
    Fox News and CNN's Disastrous Ratings, and "CitiBike Karen" Smears, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 556

    enMay 23, 2023
    What message is Tim Scott bringing to the primary?
    How do Megyn Kelly and guests view Scott's viability?
    What incident highlighted social media's impact on societal issues?
    What are the concerns regarding Dominion's denials about Tucker Carlson?
    Why is understanding context important in divisive racial issues?

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Tim Scott's Optimistic Message and Unity vs. Doubts of ViabilityThe 2024 Republican primary is a contest between different messages and styles, with Tim Scott promoting optimism and unity but facing doubts about his viability. Some see his message as important and potentially impactful, while others question his chances due to the current political climate.

      The 2024 Republican presidential primary is shaping up to be a contest between different messages and styles, with Tim Scott bringing a message of optimism and unity, but facing doubts about his viability against more established contenders like Ron DeSantis. Megyn Kelly and her guests discussed Scott's announcement and his chances, with Emily Jasinski expressing optimism about his message and potential impact on the party, while acknowledging the challenges he faces. Alyanna Johnson agreed, emphasizing the importance of giving voters choices and the potential for unexpected developments in the race. However, Megyn Kelly expressed skepticism about Scott's chances, suggesting that a more confrontational candidate may be needed to appeal to the current political climate. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of the upcoming primary and the various factors at play.

    • Tim Scott and Ron DeSantis: New Contenders in the Republican RaceTim Scott offers an optimistic message, but his policies may not align with traditional conservative views. Ron DeSantis enters the race, balancing appeal to Trump base and differentiating himself.

      The political landscape is shifting, with Tim Scott emerging as a potential contender for the Republican nomination for president. While he presents an optimistic and hopeful message, it remains to be seen how this will translate into policies. Some believe his diagnosis of the country may not align with more traditional conservative views, potentially leading to a lack of appeal on issues like corporate DEI and crackdowns on certain practices. Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis' official entry into the race is causing excitement and fear among political observers, as he tries to balance appealing to the Trump base while also distinguishing himself from the former president. DeSantis faces a difficult position, as attacking Trump directly may alienate his base, while failing to do so may leave voters wondering why he's running at all. The upcoming announcements from these candidates are expected to provide more clarity on their positions and messages.

    • Media portrayal of Casey DeSantis as asset and liabilityThe media's depiction of Casey DeSantis as both an asset and liability in Ron DeSantis' political career highlights her influence and the impact of political spouses on public perception.

      Ron DeSantis' success as Florida's governor was due in part to his ability to authentically connect with voters and focus on substantive policy, rather than overthinking things. However, his potential presidential campaign could be complicated by the media's portrayal of his wife, Casey DeSantis. The Politico article on Casey DeSantis paints her as both an asset and a liability, with the ability to both soften her husband's image and amplify his more negative traits. The article's comparison of Casey DeSantis to Lady Macbeth has sparked controversy, with some arguing it's sexist and others noting that similar comparisons are rarely made about Democratic spouses. The attacks on Casey DeSantis from both the left and right highlight her influence and the perceived threat she poses to her husband's political opponents. Overall, the media's treatment of Casey DeSantis serves as a reminder of the role that political spouses can play in shaping public perception and the importance of contextualizing attacks on them.

    • Media-Trump campaign dynamic: Love for drama and conflictMedia's focus on conflict and negativity towards Republicans contrasts with favorable treatment of Democrats, distorting political coverage

      The media and the Trump campaign share a love for drama and conflict in politics. This dynamic has played out in the way they have interacted since 2015, with the Trump campaign leaking information to the media despite public disagreements. The media's focus on conflict and negativity towards Republican candidates, like DeSantis and Fetterman's wife, is contrasted with their more favorable treatment of Democrats, like Jill Biden and Dr. Fetterman. This bias was evident in the discussion of Tim Scott, with criticism for his lack of acknowledgement of systemic racism and his perceived ingratitude towards the country for providing him opportunities. The media's portrayal of Republicans and Democrats is not equal, and it's important to recognize this distortion in political coverage.

