being the center of the universe.

    • Modernizing Win32 and UWP apps with Project ReunionMicrosoft's Project Reunion aims to unify and modernize Win32 and UWP apps, enabling developers to update existing apps with modern UI features and touch capabilities without a complete rewrite. WinUI 3 is a key component, allowing older Win32 apps to adopt a more modern UI.

      Microsoft is making strides to unify and modernize the development experience for both Win32 and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps through Project Reunion. The goal is to enable developers to update their existing apps with modern UI features and touch capabilities without having to fundamentally rewrite them. This approach aims to address the issue of fragmented API versions and cater to both new and older Windows users. The comparison to Google Play Services on Android is an apt one, as Microsoft intends to provide a consistent experience across various Windows versions. While this may lead to more apps taking advantage of Windows features, it remains to be seen whether it will result in a significant increase in high-quality, touch-first apps in the Windows Store. A key component of this effort is WinUI 3, which allows older Win32 apps to adopt a more modern UI. Overall, Project Reunion represents Microsoft's attempt to simplify the development process and make it easier for developers to create and update apps for Windows.

    • Microsoft's Metro apps transition faced challenges and confusionMicrosoft's effort to shift users from desktop apps to Metro apps met resistance, resulting in a major setback for the company's corporate strategy. UWP apps limitations and user/developer frustration continue to hinder Microsoft's competitiveness in the budget computing market.

      Microsoft's attempt to transition Windows apps to a new model, inspired by the success of iOS and iPad, resulted in significant challenges and confusion. The Metro apps debacle, marked by a trademark dispute with German grocery stores, represented a major setback for Microsoft's corporate strategy. This strategy aimed to move users away from traditional desktop apps to a new model, but faced resistance from developers and users who preferred the flexibility of the desktop environment. Microsoft's focus on UWP apps was a significant departure from the Windows platform's history and required a substantial investment in time and resources. The failure to fully execute this transition, combined with the limitations of UWP apps, left users and developers feeling frustrated. Microsoft's recent release of the Surface Go 2 and Surface Book 3, with only minor upgrades, highlights the ongoing struggle to compete in the market with more cost-effective alternatives like Chromebooks. Microsoft's inability to offer a compelling alternative to the Chromebook's low price point has left them playing catch-up in the budget computing market.

    • Microsoft's Surface Pro: Slightly Faster, Same DesignMicrosoft's Surface Pro gets a speedier SSD and faster hinge detachment, but Intel's CPU limitations may hinder future upgrades.

      The new device feels similar to its predecessor with minor improvements such as faster hinge detachment and a speedier SSD. The debate continues about a mysterious architect who claims to frequently separate the tablet from the base, and the form factor with the snake hinge and liquid metal lock remains unchanged. Microsoft's plans for the Surface Pro line may be hindered by Intel's limitations, particularly in terms of CPU power. Tom's coverage of Microsoft's build this week was impressive, providing insights into the company's latest offerings and future plans. Canva, a sponsor of the podcast, offers a solution for quickly generating professional presentations using AI technology. The documentary "Art Beats in Lyrics" showcases the origin stories of the founders and curator of the Atlanta-based art show, revealing how their individual pasts have shaped the event's growth and their unique roles within it.

    • Elon Musk's Controversial Decisions and StatementsElon Musk made headlines this week for reopening his factory against a health order, tweeting about the severity of the coronavirus, and preparing for a historic SpaceX launch, sparking debates about his motivations and potential impact on public health and safety.

      Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, and overseeing The Verge's science, transportation, and creators desks, has been making headlines this week due to his controversial decisions and public statements. He ignited controversy by tweeting that he didn't believe the coronavirus was as serious as the panic surrounding it and defied a county health order by reopening his Fremont factory early. He dropped the lawsuit and is now looking for new factory sites for the Cybertruck production. Simultaneously, SpaceX is preparing for a historic launch of US astronauts from US soil next week, marking the first such event in nearly 10 years. Despite the ongoing pandemic, Musk's actions and opinions have sparked debates and raised questions about his motivations and the potential impact on public health and safety.

    • Elon Musk's Political MoveElon Musk's tweet about taking the red pill and interactions with Ivanka Trump and Lily Wieckowski may benefit from the culture war and secure government subsidies, but real-world consequences could impact people's lives during a global health crisis

      Elon Musk's tweet about taking the red pill, which is an alt-right symbol, and his subsequent interaction with Ivanka Trump and Lily Wieckowski, can be seen as a political move to benefit from the culture war of the moment and potentially gain favor from conservative politicians, who hold power in the states where he is considering locating his new factory. This strategy could help Musk secure government subsidies and generate earned media attention for Tesla. However, the true motivations behind Musk's actions may not matter as much as the real-world consequences, which could impact people's lives, especially during a global health crisis.

    • Elon Musk's Controversial Actions and Tesla's InstabilityInvestors accept Musk's eccentricities for Tesla's innovative leadership and potential products, while SpaceX's focus on space exploration insulates it from controversies.

