
    Facebook TV Ads, Kosher Food Trucks, & Robots Taking Over the World

    enFebruary 24, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on creating unique content for each social media platformMaximize engagement and results by creating customized content for Twitter, rather than using it as a distribution tool to other platforms.

      While it's possible to link your Pinterest and Twitter accounts for automatic postings, it's generally not the best approach for maximizing engagement and effectiveness on each platform. Gary Vaynerchuk explains that in the past, he would use Twitter to distribute content to other platforms like Instagram, but now with native content on Twitter, it's more valuable to create unique and optimized content for each social media channel. Automation can be useful for getting tasks done efficiently, but it's important to consider the specific goals and results you want to achieve on each platform. By creating native content on Twitter, Gary was able to achieve high engagement and tell a better story, rather than just using Twitter as a distribution tool to drive traffic to Pinterest. So, the key takeaway is to focus on creating unique and optimized content for each social media platform to maximize engagement and achieve your desired results.

    • Optimizing visual content for social mediaCrop images correctly for Pinterest success, promote unique businesses, and collaborate with sales team for effective pitches

      Optimizing visual content for social media platforms like Pinterest is crucial for maximum reach and engagement. Cropping images appropriately is an essential aspect of this process. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that if a pin is not cropped correctly, it may not perform as well as it could. Another key takeaway is the importance of promotion for businesses, especially those with unique offerings like a kosher Latin food truck. Gary suggested that getting on a popular platform like The AskGaryVee Show could be an effective way to generate buzz and attract customers. Regarding the future of work and productivity, Gary expressed that he is not overly concerned about the impact of robots on physical productivity. However, he did express fear about the potential societal implications if robots were to take over completely. Lastly, Gary shared insights into his sales process, revealing that he is heavily involved in securing new business for his company. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between himself and his sales team, with him focusing on the initial pitch and high-level strategy, and his team handling the day-to-day pitching and implementation.

    • Securing the foundation for profitable dealsIndividuals play a crucial role in establishing the base for profitable deals, allowing businesses to scale and consider additional revenue as upside. Facebook's potential entry into TV advertising is a strategic move for a company of its size, despite the high costs, due to its significant market cap.

      While day-to-day sales pitches are primarily handled by senior business leaders, it's crucial for individuals to secure the foundation of profitable deals. This approach is scalable, as once the base is established, any additional revenue is considered upside. Regarding Facebook's potential entry into TV advertising, it's an understandable move for a company of its size, as it has already reached a significant portion of the population. Although TV advertising may be overpriced, the potential return on investment justifies the expense for Facebook due to its massive market cap. Ultimately, there's no one-size-fits-all approach, and businesses must make decisions based on their unique circumstances.

    • Encouraging Viewer Participation on InstagramAudience interaction and participation are crucial for the success and relevance of a show or platform.

      Facebook television ads in the UK market in 2015, specifically regarding the number of ads aired in the years 2,005 to 10, was not discussed in the given context. Instead, the speaker strongly encouraged viewers to engage with the show by asking questions on Instagram. The speaker emphasized the importance of viewer participation to ensure the show's continuation and even went as far as to make it a daily routine by introducing a "question of the day." The speaker's enthusiasm and urgency conveyed the significance of viewer engagement and how it can impact the show's longevity. Therefore, the key takeaway is the importance of audience interaction and participation in maintaining the success and relevance of a show or platform.

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    We also talk about the top of funnel and we’ve never used ads in the flow that she talks about, but she broke down some cool things that we plan on testing. She also talks about the distinction between landing view pages and clicks. That’s why we love her approach which is to just give them something to love and/or laugh at. We also talk about front-loading your ad accounts in Facebook’s eye which ultimately leads to a better algorithm and lower ad costs in the end. When you are done, be sure to check out our chats with Ryan Levesque where he goes into depth about using quiz funnels for your Facebook ads and as well as our show with Curt Maly for more strategies on how to grow your brand without breaking the bank.


    The first clue as to what is good engagement content is to look at what has done well on your social feeds, look at what people have already connected with, what’s gotten people to comment, share and what is already triggering an emotion for people.” - Salome Schillack

    Some Topics We Discussed Include:

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    • Facebook quizzes that are tanking? Are you running one of these? 
    • Getting the basics done first before you get into the fancy tactics

    Resources From Salome Schillack:

    References and Links Mentioned:

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    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com

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