    • Media's portrayal of Senator Tim Scott contrasts with his optimistic vision of AmericaThe media's portrayal of political figures, like Senator Tim Scott, can be disconnected from their experiences and perspectives, leading to pessimistic narratives that contrast with their messages. Personal attacks on politicians, like those on Scott's personal life, can influence voter decisions and fuel distrust in media.

      The media's portrayal of certain political figures, like Senator Tim Scott, can be out of touch with the experiences and perspectives of many Americans. Scott represents an optimistic vision of America, which contrasts with the pessimistic narratives often presented by the media. The media's diagnoses and solutions are criticized for being disconnected from the needs and wants of communities. The left's reaction to Scott, who is a successful black conservative, is seen as an attempt to invalidate him and disrupt his message. The media's perceived moral authority is questioned, and the NAACP's travel advisory for Florida is criticized as an extension of political party agendas. The discussion also touched on the impact of personal attacks on politicians, particularly in the context of the increasing distrust in media among voters. These attacks, such as those on Tim Scott's personal life, are seen as a point of intrigue for voters and may influence their decisions.

    • Partisan news consumption and media narrativesDespite evidence, party lines persist in news beliefs. Independents and Republicans turn to digital media, challenging correction efforts. Media narratives significantly impact public perception.

      The American public's sources of news and belief in certain narratives, such as those surrounding Trump and Russia or the Hunter Biden laptop, remain divided along party lines. While a significant portion of the population still holds onto these narratives despite evidence to the contrary, a growing number of people, particularly independents and Republicans, are turning to digital media for news. This trend, combined with the mainstream media's predominantly left-leaning bias, makes it challenging for conservatives and Republicans to correct the record and shift public opinion. Additionally, the durability of these narratives, even in the face of corrections, highlights the significant influence of media narratives on public perception.

    • Media trust and bias in electionsThe handling of controversial stories by mainstream media and the potential influence of corporations on content raise concerns about media trust and bias, leading to a growing need for alternative sources and factual information.

      The issue of media trust and bias, particularly in the context of the 2016 and 2020 elections, is a serious concern. The impact of misinformation and agenda-driven reporting is significant, leading to a loss of trust in mainstream media and a growing realization that people must seek out alternative sources and voices they trust. The example given was the handling of the Russia collusion narrative and the Hunter Biden laptop story by CNN, New York Times, and The Washington Post, which were reportedly corrected with less volume and intensity than the initial coverage. The potential influence of corporations like Dominion on media content and voices, such as Tucker Carlson, is also a concern. It's important to note that while media bias and misinformation are issues, it's crucial to ensure that any information consumed is factual and trustworthy.

    • Dominion's denials of involvement in Tucker Carlson's firing leave unanswered questionsDominion's denials of involvement in Tucker Carlson's firing from Fox News are vague and don't address all potential connections, fueling suspicions of a larger story

      The denials from Dominion regarding their involvement in Tucker Carlson's firing from Fox News are not convincing. The narrow denials leave many unanswered questions, such as whether Dominion made any demands about Tucker's employment or if it was discussed at all. Dominion's lawyers are experienced, so their vague denials are noteworthy. Additionally, the timing of Tucker's firing, which occurred shortly after the settlement between Dominion and Fox, raises suspicions. Tucker may be trying to use the narrative of being fired due to Dominion to gain sympathy and potentially breach his deal with Fox. If he launches a show on Twitter, Fox may choose to sue or arbitrate. The relationship between Dominion and the Biden White House is also a point of interest, as the comms director for Dominion previously worked there. The motivations behind Dominion's actions are unclear, but the secrecy and weak denials suggest there may be more to the story.

