
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Comfort in 'The Crown' and Sharing Mental Health InsightsDuring the pandemic, watching 'The Crown' provides comfort and escape, while recognizing the emotional labor required to cope with darker months. Mental health and emotional regulation focused podcasts receive positive feedback, and the speaker plans to continue sharing insights as therapy for himself and listeners.

      The speaker is finding comfort and escape in watching "The Crown" during the pandemic and quarantine, while also recognizing the emotional labor required to cope with the darker months. He appreciates the positive feedback and support from listeners regarding his mental health and emotional regulation focused podcasts, and plans to continue sharing insights in this area as it acts as therapy for him. The absence of traditional holiday celebrations and rituals during lockdown has increased the need for effective coping mechanisms, and the speaker aims to provide guidance and discussion on these topics.

    • Image-based sexual abuse: Over 500 men involved in sharing non-consensual images in IrelandImage-based sexual abuse is a form of non-consensual sharing of sexual images that can cause severe consequences for victims, including harassment, stress, mental health issues, and even suicide. It's crucial to respect consent and not participate in sharing such images.

      Image-based sexual abuse, also known as non-consensual sharing of sexual images, is a serious issue that affects many people, particularly women and children. This week in Ireland, over 500 men were involved in sharing such images without consent, some of which included children. The correct term for this issue is image-based sexual abuse, as it is not consensual and does not involve enjoyment. It's important to understand that sharing sexual images without consent is deeply wrong and a form of abuse. The consequences for the victims can be severe, including harassment, stress, mental health issues, and even suicide. It's crucial to respect consent and not participate in sharing such images, even if they were initially consensually shared. The culture that normalizes shaming and policing women for expressing their sexuality needs to be deconstructed. Legislation against image-based sexual abuse needs to be specific and effective to protect victims.

    • Addressing consent and sex education from a young ageListen to resources like Dr. Caroline West's podcast, Glow West, for appropriate and modernized discussions on consent, porn, and mental health. Identify and address early signs of mental health struggles to prevent bigger problems.

      It's crucial to address the issue of consent and sex education from a young age in an appropriate and modernized way. This can be done through resources like Dr. Caroline West's podcast, Glow West, which covers topics like consent, porn, and revenge porn. It's essential for everyone, especially men, to listen to the voices and opinions of women on these issues. Additionally, having a proactive approach to mental health is key. Instead of reacting to mental health issues, we should aim to manage our mental health proactively to prevent issues from arising. Early signs of mental health struggles, such as procrastination, should be identified and addressed before they become bigger problems.

    • Neglecting tasks leads to negative effectsPrioritize tasks, complete them, and avoid meaningless distractions for good mental health.

      Neglecting to address one task or email can lead to a snowball effect of procrastination, anxiety, and unhealthy behaviors. The inability to complete the gestalt of a task can result in negative energy buildup, causing us to engage in meaningless activities as a way to cope. These meaningless behaviors, such as excessive use of social media, video games, or television, may initially provide temporary relief but ultimately contribute to further stress and unhappiness. To maintain good mental health, it's essential to prioritize tasks, complete them, and avoid the trap of meaningless distractions.

    • Identifying Early Warning Signs for Mental Health IssuesRecognizing signs of procrastination, anger, and sensitivity to criticism can indicate the need for proactive measures to maintain good mental health. Ignoring these signs can lead to more serious consequences, such as anxiety attacks, depression, and a loss of agency.

      Procrastination and shame can lead to a vicious cycle of mental health issues, including anxiety attacks, depression, and a loss of agency. The speaker identified early warning signs for herself, such as procrastination, anger, and sensitivity to criticism. These signs can indicate the need for proactive measures to maintain good mental health. Ignoring these signs and letting the situation worsen can lead to more serious consequences, such as a loss of capacity to help oneself and the need for external help or medication. The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing these issues early on to prevent a downward spiral.

    • Understanding and addressing negative patterns for better mental healthSelf-awareness, CBT, meditation, addressing emotions, and humor can help overcome negative patterns and improve mental health despite external stressors.

