
    Evil of Hamas and in America, and the Rot of Woke Institutions Like Universities, with the Ruthless Podcast Hosts | Ep. 646

    enOctober 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Jewish Americans Wake Up to Antisemitism in the LeftSome Jewish Americans are recognizing the antisemitic beliefs and actions of the left, and rejecting their support as a reminder of the importance of standing against hate.

      The veil is coming down for some Jewish Americans who have been supporting leftist and woke ideologies, only to realize they are surrounded by antisemites who hate them and celebrate the murder of Jews in Israel. The realization comes as the left's antisemitic beliefs and actions have come to the surface, making it clear that Jews are not welcome in their cabal, despite their historical persecution and minority status. This disturbing trend is not limited to the Middle East but is also present in America, where some university professors, students, and even politicians hold antisemitic views. The wake-up call for Jewish Americans is a sobering reminder of the importance of recognizing and rejecting hateful ideologies.

    • The radical agenda of antisemitism and acceptance of violence exposedRadical groups masked as decolonization and social justice advocates have an agenda of antisemitism and acceptance of violence and terrorism, causing fear and anxiety for Jewish communities. Society must recognize and condemn this hateful ideology to prevent further harm.

      The current wave of radical activism, as exemplified by recent events at college campuses and the ongoing conflict in Israel, has exposed the true intentions and beliefs of some radical groups. These groups, which claim to be advocating for decolonization and social justice, have a hidden agenda of antisemitism and acceptance of violence and terrorism. This dangerous ideology has been festering for a long time, but recent events have brought it to the surface, causing widespread fear and anxiety, particularly for Jewish communities. The mask has fallen, and it's crucial for society to recognize and condemn this hateful ideology to prevent further harm and violence. The silence and lack of clear condemnation from certain quarters only embolden these radicals, making it essential for everyone to speak out against terrorism and intolerance.

    • DSA and BLM's Endorsement of Hamas' ViolenceThe DSA and BLM's endorsement of Hamas' violence against Israeli civilians reveals a lack of moral clarity and a dangerous trend towards justifying mass murder.

      During a time of tragic violence against Israeli civilians, some members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement endorsed Hamas' actions and called for the end of Israel. This endorsement was made in the wake of the violence, and some went as far as using the language of decolonization to justify violent resistance. This is concerning as it reveals a lack of moral clarity and a willingness to support mass murder. It's important to acknowledge that there are people in our society who hold such views and it's crucial to call them out. The DSA and BLM's statements and actions are not only horrifying but also a clear threat to peace and stability in the region. These individuals should be held accountable for their words and actions. The use of corporate language to mask the true intent of jihad is a dangerous trend that must be addressed.

    • Professors with anti-Semitic views teaching law in prestigious universitiesTwo professors, Nina Farnia and Zarena Grewal, at Albany Law School and Yale, respectively, hold anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian views, publicly supporting Hamas and making inflammatory statements against Jews and Israel. They need to be held accountable and fired.

      There are professors in esteemed universities, like Albany Law School and Yale, who hold anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian views, and they are teaching the next generation of lawyers. This is alarming as these professors, such as Nina Farnia and Zarena Grewal, have publicly expressed support for Hamas, a terrorist organization, and have made inflammatory statements against Jews and Israel. Farnia, a legal historian focusing on modern imperialism, has even gone so far as to call settlers "not civilians," implying they are fair game for violence. These professors' views are not only anti-Israel but also anti-capitalist, anti-American, and anti-democratic. Jewish students at these universities are forced to sit in their classes and listen to these racist and bigoted views. Both Farnia and Grewal need to be held accountable and fired immediately. The situation is reminiscent of the creeping antisemitism experienced by Jews in Paris and other parts of the world, leading some to make aliyah, or move to Israel, for safety. The normalization of such hateful rhetoric in academia is a dangerous trend that must be addressed.

    • Media bias and reporting on violence in Israel and PalestineMedia outlets should exercise caution and skepticism when reporting on sensitive and potentially inflammatory allegations to avoid fueling tensions and perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

      There are concerns about the reporting and response from certain media outlets, specifically the LA Times, regarding allegations of violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Some individuals, like Adam Elmarik, are being criticized for their skepticism towards these allegations, with some accusing them of being anti-Semitic. However, others argue that these media outlets have been captured by "woke" 20-year-olds who are biased and unwilling to report on controversial topics. Furthermore, some critics have drawn parallels between the ideologies of these media figures and Islamist groups like ISIS, which view civilians as fair game for violence. Ultimately, there is a call for media outlets to exercise caution and skepticism, especially when dealing with sensitive and potentially inflammatory allegations. It's important for media to verify information before reporting it to avoid fueling tensions and perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

    • Debate over Israel-Hamas conflict and allegations of war crimesFocus on finding a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Hamas conflict instead of debating the details of the violence and avoiding hate speech and cancel culture.

      The debate over the conflict between Israel and Hamas has once again come to the forefront, with allegations of war crimes being exchanged between various news sources. Patrice Cullors, a co-founder of Black Lives Matter, has previously called for the end of Israel, and now there are conflicting reports about the deaths of Palestinian babies during the recent conflict. While some sources claim that the babies were beheaded, others maintain that they were merely murdered. The LA Times has faced criticism for questioning the authenticity of reports from Israeli sources, which some see as thinly veiled anti-Semitism. The murder of innocent civilians, regardless of the method, is a grave concern, and the debate should focus on finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict rather than splitting hairs over the details of the violence. It's important to contextualize these events and not jump to conclusions based on incomplete information. The use of hate speech and attempts to cancel individuals over trivial matters only serves to distract from the real issues at hand.

    • Celebrating Violence and Disregard for Human LifeHamas's commitment to violence and martyrdom reveals a fundamental incompatibility with peace and coexistence, and their hypocritical stance on condemning microaggressions while defending macroaggressions is concerning.

      The rhetoric and actions of some individuals and groups, particularly those supporting Hamas, reveal a profound disregard for human life and peace. The celebration of violence and martyrdom, coupled with the denial of the horrific consequences of their actions, highlights a fundamental incompatibility with the idea of coexistence and a two-state solution. The Hamas official's interview illustrates their commitment to sacrificing lives for the sake of defending their land and eradicating Israel. The hypocrisy of condemning microaggressions while defending macroaggressions, such as terror attacks, is a concerning trend. This moment of moral clarity underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing the root causes of violence and conflict, rather than just the words used.

    • Hamas' use of resources for weapons vs infrastructureThe interview with Rashida Tlaib brought attention to Hamas' misuse of resources and her reluctance to condemn their heinous acts against Israeli civilians, while also highlighting concerns about Hamas sympathizers and flags in her district.

      The situation in Gaza is complex, and the blame for the lack of essential services like electricity and water cannot be solely placed on Israel. Hamas, the ruling power in Gaza, has been using resources meant for infrastructure to build weapons and terrorize Israel instead. The interview with Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian American congresswoman, highlighted her initial reluctance to condemn Hamas' heinous acts against Israeli civilians. Her subsequent statement, while condemning the targeting of civilians, failed to explicitly denounce the murder of babies and other atrocities committed by Hamas. The interview brought attention to the controversial presence of Hamas sympathizers and flags in her district, raising concerns about the immigration policies and border security in the US. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of acknowledging the complexities of the conflict and holding all parties accountable for their actions.

    • History and beliefs fueling Israel-Hamas conflictThe Israel-Hamas conflict is rooted in historical context and deeply held beliefs, including rejection of Jewish self-determination and anti-Semitic sentiments, requiring acknowledgement and addressing for peace

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has once again brought attention to the complex history of the region and the deeply held beliefs and biases that fuel the cycle of violence. While some argue for understanding the situation through the lens of a "cycle of violence," others contend that the root cause is the rejection of Jewish self-determination and the existence of a Jewish state. The recent events have also highlighted the presence of anti-Semitic sentiments, including among academics and public figures, and the lack of swift condemnation from various institutions when faced with such hate speech. It is crucial to acknowledge and address the historical context and the underlying motivations to foster peace and understanding.

    • MAGA cult's support for Jews based on hate for PalestiniansDespite claiming to support Jews, MAGA cult's actions stem from anti-Palestinian sentiment, and they may turn on Jews if they perceive a moral panic. Debate on free speech vs accountability for terrorism support continues, while thousands of special interest aliens are arrested at the border, raising national security concerns.

