
    Fiery and Fun GOP Debate, and Vivek vs. Haley, with Josh Holmes, Glenn Greenwald, Rich Lowry, and Jim Geraghty | Ep. 681

    enDecember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A productive Republican primary debate with minimal moderator interferenceMegyn Kelly's non-interfering approach led to a dynamic debate where candidates defended themselves and pitted against opponents, highlighting their strategies and addressing voter anxieties

      Learning from the Megyn Kelly Show's discussion about the recent Republican primary debate is that Megyn Kelly and her team delivered a well-executed and engaging debate experience. The debate was notable for allowing the candidates to go at it without the interference of moderators, resulting in a new dynamic where they defended each other and pitted themselves against their opponents. Megyn's approach was praised for asking charged questions from a non-negative perspective, which allowed for a more productive debate. The debate also highlighted the strategies of the candidates, with Nikki Haley being a target and Ron DeSantis effectively addressing conservative voter anxieties and presenting solutions from his time in Florida. Overall, the debate provided an insightful look into the Republican primary race and the candidates' approaches to key issues.

    • Actions speak louder than words in Republican debateCandidates with a record of accomplishment effectively defended their credentials and policies, while those lacking clear records faced more scrutiny.

      Learning from the latest Republican debate is that actions speak louder than words. Candidates who have a record of accomplishment, like Ron DeSantis, were able to effectively defend their credentials and policies, while those who lack a clear record, like Vivek Ramaswamy, were challenged more fiercely. DeSantis' ability to focus on his accomplishments and not get bogged down in debating his opponents' beliefs was a standout moment. Chris Christie, known for his confrontational style, also made an impact by challenging other candidates to take stronger stances against Trump. Nikki Haley, on the other hand, had to play more defense and lost some of her offensive momentum. Overall, the debate highlighted the importance of substance and action in the Republican primary.

    • Identity politics distracts from important issuesPoliticians should focus on issues and engage in respectful dialogue instead of using divisive language and personal attacks.

      The use of identity politics, whether intentionally or unintentionally, can distract from important issues and create unnecessary conflict. During a debate between Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley, Ramaswamy accused Haley of being corrupt and using identity politics effectively, while Haley accused Ramaswamy of having a "girl problem." However, the discussion veered off course when Ramaswamy made a controversial statement about Haley sending kids to die for a bigger house. This comment was widely criticized as an attack on Haley's moral character and was seen as overshadowing the important issues being discussed. The use of such divisive language and personal attacks detracts from the serious discussion that is needed in the political arena and perpetuates the harmful effects of identity politics. It is crucial for politicians to focus on the issues at hand and engage in respectful and productive dialogue.

    • Ramaswami's inconsistent debate performance raises questions about his seriousnessRamaswami's divisive approach and lackluster debate performances have failed to gain traction in the polls, leaving him struggling to challenge Trump for the Republican nomination.

      Vivek Ramaswami's debate performance has been inconsistent and divisive, leaving some questioning his seriousness as a contender for the Republican nomination. Ramaswami's winking approach to commenting on controversial topics and personal attacks towards opponents, such as Chris Christie, have been compared to Trump's style but lack the same charisma and connection with the audience. Despite his charm and intelligence in one-on-one interactions, Ramaswami's performance on the debate stage has failed to showcase these qualities, leaving him struggling to gain traction in the polls. The irony lies in the fact that Ramaswami is appealing to a small, intense base of supporters, while failing to broaden his appeal to a larger audience. Ultimately, the results of upcoming primaries, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, will play a significant role in determining which candidate has the capability to challenge Donald Trump seriously and consolidate the Republican Party's support.

