
    Failed Resolutions, Ben's Apology, and is the Electric Corvette Cool?

    en-usJanuary 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Get summer-ready with Armor All, Kroger deals, and Ramp's business solutionsArmor All offers rebates for a perfect car shine, Kroger has 30,000 meal options with savings, Ramp helps businesses save money and close books faster

      During the summer, Armor All can help you achieve a perfect car shine with their trusted auto appearance products. You can earn rebates up to $5 for every $20 spent through May 31st. Meanwhile, Kroger offers over 30,000 mouth-watering options for mealtime inspiration with everyday low prices and extra savings through digital coupons and fuel points. For businesses, Ramp's corporate card and spend management system can help save money and close books faster with real cash back and automated receipt verification. In the world of vehicle enthusiasts, the SEMA truck experimented with snowmobile tracks on the wheels, resulting in an unexpectedly successful budget track build. However, the Dodge Ram faced some issues, leaving the Armor All-equipped vehicle the sturdier option.

    • Discussing Ram truck issues and their impact on frequent driversFrequent drivers of a Ram truck face the most issues, possibly due to loose parts or external factors, leading to customizations and high repair costs, making the vehicle less practical.

      The speakers in this conversation are discussing various issues they've encountered with their vehicles, specifically a Ram truck, and how it seems that the most frequent drivers of the vehicle are the ones experiencing the most problems with it. They pondered if the rattling sounds might be coming from the outside or if there's a loose part in the rear end. They also reflect on how they often buy vehicles with the intention of making them practical but end up customizing them or having them in the shop for repairs, making them less practical in the process. The conversation also touches on the high cost of certain vehicle upgrades and the questionable value they bring. Overall, it seems that the speakers are grappling with the challenges and costs of vehicle ownership and maintenance.

    • New Era in Sports Car Technology: Introducing the 2024 Corvette E RayThe 2024 Corvette E Ray is a hybrid sports car with impressive acceleration, all-wheel drive, and winter capabilities. Some enthusiasts are hesitant about the loss of traditional muscle car feel but acknowledge potential benefits like improved performance and safety features.

      General Motors has unveiled the 2024 Corvette E Ray, which is part electric and part gas-powered. This hybrid sports car boasts all-wheel drive and impressive acceleration, going from 0 to 62.5 mph in under three seconds. The marketing materials show the Corvette being driven in winter conditions, emphasizing its all-season capabilities. Despite the hybrid technology, some enthusiasts, like the speaker, were initially uninterested due to the loss of the traditional muscle car feel. However, they acknowledge the potential benefits, such as improved performance and all-wheel drive capabilities. The Corvette E Ray's quiet electric mode raises safety concerns, as legally, cars cannot be completely silent due to potential hazards for the visually impaired. The speaker also mentions the possibility of future upgrades, like a more powerful all-wheel drive Corvette. Overall, the Corvette E Ray represents a new era in sports car technology, blending performance and sustainability.

    • New Corvette E Rate's design sparks mixed reactionsThe Corvette E Rate's unique design and impressive performance draw mixed reactions, with some finding it underwhelming and others appreciating its aggression and potential for upgrades.

      While some people find the new Corvette E Rate's design underwhelming and reminiscent of the NSX, others appreciate its unique look and aggressive sound. The middle price point of the E Rate, which is still expensive, is seen as a step up from the standard C8 but not quite on par with the Z06. The all-electric front end, which is paint-matched and lacks air intakes, is a common feature of electric cars but can make the vehicle look less visually appealing to some. However, the Corvette's impressive performance and potential for future upgrades keep many excited. Additionally, the discussion touched on the SUV mockups of the Corvette and the growing trend of SUVs in the automotive industry. Overall, opinions on the new Corvette E Rate are mixed, but its unique features and potential make it a topic of interest for many.

    • Branding and Pets: A Delicate BalanceBrand misuse can damage reputations, while pets make great low-maintenance roommates. Seek professional help for home projects through services like Angi, and always verify donation requests.

      Brand names with rich histories should not be misused and applied to unrelated products just for sales purposes. This was expressed in the discussion regarding Ford's decision to name their electric SUVs as Mustang Mach-E and Corvette. The speakers felt that such actions tarnished the reputation of these iconic car brands. Moreover, the conversation touched on the importance of having a pet as a roommate, as pets are easygoing and low-maintenance compared to human roommates. The speakers were promoting Apartments.com, which offers a vast selection of pet-friendly rental listings and features like 3D virtual tours and instant alerts. The speakers also shared their experiences with home projects and the importance of seeking professional help through services like Angi. Angi simplifies the process by connecting users with skilled professionals and handling projects from start to finish. Lastly, the speakers received unsolicited calls from organizations requesting donations, leading to a humorous exchange about the importance of double-checking who you're donating to. Overall, the discussion touched on topics ranging from branding, pets, and home projects to the importance of double-checking before making commitments.