      Elon Musk's unconventional behavior and controversial actions, including his tweets and disregard for certain rules, have become a part of investing in Tesla. For many investors, Musk's eccentricities are a known factor, and they are willing to accept the instability that comes with it because they believe in his innovative leadership and the potential of Tesla's products. Meanwhile, SpaceX is poised for a significant moment with the launch of Crew Dragon, marking the return of American astronauts launching from American soil and the first commercial spacecraft to carry astronauts to the International Space Station. This launch represents the beginning of commercial spaceflight and the potential for private companies to create the next generation of spacecraft, potentially leading to space tourism in the future. SpaceX appears to be insulated from Musk's controversies due to its physical distance and focus on space exploration.

    • SpaceX and Tesla serve different customer bases and require unique marketing strategiesElon Musk's companies, SpaceX and Tesla, cater to distinct markets and necessitate distinct approaches due to their varying customer bases and levels of public scrutiny.

      SpaceX and Tesla, despite being related to Elon Musk and transportation, serve different customer bases and require different marketing strategies. SpaceX, as a private company, has an effective leadership team in Gwen Shotwell, allowing it to focus on government clients without public investor pressure. In contrast, Tesla, with Elon Musk's public persona, faces more scrutiny and investor involvement. Additionally, the podcasting industry experienced a significant shift this week as Joe Rogan, a popular YouTube podcast host, became an exclusive Spotify show, marking Spotify's ambition to attract more YouTube podcasters and expand its video podcast offerings. This change in the podcasting landscape highlights the competition and evolving nature of the industry.

    • Spotify's acquisition of popular podcasts marks a shift towards streaming and dynamic ad insertionSpotify's acquisition of podcasts like Joe Rogan's and advanced ad capabilities bring more value to advertisers and expand the podcast ad market.

      Spotify's acquisition of Joe Rogan's podcast, along with Gimlet, The Ringer, Parcast, and Anchor, marks a significant shift in the podcast industry. Unlike traditional podcasts distributed through RSS feeds, Spotify's model is centered around streaming and dynamic ad insertion. This allows for targeted ads that can be inserted in real-time based on listeners' preferences and demographics, expanding the market for podcast ads and creating enormous value for Spotify and its advertisers. The acquisition of popular podcasts and personalities, like Joe Rogan, also helps Spotify establish a strong presence in the podcast space and attract a larger audience. This business model, which is similar to Google and Facebook, is set to revolutionize the podcast industry by bringing more advanced advertising capabilities and monetization opportunities.

    • The Future of Podcasting: Streaming Platforms' ControlStreaming platforms like Spotify are taking control of podcasting, handling content creation, distribution, and monetization, offering advantages in ease of use and potential ad targeting, but potentially limiting openness and competition.

      The podcasting industry is evolving with streaming platforms like Spotify increasingly controlling the entire content creation, distribution, and monetization process. This contrasts with the earlier days of RSS feeds where multiple entities provided content and ad revenue. Spotify's move to create and own content, along with its ad insertion capabilities, allows the company to make significant revenue both from subscriptions and ads. While some argue this centralization might limit openness and competition, it also offers advantages like ease of use and potentially better ad targeting for creators. The future of podcasting may involve fewer intermediaries and more control by streaming platforms.

    • Podcasting's Shift: Apple's Quiet Response to Spotify's Exclusive DealsApple's lack of action in the podcast ecosystem amidst Spotify's exclusive deals raises concerns over the future of the open web nature of podcasting, while new shows face significant challenges in gaining popularity.

      The podcast industry is facing a significant shift with streaming platforms like Spotify making exclusive deals with popular podcasters, leading to controversy and concerns over the loss of the open web nature of podcasting. Apple, currently the default podcast player on iOS devices, has been surprisingly quiet in the race to own the podcast ecosystem, despite having the potential advantage of a large user base and resources. Spotify, on the other hand, is making money through both ad revenue and subscriptions, and has yet to launch a major, independently produced hit show without prior IP. The challenge for new shows, both audio and visual, is significant, and Apple's corporate image may not align well with the tone and content of popular podcasts.

    • Apple's cautious approach to podcasting due to responsibility as a media company and editorial influenceApple views itself as a service provider in podcasting, while Google's dynamic ad insertion technology and vast data pose a significant threat, potentially impacting smaller independent players.

      Apple's hesitance to fully enter the podcasting market can be attributed to its responsibility as a media company and its concern over editorial influence. Unlike Spotify, Apple sees itself as a service provider rather than an arbiter of culture. However, Google, with its dynamic ad insertion technology and vast data, also has the potential to pose a significant threat in the podcasting industry. The fear of monopolies and the potential displacement of smaller independent players is a concern. Apple and Google's entry into the market could impact these players, and it remains to be seen how they will compete.

    • Apple vs Spotify: The Battle for Podcasting DominanceApple and Spotify are competing for podcast market share, with Apple concerned about Spotify's expansion into smart speakers and subscription services. Google's removal of a podcast app highlights the challenges of policing podcasts and the power app store owners hold.

