
    Founders Playbook: Lessons from Riot, Discord, & More

    enJuly 25, 2024
    What is the current state of the gaming industry?
    How is gaming influencing Hollywood's production companies?
    Why is player feedback important in game development?
    What strategies can startups use to succeed in gaming?
    How are Asian game companies impacting the western market?

    Podcast Summary

    • Gaming RenaissanceThe gaming industry is undergoing a significant transformation, becoming the primary entertainment medium for the future with increasing demand for great content, new technology, and funding opportunities.

      We're in the midst of a gaming renaissance, with gaming poised to become the primary entertainment medium for the future. The industry has undergone significant transformation over the past few decades, from one-off experiences to intricate online universes, and the demand for great content has never been greater. With the influx of new technology, tools, and sources of funding, starting a game company has never been more viable. Additionally, the gaming industry is increasingly influencing Hollywood, as major studios and production companies look to tap into the growing market. As Andrew Chen, general partner at a16z Games, noted, "gaming ultimately dominates and becomes the primary entertainment medium for the future." This shift is inevitable based on consumer watch time, engagement, and monetization trends. For startups looking to succeed in this exciting and competitive industry, understanding the state of the gaming market, navigating distribution challenges, and leveraging innovative strategies will be key.

    • Gaming Industry ChallengesDespite its growth, the gaming industry faces challenges like a stalled investment market and intense competition, but these can also bring advantages such as a more focused market and an abundance of talent.

      The gaming industry has emerged as a significant cultural force, surpassing the reach and impact of film, TV, books, magazines, and radio combined. This is evident in the popularity of games like Fortnite, Among Us, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, and Power World, which have captivated audiences worldwide and become cultural touchstones. However, despite this growth, the industry faces challenges, including a stalled investment market and intense competition. Some industry veterans argue that these challenges can also bring advantages, such as a more focused market and an abundance of talented professionals looking for new opportunities. However, it's important for startups to consider the unique challenges of the early stages and focus on hiring individuals whose skills and experiences align with their specific needs, rather than being swayed solely by impressive resumes.

    • Engaging fans for game developmentEffectively engaging with fans can lead to valuable insights and improvements in game development, setting smaller studios apart from larger competitors

      In today's gaming industry, competition is intensifying, with Asian game companies like Mihayo, Tencent, and Netease expanding into the western market. These companies are hiring massive workforces and have a deep understanding of monetization and free-to-play economies, making it challenging for smaller studios to compete solely based on content production. To stand out, companies need to focus on strategies like directly engaging with fans. This approach was proven effective by Riot Games, whose team set up a booth at a gaming convention and asked attendees to share their criticisms of League of Legends. By actively listening to and addressing fan feedback, Riot was able to improve the game in a more effective way than through traditional design meetings. The key is to remember that fans' criticisms come from a place of care for the game and can provide valuable insights for development.

    • User FeedbackActively seeking and incorporating user feedback can lead to better products and stronger communities, crucial for technology companies to create products that truly resonate with their audience.

      Directly engaging with customers or players can significantly impact the development and success of a technology product. Riot Games, for instance, prioritized user feedback by meeting with top-tier players every week to discuss their experiences and improve their game accordingly. This player-focused approach is crucial for companies to create products that truly resonate with their audience. Michael Chow, a former colleague of Steven's at Riot, emphasized the importance of putting the customer at the heart of everything. By shifting the mindset from viewing customers as "users" to "players," developers can better understand and cater to their needs. There are essentially two types of game developers: those with a consumer tech background and those with a gaming background. Both perspectives are valuable, but it's essential to recognize which one applies to you and adapt accordingly. Consumer tech developers should tap into their inspiration and intuition, while game developers should prioritize customer feedback and market needs. Discord, another successful tech company, also focused on engaging with their users, particularly their superfans. By showing appreciation and encouraging their behavior, Discord was able to foster growth and build a strong community. In summary, actively seeking and incorporating user feedback can lead to better products and stronger communities, making it a game-changer for any technology company.