      Self-awareness and taking responsibility for our actions are key to overcoming negative patterns and improving mental health. By understanding why we procrastinate or get angry, and addressing these issues through techniques like CBT and meditation, we can gain control and reverse unhealthy cycles. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to and addressing emotions instead of ignoring them or using defense mechanisms. Additionally, external factors like the pandemic and its resulting stress can contribute to negative emotions, making it even more crucial to proactively manage them. The use of humor and relatable language makes the process seem less daunting and more achievable.

    • Freedom and Financial Support from ListenersCreative control and community-driven funding enable content creators to express opinions freely and pursue new projects, while flexible and budget-friendly health insurance options provide peace of mind

      Having creative control and financial support from listeners through platforms like Patreon allows content creators to express their opinions freely without fear of losing sponsors or advertisers. The speaker in this podcast emphasizes the importance of this freedom and the community-driven funding model, which enables him to continue creating content and earn a living. Additionally, he mentions his exploration of new creative projects, such as writing a musical and starting a podcast, which he can pursue without the pressure of relying solely on traditional income sources like gigs or book sales. United Healthcare Insurance Plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, were also mentioned as a flexible and budget-friendly option for health insurance coverage.

    • Depression and Anger: Two Sides of the Same CoinRecognize the interconnectedness of depression and anger, practice mindfulness to become more aware, and address emotions before they become overwhelming.

      Depression and anger are deeply interconnected, and they can both significantly impact our mental and physical wellbeing. While depression is often associated with sadness, it can also manifest as fearfulness, hopelessness, and a negative view of the world and others. Anger, on the other hand, can lead to physical symptoms such as clenched jaws, trembling, and increased heart rate, and it can consume our thoughts and keep us from being present in the moment. When assessing mental health, it's essential to recognize that both depression and anger can co-exist and impact our overall wellbeing. Practicing mindfulness meditation and body scans can help us become more aware of these emotions and their physical manifestations, allowing us to address them before they become overwhelming.

    • The destructive power of unhealthy angerUnhealthy anger can hinder our ability to meet our needs in conflict situations, keep us from being present, and make us fearful and powerless. Healthy anger is closer to feeling annoyed and allows us to approach conflicts calmly and rationally.

      Unhealthy anger can consume us, leading us to manufacture evidence for perceived wrongdoings, fantasize about revenge, and become consumed with rage and anger towards others. This type of anger prevents us from meeting our needs in conflict situations, keeps us from being present in the moment, and can make us fearful and powerless towards those we're angry with. Healthy anger, on the other hand, is closer to feeling annoyed and allows us to approach conflicts in a calm, rational way, focusing on finding solutions rather than dwelling on anger and revenge.

    • Healthy vs Unhealthy AngerMindfully respond to criticism to prevent unhealthy anger and focus on resolving conflicts in a healthy and productive way.

      Healthy anger and unhealthy anger are two different things. Healthy anger allows us to consider the other person's perspective, take ownership of our mistakes, and resolve conflicts. Unhealthy anger, on the other hand, can lead to depression and a desire to hurt others. To prevent ourselves from falling into unhealthy anger, we need to be mindful of how we respond to criticism or critique. Instead of letting one negative comment define our work or ourselves, we should challenge our assumptions and evaluate the situation rationally. By doing so, we can avoid giving strangers an hour of our time with anger and focus on resolving conflicts in a healthy and productive way.

    • Personal rules leading to angerIdentify and examine unrealistic personal rules to reduce anger and live a more peaceful life

      Our rigid personal rules about how others should treat us and how the world should be can lead to constant disappointment and anger. These rules, often formed from our upbringing and experiences, can be unrealistic and unyielding, causing us to view others through a distorted lens. When these rules are broken, we may react with intense anger, assuming others have deliberately disrespected us. However, it's essential to recognize these rules for what they are – personal constructs that may not reflect reality. To deal with this, we should first identify the rules that trigger our anger by reflecting on our daily experiences and the emotions they evoke. Once identified, we should examine where these rules originated and consider whether they are reasonable and adaptable to the complexities of human behavior. By recognizing the limitations of our personal rules and learning to be more flexible in our expectations, we can reduce the frequency and intensity of our anger, leading to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

    • Adopting a more flexible perspective on politenessInstead of demanding politeness, adopt a more flexible perspective and understand that not everyone will be polite, focus on taking responsibility for our own emotions and reactions.