    • Last Republican debate before Iowa caucusTrump remains front runner, DeSantis stops bleeding, Haley gains ground, Two more debates announced, Race to be decided in Iowa

      Last night's Republican debate might have been the last one of the cycle, as the RNC is unlikely to schedule any more debates due to the close proximity to the Iowa caucus and the high cost. Ron DeSantis had a strong performance, but he hasn't been able to overtake Donald Trump as the front runner. DeSantis has managed to stop the bleeding in his campaign, but he needs to do more to maintain his position. Nikki Haley, on the other hand, has gained ground in recent polls and is now a serious contender. However, the outcome of the race will ultimately be determined by the performance in the Iowa caucus. Despite my earlier prediction, CNN has announced that there will be two more Republican debates before the voting begins. I believe this is unnecessary and could potentially confuse voters. Overall, the debate provided valuable insights into the candidates' positions and performances, but it's clear that the race is Trump's to lose.

    • RNC's Decision to Partner with CNN for Presidential Debate Sparks ControversySome Republicans criticize the RNC for partnering with CNN due to past perceived bias, but acknowledge the importance of reaching a broader audience through mainstream media for election success.

      The decision by the Republican National Committee (RNC) to partner with CNN for a presidential debate has been met with criticism from some Republicans, who feel that CNN has not been fair to the party in the past. The speakers in the discussion express their disagreement with rewarding CNN after years of perceived bias and lying about the Republican Party. However, they also acknowledge the need for the RNC to partner with mainstream media outlets to reach a broader audience and win a presidential election. The debate requirements, which set a high polling threshold, are also discussed, potentially eliminating most candidates except for DeSantis and Haley. The consensus seems to be that if the RNC is to hold another debate, it should be a 1 on 1 between the two frontrunners.

    • Republican Debate: Haley Faces Criticism from Christie and OthersNikki Haley faced criticism on her record, intelligence, and social issues during the Republican debate, but remained in second place in the polls, showing resilience.

      During the latest Republican debate, Nikki Haley faced criticism from her opponents, particularly Chris Christie, on various issues including her record on China, her intelligence, and her stance on social issues. While some commentators believed she didn't help herself as much as in previous debates, others saw her as standing her ground despite the attacks. The Boeing connection was raised as a potential conflict of interest. Haley's response to Christie's criticism was seen as lackluster by some, but she didn't seem to be visibly affected by the attacks, as she remained in second place in the polls. Overall, the debate highlighted the intensity and personal nature of the Republican primary race.

    • Chris Christie calls out Ron DeSantis for evasiveness during Republican debateChristie's debating skills shone as he pointed out DeSantis' lack of clear answers, but his candid approach has made him unpopular within the party

      During the Republican primary debate, Chris Christie showcased his debating skills by calling out Ron DeSantis for not directly answering questions. Christie, known for his ability to diagnose a candidate's obfuscation, highlighted DeSantis' evasiveness during the debate. This tactic was reminiscent of Christie's past debating moments, such as his confrontation with Marco Rubio in 2016. The debate stage provided an opportunity for Christie to demonstrate his strength as a debater, and he seized it by pointing out DeSantis' lack of clear answers. This strategy, however, may have backfired for Christie as he had assumed Trump would be on the stage and that being a truth teller would translate as toughness. Instead, his candid approach has made him radioactive within the party.

    • Christie's Debate Performance Didn't Boost PollingChristie's debate performance didn't significantly boost his polling numbers despite more airtime. Controversial comments added to his unfavorable ratings, making it unlikely for him to secure the nomination.

      Chris Christie's performance in the recent Republican debate, despite his strong desire to speak more, did not result in a significant increase in his polling numbers. Christie, who is polling at 2% in New Hampshire and 2.5% nationally, was unhappy with the amount of time he received during the debate, but in reality, he received more airtime than Tim Scott, who had dropped out of the race a month prior. The uneven distribution of questions during the debate, caused by the candidates interrupting each other, led to some candidates speaking earlier than planned. While Christie did eventually get to speak, his comments about Vivek Ramaswami's treatment of women caused further controversy. Overall, the debate did not significantly benefit Christie's campaign, and his unfavorable ratings in New Hampshire make it unlikely that he will secure the nomination.

