
    How to Find The Balance Between Brand and Selling | Gary Vaynerchuk Throwback 4Ds

    enApril 30, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Measuring the shift from TV to digital advertisingConfidently navigate digital complexities, adapt and ideate, recognize platform strengths, and stay agile for effective marketing in the digital age.

      Measuring the transition from traditional advertising like television to digital platforms such as Facebook and YouTube for business growth involves understanding the ROI and the ability to innovate creatively. While it may seem easy to move funds from one platform to another and compare results, it's important to note that brand building takes time and the distribution and creative elements in digital marketing are constantly evolving. It's crucial to have confidence in your ability to navigate the complexities of digital advertising and be willing to adapt and ideate continually. Additionally, recognizing the unique strengths of each platform and tailoring your approach accordingly can help maximize your impact. In the case of transitioning from television to digital, it may take time to see significant results due to the difference in brand recognition and the constant changes in digital marketing. Overall, the key is to stay agile and adaptive in your approach to marketing in the digital age.

    • Maximizing Marketing Budgets with Digital ChannelsInvesting 80% of marketing budget in digital channels and experimenting with ratios can lead to cost-effective, targeted results. Utilize pre-roll YouTube ads based on search queries and research competitors' strategies.

      Investing a larger portion of your marketing budget in digital channels, while being creative and resourceful, can yield significant results at a lower cost compared to traditional TV advertising. The speaker suggests allocating 80% of your budget to digital and 20% to TV, but encourages experimenting with different ratios. The power of digital marketing lies in its unlimited distribution and creative variables, allowing for more authentic and targeted campaigns. A specific recommendation is to utilize pre-roll YouTube ads based on Google search queries, as they can reach potential customers at the right moment with personalized content. Additionally, investing time in researching competitors' digital strategies can provide valuable insights.

    • Expanding your search and creative directionsExploring various creative directions and expanding your search queries can lead to significant discoveries and potential success in unexpected areas. Don't limit yourself to a few versions of content or search queries.

      Exploring various creative directions and expanding your search queries can lead to significant discoveries and potential success in unexpected areas. Don't limit yourself to a few versions of content or search queries, as the creative process may hold the key to unlocking new opportunities. Additionally, understanding and connecting with your audience on a deeper, more human level can be a powerful tool for growth. Don't underestimate the potential of targeting specific demographics or generational trends, as these can resonate strongly with potential customers. For example, focusing on the theme of following one's true passion despite societal expectations, such as becoming a motivational character instead of a dentist, could be a successful angle for some businesses. Production value doesn't have to be high to begin with; instead, focus on finding creative ideas and then refining and expanding upon them. Ultimately, the key is to be open-minded, persistent, and willing to explore a multitude of possibilities.

    • Balancing brand and sales objectives in businessSuccessful businesses require a long-term focus on brand and value, while also meeting short-term sales objectives. Achieve this balance by creating a separate marketing team or fund, and allowing them autonomy to make decisions while aligning with overall strategy.

      Building and growing a business involves constant testing and adaptation, as well as a balance between brand and sales objectives. The speakers in this discussion emphasized the importance of listening to customers and understanding their needs in order to address any challenges, such as high customer churn or slowed new customer acquisition. They also highlighted the need for clear rules and autonomy for marketing efforts, comparing it to the balance between sales and military operations. Overall, the key takeaway is that a successful business requires a long-term focus on brand and value, while also meeting short-term sales objectives. This balance can be achieved by creating a separate marketing team or fund, and by allowing them the autonomy to make decisions while aligning with the overall business strategy.

    • Think creatively to stand outUnderstand your industry, use unique approaches, don't overthink content, build an affordable team, experiment and adapt, focus on content, repurpose into different formats

      To stand out in a busy world, you need to break patterns and think creatively. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of understanding your industry and using unique, unexpected approaches to get attention. For example, sending bananas to dentists or creating an "anti-Rose" wine label. He also stressed the importance of not overthinking content and building a team that can make production affordable. Vaynerchuk's success in digital marketing came from his ability to experiment and adapt, having multiple chances to figure out what works. He advised against overspending on technology or production and instead focusing on the content itself, which can be repurposed into different formats.