    • Fox News primetime ratings decline after Tucker Carlson's removalFox News primetime ratings dropped significantly after Tucker Carlson's exit, with decreases of 22%, 55%, and 29% for the 7 PM, 8 PM, and 9 PM shows, respectively. The demographic of 25 to 54 was hit hardest, with decreases of 37%, 64%, and 48%.

      The removal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News has led to a significant decline in ratings for the network's primetime shows, with the 7 PM, 8 PM, and 9 PM slots experiencing drops of 22%, 55%, and 29%, respectively. The advertising demographic of 25 to 54 has been particularly affected, with the 7 PM, 8 PM, and 9 PM shows seeing decreases of 37%, 64%, and 48%, respectively. The reasons for Carlson's departure and the potential existence of a handshake agreement between Fox and Dominion Voting Systems remain unclear, and further investigation is needed to understand the full extent of the situation. Additionally, the future of CNN is uncertain due to declining ratings and viewership.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' Lead in PollsRon DeSantis' appeal is in his legislative and leadership abilities, which could resonate with a wide audience. However, his personal peculiarities and debating skills might be concerns. The Republican Party's future may depend on DeSantis challenging Trump's influence.

      Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, has shown a significant lead over Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in polls, despite Trump's baggage and the immovable opinions of many voters. DeSantis' appeal lies in his legislative and leadership abilities, which could resonate with a wide swath of America. However, his personal peculiarities and debating skills might be concerns. The Republican Party's future relies on DeSantis potentially removing Trump as its most important figure, but the stakes are high, and the race is yet to begin. Additionally, the importance of television ratings and viewership was discussed, with Newsmax's Eric Bolling outperforming CNN's Anderson Cooper.

    • Traditional networks struggle as audiences seek alternativesCNN's ratings plummeted after a Trump town hall, Fox News is also declining, and viewers are turning to alternatives like Newsmax and Eric Bolling due to the changing media landscape and audiences' desire for diverse sources of information.

      The media landscape is shifting, and traditional networks like CNN are struggling to adapt. The town hall with Donald Trump led to a significant drop in CNN's ratings, with the network averaging just 429,000 total daily viewers and losing double digits compared to the same week last year in both total viewership and the key demo of 25 to 54. Meanwhile, Fox News is also experiencing a decline, leading some viewers to seek alternatives like Newsmax and Eric Bolling. The failure of established media figures like Chris Wallace to draw audiences on new networks is a sign of the changing times. The Harvard Harris poll suggests that the country is rejecting the corporate press's chosen voices, and the niche audiences that networks like CNN once had during the Trump administration may be disappearing as they try to appeal to a broader audience. The media industry faces an existential crisis as audiences continue to fragment and seek out new sources of information.

    • CNN's new leadership faces challenges in pivoting away from anti-Trump resistance brandNew CNN leadership struggles to shift away from anti-Trump image, with talent deeply entrenched as critics and high-profile figures defended despite questionable actions

      CNN's new leadership, under Chris Lick, is facing significant challenges in pivoting away from the anti-Trump resistance brand established by Jeff Zucker. The network's talent, such as Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, and Brianna Keilar, have become synonymous with this brand and are deeply entrenched in their roles as Trump critics. Replacing them with new, unbiased voices has proven difficult, leaving Lick shuffling the deck chairs with little success. The situation is further complicated by high-profile figures like Meghan Markle and Harry, who have been honored and defended by CNN personalities despite their questionable actions and false narratives. The network's reputation for biased coverage and empathy towards controversial figures remains a significant hurdle for Lick as he tries to rebrand CNN.

    • Journalistic impartiality and conflicts of interestFriendships and potential conflicts of interest between journalists and their subjects can raise questions about journalistic impartiality. Societal expectations to believe accusations of victimhood are inconsistently applied, highlighting the importance of maintaining journalistic objectivity and avoiding biased language.