      Our internalized rules and assumptions about how people should treat us can lead to disappointment, anger, and a waste of time. Instead of demanding politeness from others with a rigid "must," try adopting a more flexible and compassionate perspective: "I prefer when people are polite to me, but I understand that not everyone will be." This approach allows us to embrace reality, reduce anger and stress, and improve our interactions with others. To put this new rule into practice, we can remind ourselves to be polite and considerate towards others, even if they don't reciprocate, and focus on taking responsibility for our own emotions and reactions.

    • Examining personal rules for emotional wellbeingAdjusting rigid rules to accommodate life's realities, like pain and suffering, can help minimize unnecessary suffering and improve emotional wellbeing.

      Our personal rules significantly impact our emotional wellbeing and ability to navigate life's challenges. It's essential to examine these rules and ensure they align with the inevitable realities of existence, such as pain, suffering, and rejection. Rigid rules that don't accommodate these aspects can lead to unnecessary pain and anger. Instead, flexible rules that acknowledge these realities can help us better cope with life's difficulties and find happiness. Remember, pain is a given of existence, but not all pain is avoidable. By adjusting our rules to accommodate the inevitable, we can minimize unnecessary suffering and improve our overall wellbeing.

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    “Baggage Check” Podcast: https://www.baggagecheckpodcast.com/listen
    Book “Detox Your Thoughts: Quit Negative Self-Talk for Good and Discover the Life You’ve Always Wanted”: https://drandreabonior.com/books
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    Instagram: @drandreabonior
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drandreabonior/

    Dr. Andrea Bonior is a best-selling author, speaker, professor, and licensed clinical psychologist who’s made a career of translating the science of psychology into meaningful, real-life change.

    A keynote speaker on stress management, workplace wellness, coping, burnout, motivation, and emotional health, for fifteen years Andrea was the voice behind the mental health advice column “Baggage Check” for the Washington Post.

    When she’s not making guest appearances on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper she blogs for Psychology Today, where her pieces have been read more than 25 million times.

    Andrea also consults with authors, directors, and screenwriters on psychological aspects of their characters and plotlines to ensure accuracy and realism involving mental health issues.

    Dr. Bonior is a featured expert psychologist for many media outlets and still finds time to maintain a part-time private therapy practice outside of Washington, DC.

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    Want the full episode?
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    Dr. Andrea Bonior, licensed clinical psychologist and columnist for the Washington Post, joins the show to share how to detox your thoughts so you can make clearheaded decisions.

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    Neutralizing toxic thoughts
    Naming and feeling emotions without self-destruction
    How fear freezes decision-making

    Join us on Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
    Join us on Facebook
    Shawn’s Instagram: @shawn_d_smith
    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    Children interrupt BBC News interview
    The Johari Window
    Ep.17 I Doug Lennick I Deciding to Think About What You Think About
    5 Ways We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop Them (Dr. Andrea's podcast)
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    Website: https://drandreabonior.com/
    “Baggage Check” Podcast: https://www.baggagecheckpodcast.com/listen
    Book “Detox Your Thoughts: Quit Negative Self-Talk for Good and Discover the Life You’ve Always Wanted”: https://drandreabonior.com/books
    Book “The Friendship Fix: The Complete Guide to Choosing, Losing, and Keeping Up With Your Friends”: https://www.amazon.com/Friendship-Fix-Complete-Choosing-Keeping-ebook/dp/B004L2LG38
    Book ”Psychology: Essential Thinkers, Classic Theories, and How They Inform Your World”: https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Essential-Thinkers-Classic-Theories/dp/1623157080 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAndreaBonior
    Instagram: @drandreabonior
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drandreabonior/

    Dr. Andrea Bonior is a best-selling author, speaker, professor, and licensed clinical psychologist who’s made a career of translating the science of psychology into meaningful, real-life change.

    A keynote speaker on stress management, workplace wellness, coping, burnout, motivation, and emotional health, for fifteen years Andrea was the voice behind the mental health advice column “Baggage Check” for the Washington Post.

    When she’s not making guest appearances on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper she blogs for Psychology Today, where her pieces have been read more than 25 million times.

    Andrea also consults with authors, directors, and screenwriters on psychological aspects of their characters and plotlines to ensure accuracy and realism involving mental health issues.

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