
    Trump's Dominant Town Hall, MSNBC's Softball "Dr." Jill Interview, and Don Lemon's Media Return, with the Ruthless Podcast | Ep. 700

    enJanuary 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's town halls vs. GOP debates: A different approach gives an edgeTrump's town halls offered a more engaging and controllable platform compared to repetitive and less productive debates during the GOP primary, giving him an advantage.

      During the recent GOP presidential primary debates, former President Donald Trump's decision to skip debates and hold town halls instead gave him an advantage over his competitors. The debates between Governor Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, which took place at the same time as Trump's town hall on Fox News, were seen as less engaging and less productive by some viewers. Trump's town hall was described as charming and easy for him to control the narrative, while the debates between DeSantis and Haley were seen as repetitive and annoying. The hype surrounding the debates was also less than previous ones due to the well-litigated arguments and the smaller field of candidates. However, if the field continues to winnow, things could get more interesting in the primary race.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Trump and Haley Lead the PackTrump and Haley are the clear frontrunners in the 2024 Republican primary race, with Trump skipping debates and Haley actively campaigning. Christie dropped out, potentially impacting Haley's chances, but Trump's campaign discipline may be a deciding factor.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is starting to take shape with two clear frontrunners: Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. While Trump has decided to skip the debates, Haley is actively campaigning. Chris Christie, who was once a contender, dropped out of the race due to the tight competition between Trump and Haley. If Haley were to win a significant portion of Christie's supporters in New Hampshire, she could potentially unseat Trump. However, Christie's decision to exit the race was not solely based on New Hampshire. He also expressed concerns about enabling another presidency for Trump. Despite Christie's decision, there are still questions about where his supporters will go. Meanwhile, Trump and Haley continue to dominate the headlines, with Trump's campaign showing no signs of slowing down. The primary race is expected to heat up in the coming months, with other contenders also vying for the nomination. The discipline shown by the Trump campaign in focusing on winning the election rather than entertaining the public may be a key factor in their success.

    • Impact of Chris Christie's exit on Nikki Haley's chances in IowaChris Christie's exit from the presidential race could influence Nikki Haley's support in Iowa, but it's unclear how many of Christie's backers would shift allegiance.

      Chris Christie's potential exit from the presidential race could impact Nikki Haley's chances in Iowa, but it's uncertain how many of Christie's supporters would switch allegiances. Christie may have intentionally left the mic on during a town hall to leave on his own terms. Trump's reaction to the potential vice presidential pick was intriguing, and Christie's name was mentioned as a possibility. Trump's mastery of publicity and his ability to generate interest were highlighted in the clip. The tone of the discussion shifted from policy debates between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis to a more lighthearted moment with Trump's comment about Christie as a potential vice president. Overall, the conversation showcased the unpredictability and charm of the presidential race.

    • Republican primary voters prioritize charisma and entertainment over substanceTrump's ability to entertain and manipulate truth is a key factor in his appeal, often distracting from opponents with false claims.

      During the Republican primary, charisma and entertainment value hold significant weight for voters, often overshadowing substance. Trump's ability to entertain and manipulate the truth is a key factor in his appeal. Regarding the claim about Ron DeSantis being a big fan of Anthony Fauci, while it is true that DeSantis praised Fauci at one point, it is not the complete picture. Trump's repetition of this claim, even if it contains a kernel of truth, is an effective tactic to distract from his opponents and win elections. The line between entertainment and lies can be blurred, but Trump's offensive strategy is a proven method in political campaigns.

    • Trump's charisma and entertainment keep him in the leadDespite concerns about factual accuracy and policy substance, Trump's charisma and entertaining performances keep him in control and popular among the Republican primary electorate, with the party seemingly surrendering to his dominance.

      President Trump's aggressive campaign style, reminiscent of a mob boss's protection rackets, is an effective way for him to maintain control and sway over the Republican primary electorate. Despite concerns from some voters about his factual accuracy and policy substance, Trump's charisma and stage presence have kept him in the lead. The Fox News town hall last night served as an example of Trump's ability to outshine his opponents through entertaining and engaging performances. Additionally, the Republican Party, represented by Fox News, has seemingly surrendered to Trump's dominance in the race. This dynamic highlights the power of charisma and entertainment in politics, as well as the enduring appeal of Trump's policies for a significant portion of the Republican base.

