
    Flash Back Friday: An Interview With Raz and Malik - Two Social Media Entrepreneurs in China

    enMay 17, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing hot topics in China's life and Internet sphere with two Chinese KOLs and their fatherTwo successful Chinese KOLs share insights into the Chinese market, content creation, and their experiences, emphasizing the right timing for businesses and innovation in China.

      This podcast features a conversation between Gary Vee and two key opinion leaders (KOLs) from China, along with one of their fathers. The guests have built a media business called Y China, where they create content and shows on various platforms like Tencent, iQIYI, and Youku. They discuss four hot topics related to life and the Internet sphere in China. Malik, one of the guests, is a KOL with a million followers on Weibo, where he shares content about American cultures and personal views on social issues. He was inspired by Gary's work and started his channel four years ago. The guests believe that the timing is right for businesses, venture capital, technology, and innovation in China, and they appreciate Israel's expertise in these areas. Raz, the other guest, moved to China when he was 13 and started creating content there at the age of 17. The conversation offers valuable insights into the Chinese market, content creation, and the experiences of these successful KOLs.

    • Growing up as an immigrant shapes one's perspectiveImmigrant experiences shape unique perspectives and can inspire cultural connections between people

      The experience of growing up as an immigrant family in a new culture, in this case China, can be incredibly formative and shape one's perspective in profound ways. Dan's story of being uprooted from Israel and moved to Hong Kong and Beijing as a child, learning a new language and adapting to a new culture, has deeply influenced his connection to and understanding of Chinese culture. This experience has given him a unique perspective that can inspire and resonate with many Chinese people, particularly those of the '90s generation who are seeking cultural interaction with the world and are open to learning about other cultures. This shared experience of cultural exchange and adaptation is a powerful force that can bridge gaps and build connections between people from different backgrounds.

    • The Importance of Hard Work in Achieving SuccessSuccess requires dedication, effort, and a healthy work-life balance. Don't let optimism turn into entitlement, as hard work is necessary in all areas of life.

      While the younger generations, particularly those born in the 90s and beyond, may have a more optimistic and easier lifestyle due to technological advancements, it's essential to understand that hard work is still a crucial factor in achieving success. This theme is common in prosperous societies and should be embraced rather than dismissed as entitlement. Optimism is powerful, but it's important not to cross the line into entitlement. The danger lies when people believe that success comes without effort. Hard work is necessary in all areas of life, from learning new skills to building a career or even in physical health. It's important to match ambition with actions and recognize that success requires dedication and effort. The only stress in the system comes when people's aspirations don't align with their actions. Ultimately, the key is to find a healthy work-life balance and understand that success doesn't come overnight.

    • The pressure to attend elite colleges in China is misguidedParents' overemphasis on children's accomplishments creates a disconnect, but students have more opportunities and freedoms than their grandparents, and China's government encourages entrepreneurship.

      The pressure on students in Mainland China to attend elite colleges and universities to secure their future is misguided, as it no longer guarantees success. Instead, parents' overemphasis on their children's accomplishments as a reflection of themselves creates a disconnect, turning the relationship into a transactional one. While it may be difficult for students to navigate this new reality, they ultimately have more opportunities and freedoms than their grandparents did. Moreover, China's government is encouraging entrepreneurship among graduates, making it an exciting time for innovation and growth. Ultimately, the key is for students to understand their value and potential beyond their educational background and to embrace the alternatives and challenges that come with a rapidly changing world.

    • Mentally preparing for criticism and setting realistic goals in China's entrepreneurial cultureIn China's entrepreneurial culture, mental preparation for criticism and setting realistic goals beyond massive success is crucial. Better education on entrepreneurship and focusing on micro businesses can lead to fulfilling lives.

      China's business-like approach to entrepreneurship, while pushing kids towards innovation and education, can be mentally challenging due to the intense scrutiny and potential for public failure. It's crucial for individuals to be mentally prepared to handle criticism and set realistic goals beyond just aiming for massive success. Additionally, there's a need for better education and understanding of entrepreneurship from an early age to help individuals navigate the adversity that comes with starting a business. It's important to remember that success doesn't always mean becoming the next billion-dollar company; finding a balance between machines, lifestyle, and innovation is key. Building a business with your own cash flow and focusing on micro entrepreneurship can lead to a fulfilling life.