      The relationship between journalists and their subjects, as well as potential conflicts of interest, can raise questions about journalistic impartiality. The example of CBS's Gayle King, who is friends with Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, hosting interviews with them, has been criticized as a potential conflict. The discussion also touched upon the societal expectation to believe accusations of victimhood, and the inconsistent application of that belief depending on the political affiliation of the accused. The conversation also mentioned recent instances of media controversies, such as the "Citi Bike Karen" incident, which highlight the importance of maintaining journalistic objectivity and avoiding biased language.

    • Rushing to Judgment on Social MediaSocial media can spread unfair judgments quickly, but it's important to wait for all facts before forming an opinion. Patience, fact-checking, and due process are key in resolving disputes.

      Social media can lead to quick and unfair judgments based on incomplete information. The case of Sarah Jane Comery and the Citi Bike incident serves as a reminder of this. A video of an encounter between Comery and two young men led to widespread accusations of racism against her, with prominent figures like Benjamin Crump weighing in before all the facts were known. However, it was later revealed that Comery had the right to the bike and the young men were in the wrong. The incident highlights the potential harm of rushing to judgment based on limited information and the power of social media to amplify such judgments. It also underscores the importance of patience, fact-checking, and due process in resolving disputes.

    • Social media fueling divisiveness in Daniel Penney subway incidentThe Daniel Penney subway incident highlights the dangers of jumping to conclusions based on limited information and the importance of accountability and nuanced understanding in addressing complex societal issues.

      The Daniel Penney situation on the subway, which involved a white woman and a group of black men, has highlighted the dangerous and potentially harmful effects of social media on societal issues. Monique Judge, a writer, has continued to defend Sarah Jane Comery, the white woman in question, despite the backlash and accusations of racism. However, Judge's actions have only fueled the fire and led to further divisiveness. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and the potential consequences of jumping to conclusions based on limited information. The situation also underscores the need for a more nuanced and thoughtful approach to understanding complex issues, rather than being driven by prior biases and agendas. The incident has shown that the rush to label and categorize situations based on race can lead to harm and misunderstanding, and it's crucial to wait for all the facts before making judgments.

    • The Power of the Media to Inflict HarmThe media's role in spreading misinformation and fueling cancel culture can cause significant harm to individuals and communities, and it's crucial to strive for truth and understanding in our discourse.

      The spread of misinformation and the consequences of cancel culture are deeply damaging to individuals and communities, and the media's role in perpetuating these issues is a significant concern. The power of the pen, as demonstrated in the case of Nick Sandmann and the Covington Catholic controversy, can cause harm and destruction to innocent lives. The media's ratings may suffer, but the damage inflicted on individuals and their reputations can be long-lasting. Furthermore, social media platforms fuel our worst impulses, making it difficult for us to learn from past mistakes and break the cycle of destructive behavior. The consequences of these actions can be severe, as seen in the unrest in Kenosha, where real people suffered from the lies and misunderstandings fueled by social media and the media at large. It's essential that we hold the media accountable for their actions and strive for truth and understanding in our discourse.

    • Cooking as a way to unwind and connectDespite pressures, cooking can be a simple joy. But for some, meal prep can be overwhelming. Envy towards gourmet cooks, but question need for immodesty at events. Advocate for discretion and elegance.

      Despite the pressures and challenges of modern life, cooking can be a simple yet meaningful way to unwind and connect with others. However, for some, the demands of meal preparation can be overwhelming, leading to reliance on meal services or takeout. The speaker expressed envy towards those who seem to effortlessly create gourmet meals, but also questioned the need for public displays of immodesty at high-profile events. Ultimately, the speaker advocated for a return to discretion and elegance, especially when considering the influence of these actions on younger generations.

    • The Met Gala: A Debate on the Definition and Impact of BeautyThe Met Gala sparks a conversation on the definition and impact of beauty, with some arguing for the validity of edgy fashion and self-expression, while others caution against harmful consequences like body dysmorphia and objectification.