    • Trump's pro-life stance and debate responseTrump's ability to leave room for interpretation and appeal to a wide audience has been a successful negotiating tactic and a significant factor in his political success.

      During a recent Republican primary debate, former President Donald Trump was asked about his pro-life stance and his past actions in ending Roe v. Wade. Trump's response highlighted his ability to appeal to a wide audience by leaving room for individual interpretation of his position, which has been a successful negotiating tactic for him. Trump's charisma and ability to bend reality to his will have contributed to his strong appeal to voters, as seen in a recent poll where he was identified as the most faith-filled person by a significant margin. While other candidates may struggle to appeal to a broader audience, Trump's ability to do so has been a significant factor in his political success.

    • 2024 Election: A Referendum on Trump's Legal BattlesThe 2024 presidential election will primarily focus on Trump's legal issues and controversies, overshadowing comparisons to Biden's presidency. Economy and debates will also play a role.

      The 2024 presidential election is expected to be a referendum on Donald Trump's indictments and legal battles, rather than a comparison of his presidency to Joe Biden's. The economy under Trump's tenure is likely to be a major point of comparison, but Trump's legal issues could overshadow this argument. Democrats recognize this and are expected to focus on Trump's legal troubles and other controversies throughout the campaign. Trump's performance in debates and town halls could be crucial, as his opponents are likely to bring up his legal issues and other controversial statements. Trump's base of support is already established, but expanding it to win over a majority of voters will be a challenge. Trump's stance on abortion could help him appeal to a broader electorate, but he will need to navigate this issue carefully. Overall, the election is expected to be a complex and contentious battle, with both sides bringing up a range of issues to sway voters.

    • Trump's stance on abortion and potential running mateTrump emphasizes past accomplishments, may choose a female VP to navigate abortion issue, and the election results debate continues to impact his campaign.

      During a recent interview, Joe Scarborough and his co-hosts discussed Donald Trump's recent comments regarding his role in terminating Roe v Wade. The panelists noted that Trump's stance on abortion is well-known and that he seems to be trying to appeal to pro-life voters in the upcoming election. They also mentioned that Trump's insistence on his past accomplishments, despite factual inaccuracies, is a characteristic of his communication style. Furthermore, they suggested that Trump may consider choosing a female running mate to help him navigate the abortion issue in the general election. The panelists also touched upon the ongoing debate about the legitimacy of the 2020 election results and the potential impact of focusing on this issue for Trump during the campaign. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and challenges surrounding the abortion issue and Trump's approach to addressing it in the political arena.

    • Microsites and defenses in debates: A double-edged swordMicrosites and defenses can aid in responding to opposing arguments during debates, but over-reliance can detract from making effective points and may annoy viewers.

      During debates, using microsites or other defenses can help respond to opposing arguments, but it can also become a crutch and detract from effectively making one's own points. In the recent debate between DeSantis and Haley, Haley relied heavily on her microsite to counter DeSantis' claims, which some found annoying and reminiscent of a telemarketer. DeSantis, on the other hand, was more successful at making points and pivoting to his own experiences as governor. However, both candidates had their weaknesses, with Haley being accused of excessive lying and DeSantis struggling with rehearsed lines. Ultimately, the debate strategy depends on whether one is targeting the live audience or the post-debate clip audience. In the case of Haley and DeSantis, the former's emphasis on the microsite may have helped her gain attention but could also have turned off some viewers. The polling in New Hampshire, where both candidates are focusing their efforts, shows a close race between Trump and Haley, with Trump leading but Haley making significant gains. The debate performance of both candidates could impact their momentum in the race.

    • Iowa caucus results could impact Republican primary raceNikki Haley's strong showing in Iowa could challenge Trump, while DeSantis' underperformance and chaotic campaign could hinder his continuation

      The Iowa caucus results could significantly impact the Republican primary race. If Nikki Haley manages to finish second in Iowa, she could gain momentum and potentially challenge Donald Trump for the nomination. However, if DeSantis underperforms in Iowa and fails to secure a strong showing in New Hampshire, it could be difficult for him to continue his campaign due to decreased fundraising abilities and waning media attention. Additionally, the chaotic start to DeSantis' campaign, marked by departures from his super PAC and public denials of their plans, has put him in a precarious position. The organized and conservative nature of the Iowa caucus system may benefit DeSantis, but the potential impact of independent and Democratic voters could also sway the outcome. Overall, the Iowa caucus results could make or break several candidates' campaigns.