      The competition between tech giants, particularly Apple and Spotify, in the podcasting industry is heating up. Apple, who wants to maintain an open ecosystem, is wary of Spotify potentially dominating the market by offering a comprehensive listening experience with their own smart speakers and subscription services. A recent incident involving Google removing a podcast app due to COVID-19 content raises concerns about the challenges of policing podcasts and the power app store owners hold in this competitive landscape. With both companies expanding their offerings, the fight for market share in podcasting is expected to intensify.

    • Canva's AI-powered presentations and Art Beets and Lyrics documentary offer unique solutionsCanva saves time creating professional presentations, while Art Beets and Lyrics explores the growth of a cultural phenomenon through art and storytelling

      Canva's AI-powered presentations offer a significant time-saving solution for creating professional decks for various work purposes. With just a simple prompt, users can choose their preferred style and customize the content, resulting in finished slides in a matter of seconds. Whether it's a sales presentation, marketing deck, or HR onboarding plan, Canva Presentations at Canva.com is designed to give users a head start on their projects. Meanwhile, the Art Beets and Lyrics documentary on Hulu showcases the growth of a humble art show into a cultural phenomenon. Directed by Bill Horace, the film explores the origin stories of the event's founder, Chibari Graham, and curator Dwayne W. Wright, revealing how Atlanta has shaped their individual pasts and their distinct roles within Art Beats and Lyrics. The documentary follows several feature artists as they prepare for the 20th Anniversary Tour, captivating thousands of fans at each show. In essence, Canva's innovative presentation tool and the Art Beets and Lyrics documentary offer unique solutions to streamline work processes and entertain audiences, respectively. Whether it's through creating professional presentations or immersing oneself in the world of art, both platforms offer valuable benefits for users.

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    Why Microsoft bet on Surface
    Today on the flagship podcast of open smart home standards:  03:25 - Microsoft’s Pavan Davuluri, leader for Windows and Devices, joins the show to discuss the future of the AI PC and what’s next for Microsoft’s hardware Microsoft’s new Windows chief on the future of the OS, Surface, and those annoying ads Microsoft’s big bet on building a new type of AI computer  Microsoft Build 2024: everything announced 30:25 - The Verge’s Jen Tuohy and David Pierce discuss the latest updates in the smart home world in a segment called “Does Matter matter yet?” The Dyson WashG1 is the company’s first dedicated mop Amazon’s Matter Casting is shaping up so nicely, I want to use it everywhere Matter 1.3 arrives with new device type and features Smart lighting company Brilliant is looking for a buyer Google launches new Home APIs and turns Google TVs into smart home hubs  01:13:20 - David answers a question from the Vergecast Hotline about AI-powered search engines.  Google is redesigning its search engine — and it's AI all the way down  Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI-powered search and the future of the web Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    The Verge's David Pierce, Nilay Patel, and Alex Cranz dedicate the show to talk about their feelings. The crew answer a bunch of questions from listeners about The Vergecast, The Verge website, and the future of it all. Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Accessibility Fundamentals—Collaborating for Impact

    Accessibility Fundamentals—Collaborating for Impact

    Rich Corbridge is the Chief Digital and Information Officer for the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the UK’s biggest public service department with 100,000 employees, serving 20 million customers. Rich joins host Olivia Neal to discuss how DWP has been embedding approaches to accessibility, including by partnering with Microsoft to build the accessibility skills of their employees, which in turn helps them to support jobseekers with disabilities to better use technology in gaining and retaining employment in an increasingly digital workplace. 

    Click here for transcript of this episode.  

    Olivia Neal [host] | LinkedIn 

    Rich Corbridge [guest] | LinkedIn 

    Microsoft Public Sector Center of Expertise for more information and transcripts of all episodes 

    Join the Microsoft Ability Summit to learn more about how the newest tech can bridge the accessibility divide.

    Discover and follow other Microsoft podcasts at news.microsoft.com/podcasts. 

    Live Episode! Clubhouse: Paul Davison and Rohan Seth

    Live Episode! Clubhouse: Paul Davison and Rohan Seth
    After selling both of their social app companies and rethinking their day jobs, Paul Davison and Rohan Seth knew they should not get into the volatile business of social media again. Despite exploring more practical ideas in other industries, they were found themselves drawn to the potential of live social audio, and decided they had to build another social app. What they didn't know was that, as they launched Clubhouse in March 2020, a global pandemic would create a new market of people looking for virtual spaces to connect. Today, despite issues with chat moderation, an invitation-only launch and increasing competition from established media companies, Clubhouse has continued to grow and now has over 10 million users. This interview was recorded live as part of a virtual event in April 2021.

    How I Built This Summit - information and tickets at:

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    Recording a Promo for the Pod

    Recording a Promo for the Pod
    Joe and David begrudgingly record a Promo for their own podcast. A glimpse behind the curtains of the PR machine at Chatabix HQ. Follow Chatabix on Twitter & Instagram: twitter.com/chatabix1 www.instagram.com/chatabixpodcast/ Patreon for early access to our eps: https://www.patreon.com/chatabix Crunchy fresh tees and hoodies: https://chatabixshop.com/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices