
    EXCLUSIVE: Ashleigh Merchant Responds to Fani Willis Accusations, Reacts to Ruling, and Previews What Happens Next | Ep. 748

    enMarch 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Defense Attorney Ashley Merchant's Controversial Performance in High-Profile CasesAshley Merchant, a defense attorney known for her work on high-profile cases, faced criticism and ethical concerns but was kept on a case by a judge, raising questions about impartiality and professionalism in the legal profession.

      Defense attorney Ashley Merchant, a guest on The Megyn Kelly Show, has gained recognition for her exceptional performance in high-profile cases, including against Trump and Fannie Willis. Despite facing criticism and ethical concerns, Judge Orders kept her on the case. The judge's order described her behavior as concerning and unprofessional, but did not remove her. Merchant aims to appeal the decision and continue pursuing a neutral prosecutor for the case. Despite potential conflicts of interest and political bias, she continues to comment on the case publicly, raising questions about her impartiality. The case highlights the importance of credibility and professionalism for lawyers and the potential consequences of public comments by prosecutors.

    • Prosecutor's Divine Instructions and Public AccusationsMaintaining professionalism and integrity is crucial in the face of personal attacks and baseless allegations during a court case.

      During a court case, dealing with a prosecutor who claims to have received divine instructions to bring charges against a defendant presents unique challenges. The prosecutor in question, known for her controversial statements, made such a claim during a church sermon, implying that my client and I were racists. These accusations, made publicly, caused significant community backlash. However, the most concerning aspect was her false statement about the payment made to the third special counsel. The truth and facts are crucial in a court of law, and such blatant disregard for them raises questions about the prosecutor's credibility and impartiality. This situation underscores the importance of maintaining professionalism and integrity in the face of personal attacks and baseless allegations.

    • New Information about Prosecutors' Roles and Relationships Shifts Focus of Church SpeechImproprieties in the legal system, including undisclosed roles, rates, and qualifications of prosecutors, can undermine public trust and warrant disqualification, regardless of the timing of any personal relationships.

      During a church speech, it was revealed that three prosecutors involved in a high-profile case had significantly different roles, rates, and qualifications. This information was previously unknown to the public, and the revelation shifted the focus from the conduct itself to when the affair between two of the prosecutors began. The defense attorney, who filed a motion to disqualify the evidentiary hearing based on this information, believes that the impropriety of the situation warrants disqualification, regardless of when the affair started. The public's trust in the prosecution has been shaken due to the lack of transparency and the apparent disregard for proper protocol. The attorney's goal in bringing this to light was to promote transparency and accountability in the legal system.

    • Judge allows DA to continue prosecution despite conflictJudges often let parties make tough decisions in conflict cases, and it's uncommon for a DA to fight a motion to disqualify.

      In a legal conflict where a judge rules that an entire office has a conflict due to one attorney's involvement, it's uncommon for the judge to force the attorney to step aside. Instead, the judge may opt to let the parties involved make the tough decision. In the specific case discussed, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' office had a conflict due to a judge's ruling, and the judge did not force Willis to step down. Some speculate that this was due to political motivations, as Willis has been using taxpayer funds to monitor her media coverage and build a public profile. Regardless of the reason, it's clear that Willis intends to continue prosecuting the case, despite the potential conflict. This case highlights the judicial practice of letting the parties involved make the difficult decisions, and the uncommon occurrence of a district attorney choosing to fight a motion to disqualify.

    • Legal Battle Between Two Prosecutors: Racial Bias, Political Motivations, and Community SupportA legal battle between two prosecutors, Fannie Willis and Clare Radd, involves allegations of racial bias and political motivations, as well as past controversies and community support. Radd's use of rap lyrics as evidence in a previous case and dismissal of a key witness's testimony have added complexity to the case.

      The ongoing legal battle between two prosecutors, Fannie Willis and Clare Radd, involves complex political dynamics and past controversies. Radd, a new prosecutor, is facing accusations of racial bias and political motivations in her pursuit of justice. Her decision to use rap lyrics as evidence in a previous case against a rapper named Young Thug divided the black community in Atlanta and may be a factor in her current efforts to regain community support. The hearing featured testimony from a witness, Robin Uarte, who was dismissed by the judge despite being considered the most credible witness by some. Radd's straightforward courtroom style and focus on facts contrasted with Uarte's hesitancy to testify, but the dismissal of her testimony was surprising to some. The case continues to unfold with political implications and personal attacks.

    • Witnesses may not be willing to testify freely for either side despite having no motivation to lieEven friends or unbiased witnesses may not freely testify due to fear of scrutiny, personal issues with the prosecution, or the power dynamics of the legal system.

      During a trial, witnesses, even those who are friends or have no motivation to lie, may not be willing to testify freely for either side due to various reasons. In this case, Robin Yeardy, a key witness, had a lawyer who was publicly supporting Fonnie Willis' campaign, limiting the defense's ability to get detailed information from her. Despite her claim to tell the truth, she was reluctant to help the defense, and the judge's ruling that neither side could conclusively establish the romantic relationship between the parties by a preponderance of the evidence was not entirely accurate. The defense attorney was trying to focus on the relevant issues in the case and avoid turning it into a circus due to the witness's personal issues with the prosecution. The witness, Robin Yeardy, had concerns about potential scrutiny and the power of the prosecutor in the Atlanta area.

    • Professional and Personal Relationships in Law EnforcementTruth and trust are crucial in professional relationships, and withholding information can lead to confusion and mistrust, as seen in the case of Nathan Wade and Terrence Bradley.

      The highest ranking law enforcement officer in Fulton County, Georgia, holds significant influence and can be a formidable adversary. This was exemplified in the case involving Nathan Wade's affair with Fanny Willis, where his former law partner, Terrence Bradley, initially provided crucial information but later invoked privilege and lied on the stand. Bradley's behavior was surprising and disappointing to those involved, especially since they had a professional and personal relationship. The privilege argument added confusion to the situation, and Bradley's testimony was ultimately disregarded by the judge. The case underscores the importance of truth and trust in professional relationships and the potential consequences of withholding information.

    • The importance of detailed records in legal casesDetailed records of conversations and events are crucial in legal cases for establishing facts and credibility. Regret for not capturing more sensory details in texts and frustration with untruthful witnesses.

      During a legal case, having detailed and accurate records of conversations and events can be crucial in establishing facts and credibility. The speaker, in this case, regrets not having captured more sensory details in text messages or other written forms during her interactions with a key witness. She also expresses her belief that two other witnesses lied on the stand and felt frustrated by the judge's handling of their evasive answers. The importance of truth and credibility in the legal profession, and the potential consequences of not being able to provide clear and factual evidence, were themes that emerged throughout the discussion.

    • Concerns over integrity in court proceedingWhen individuals in power deflect questions and hide crucial information during court proceedings, it undermines public trust and the importance of personal responsibility and accountability is emphasized.

      During a court proceeding, when key questions are repeatedly deflected and important matters are not answered truthfully, it raises serious concerns about the integrity of the process. In this specific case, two individuals, including a district attorney, were accused of lying on the stand and hiding crucial information. Despite the judge's order, only one of them resigned, and neither showed any accountability for their actions. The public and taxpayers deserve transparency and responsibility from those in positions of power. The judge, while seemingly acknowledging the corruption, ultimately allowed the case to move forward with the remaining individual, potentially placing the burden on other entities to address the issue. This situation highlights the importance of personal responsibility and accountability in the legal system.

    • Outside Prosecutor's Controversial Hiring and Romantic RelationshipAn outside prosecutor was hired in an unconventional way, raising questions about transparency and potential law circumvention due to a romantic relationship with the DA, and the lack of immediate consequences for lying under oath.

      The hiring of an outside prosecutor, Nathan Wade, by the Fulton County District Attorney's office for a case where there was arguably no need, raised eyebrows due to the large sum of money involved and the lack of typical practice in such situations. The DA's office usually seeks help from Georgia's prosecuting attorney's counsel, where staff attorneys are available for assistance. However, in this case, Wade was essentially working full-time for the DA's office but was able to maintain an outside practice due to their romantic relationship. The DA couldn't hire him as an employee because of their relationship, leading to the contract-based arrangement. The lack of transparency and potential circumvention of the law, coupled with Wade's lying under oath, has led to investigations and public scrutiny. Despite the concerns, it is unlikely that any immediate action will be taken against Wade, as organizations like the state bar only act upon filed complaints.

    • Working with a loved one in a professional capacity: Ethical and legal considerationsFailure to produce evidence in a timely manner raises questions about transparency and accountability in professional relationships, especially when working with a loved one.

      When it comes to working with a loved one in a professional capacity, there are ethical and legal restrictions, especially in public practice and government jobs. In the discussed case, Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade, who were under investigation for allegations of misconduct, had the ability to disprove these allegations by providing evidence such as text messages but chose not to. Instead, they raised concerns about privacy and ethics, which some perceived as an attempt to play the victim and divert attention from the actual issues. The text messages, which could have put the matter to rest, were not produced, and there was a question about whether they had been deleted. If these texts existed, they could have been obtained through a search warrant or a subpoena, and their contents could have provided clarity on the situation. The ease of obtaining such data through forensic tools like Celebrate, which are commonly used in investigations, further emphasizes the importance of producing such evidence when possible. Ultimately, the failure to do so raises questions about transparency and accountability.

    • Prosecuting Protests with Racketeering CasesRacketeering cases, with minimal financial investment, are used to prosecute protests, potentially infringing on privacy and livelihoods. The political climate influences the outcome, and access to records may be necessary for a clearer picture.

      Racketeering cases, which can be easily initiated and don't require any financial investment, are being used to prosecute protests, such as the COP City protests in Georgia. The use of these cases can lead to intrusions into individuals' privacy, but those accused may choose to cooperate to protect their reputation and livelihood. The political climate of the region may influence the likelihood of further investigation, making it uncertain whether the attorney general will pursue the case further. The accused party in this discussion was able to turn over their phone records but was unable to access their credit card statements, which could have cleared their name. The Georgia State Senate has the power to subpoena relevant records, and federal investigations may also be ongoing. Ultimately, the call for transparency and due process remains the focus, as more information could potentially paint a clearer picture of the situation.

    • DA Fani Willis under investigation and appealing court decisionFani Willis, Fulton County DA, faces investigation for potential misuse of federal funds and appeals court decision regarding a case against Republican operative Michael Roman, who denies wrongdoing and hasn't been offered a plea deal.

      The Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis, is currently under investigation for potential misuse of federal funds, and there are ongoing efforts to appeal a judge's decision regarding her involvement in a case against a Republican operative, Michael Roman. Roman, who served as the national election day campaign chair, has denied any wrongdoing and has not been offered a plea deal. The investigation into Willis' use of federal funds is separate from the case against Roman, but it adds to the complexity of the situation. Willis has maintained her innocence and continues to serve as the DA, despite calls for her resignation. The appeal process for the case against Roman is ongoing, and it remains to be seen whether the court of appeals will grant permission for an interlocutory appeal.

    • Georgia Election Investigation: Complexity and Resources Make Quick Trial UnlikelyThe complexity and resources required for the Georgia election investigation make a quick trial before the November election unlikely, with the discovery process incomplete and the number of defendants and defense lawyers posing logistical challenges.