      The Met Gala, which showcases the most spectacular achievements in cinema and art, also raises questions about the definition and presentation of beauty in a postmodern world. Some argue that edgy and provocative fashion and self-presentation can be a form of true beauty, while others contend that it can lead to harmful consequences, such as body dysmorphia and the objectification of women. Ultimately, the debate highlights the importance of considering the impact of our actions and choices on ourselves and others. The discussion also touched on the contrasting examples of Billie Eilish's decision to cover herself due to the influence of social media and the criticism of some Met Gala attire as vulgar and unnecessary. The conversation will continue with Victor Davis Hanson's perspective on these issues.

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    Recent Episodes from The Megyn Kelly Show

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    Trump's New York Surge, and Hillary Says Asking For Kamala's Policies is Sexist, with the Ruthless Podcast Hosts | Ep. 893

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    More from Ruthless: https://ruthlesspodcast.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 19, 2024

    Kamala Rambles Incoherently, Corporate Media Collusion, and Fighting DEI, with Dave Rubin and Robby Starbuck | Ep. 892

    Kamala Rambles Incoherently, Corporate Media Collusion, and Fighting DEI, with Dave Rubin and Robby Starbuck | Ep. 892

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, to talk about VP Kamala Harris' interview with the National Association of Black Journalists, the corporate media collusion to protect Harris from tough scrutiny, Harris' inability to speak coherently, the corporate media's very different reaction to Donald Trump and Joe Biden using the phrase "black jobs," media bias aimed at Republicans beyond just Trump, new developments in the supposed ABC whistleblower story, the Tenet Media indictment and his involvement in the company, the allegations of a Russian propaganda campaign, what Rubin knew about Lauren Chen and the financial backers of the company, why he'll listen to Megyn next time, and more. Then Robby Starbuck, anti-DEI activist, joins to discuss how a grassroots movement led to Harley-Davidson dropping its DEI program, the company's woke CEO changing the values of the company, Starbuck's success with other companies like John Deere, which corporations could be his next targets, and more.

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    Starbuck- https://robbystarbuck.com/dei/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 18, 2024

    Bombshell Diddy Charges, and "Dating Game Killer," with Matt Murphy, Plus Megyn on Tucker, Shawn Ryan, All-In | Ep. 891

    Bombshell Diddy Charges, and "Dating Game Killer," with Matt Murphy, Plus Megyn on Tucker, Shawn Ryan, All-In | Ep. 891

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Matt Murphy, author of "The Book of Murder," to discuss whether the would-be Trump assassin will be charged with attempted murder, the disturbing bombshell allegations in the Sean "Diddy" Combs indictment, the big names in his social circle who could have known about his crimes, the major trial that's likely to take place soon, Murphy's experience with big cases like the “Dating Game Killer,” what habits serial killers have and how they can hide in plain sight, the way California often doesn't properly prosecute criminals, the Kohberger change of venue update, and more. Then Megyn Kelly looks back at interviews last week with Tucker Carlson, Shawn Ryan, and the All-In Podcast hosts.

    Murphy- https://www.amazon.com/Book-Murder-Prosecutors-Journey-Through/dp/1368104061

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 18, 2024

    Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890

    Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Piers Morgan, host of "Piers Morgan Uncensored," to talk about the outrageous media coverage that blames former President Trump for being the victim of his own assassination attempt, the left saying it's Trump's rhetoric that's at fault, the outrageous comments from the head of the Secret Service praising the job they did after the second Trump assassination attempt, the lack of accountability from the organization, VP Kamala Harris' latest embarrassing interview with a local ABC affiliate, her tendency to ramble on without saying anything of substance, whether she'll do more interviews, and more. Then Ayaan Hirsi Ali, editor of Restoration Bulletin Substack, joins to discuss the dangers of immigration to America and Europe without any assimilation, how it can harm the lower and middle class, the terrible media coverage of Springfield, Ohio, young girls speaking out about the dangers of "gender neutral" bathrooms at their school, and more. Then Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, joins to discuss the incompetence of the Secret Service and their shortcomings in protecting Trump once again, bizarre details about the background of the would-be Trump assassin, and more. Plus, Megyn brings an update on the supposed ABC whistleblower story and ABC's empty denial, and shares what we now know about the "bomb threats" in Springfield, Ohio that were hoaxes.