    • Hunter Biden's unexpected hearing appearance and Jill Biden's comments on SAW 20Hunter Biden's hearing appearance raised questions about his intent, while Jill Biden's comments on his family drew criticism. The double standard in media coverage of the Biden family versus the Trump years was also discussed.

      During a hearing regarding Hunter Biden's potential criminal contempt, he unexpectedly appeared and then left in a dramatic fashion, disregarding the process and seemingly for content creation for a documentary. Jill Biden, in a conversation on SAW 20, expressed concern over the impact of the accusations on Hunter and their family, particularly her grandchildren. However, her comments were met with criticism for bringing up her family and the vulnerable moments of Hunter's past. It was suggested that Hunter's actions were not about complying with the process or answering subpoenas, but rather creating content for a documentary. The discussion also touched upon the double standard in media coverage of the Biden family compared to the Trump years.

    • Mika Fails to Ask Tough Questions During Interview with Jill BidenMika Brzezinski missed an opportunity to hold Jill Biden accountable during an interview, despite her past criticism of journalists for not doing so. The interview took place on a laptop with disinformation concerns and raised questions about campaign honesty.

      During an interview with First Lady Jill Biden, Mika Brzezinski failed to ask tough questions despite having the opportunity to do so. This is especially significant given Mika's criticism of journalists, including herself, for not holding politicians accountable. The interview took place on a laptop that the campaign had previously claimed contained disinformation, raising questions about the campaign's honesty during the election. Furthermore, Mika and Joe Biden have been critical of media coverage of Joe Biden, making it all the more important for Mika to act as a journalist during the interview. The interview was criticized for being too soft and fawning, and Mika's past behavior towards Donald Trump during the 2015 Republican race was highlighted as an example of her lack of journalistic rigor. Overall, the interview was seen as a missed opportunity for accountability and transparency.

    • Discussions about President Biden's age and energy on 'Morning Joe'Former President Trump received unusual airtime on 'Morning Joe' during the 2016 campaign, while concerns about President Biden's age and energy were addressed during an interview, with some arguing these incidents are a normal part of aging.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, former President Trump received an unprecedented amount of airtime on NBC's "Morning Joe," often via phone calls, despite other candidates having larger budgets for ads. Jill Biden, during an interview, addressed concerns about President Biden's age and vigor, acknowledging his energy and passion, but also pointing out instances where he appeared to struggle. Critics argue that the media and the Bidens themselves downplay the significance of these incidents, which they argue are a normal part of aging. The discussion also touched on Don Lemon's departure from CNN and his new presence on Twitter.

    • Controversy Surrounds Don Lemon's Return to TVDespite criticisms of past problematic statements and actions, some welcome Don Lemon back to television, while others express disdain and call for accountability for those who refuse to follow public health guidelines.

      Don Lemon's return to television after being fired from CNN has sparked controversy, with some welcoming him back and others reminding the public of his past problematic statements and actions. During a conversation, the speaker expressed their disdain for Lemon, accusing him of hating America and Republicans, and shared anecdotes about his dishonesty and line-cutting behavior. The speaker also criticized Lemon for his ignorance and condescending attitude towards those who hold different political views, and called for holding accountable those who refuse to get vaccinated or follow public health guidelines. Overall, the conversation underscored the deep political divisions in the country and the ongoing debates about free speech and cancel culture.

    • The far-left and right-wing extremes in media and politics can be just as hateful and divisiveThe far-left and right-wing extremes in media and politics can be harmful to democratic values, with figures like Jesse Kelly and Mehdi Hasan demonstrating this through their controversial comments. Extremist activism and divisive rhetoric, whether from the left or right, can cause discomfort and threaten unity.

      The far-left and right-wing extremes in media and politics can be just as hateful and divisive, with figures like Jesse Kelly and Mehdi Hasan demonstrating this through their controversial comments. Debates around Israel and Ukraine, as well as the rise of progressive activism, have highlighted the growing divide and the potential threat to democratic values. The recent firing of Mehdi Hasan from MSNBC is an example of this, with his support for terror groups like Hamas leading to backlash. The ultra-progressive left's extreme activism and divisive rhetoric, which has been a part of the party for decades, has come under scrutiny and is causing discomfort among more moderate Democrats. The events of the past few years, including the summer of riots and the Hamas attack on Israel, have exposed the moral clarity needed to address these issues and challenge the extremes.