      The MAGA cult's support for Jews is not based on genuine concern, but rather on their hatred towards Palestinians being even greater. They have a history of hating various groups, including Jews, and will turn on them if they perceive a moral panic. The ongoing debate around free speech and cancel culture was highlighted, with some arguing against accountability for supporting terrorism. Meanwhile, thousands of special interest aliens from various countries, including the Middle East, have been arrested at the southern border, raising concerns about national security. The issue of border security has gained support from a majority of Americans, including Democrats, due to growing concerns over city overruns with migrants.

    • US concerns over Israel-Palestine border and US-Israel allianceThe US is worried about security at the Israel-Palestine border and values its strategic and ideological alliance with Israel, which is a key intelligence asset and a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, while also preventing terrorism through coordination between the two countries.

      The situation at the border and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine pose significant challenges for the US, both in terms of security and diplomacy. The speaker expresses concern about the lack of information on who is entering the country and the potential threat posed by individuals with malicious intentions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of the US-Israel alliance, highlighting the strategic and ideological reasons for the close relationship. The speaker believes that the alliance is not only important for Israel's security but also for US interests, as Israel is a key intelligence asset and a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. The speaker also notes the practical benefits of the alliance, such as the coordination between the two countries that allows for the prevention of terrorism. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of securing the border and protecting the US's strongest ally in a dangerous region.

    • American aircraft carriers as a deterrent in Middle East conflictsRecognizing historical context and ongoing threats necessitate a strong military presence in the Middle East to prevent potential conflicts, especially regarding Israel-Palestine. Decolonization notion overlooks complexities and historical facts.

      The presence of American aircraft carriers in the Middle East serves as a significant deterrent against potential conflicts, particularly regarding the Israeli-Palestinian situation. The speakers emphasized the importance of recognizing the historical context and the ongoing threats of escalation, which necessitate a strong military presence. They also criticized the notion of decolonization in relation to Israel, arguing that it overlooks historical facts and ignores the complexities of the region. The speakers emphasized the importance of understanding the depth of historical conflicts and the need for a strong deterrent to prevent potential escalation.

    • Controversial teaching styles in history educationSome schools focus on dark history while others emphasize values, and the shift in teaching can be jarring for students. Critical thinking and balanced perspectives are crucial in education.

      The way history is being taught in some schools can be controversial and polarizing, with some educators focusing on the dark aspects of America's past while others emphasize its values and achievements. The speaker shared an experience of their child being exposed to contrasting teaching styles, with one school promoting a love for Native American culture in third grade only to reveal the harsh realities of history in fourth grade, while another school, in Connecticut, emphasized American history and values through the teachings of Ronald Reagan. The speaker expressed concern about the leftist influence in education, from admissions processes in colleges to the corporate world, and the potential indoctrination of students into activism rather than academics. They also highlighted the importance of critical thinking and balanced perspectives in education.

    • Higher Education's Activist Culture Silences CriticsMajor donors to universities face silence when criticizing the school's culture of intimidation and fear of speaking out against ideologies, with corporations and left-wing organizations contributing to this trend, potentially impacting meritocracy and free speech in society.

      The current state of higher education in the United States is a cause for concern, with meritocracy being replaced by an activist-based system that rewards those who conform to certain ideologies. This was highlighted in the case of Leon Black, a major donor to the Wharton School at UPenn and CEO of Apollo Global Management, who objected to the school's handling of a controversial festival and was met with silence. Black's letter, which was eventually published by The Free Press, criticized the culture of intimidation and fear of speaking out against the status quo, and called for the resignation of university leadership. The issue extends beyond individual institutions, with corporations and left-wing organizations playing a role in funding and promoting this culture. The repercussions of this trend could have serious implications for society as a whole, and there is a need for an alternative to these institutions that prioritize free speech and meritocracy.

    • Growing concern over social engineering in college admissionsIrony of prioritizing diversity over merit in education, uncertainty about quality, Trump leading in key swing states Pennsylvania and Michigan, implications for upcoming elections, benefits for Trump and other Republican candidates

      There's a growing concern about social engineering in the college admissions process, with some universities prioritizing diversity over merit. This can lead to uncertainty about the quality of education students are receiving and the principles upheld in western liberal democracies. The discussion also touched upon the irony of leftist ideology and the cognitive dissonance it creates. In terms of politics, recent polls show President Trump leading in key swing states Pennsylvania and Michigan, which could have significant implications for upcoming elections. Trump's strong performance in these states not only benefits him but also other Republican candidates in down ballot races.