      The complexity and size of the case against Donald Trump and others in the Georgia election investigation have made a quick trial before the November election unlikely. The lawyers involved, including those representing the defendants, have expressed concerns about the resources and time required to handle such a large case. The discovery process alone has not been completed, and separating the cases into manageable groups for trial has not been pursued. The logistics of the case, including the number of defense lawyers and defendants, make a quick trial impossible. The case against Trump, if he wins the election, could potentially be paused, but it's unclear what would happen in that scenario. The governor of Georgia could have some control over the situation, but it would be unprecedented and present significant logistical challenges. Anna Cross, one of the special prosecutors in the case, disappeared after a witness, Terrence Bradley, was believed to have lied on the stand. As a lawyer, she was not allowed to suborn perjury, and her disappearance was not surprising given the resources required for the case.

    • Witness's Absence and Out-of-Court StatementsLawyers must balance their duty to protect their client's fair trial rights with the potential risks and skepticism of filing motions to address witness behavior.

      The witness, Fannie Willis, disappeared during a trial and her absence required special permission for another attorney to take over her questioning. The judge has expressed concern about her out-of-court statements, which could potentially prejudice the defendant's right to a fair trial. The defense may consider requesting a gag order to prevent her from making such statements. The lawyer who initially filed the motion to address this issue was met with skepticism from other defense attorneys, but ultimately succeeded in bringing attention to the issue. Filing such motions can be professionally and personally risky, but the lawyer's duty is to protect their client's right to a fair trial.

    • A dedicated and confident lawyer's journey to become a successful defenderThrough adversity and criticism, a passionate and principled lawyer built a successful career as a defense attorney, becoming a respected leader in her field.

      The defense in a high-profile case was led by a dedicated and confident lawyer named Sista, who had a strong belief in the constitution and ethics. Despite facing criticism and adversity, she remained committed to her clients and her principles. Sista grew up in Florida, where she developed a passion for law and ethics, and attended the University of Florida for her undergraduate and law degrees. She was motivated to become a defense lawyer to stand by her clients in their time of need and to fight for the constitution. Despite the challenges and harsh treatment in the courtroom, she gained confidence and built a successful career, becoming the president of the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Sista's determination and resilience serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, one can make significant progress and make a difference.

    • Law school as a confidence builderPursuing a law degree can provide valuable skills and confidence, even if not practicing law. Important to follow the law and avoid potential perjury charges.

      Law school, despite its challenges, can be a valuable confidence builder for students, even if they don't plan to practice law. This was emphasized by a speaker's father, who encouraged women to pursue law degrees as a safety net for potential career changes or unexpected life events. The discussion also touched on the ongoing case of Fannie Willis, a district attorney, and the potential for perjury charges against her and her partner. The importance of following the law in the legal process was emphasized, as well as the potential for honest services fraud in the case. The speaker expressed skepticism about the likelihood of the case going to trial due to the numerous challenges and issues it has faced since the beginning.

    • Potential legal issues for Fani WillisFulton County DA Fani Willis faces potential investigations and charges for various issues including potential law violations, disclosure problems, campaign finance misuse, and false swearing. The campaign finance issue is particularly concerning as she admitted to using campaign funds to reimburse Rudy Wade.

      There are multiple potential issues surrounding the actions of Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis, which could lead to investigations and potential charges. These issues include potential violations of Fulton County laws, disclosure issues, campaign finance misuse, and false swearing. The campaign finance issue is particularly concerning, as Willis admitted to using campaign funds to reimburse Rudy Wade, which could be seen as a misuse of funds. The election ethics board is responsible for investigating campaign finance violations at the state level. Additionally, there are ongoing judicial elections that could impact the outcome of Willis' case, with a potential runoff likely due to the requirement of a majority to win. The dynamic of the race, which involves a prominent Republican judge facing two prominent African American opponents, adds complexity to the situation. Overall, there are numerous potential legal issues surrounding Willis' actions, and further investigation is warranted.

    • Allegations of Perjury and Misconduct Against Fannie Willis, District Attorney of Fulton County, GeorgiaAttorney files bar complaint against Fannie Willis for potential perjury and unprofessional conduct during a court case. Disciplinary action or disbarment possible, but process lengthy and election could delay repercussions. AG has power to intervene for expedited investigation. Accountability needed for prosecutors' actions.