    • Investigate before donating or purchasingAlways double-check the legitimacy of requests for donations or purchases, especially if uncertain, to avoid potential scams or fraud.

      It's important to do your due diligence before making a donation or purchasing something, especially if you're unsure about the legitimacy of the organization or individual requesting the funds. In the discussed scenario, a listener named Mike was asked to make a donation to the State Patrol Trooper Association (STPA) for a sticker, but he was uncertain about the authenticity of the request and the organization itself. Although he was assured that all the funds would go directly to the state troopers, Mike was hesitant and asked for more information. After some investigation, it was discovered that the tracking number provided for a package Mike had ordered was inconsistent with the shipping method stated, raising suspicions of a potential scam. However, there were also comments from others who had encountered similar situations and had paid the additional shipping fees and received their packages. Ultimately, the decision to proceed with the donation or purchase is a personal one, but it's crucial to be informed and cautious to avoid potential fraud or loss. Additionally, the podcast's hosts mentioned that they had received several Venmo requests from listeners, some asking for small amounts and others for larger donations, referencing the podcast as the source of the request. It's essential to be aware of such requests and verify their authenticity before making any financial transactions.

    • Sharing the joy of staying warmHeated jackets, gloves, and hats might become status symbols as people enjoy sharing the simple pleasure of staying warm during cold weather.

      The simple pleasure of staying warm during cold weather can lead to an irresistible urge to share the experience with others. During a podcast recording, Evan and Ben were enjoying their new heated jackets when they discovered the joy of being warm and couldn't help but share their excitement with each other. This led to a conversation about how heated jackets, gloves, and hats might become a status symbol, much like IPAs, CrossFit, or camping gear. Ben even stumbled upon a TikTok video of the old Breaking Bad house and was surprised to find that the woman living there had a large fence and a gated driveway, which turned out to be a common sight for fans of the show. Despite their initial intention to keep their heated jackets a quiet pleasure, the warmth proved to be too compelling to keep to themselves.

    • Fame brings unexpected attention to houses from TV shows and moviesBuying a house with a famous past can bring unwanted attention and intrusion, impacting privacy and safety.

      Owning a house that has been featured in a popular TV show or movie can come with unexpected attention and repercussions. The Breaking Bad house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for instance, has gained notoriety for the woman who lives there and her infamous screaming at visitors. Some people even go there specifically to provoke her. This phenomenon extends to other iconic film locations, such as the Fast and Furious house or the Home Alone house. While some homeowners might see this as an opportunity for income or tourism, others may find it intrusive and unwelcome. It's essential to consider the potential consequences before buying a house with a famous past.

    • The Impact of 'Yellowstone' on Jackson Hole, WyomingThe TV show 'Yellowstone' has significantly influenced Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with its elements noticeable in the town's amenities and visitor behavior, despite some inconveniences, due to its cultural impact.

      The speaker and his friend were discussing the impact of the popularity of the TV show "Yellowstone" on the town of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. They noted the presence of the show's elements in their real-life experiences there, such as the airport's amenities and the behavior of some visitors. The friend also shared a humorous anecdote about a man on their flight who seemed to embody a character from the show. The speaker also mentioned his own experience of losing luggage during their trip. Despite some inconveniences, they both agreed that the town's natural beauty and unique charm made up for it. The friend also joked about a house they knew having a new roof, possibly affecting its value due to the show's influence. Overall, their conversation highlighted the significant cultural impact of "Yellowstone" on the town and its visitors.

    • Tensions between locals and newcomers in small western townsSmall western towns offer a contrasting lifestyle to city dwellers, but locals often guard their way of life and high cost of living pushes them out, making way for newcomers. Despite the challenges, many are drawn to the western way of life.

      The allure of small western towns for city dwellers lies in their polar opposite nature, offering a freeing and open experience. However, residents of these towns often want to keep their way of life exclusive. Blaine, a real cowboy rancher from Wyoming, shared stories of confrontations with "pretend cowboys" in Jackson Hole. The speakers also discussed how expensive living in Jackson forced locals to move out, making way for newcomers. Despite the draw of the western lifestyle, few people from these towns leave, and many who do are often from Midwestern states. The speakers expressed their own attraction to the western way of life, but acknowledged the challenges of making a transition from urban living. They also considered the possibility of moving to Wyoming as an alternative to Florida, despite the weather being a major drawback in the Sunshine State.

    • Appreciating the Challenges and Experiences of Outdoor ActivitiesOutdoor activities offer unique challenges and experiences, and the determination to combine them can lead to exciting new adventures.

      The speakers in this discussion express their appreciation for various outdoor activities, such as snowmobiling and water sports, and the unique challenges and experiences they bring. They also express their fascination with the idea of combining these activities, like water skiing on a snowmobile in the ocean. Despite the difficulties and the lack of precedent, they are determined to make it happen. The speakers also share their personal experiences and challenges in mastering various stunts and tricks, encouraging perseverance and determination.