    • Focus on making money instead of raising itMaking money is a crucial skill and priority over fundraising. Enjoy the process and work as it sets us apart from machines.

      Learning how to make money is a crucial skill that should be prioritized over raising capital. Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur, emphasizes that selling something and making money is a skill that never goes away, and it becomes easier to raise funds when you're already generating revenue. He also shares his surprise about the massive gaming culture in China, where people spend a significant amount of time playing games, and he argues that it's forming behavior relevant to today's society. The ultimate winners, according to him, are those who are addicted to the process and the game of life, rather than just the things they get from it. In today's economy, where machines are taking over jobs, it's essential to enjoy the journey and the work, as that's what sets us apart from machines.

    • New forms of socialization in a changing worldThe rise of single-child households and digital communication/gaming are not signs of social isolation, but rather new ways for people to connect and interact with each other, with companies like Uber and Tencent leading the way.

      The rise of single-child households and the increasing prevalence of digital communication and gaming are not signs of social isolation or decreased interaction, but rather new ways for people to connect with each other. The speaker expresses fascination with the single child culture on a large scale and believes that humans have an inherent desire to interact with one another. He argues that gaming and digital communication are simply new forms of socialization, and points to the success of companies like Uber and Tencent as evidence of this trend. Furthermore, he suggests that the gender dynamics of gaming are changing, with women becoming more involved as mobile and gamification cultures become more prevalent. Overall, the speaker sees these trends as positive and believes that they will continue to shape the way we interact with each other in the future.

    • The complex history of gaming and genderExperts predict more female involvement in gaming, particularly in China, where cultural issues around career and marriage impact parent-child relationships.

      The history of gaming and its association with gender is complex and influenced by cultural and historical contexts. Pink was once considered a boy's color in Europe, and similarly, gaming was once perceived as a male-dominated activity in the US and Europe. However, this perception is changing, and the most successful Esports athletes and gamers skew female as much as they skew male. The speaker, who is known for his expertise in consumer behavior around social layers on the internet, is planning to get more involved in the gaming world, particularly in China, where the relationship between parents and children, especially around career and marriage, is a significant cultural issue. He sees himself becoming a substantial personality in China in the next 8-9 years due to his strong and unconventional views on this topic. Despite his excitement about this new venture, he emphasizes the importance of starting from scratch and building a team to help him navigate the process.

    • Parenting is an art, not just about academicsFocus on emotional intelligence and soft skills, not just academics, for your child's overall well-being and happiness.

      Excessive pressure on children from parents, especially in cultures like China, can harm the relationship between them and lead to long-term negative consequences. It's important for parents to invest in their children's emotional intelligence and soft skills instead of solely focusing on academic achievements or maintaining social status. Parenting is an art, and each child is unique, requiring a different approach. Ultimately, parents' happiness is tied to their children's overall well-being, not just their academic or professional success. The world is evolving rapidly, and the connection between cultures is stronger than ever. By embracing a more balanced and supportive approach to parenting, parents can help their children thrive in the modern world.

    • Misconception of wealth as the key to happinessEncourage internal fulfillment and balance, not just wealth, for true happiness. Observe children's interests and help them navigate unique paths to success and happiness.

      Focusing solely on material wealth and becoming rich at a young age as the key to happiness is a misconception. This perspective, deeply ingrained in Chinese culture, can lead to an obsessive pursuit of money and material possessions, resulting in an unhappy life. Instead, true success and happiness come from internal fulfillment and balance. Parents should encourage listening to their children and observing their interests, as unexpected passions can lead to success. The world children will live in will be vastly different from ours, and recognizing this can help them navigate their unique paths to happiness. It's essential to remember that money is not the only measure of success and happiness.