    • Engaging passionate usersIdentifying and catering to the needs of passionate users, such as Twitch streamers, can lead to widespread adoption and validation of a product or company in the gaming industry.

      Engaging with passionate users, whether they are superfans or influential figures like streamers, can significantly benefit a product or company. Discord, for instance, identified the needs of Twitch streamers and provided them with a better tool for managing their communities, leading to widespread adoption and validation. Player feedback is crucial for identifying opportunities, building great products, and finding customers. Moreover, understanding and catering to player preferences can help tackle distribution challenges in the gaming industry, which is currently experiencing a diaspora of content and payment platforms. AI is also an emerging trend that could disrupt the industry by helping create stories, artwork, and software, further emphasizing the importance of player-centric approaches.

    • AI in gamingAI in gaming presents challenges and opportunities, from making games faster and cheaper to creating new markets with AI-driven experiences.

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) in gaming presents both challenges and opportunities. The first wave of innovation includes making games faster, cheaper, and at greater scale, with incumbents being the most likely to capture value from this approach. However, the second wave of innovation is more exciting, as it involves creating entirely new markets with AI-driven gameplay experiences, social experiences, and genres. This has the potential to bring in net new players, rather than cannibalizing existing markets. The gaming industry's history of embracing new tools and technologies makes it a trailblazer for other industries to learn from. AI in gaming may lead to the creation of new markets and experiences that are currently hard to imagine, much like how the invention of cars led to the existence of Walmart and urban sprawl.

    • Gaming industry innovationThe gaming industry is continuously innovating to tackle universal challenges, with developers advancing the field through boundary-pushing creations.

      The gaming industry is constantly pushing boundaries and innovating to address universal challenges. The discussions in this episode provide insights into how game developers are advancing their field. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with a friend or leaving a review at ratethispodcast.com/b16z. Your support helps us continue producing the show. Remember, creating a podcast can sometimes feel like speaking into a void, so your engagement and feedback are greatly appreciated. We'll be back with more insights and stories in the next episode.

    Recent Episodes from a16z Podcast

    Governing democracy, the internet, and boardrooms

    Governing democracy, the internet, and boardrooms

    with @NoahRFeldman, @ahall_research, @rhhackett

    Welcome to web3 with a16z. I'm Robert Hackett and today we have a special episode about governance in many forms — from nation states to corporate boards to internet services and beyond.

    Our special guests are Noah Feldman, constitutional law scholar at Harvard who also architected the Meta oversight board (among many other things); he is also the author of several books. And our other special guest is Andy Hall, professor of political science at Stanford who is an advisor of a16z crypto research — and who also co-authored several papers and posts about web3 as a laboratory for designing and testing new political systems, including new work we'll link to in the shownotes.

    Our hallway style conversation covers technologies and approaches to governance, from constitutions to crypto/ blockchains and DAOs. As such we also discuss content moderation and community standards; best practices for citizens assemblies; courts vs. legislatures; and much more where governance comes up. 

    Throughout, we reference the history and evolution of democracy — from Ancient Greece to the present day — as well as examples of governance from big companies like Meta, to startups like Anthropic.

    Resources for references in this episode:

    A selection of recent posts and papers by Andrew Hall:

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    It’s Time to Build in Healthcare

    It’s Time to Build in Healthcare

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    Can tech truly disrupt this complex, regulated industry?



    Read the article ‘It’s Time to Build in Healthcare’: https://a16z.com/hey-tech-its-time-to-build-in-healthcare/

    Find Vijay on Twitter: https://x.com/vijaypande

    Find Daisy on Twitter: https://x.com/daisydwolf


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    Latin America: A Tech Powerhouse?

    Latin America: A Tech Powerhouse?