    • Helping Those in Need: Balancing Persistence and RespectPeople naturally want to help those in need, but it's important to balance persistence with respecting personal autonomy, especially when dealing with an intoxicated person.

      People tend to come together to help those in need, even in unexpected situations. Whether it's a friend stuck in a snowmobile or a stranger who's backed into a ditch, the instinct to lend a hand is strong. However, the situation can become complicated when dealing with someone who is intoxicated and unwilling to accept help. It raises the question of how far one should go to ensure someone's safety, especially when they seem unwilling or unable to make the right decision. Ultimately, it's a delicate balance between being persistent and respecting personal autonomy. Additionally, the discussion highlights the potential dangers of operating a snowmobile under the influence, emphasizing the importance of responsible behavior and considering the risks involved.

    • Cautionary tales of carelessnessBe mindful of risks and make informed decisions to avoid unpleasant consequences, whether driving a snowmobile or betting on sports teams.

      Being careless or complacent, especially when dealing with potentially dangerous situations like driving a snowmobile or betting on sports teams, can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences. The speaker shares an experience of underestimating the risks while riding a snowmobile and warns against driving under the influence. He also reflects on a bet on the Minnesota Vikings football team and acknowledges the wisdom of a friend's skepticism. The conversation also touches on the changing times and how people's habits and preferences evolve. Ultimately, the speaker encourages staying aware of the present moment and making informed decisions.

    • Gambling: Risks and Unexpected OutcomesGambling can lead to significant financial losses and unexpected outcomes, making it important to be aware of personal limits and goals.

      Gambling, whether it's at a casino or an arcade, carries risks and can lead to significant financial losses. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of winning a large amount of money at a dice game in a casino, but also acknowledged that he had already lost a significant sum before that. He ended up giving the money back to his friends, but the experience left him feeling uneasy and surprised. The speaker also mentioned that arcades can be considered a form of gambling, and that he and his friends had gone to an arcade as an alternative to going to bars during their "dry January" attempt to avoid alcohol. Despite the age of the crowd at the arcade, the speaker felt out of place and found the atmosphere to be weird since he was trying to avoid alcohol. Overall, the conversation highlights the potential risks and unexpected outcomes associated with gambling, and the importance of being aware of one's financial limits and personal goals.

    • Accountability and environment impact New Year's resolutionsSelf-awareness and avoiding public commitments when not fully committed are crucial for keeping New Year's resolutions. Social pressure and personal temptations can make challenging resolutions hard to maintain.

      Accountability and environment play significant roles in keeping New Year's resolutions. The discussion reveals that individuals who failed to keep their dry January commitment blamed their surroundings and lacked self-control. However, those who succeeded emphasized self-awareness and the importance of not making a public commitment if they're not fully committed. The conversation also touched on the idea that some resolutions, like dry January or working out every day, can be challenging to maintain due to social pressure and personal temptations. Ultimately, the group agreed that it's essential to be honest with oneself and consider the potential consequences before making a resolution.

    • The Importance of Perseverance and CommitmentSmall setbacks shouldn't define us. Stay committed, follow through on promises, and maintain a positive attitude to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.

      Giving up too easily can hold us back from achieving our goals. The speaker shares his experience of failing to support his girlfriend's new year's resolution to work out consistently, and how he ultimately gave up on his commitment. He also reflects on his past apology for making a joke about someone's Hummer and how it was quickly forgotten. These incidents highlight the importance of staying committed and following through on our promises, even when faced with challenges or distractions. It's essential to remember that small setbacks don't define our character and that we can always try again. Additionally, the speaker's grandmother's innocent mistake in mistaking Paris Hilton for his sister serves as a reminder to approach situations with an open mind and avoid jumping to conclusions. Overall, the conversation underscores the value of perseverance, commitment, and a positive attitude in overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals.

    • Misunderstandings on Social Media: A Friend's Unexpected Dating RumorUnexpected social media situations can lead to misunderstandings and unintended consequences, but thoughtful gifts like those from Tommy John can provide comfort and convenience, creating lasting memories.

      People can get confused when they encounter unexpected situations, especially when it comes to social media. A friend of the podcast hosts was mistakenly thought to be dating Eminem due to a series of photos online. This situation was further complicated by the fact that the hosts had previously introduced their audience to the idea that older people can be unintentionally funny, often resembling memes. The hosts found themselves in a humorous predicament, acknowledging the irony of laughing at the situation while feeling a sense of empathy for the misunderstood friend. As the podcast came to a close, the hosts reminded their audience of the lasting impact of thoughtful gifts, such as those offered by Tommy John, which provide comfort and convenience all year long. They encouraged listeners to consider this option for Valentine's Day, offering a discount for first-time purchases at tommyjohn.com/wideopen. The hosts ended the podcast on a lighthearted note, reminding us that sometimes the most memorable moments are those that bring a mix of laughter and sympathy.

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    4. The Start of the Coat Closet  - Circa 2018
    5. Ashley's coat closet makeover reveal

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