
    Podcast Summary

    • Emma's story of feeling left behind during her freshman yearEmbracing individuality and understanding everyone's journey is unique can help build confidence and embrace identity

      Everyone experiences the journey of self-discovery and the desire to fit in at different paces. Emma, the podcast host, shares her story of feeling left behind during her freshman year of high school when it came to her first kiss. She felt embarrassed and out of place as all her friends had already experienced their first kisses, while she had not. This feeling of being left behind added to her insecurities and her desire to fit in. At a New Year's Eve party, she was encouraged to kiss a boy named James, and this experience helped her gain confidence and embrace her identity. This story highlights the importance of embracing individuality and understanding that everyone's journey is unique. Additionally, the episode is sponsored by Haagen Dazs, Bumble, and Walmart.

    • First kiss filled with fear and discomfortAdolescence brings complex emotions and pressures, emphasizing the importance of respecting boundaries and consent.

      The speaker's first kiss experience was filled with fear, intimidation, and discomfort due to her young age, self-perceived weakness, and inexperience with boys. Despite her initial reluctance and unease, she eventually gave in to the pressure from her friends and ended up having a lackluster and awkward experience. The encounter left her feeling guilty, dirty, and embarrassed, and she regrets the incident to this day. The experience highlights the complex emotions and pressures that come with adolescence and the importance of respecting individual boundaries and consent.

    • First experiences shape usEmbrace new experiences, even if uncomfortable, as they can lead to personal growth and development

      First experiences, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can have a profound impact on our emotions and perception of ourselves. The speaker shares her experience of having her first kiss and feeling guilty, ashamed, and uncomfortable afterwards. She felt like she had grown up in a way that was unfamiliar and frightening to her. This experience made her question societal norms and her own feelings towards romantic encounters. Despite the initial discomfort, the speaker later became friends with the person she kissed and learned to appreciate the beauty and significance of romantic experiences. Ultimately, this experience taught her that it's important to embrace new experiences, even if they come with discomfort or uncertainty, as they can lead to growth and personal development.

    • Experiences that don't fit societal normsIt's natural to have experiences that don't align with societal norms, and it's important to learn from them, embrace our uniqueness, and move forward without regrets.

      Everyone experiences moments in their lives that don't align with their perceived identity or don't fit societal norms. These experiences, whether they involve first kisses or relationships, can make us feel uncomfortable or even guilty. However, it's essential to remember that these experiences are a natural part of personal growth. We shouldn't judge ourselves too harshly for them or dwell on the past. Instead, we should learn from these experiences and continue moving forward with no regrets. Additionally, it's important to recognize that societal norms and stereotypes don't always apply to everyone, and it's okay to be different. We should embrace our unique qualities and not feel pressured to conform to expectations.

    • Understanding Social Battery Levels and Prioritizing Self-CareRecognize your social battery levels, prioritize self-care, consider therapy to build a social life, and utilize effective websites for personal and professional growth.

      Social interactions can leave us feeling drained or energized, and it's important to recognize our social battery levels and prioritize self-care. The speaker shares her experience of feeling socially drained and the importance of therapy in building a social life that doesn't deplete her energy. Additionally, having a well-designed website, like the one offered by Squarespace, can make a significant difference in selling products or brands. The speaker also discusses her personal struggles with anxiety and the challenges of maintaining friendships during times of change and instability. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, prioritizing self-care, and utilizing resources like therapy and effective websites to navigate life's challenges.

    • Prioritizing Self-Care and Setting BoundariesCommunicate self-care needs to others, prioritize work and personal time, and be patient with oneself during the transition back to socializing after a period of isolation.

      It's important to prioritize self-care and set boundaries, even if it means being unavailable to others at times. The speaker shares her struggle with socializing outside of her close circle and the guilt she feels when she can't fulfill social obligations. She realizes that it's normal to need time for herself and her work, and that it's okay to communicate this to others. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of re-entering social situations after a long period of isolation, and the anxiety and awkwardness that comes with it. She encourages those feeling the same way to remember that they're not alone and that everyone is going through similar experiences. Overall, the takeaway is to prioritize self-care, communicate effectively with others, and be patient with oneself during the transition back to socializing after a period of isolation.

    • An embarrassing double date experienceUnexpected situations in relationships can bring awkward moments, but respecting boundaries and learning from experiences can turn them into memorable stories

      Unexpected situations can lead to embarrassing experiences, even during the early stages of a relationship. The story shared involves a high school double date where one person made a bold move during a movie, catching everyone off guard. The awkward moment was made even more uncomfortable due to the presence of their best friends. Despite the embarrassment, the situation also brought some unintentional humor and served as a memorable experience. It's essential to remember that everyone has their comfort levels when it comes to public displays of affection, and it's essential to respect those boundaries. In the end, the experience, though embarrassing, became a part of the speaker's story to share with others.