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    ​​Whether you're interested in the nuances of product development, the complexities of scaling across diverse markets, or the future of fintech in Latin America, this episode offers perspectives from industry leaders deeply invested in the region's tech ecosystem who believe the next big tech giants might just come from Latin America.


    Find Dileep on Twitter: https://x.com/thazhmon

    Find Santiago on Twitter: https://x.com/santiasua

    Find Gabriel on Twitter: https://x.com/gevs94

    Find Angela on Twitter: https://x.com/astrange

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    a16z Podcast
    enAugust 24, 2024

    The SSN Breach: What Now?

    The SSN Breach: What Now?

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    Building Innovation Hubs: The UK & Beyond

    Building Innovation Hubs: The UK & Beyond

    This episode from Web3 with a16z Crypto, is all about innovation on a global scale, exploring both ecosystem and individual talent levels. We examine what works and what doesn’t, how certain regions evolve into startup hubs and economic powerhouses, and what constitutes entrepreneurial talent. We also discuss the nature of ambition, the journey to finding one’s path, and broader mindsets for navigating risk, reward, and dynamism across various regions, with a particular focus on London and Europe.

    Joining us is Matt Clifford, who played a pivotal role in the London entrepreneurial and tech ecosystem since 2011, is the Chair of Entrepreneur First and the UK’s Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA). Before this episode was recorded, Matt served as the Prime Minister’s representative for the AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park. Recently, he was appointed by the UK Secretary of Science to deliver an “AI Opportunities Action Plan” to the UK government.

    This episode was recorded live from Andreessen Horowitz’s first international office in London. For more on our efforts and additional content, visit a16zcrypto.com/uk.



    Find Matthew on Twitter: https://x.com/matthewclifford

    Find Sonal on Twitter: https://x.com/smc90


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    The Olympics of Talent: France's Tech Boom

    The Olympics of Talent: France's Tech Boom

    Once criticized for lacking ambition, French founders are now aiming to create the world’s largest companies. With a thriving ecosystem attracting talent from across Europe and the US, France is becoming a major player on the global stage.

    In this episode, we cover the unique advantages of building startups in France. Roxanne Varza, Director of Station F; Antoine Martin, co-founder of Amo and Zenly; and Brian Kim, a16z consumer partner, discuss the key factors driving this transformation, including infrastructure, community, and government support.

    Discover how international talent, a supportive community, and robust governmental backing are propelling France’s startup scene. This episode is filled with insights into why France is now an exciting place to build a startup.


    Find Roxanne on Twitter: https://x.com/roxannevarza

    Find Antoine on Twitter: https://x.com/an21m

    Find Bryan on Twitter: https://x.com/kirbyman01

    Learn more about Station F: https://stationf.co/

    Learn more about Amo: https://get.amo.co/en

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    Building the World's Most Trusted Driver

    Building the World's Most Trusted Driver

    Waymo's autonomous vehicles have driven over 20 million miles on public roads and billions more in simulation.

    In this episode, a16z General Partner David George sits down with Dimitri Dolgov, CTO at Waymo, to discuss the development of self-driving technology. Dimitri provides technical insights into the evolution of hardware and software, the impact of generative AI, and the safety standards that guide Waymo's innovations.

    This footage is from AI Revolution, an event that a16z recently hosted in San Francisco. Watch the full event here:  a16z.com/dmitri-dolgov-waymo-ai



    Find Dmitri on Twitter: https://x.com/dmitri_dolgov

    Find David George on Twitter: https://x.com/DavidGeorge83

    Learn more about Waymo: https://waymo.com/


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    From AI to Instant Replay: The Technology Behind the Olympics

    From AI to Instant Replay: The Technology Behind the Olympics

    The Olympics features over 11,000 athletes competing in 32 sports, attracting an audience of more than 10 million.

    In this episode, Charlie Ebersol, co-founder of the Alliance of American Football and Infinite Athlete, explores how new innovations like AI and bespoke broadcasting technologies are shaping the future of sports.