    • Focus on personal growth and valuesInstead of comparing and worrying, prioritize personal growth and positive values to guide decisions and navigate social issues. Embrace diversity and new experiences while staying true to core beliefs.

      While it's natural for young people to feel pressure to succeed in today's world, it's important to remember that everyone has their own unique realities and challenges. Comparing ourselves to others or worrying excessively about societal expectations can be detrimental. Instead, focus on personal growth and developing positive values, life philosophy, and worldview. These "3 positives" can help guide us in making decisions and navigating social issues. However, it's crucial not to suppress different ideas and voices in the pursuit of what is viewed as "right" in society. Ignoring diverse perspectives can be dangerous for personal growth and the betterment of society as a whole. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between adhering to values that resonate with us and being open to new ideas and experiences.

    • Stay true to your beliefs while being open to different perspectivesEmbrace authenticity, empathy, and thoughtfulness while navigating complex social issues, and never suppress human beings or judge based on politically correct views. Understand your value and pursue your goals with hard work and individual merit.

      The older statesmen in the room emphasized the importance of staying true to one's beliefs while also being open to different perspectives. They acknowledged that the politically correct views change over time, but emphasized the importance of not suppressing other human beings and avoiding judgment. However, they also noted that they don't align with liberal views on every social issue and emphasized the importance of hard work and individual merit. They encouraged individuals, especially those starting out in places like New York, to assess the situation, understand their value, and pursue their goals in these competitive environments. Overall, they emphasized the importance of being thoughtful, empathetic, and authentic in navigating the complexities of today's world.

    • Navigating Business Landscapes in America and ChinaUnique skills, perspectives, and language proficiency are valuable for Chinese entrepreneurs in America. Building relationships with the Chinese government and understanding the culture are essential for success in China.

      The business landscape in America and China are fundamentally different, with less government intervention in entrepreneurship and capitalism in America creating a more even playing field. This can be an advantage for those from China looking to succeed in America, as they bring unique skills and perspectives that are valuable. However, building relationships with the government in China is crucial for success, and speaking the language and understanding the culture are essential soft skills. The ability to fluently speak both Mandarin and English is a significant advantage, as more Americans begin to prioritize learning the language to compete on a global stage. Ultimately, the dream for many is to bring a deeper understanding of Chinese culture to a wider audience through media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Entering a new market takes time and patience, but the potential rewards are significant.

    • Authentic representation of China on American social mediaTo engage American audiences on Chinese social media, show truthful China images, communicate openly, create content on trending topics, and stay true to authenticity despite analytics.

      To effectively engage with American audiences on Chinese social media, it's essential to show an authentic and truthful representation of China. The speaker emphasizes the importance of open communication and becoming a practitioner and executor in the American social media landscape. He suggests creating content that explores Chinese perspectives on trending topics in America, as well as documentaries that offer a realistic look into Chinese life. The speaker also advises against getting too caught up in short-term social media analytics and staying true to authentic content, even if it doesn't immediately gain high viewership numbers. Additionally, the speaker promotes VaynerMedia's consulting product, Daily Digital Deep Dive, which offers immersive learning opportunities for those looking to navigate the complexities of the digital media landscape.

    • Learn from Gary Vaynerchuk in a 1-on-1 business sessionAttending a personalized business session with Gary Vaynerchuk can lead to substantial revenue growth, as one attendee saw their revenue increase from 280,000 to 2,200,000.

      Attending a 1-on-1 business session with Gary Vaynerchuk through Vaynermedia.com/4ds or garyvaynerchuk.com can significantly transform your business. The stories shared during these sessions have led to impressive growth, with one individual increasing their revenue from 280,000 to 2,200,000. These events offer valuable insights and personalized advice to help expand your business. To attend, simply visit the events tab on the website and sign up. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a renowned entrepreneur and change the trajectory of your business.

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    On your Desktop - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bucketsofchange/ and coming soon to Facebook 

    EMAIL the SHOW: nick@bucketsofchange.com

    Music on this composed and performed by Bjurman - "Hiccup (Instrumental)". So grateful for your talented tunes. 

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