    • Senate races and Trump's impactTrump's performance in the presidential race could sway several Senate elections. Republican candidates in states where Trump leads, like Pennsylvania and Michigan, may benefit. However, Trump's unpredictable behavior and potential distractions pose risks. Republican teams must ensure Trump stays focused to capitalize on Biden's perceived weaknesses.

      The outcome of several key Senate races could be influenced by the performance of Donald Trump in the presidential race. In states like Pennsylvania and Michigan, where Trump is leading, the Republican candidates, Dave McCormack and Mike Rogers, respectively, are expected to benefit. However, Trump's unpredictable behavior and tendency to divert from the message could pose a risk to Republican chances. For instance, his recent comments criticizing Netanyahu while Israel was under attack could undermine his strength on national security issues. The Republican campaign teams need to ensure Trump stays focused on the message to capitalize on the perceived weaknesses of the Biden administration. Overall, the outcome of the Senate races and the presidential race are closely linked, making it crucial for Trump to maintain a strong and consistent message.

    • Desire for Strong Leadership Shown in Polls, Trump May Benefit from Challengers' IdeasRecent polls indicate a desire for strong leadership outside of Biden, with DeSantis and Haley leading. Trump could benefit from listening to challengers' bold ideas, like Burgum's stance on Middle East policy.

      The current political landscape reflects a desire for leadership outside of Joe Biden, as shown in recent Fox News polls. Candidates like DeSantis and Haley are leading, with Trump's opponents trailing within the margin of error. The American people seem to be seeking strong, decisive leadership. Trump himself may benefit from listening to some of these challengers, like Doug Burgum, who advocates for specific, bold actions against foreign enemies. Burgum's stance on the Middle East echoes Trump's unconventional approach during his 2016 campaign, which involved economic retaliation against adversaries. The use of a Venn diagram, as advocated by Vice President Harris, could be helpful in understanding and addressing conflicting issues. However, the outcome of the House speaker race remains uncertain, with Steve Scalise currently leading but needing a majority of votes to secure the position.

    • House Republicans' infighting over next speaker is distracting them from addressing pressing issuesThe ongoing dispute among House Republicans over their next speaker is hindering their ability to criticize the Biden administration's actions on significant global issues, such as Afghanistan and Israel, and it's crucial for them to unite and choose a representative to provide a strong opposition voice.

      The ongoing infighting among House Republicans over who should be their next speaker is distracting them from addressing more pressing issues happening in the world. With the Biden administration making decisions that leave Americans behind, such as the situation in Afghanistan and Israel, having a unified Republican voice to criticize these actions could provide a strong position of strength. The delay in choosing a speaker is causing frustration, and it's time for the GOP to put aside their differences and select a representative to speak out against the administration's failures. The world is facing significant challenges, and the focus should be on finding solutions rather than internal disputes.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    A note of disclosure: This episode was recorded 2 days before the antisemitism bill was signed into law.

    GOP Governor Brian Kemp has signed a bill into law that officially defines antisemitism.

    Supporters say now Georgia prosecutors and judges can more easily define antisemitism as discrimination or a hate crime. 

    Democratic State Representative Esther Panitch, the only Jewish member of the General Assembly, co-sponsored the measure.

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    The GOP is a united front in support of Israel's war on Hamas. But some Democrats are opposed. 

    Strategists Tharon Johnson and Brian Robinson break down the divide, and how some opponents are concerned that the law simply censors criticism of the Israeli government and violence towards Palestinians. 

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Antisemitism in America: Rabbi Chaim Zippel on the aftermath of the Hamas attack in Israel

    Antisemitism in America: Rabbi Chaim Zippel on the aftermath of the Hamas attack in Israel
    Rabbi Chaim Zippel was in Israel with his wife and baby on October 7, 2023 – the day of the Hamas terrorist attack. He joins host Nic Dunn to recount his experience getting his family to safety and react to the recent wave of antisemitism abroad and at home.

    Sutherland Institute Constitutional Law and Religious Freedom Fellow Bill Duncan also returns to the podcast to apply a religious freedom lens to the instances of antisemitism topping the news in the United States. The conversation reminds listeners of America's founding principles, providing a framework to renew a core principle that is currently threatened by these recent events.

    Show notes:

    Defending Ideas is a weekly podcast produced by Sutherland Institute. On this show we are committed to renewing the principles of common sense conservatism, equipping listeners to become more effective champions of sound principle and good policy. Visit defendingideas.org.