    Morgan- https://www.youtube.com/@PiersMorganUncensored

    Ali- https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

    Prince- https://x.com/realErikDPrince

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 17, 2024

    Would-Be Trump Assassin's Iran Connection, and JD Vance vs. Dana Bash, with Eric Trump, Emily Jashinsky, and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 889

    Would-Be Trump Assassin's Iran Connection, and JD Vance vs. Dana Bash, with Eric Trump, Emily Jashinsky, and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 889

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Eric Trump, EVP of Trump Organization, to talk about the latest information on the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, how he found out about it, the shocking lack of security and accountability after the last assassination attempt, what we know about the would-be assassin, new revelations about the would-be Trump assassin's connection to Iran, the possibility that the assassin somehow had inside knowledge of Trump's movements on Sunday, whether the FBI can be trusted to handle this investigation, and more. Then Emily Jashinsky, host of "Undercurrents" on UnHerd. and Eliana Johnson, editor of the Free Beacon, join to discuss the potential connections between the potential Trump assassin and Iran, reports of possible foreign infiltration into the Secret Service, motives and broader security implications, the explosive claims made by an ABC whistleblower regarding alleged bias and manipulation during the network’s debate last week, what we know and what we still need to find out about it, the heated exchange between Senator JD Vance and CNN's Dana Bash over accusations of "inciting violence," the truth about the Springfield story, the media's focus on the "eating the dogs" element without looking into the actual ramifications of the immigration in the town, Trump's "eating the dogs" comment at the debate and how it's now gone viral, whether it could actually help Trump win the 2024 election, and more.

    Johnson- https://freebeacon.com/

    Jashinsky- https://www.youtube.com/@undercurrentsunherd

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 16, 2024

    BREAKING: Another Trump Assassination Attempt Foiled, with Buck Sexton, Rich Lowry, Susan Crabtree, Dave Aronberg, Bill Stanton, and More | Ep. 888

    BREAKING: Another Trump Assassination Attempt Foiled, with Buck Sexton, Rich Lowry, Susan Crabtree, Dave Aronberg, Bill Stanton, and More | Ep. 888

    Megyn Kelly covers the breaking news of another assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump thankfully foiled again, and is joined by Buck Sexton, Rich Lowry, Susan Crabtree, Dave Aronberg, Bill Stanton, Charles Marino, John Spears, and Karol Markowicz to talk about what we know about the arrested gunman, how he was spotted before he could fire a shot, how outrageous it is that this happened again, what we're learning about the suspected assassin, the overheated rhetoric that's been aimed at former President Donald Trump by Kamala Harris and others since the first assassination attempt, some in the media now saying it's on Trump to lower the rhetoric, the increased threat level we've seen over the past few months that have now led to multiple assassination attempts of Trump, how lucky we are that these haven't been successful, the difference between stochastic vs. deterministic terrorism, the danger of mentally unhinged people who still are able to plan these assassination attempts, the arrest of the would-be Trump assassin and how he was caught, corruption of the Secret Service, and more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 16, 2024

    Elite Establishment's Ties to Big Pharma, and Keys to Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food, with Dr. Casey Means | Ep. 887

    Elite Establishment's Ties to Big Pharma, and Keys to Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food, with Dr. Casey Means | Ep. 887