    • The controversy surrounding Vivek Ramaswamy's behavior in the Republican debatesVivek Ramaswamy's actions during the Republican debates have sparked controversy and criticism, with some seeing his behavior as catering to a certain segment and others believing it has cheapened the process and disserved the public. The issue of parental rights in medical decisions for minors remains contentious.

      During the discussion, it was clear that Vivek Ramaswamy's performance in the Republican debates has been a source of controversy and criticism. He has been accused of being disrespectful and insulting towards other candidates, particularly Nikki Haley. While some argue that he is catering to a certain segment of the online right and gaining popularity in conservative media, others believe that his behavior has cheapened the process and disserved the public. Ramaswamy defended his actions by appealing to parental rights, but the issue of medical treatments for minors remains contentious. Despite his efforts to become a host or moderator, Ramaswamy's future in the national conversation remains uncertain. In essence, the debate over Ramaswamy's actions highlights the ongoing tension between individual freedoms and the role of government in people's lives within the Republican Party.

    • Chris Christie's stance on transgender student confidentiality sparks controversy during Republican debateChristie's support for transgender student confidentiality contradicts some Republican values, and his aggressive debate performance may not win over voters.

      During the recent Republican debate, Chris Christie was criticized for his past actions as governor of New Jersey regarding parental rights and transgender issues. Specifically, he passed a law protecting the confidentiality of transgender students, which some argue allows schools to keep parents in the dark about their child's gender identity. Christie denied this, but the evidence suggests otherwise. This inconsistency may not sit well with some Republican voters, particularly those who value parental rights and oppose transgender medical procedures for minors. Ron DeSantis had a strong moment during the debate, advocating for parental rights and opposing irreversible transgender medical procedures for minors. Christie's stance on this issue may be a losing one for him in the primaries. Additionally, Christie's debate performance was more aggressive and less scripted than in previous debates, which created more interesting moments for viewers.

    • Republican Debate: A Battle of Principles vs. CharismaRon DeSantis' principled stance on issues faces an uphill battle against Trump's charisma and emotional connection with voters. Ramaswamy's bold accusations raised questions about truth in politics, but factual inaccuracies in his statements undermined his credibility.

      Key takeaway from the Republican debate is that while Ron DeSantis was seen as more principled and passionate in his stance on key issues, he faces an uphill battle against Donald Trump's charisma and emotional connection with voters. DeSantis' perceived lack of subtlety and relaxation on stage also sets him apart from Trump's entertaining style. Another notable moment came from Vivek Ramaswamy, who accused his fellow candidates of being "boot lickers" to Trump for their past endorsements and financial ties. Ramaswamy's bold accusations raised questions about the existence of truth in politics and the role of personal relationships in politics. However, factual inaccuracies in Ramaswamy's statements, such as his claim that Nikki Haley had advocated for sending US troops to Ukraine, undermined his credibility. Overall, the debate highlighted the challenges faced by candidates in standing out against Trump's larger-than-life persona and the importance of authenticity and truth in political discourse.

    • The Influence of Radical Skepticism in the Republican PartyA growing segment of the Republican Party is skeptical of conventional opinions and institutions, with figures like Vivek Ramaswamy exploiting conspiracy theories and contributing little to factual discourse, despite potential legal consequences.

      The Republican Party is witnessing a growing and influential segment that holds radical doubts about conventional opinions and established institutions. Vivek Ramaswamy, a potential Republican nominee, has capitalized on this sentiment by exploiting conspiracy theories and presenting himself as a truth-teller. His tactics, while gaining him a loyal following online, often go beyond the facts and contribute little to the discourse. Examples include his claims about January 6th and 9/11, which have been debunked. While not representative of the entire party, this element of the MAGA movement is loud, engaged, and making Vivek a folk hero. However, the average voter must work hard to separate fact from fiction in his statements. Despite his conviction and potential conviction in a federal case, it remains to be seen how this will impact the 2024 election.

    • A DeSantis-Haley ticket could unite their basesInfighting between DeSantis and Haley continues, but a potential unity ticket could help them gain support from each other's bases, while Trump's absence from debates doesn't seem to harm him. Candidates miss an opportunity to unite and attack Trump collectively.