      Fannie Willis, the District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, is facing allegations of perjury and professional misconduct. Ashley Merchant, a resident and attorney, has filed a bar complaint against Willis, citing unprofessional conduct and potential perjury during a court case. The complaint is currently under review, but it could lead to disciplinary action or even disbarment. The allegations have gained attention due to Willis' unprofessional behavior during the trial and her denial of the affair, which was later admitted. The lengthy process of the bar complaint and the upcoming election could delay any repercussions for Willis. The attorney general, Chris Carr, has the power to intervene and potentially expedite the investigation. The incident highlights the need for accountability and oversight of prosecutors, who hold significant power in the justice system.

    • Discussion on Fani Willis's handling of Trump investigations and concerns of jury tamperingDespite documented abuses and concerns, Fani Willis survived a motion to recuse herself due to her conduct. The focus should be on her behavior and choices, not her race or gender.

      During a discussion about the Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her handling of investigations into former President Donald Trump, it was highlighted that there have been documented abuses in the system and concerns about potential jury tampering. However, when Willis survived a motion to recuse herself due to her conduct, some in the media spun the narrative to suggest her race and gender were used against her. It was emphasized that this is not about Willis's race or gender, but about her behavior and choices, including her conduct at a church where she spoke to potential jurors. The judge recognized the potential prejudicial effects of her public comments but did not impose a significant penalty. The speaker expressed disappointment that Willis was not held to a greater account for her actions and encouraged voters to consider replacing her in the upcoming election.

    • Fannie Willis' Personal Life and the Impact on Fairness in the Trump CaseProsecutor Fannie Willis' personal life and ethically compromised relationship with her co-counsel led to media scrutiny and calls for fairness in the Trump investigation.

      The actions of Fannie Willis, a prosecutor in the case against Donald Trump and others in Georgia, have created significant issues of fairness and impartiality. Willis' personal life became a focus due to her ethically compromised position with her lover and co-counsel, Nathan Wade, and her lies on the stand about their relationship and a potential kickback scheme. The defense was forced to reveal these details to refute her false statements. The media's focus on Willis' personal life is a consequence of her own actions and the impact on the case's fundamental fairness. The right to a fair and impartial prosecutor is crucial, as it sets the foundation for the entire criminal justice process. The ongoing investigations into Willis' actions highlight the importance of this principle and the potential consequences when it is breached.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Jordan Drone Strike Kills 3 US Soldiers & Taylor Swift A.I. P*rn Floods Social Media!

    BlackRock lawyers respond to our investigation into a child exploitation website, Ilhan Omar puts Somalia first, Taylor Swift AI images get graphic, American soldiers were killed in a drone strike in Jordan, and more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    Watch "The Pedo Files: Who is Hero121?" here: https://rumble.com/v48rvlk-the-pedo-files-who-is-hero121.html

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    Music by @Pogo

    642. Andy & DJ CTI: Zuckerberg Apologizing To Child Abuse Victims, Cori Bush Claims Attack Was Racist & Former Officer Gets 40-Year Sentence

    642. Andy & DJ CTI: Zuckerberg Apologizing To Child Abuse Victims, Cori Bush Claims Attack Was Racist & Former Officer Gets 40-Year Sentence

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Mark Zuckerberg apologizing to child abuse victims during an emotional Senate hearing, Cori Bush claiming that GOP attacks on her were 'Racist and Sexist Tropes,' and a former officer who gave WikiLeaks state secrets getting a 40-year sentence.

    Ep. 1191 - The Joke's On SNL After Woody Harrelson's Brutal Monologue

    Ep. 1191 - The Joke's On SNL After Woody Harrelson's Brutal Monologue

    Click here to join the member exclusive portion of my show: https://utm.io/ueSEl

    SNL airs an anti-COVID monologue, Florida executes a criminal, and an inspiring high schooler takes a stand against wokeism in the classroom.

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