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Dr. Casey Means, author of "Good Energy," to discuss the "intentional blindspot" our medical and healthcare establishment has for what can actually help Americans, lies we're told about food, the truth about ultra-processed foods, the massive conflicts of interest in the NIH and other government health organizations, how they end up being the PR arm of processed food industry, how medical schools are being swayed by Big Pharma, the faulty incentive structure in medicine focused on volume and not outcomes and root causes, how many ads for pharma companies are advertising on legacy media outlets, why the elite establishment is terrified of uncensored independent media, Big Pharma pushing medicine and drugs instead of whole foods and healthy habits, why obesity and other diseases are at an all-time high, the details and dangers of the Bayer and Monsanto merger, the abundance of pesticides in our foods and produce, the harms of ultra processed foods that are destroying our cellular health, why diet wars are a distraction, the truth about seed oils, what oils are healthy and contain good fats, the disgusting way canola oil is made, how plastic and aluminum can get into our system, and more.

    Means- https://www.amazon.com/Good-Energy-Surprising-Connection-Metabolism/dp/0593712641

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 13, 2024

    Press Covers Up How Extreme Kamala Was, and What "Eating Pets" Media Focus Shows, with Buck Sexton and Steve Deace | Ep. 886

    Press Covers Up How Extreme Kamala Was, and What "Eating Pets" Media Focus Shows, with Buck Sexton and Steve Deace | Ep. 886

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Buck Sexton, co-host of The Clay and Buck Show, to talk about the media bias we've seen during and after the debate, the truth about VP Kamala Harris' position on transgender surgery for detained illegal migrants and prisoners, Harris' strategy of letting surrogates and media friends answer her questions, Donald Trump vs. the media machine against him, the media lies about illegal immigration and focus on "eating pets" line, Trump's missed opportunities at the debate, whether the debate will actually affect the polls, the way illegal immigration hurts the poor and not the elite, the truth about Venezuelan gangs in Colorado and Haitian immigrants in Ohio, how the Biden-Harris policies harm cities across America, and more. Then Steve Deace, host of the Steve Deace Show, joins to talk about the reality of Haiti and truth about Springfield, Ohio, what the media doesn't want you to know about the effect illegal immigration is having on America, CNN's solid journalism on the Harris ACLU questionnaire but the corporate press not believing how extreme she was in 2019 and 2020, some reporters still not understanding the Harris fracking lie, the decline of the "mainstream" media, lack of ideological diversity in newsrooms, and more. Plus body language expert Dr. Donna Van Natten breaks down the debate.

    Sexton- https://www.youtube.com/@BuckSexton

    Deace- https://get.blazetv.com/deace/

    Tax Network USA: https://TNUSA.com/MEGYN

    My Patriot Supply: https://PreparewithMegyn.com

    Am I Racist: https://AmIRacist.com and get your tickets now!


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 12, 2024

    ABC's Bias, How Trump Could Have Played it, and Whether the Debate Sways Voters, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 885

    ABC's Bias, How Trump Could Have Played it, and Whether the Debate Sways Voters, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 885

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, host of The Fifth Column podcast, to talk about the biased ABC moderators during the presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, examples of ABC's clear failure to be fair, how the debate performance will affect the public's trust in legacy media, how the moderators could have handled the debate more fairly, what Trump could have done to fight back better against the bias, Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris, the over-the-top reaction by Tim Walz and Lawrence O'Donnell, why focus groups on CBS and CNN show voters appear largely unmoved by Harris’ debate performance, the potential disconnect between political commentators and the electorate, the lack of substance by Harris, voters thinking Trump was still stronger on the economy after the debate, VP Harris' fear-mongering about Trump and abortion at the debate, one nurse saying it was "medical misinformation" that went uncorrected, and more.

    More from The Fifth Column: https://www.wethefifth.com/

    Am I Racist: https://AmIRacist.com and get your tickets now!

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 11, 2024

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    Trump's Dominant Town Hall, MSNBC's Softball "Dr." Jill Interview, and Don Lemon's Media Return, with the Ruthless Podcast | Ep. 700

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    Ruthless: https://youtube.com/ruthlesspodcast


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