      Despite the negative reactions online to the suggestion of a DeSantis-Haley unity ticket, it could be a viable solution for both candidates to gain support from each other's bases in the Republican primary race. However, the infighting between the candidates continues, with neither gaining significant ground against Trump's strong lead. The RNC's decision to allow CNN to host two more Republican primary debates without their sanction raises questions about their relevance, as Trump's absence from the debates hasn't seemed to harm him. Glenn Greenwald's perspective is that the candidates are missing an opportunity to unite and attack Trump collectively, but instead continue to bicker among themselves, solidifying Trump's position as the clear front-runner.

    • Trump's Support from Voters Despite Republican DislikeTrump's support from voters is strong due to his representation of an ideology challenging established power centers. Candidates tread carefully not to alienate his supporters, who make up a significant portion of the party. Vivek Ramaswamy, a critic, stood out for his speaking style and ability to capture attention.

      Despite the apparent dislike for him from the Republican Party, Donald Trump's support from voters is strong due to his representation of an ideology that challenges the established power centers in the US. The debates serve as a platform for alternatives, but the candidates tread carefully not to alienate Trump voters who make up a significant portion of the party. The uncertainty surrounding Trump's legal jeopardy adds to the complexity of the situation, and it remains to be seen how voters will react if he is convicted and runs for president from prison. Vivek Ramaswamy, a critic of Trump, was noted for his compelling speaking style and ability to capture attention during the debate.

    • Debate between Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump: A Polarized Political ClimateThe debate between Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump showcased the deeply polarized political climate in the US, with intense reactions from supporters and critics, and discussions on controversial topics like immigration and demographic shifts.

      The debate between Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump, as well as the reactions from various commentators, highlights the deeply polarized political climate in the United States. Vivek's use of strong language and controversial statements during the debate, such as referring to the "great replacement theory" and January 6th being an "inside job," drew intense reactions from both supporters and critics. Some, like Van Jones, saw it as a dangerous form of demagoguery, while others, like Nikki Haley, praised his performance. The New York Times columnists, however, criticized Vivek for not resonating with Republican voters. The debate also brought up the issue of immigration and demographic shifts, which has been a contentious topic in American politics for decades. The labeling of certain ideas as "conspiracy theories" or "dog whistles" without proper debate can further deepen the divide and fuel misunderstandings. Ultimately, it's essential to have open and respectful conversations about these issues, focusing on the ideals and values that unite us as a nation, rather than skin color or political affiliations.

    • Politicians and Media Debate: Heated Exchanges and AccusationsTransparency and accountability are crucial in politics as debates over immigration and campaign financing raise concerns about authenticity and whose agenda is being represented.

      The debate between politicians and the media, particularly on issues like immigration, can lead to heated exchanges and accusations. Vivek Ramaswamy's provocative comments during the Republican debate highlighted this, with some accusing him of being racist and others defending his right to express concerns about immigration and its impact on communities. Another key takeaway is the issue of campaign financing and the potential influence it can have on politicians. Nikki Haley's rapid wealth accumulation after leaving government and her alignment with the interests of big donors has raised questions about her authenticity and whose agenda she truly represents. These issues highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in politics. Additionally, Ramaswamy's announcement of a big announcement during his upcoming appearance on the show has generated excitement and anticipation.

    • The political landscape and Nikki Haley's relationships with power centersPower centers shift their allegiances based on perceived strengths and weaknesses of candidates, making the political landscape dynamic.

      The political landscape, particularly in the Republican Party, is complex and nuanced. During a discussion on a political talk show, the topic of Nikki Haley's political stance and her relationships with various power centers, including Wall Street and foreign policy ideologies, was explored. Critics have accused Haley of being a political opportunist due to her shifting positions on certain issues, particularly regarding Trump. However, it was noted that many of the same power centers that initially supported other candidates, such as DeSantis and Bush, ultimately switched their allegiance to Haley. Once a politician becomes president, it is inevitable that they will be courted by various power centers seeking to influence them. The example of Trump's administration and the development of the COVID vaccine through Operation Warp Speed was used to illustrate this point. Despite the controversy surrounding vaccine injuries and compensation, Trump expressed pride in the program. The takeaway is that the political landscape is dynamic, and power centers will support and shift their allegiances based on perceived strengths and weaknesses of candidates. The question of which president is admired also highlighted the differing ideologies and values within the Republican Party.