    Charlie also reflects on the storytelling legacy of his father, Dick Ebersol, a legendary sports producer who transformed how we experience the Olympics. We discuss the importance of making sports more accessible and engaging through technology that enhances, rather than distracts from, the human stories at the heart of the games.

    Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a sports fan, this episode offers a unique look at the convergence of these two worlds.


    Find Charlie on Twitter: https://x.com/CharlieEbersol

    Learn more more about Infinite Athlete: https://infiniteathlete.ai/

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    When AI Meets Art

    When AI Meets Art

    On June 27th, the a16z team headed to New York City for the first-ever AI Artist Retreat at their office. This event brought together the builders behind some of the most popular AI creative tools, along with 16 artists, filmmakers, and designers who are exploring the capabilities of AI in their work.

    In this episode, we hear from the innovators pushing the boundaries of AI creativity. Joined by Anish Acharya, General Partner, and Justine Moore, Partner on the Consumer team, we feature insights from:

    • Ammaar Reshi - Head of Design, ElevenLabs
    • Justin Maier - Cofounder & CEO, Civitai
    • Maxfield Hulker - Cofounder & COO, Civitai
    • Diego Rodriguez - Cofounder & CTO, Krea
    • Victor Perez - Cofounder & CEO, Krea
    • Mohammad Norouzi - Cofounder & CEO, Ideogram
    • Hang Chu - Cofounder & CEO, Viggle
    • Conor Durkan - Cofounder, Udio

    These leaders highlight the surprising commonalities between founders and artists, and the interdisciplinary nature of their work. The episode covers the origin stories behind these innovative tools, their viral moments, and their future visions. You'll also hear about the exciting potential for AI in various creative modalities, including image, video, music, 3D, and speech.

    Keep an eye out for more in our series highlighting the founders building groundbreaking foundation models and AI applications for video, audio, photography, animation, and more.

    Learn more and see videos on artists leveraging AI at: 



    Find Ammaar on Twitter: https://x.com/ammaar

    Learn more about ElevenLabs: https://elevenlabs.io

    Find Justin on Twitter: https://x.com/justmaier

    Find Max on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxfield-hulker-5222aa230/
    Learn more about Civitai: https://civitai.com

    Find Diego on Twitter: https://x.com/asciidiego?lang=en

    Find Victor on Twitter: https://x.com/viccpoes

    Learn more about Krea: https://www.krea.ai/home

    Find Mohammed on Twitter: https://x.com/mo_norouzi

    Learn more about Ideogram: https://ideogram.ai/t/explore

    Find Conor on Twitter: https://x.com/conormdurkan

    Learn more about Udio: https://www.udio.com/home

    Find Hang on Twitter: https://x.com/chuhang1122

    Learn more about Viggle: https://viggle.ai/


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    Founders Playbook: Lessons from Riot, Discord, & More

    Founders Playbook: Lessons from Riot, Discord, & More

    Gaming is not just entertainment—it's a revolution reshaping our culture, technology, and economy. 

    a16z’s Jonathan Lai and Andrew Chen dive into the current gaming renaissance and its future impact. Joining them are Michael Chow, CEO and Steven Snow, CPO of The Believer Company, and Eros Resmini, Founder and Managing Partner of The Mini Fund.

    They explore the intersection of tech, art, psychology, and design in gaming, discussing how startups can navigate intense competition, distribution challenges, and high production costs. With insights from these industry leaders, this episode covers the transformative potential of AI, the importance of player feedback, and strategies to stand out in a crowded market.

    Recorded during Speedrun, a16z’s extensive games accelerator, this episode offers a glimpse into the strategies and innovations driving the gaming industry forward.



    Find Steven on Twitter: https://twitter.com/StevenSnow

    Find Michael on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/believer-paladin/

    Find Eros on Twitter: https://twitter.com/erosresmini

    Find Jonathan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tocelot

    Find Andrew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewchen

    Learn more about Speedrun: https://a16z.com/games/speedrun/


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