    • Unexpected opportunities from embarrassing momentsEmbrace the unexpected and don't let embarrassing moments define your experiences. Focus on the conversation and connections, as they can lead to positive outcomes.

      Sometimes, even in seemingly embarrassing situations, unexpected opportunities and connections can arise. The speaker shared an experience where she showed up to a meeting with a potential agent looking unprofessional and feeling discouraged about the process. However, she ended up signing with the agent, who became her favorite person. Another takeaway is the importance of focusing on the conversation and not getting too caught up in our words or appearances. The speaker also shared a story about accidentally mistaking someone for her boyfriend and giving them an unwanted hug. Despite the initial embarrassment, these situations ended up leading to positive outcomes. So, embrace the unexpected and try not to let embarrassing moments define your experiences.

    • Laughing at Embarrassing MomentsLearning to laugh at ourselves and not take embarrassing moments too seriously can help turn potential awkward situations into opportunities for growth and bonding.

      Embarrassing moments can happen unexpectedly and can be more mortifying when we're caught off guard. Whether it's an unintended fart or an awkward encounter with a crush, these moments can leave us feeling red-faced and uncomfortable. However, it's important to remember that everyone experiences embarrassment, and often, these moments can provide a source of humor and connection with others. If we can learn to laugh at ourselves and not take these moments too seriously, we can turn potential embarrassments into opportunities for growth and bonding. Additionally, being prepared for potential embarrassing situations, such as excusing oneself to pass gas, can help minimize the discomfort and make these moments less daunting.

    • The Awkward Consequences of Hiding Our True FeelingsTrying to hide our true feelings can lead to awkward situations. Instead, learn to laugh at ourselves and move on.

      Trying to hide or disguise our true feelings or interests can sometimes lead to awkward and embarrassing situations. In the speaker's case, she tried to hide her fangirl behavior around a celebrity crush, only to be mortified when he moved on to another woman right in front of her. Another embarrassing moment for her was when she wore her favorite ripped jeans without realizing the rip was right above her vagina, leading to an unwanted display. The speaker suggests that the best way to recover from such moments is to find humor in them and make light of the situation. So, instead of dwelling on the embarrassment, we can learn to laugh at ourselves and move on.

    • Embarrassing Experiences with CrushesEmbracing the universality of embarrassing experiences and finding humor in uncomfortable situations can help us navigate awkward moments with crushes.

      Our speaker, Emma, shares her experiences with embarrassment and how it intensifies around people she likes. She reflects on childhood memories and how these experiences continue to occur in her adult life. Emma admits that she becomes clumsy and self-conscious around crushes, leading to awkward moments. She finds humor in these situations to lighten the mood and prevent herself from getting embarrassed further. Emma encourages her audience to share their own embarrassing stories and engage with the podcast. She ends the episode by thanking her listeners for their support and encouraging them to leave reviews and ratings on Apple Podcasts. Overall, Emma's episode highlights the relatability and universality of embarrassing experiences and the importance of finding humor in uncomfortable situations.

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    Being a parent is really freakin’ hard. Of course, it can also be incredibly rewarding and delightful. Either way, it consumes us. 

    Childproof is a show about us, the parents, and how we can raise kids without losing track of ourselves in the process. Each week host Yasmeen Khan, a journalist and mom, brings us conversations and stories with fellow parents and experts on how to navigate this whole parenting thing — especially the shifts that happen within ourselves. Because parents are growing too.

    In episode one, we're diving into one enormous question: how have you changed since becoming a parent? Maybe you've changed in ways you're not comfortable with, or maybe you'd actually like things to be different. Perhaps you've never even considered the question. Today we're digging into all the ways we transform as parents and, more importantly, how to deal with change when it feels really hard.

    About Yasmeen Khan:

    Yasmeen Khan is the host and managing editor of Childproof, Ten Percent Happier’s podcast focused on parenting. She was a public radio journalist for nearly 15 years, at WNYC Radio in New York and before that at North Carolina Public Radio.

    While at WNYC, her award-winning work included coverage of the New York City schools; youth and family life; and policing. She produced in-depth stories on the city’s segregated school system, and dove into the municipal archives to tell the story of a massive 1964 school boycott. 

    Yasmeen’s 2019 investigation into New York City’s child welfare system showed how the city increasingly used its authority to remove children from their parents without a court order.

    Yasmeen has also held jobs as a bartender, toll collector, and dishwasher. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two daughters.

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