    • Call for accountability for government's actions during COVID-19 pandemicDeSantis criticizes govt for ignoring vaccine injuries and mandating vaccines, resonating with many as he stands up to authoritarian rule.

      The capture of regulatory agencies and the executive branch by pharmaceutical companies led to the mandating of COVID-19 vaccines, despite concerns about deaths and injuries, which were largely ignored due to censorship and the taboo against discussing vaccine harms. This issue was only raised in the Republican party during the 4th debate, and DeSantis called for accountability and a reckoning for the government's actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. DeSantis' stance resonates with many, as he has a track record of getting things done and standing up to authoritarian rule. This is an area where Republicans could criticize the government without alienating Trump voters. The censorship of vaccine injury discussions and the mandating of vaccines for those wanting to keep their jobs contributed to a lack of accountability for the damages caused.

    • Differentiating from Trump through follow-throughDeSantis could distinguish himself from Trump by acknowledging Trump's words but criticizing his lack of follow-through, emphasizing his commitment to making good on promises in areas like border security and COVID-19 response.

      Ron DeSantis has an opportunity to differentiate himself from former President Trump by acknowledging the correctness of Trump's words but criticizing the lack of follow-through on promises. DeSantis could effectively argue that he will make good on what Trump started, particularly in areas like border security and COVID-19 response. The debate between DeSantis and Newsom marked a turning point for DeSantis in the race, and while it may be too late for a significant shift in the election outcome, his future in politics is promising. Glenn Greenwald's insightful commentary on the inconsistencies between Trump's words and actions provided valuable context for the discussion. The ability to read data and make informed decisions, even when unpopular, is an impressive trait for a political leader. DeSantis's growing confidence in his campaign and his ability to stand firm in the face of opposition are signs that he is finding his footing in the race.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Iowa is a Dish Best Served Cold

    Iowa is a Dish Best Served Cold

    The Iowa Caucuses are here, but do they actually matter? Tune in for the latest on how extreme weather may affect turnout, all the weird and cringey attempts from candidates to spark some magic in the 11th hour, and an update on how Iowa Democrats are holding their own, non binding caucuses after being dethroned as the first state. 

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    Dispatches from the Iowa Caucuses

    Dispatches from the Iowa Caucuses

    Ben Freeman and MAGA Vacuum return to the show to discuss their observations from the Iowa State Fair and their predictions on who will win the state's GOP caucuses.


    3:12: Interview begins
    3:48: What is the Iowa State Fair and why is it significant for the Republican primaries?
    5:31: Trump supporters trolling DeSantis
    6:06: Trump's appearance
    6:28: Ramaswamy rapping
    7:30: DeSantis's prospects
    23:40: Iowa evangelicals
    26:23: DeSantis's ground game
    31:38: Longshot candidates and nonstarters in Iowa
    35:18: Odds of a Trump second place in Iowa
    37:28: Ramaswamy supporters
    38:06: Hatred of Pence
    39:08: Freeman's post-interview notes

    The Bull Case for Ron DeSantis

    The Bull Case for Ron DeSantis

    Longtime PredictIt trader Ben Freeman argues that the markets are overly pessimistic about Ron DeSantis's odds of winning the Republican nomination and makes the bull case for buying at current prices.

    1:23: DeSantis's comments about betting markets on John Stossel's show
    6:24: Ben Freeman introduces himself
    8:16: Ben's experience as a Trump White House intern
    12:13: Why DeSantis prices have dropped
    14:24: Why DeSantis remains the strongest candidate after Trump
    24:19: Trump's odds
    36:31: DeSantis's campaign troubles