    • Providing value and entertainment in content leads to successTarget specific audiences, address human truths, exploit pain points, and provide valuable information to create a compelling reason for people to switch to your product or service.

      Providing value and entertainment in your content can lead to success on various platforms, whether it's YouTube, podcasts, or LinkedIn. Charisma and entertainment aren't necessary, but they can help. Utilizing your unique perspective and expertise to address human truths and provide valuable information is a winning strategy. Targeting specific audiences with relevant content and exploiting their fears or pain points can also be effective. For example, targeting moms with fear-based messaging to pressure dentists to use a certain product or service could be successful. Additionally, identifying areas of high penetration for your product or service and focusing on those markets can lead to significant growth. Ultimately, the goal is to provide value and create a compelling reason for people to switch to your product or service.

    • Creating engaging content and events for dental audiencesEngage dental audiences with personalized videos, testimonials, reenactments, and events tailored to their interests. Build relationships and provide valuable info to VIP and B list clients for growth.

      Creating engaging and personalized content, such as video testimonials or reenactments, can be effective in reaching out to busy audiences in the dental industry. Another strategy is to host events that cater to their interests, such as golf and wine, and use these opportunities to build relationships and provide valuable information. Additionally, identifying and targeting both VIP and B list clients can lead to significant growth. Ultimately, the key is to provide value and create a memorable experience that sets your marketing efforts apart from the competition.

    • Deciding on the right business model for growthDetermine which business model aligns with your goals and values, consider your current position and future goals, and stay true to your vision while executing effectively.

      When building a business, it's crucial to decide on the business model that aligns with your goals and values. In this discussion, two perspectives were presented - one focusing on exclusivity and maintaining control over the customer base, while the other aimed for faster growth through wholesale and wider distribution. Both approaches are valid, but it's essential to determine which one suits your business vision and objectives. Moreover, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding where your business stands currently and setting realistic goals for the future. The numbers and timelines you choose should be based on your long-term vision, personal values, and business strategy. Ultimately, the decision-making process requires a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and the resources you have at your disposal. Lastly, the conversation emphasized the importance of being true to yourself and your values, even if they don't align with others. While it's essential to be open to new ideas and perspectives, ultimately, the success of your business depends on your ability to stay true to your vision and execute it effectively.

    • Entrepreneurship: Making Bold Decisions for Long-Term SuccessEntrepreneurs must make decisions based on unique goals, prioritize self-belief, borrow for growth, and focus on strengths to thrive.

      Building a successful business involves making important decisions based on your unique goals and circumstances. When it comes to branding, for instance, some entrepreneurs may prefer to sell through established marketplaces like Amazon to reach customers quickly, while others may prioritize maintaining full control over their business and revenue streams. Another key point is the importance of believing in yourself and your business. Instead of giving up equity or seeking external funding, some entrepreneurs choose to borrow money from banks to finance their growth. This approach allows them to maintain control while also potentially generating interest for the lender. Lastly, focusing on your strengths and weaknesses is crucial for long-term success. While some entrepreneurs may benefit from adapting their personal brand or business model to appeal to a wider audience, others may find that their unique traits are what sets them apart and drives their growth. Ultimately, the path to success is not one-size-fits-all, and entrepreneurs must be willing to make bold decisions and stay true to their vision in order to thrive.

    • Overcoming fear in business through actionTaking action despite fear can lead to lessening or disappearing fear and building strong customer connections through digital and traditional methods, valuable content, and authentic engagement.

      Overcoming fear involves taking action despite it. Whether it's kissing someone, skydiving, or building a personal connection with customers, the fear often lessens or disappears after the experience. For small businesses looking to build a personal connection with their customers, digital methods like social media and Q&A sessions can serve as gateways to more traditional, effective tactics. Creating valuable content, such as films or Q&A sessions, can attract new customers and generate valuable feedback. Reputation and old-school tactics remain essential, but can be enhanced by new technologies. Ultimately, the goal is to create a framework that makes everything work together efficiently, allowing businesses to charge less while providing more value. Engaging with customers in authentic ways, both online and offline, can lead to positive results and a strong connection between the business and its audience.

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    You're invited to expand on your powers of telepathy with my free report - Discover What Really Motivates Your Client. http://cathygoodwin.com/baggage

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    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to rate and review the podcast.