    • October 7th attack clarifies political positions on Israel and human rightsSenator John Fetterman's defense of Israel and criticism of countries accused of human rights violations has gained attention, leading to increased approval ratings and a potential shift in voting behavior.

      The October 7th attack has clarified political positions, particularly regarding Israel and human rights issues. John Fetterman, a Democratic Senator, has gained attention for his fierce defense of Israel and criticism of countries like South Africa for accusing Israel of human rights violations. Fetterman's change in rhetoric and perceived improvement in cognitive abilities have led to increased approval ratings in Pennsylvania, challenging the perception of him as a progressive leftist. However, it remains to be seen if his voting behavior in the Senate will reflect this shift. Overall, the attack has highlighted the importance of clear and strong stances on international issues.

    • Megyn Kelly Show: Thought-provoking conversations with notable figures, free for three monthsCritically evaluate information and avoid taking everything at face value to stay informed and engaged in meaningful conversations

      The Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM offers thought-provoking conversations with notable figures, and listeners can stream it for free for the first three months. However, the discussion also touched on some unusual topics, such as accusations that former President Trump inadvertently incited an "erection" instead of an insurrection, and a controversial song performed at a Unitarian Church in Washington D.C. that demanded absolute belief in absurd ideas. These incidents highlight the importance of critical thinking and the potential for misinformation and absurdity to spread in today's cultural and political landscape. It's essential to approach information with a discerning eye and not take everything at face value. Subscribe to the Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM to stay informed and engaged in meaningful conversations.

    • Ongoing debates over ceasefires and children's educationDebates continue on political ceasefires and children's education, with concerns over age-appropriateness and inclusivity. Balancing individual identities and child well-being is key.

      There are ongoing debates and conflicts regarding various issues, including political ceasefires and children's education. In San Francisco, a resolution urging a ceasefire was passed, but Israel is taking measures to prevent further escalation. Meanwhile, there are concerns about the impact of certain perspectives and actions on children. An incident in a Washington state school involved a teacher transitioning in front of 4th graders and introducing them to gender identity concepts. Some argue that this is confusing and inappropriate for young children, while others believe it's necessary for inclusivity. The debate highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues and ensuring that children receive age-appropriate education. Ultimately, it's crucial to find a balance between respecting individual identities and protecting the well-being of children.

    • Debate over teaching gender identity to 4th gradersThe debate over teaching gender identity to 4th graders continues, with some arguing it's important for inclusivity while others find it unnecessary and potentially confusing. Elon Musk has criticized the use of terms like 'cisgender'. Legislation restricting related medical procedures for minors has been passed in some states.

      There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the education of fourth graders about gender identity and related terms, with some individuals expressing concern that such concepts are unnecessary and potentially confusing for young children. Elon Musk, in particular, has publicly criticized the use of terms like "cisgender," arguing that it is a slur and unnecessary for describing women. The issue has become a topic of political contention, with some states passing legislation restricting certain medical procedures for minors related to gender identity. For example, in Ohio, the legislature overruled the governor's veto of a bill banning such procedures. The debate continues, with some arguing that such education is important for promoting inclusivity and understanding, while others believe it is inappropriate for young children. The conversation also touched on the importance of respecting individual perspectives and the role of voters in shaping policy.

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    Could Cringe Kamala Really Replace Biden, and False Media Narratives on Immunity Ruling, with Mike Davis and Andrew Klavan | Ep. 828

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 02, 2024

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the very real possibility President Joe Biden could drop out as the nominee by the end of the week, as corporate media outlets favorable to Biden are now calling for him to drop out. But will he listen? Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk, author of "Right Wing Revolution," joins to talk about whether Democratic politicians will start turning on Biden, the corporate media no longer willing to engage in the Biden cognitive decline cover-up anymore, whether it could be Jill Biden that takes over as the nominee, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski pushing ridiculous pro-Biden spin this morning, one Biden surrogate assuring there's a "team of people that will help govern," who really might be running the country, whether Democrats will look to avoid a "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" situation by pushing Biden out as nominee, the initial calls for Biden to step down but then the push to blame Biden's advisers, Trump's smart debate strategy of letting Biden fail, CNN moderators' surprisingly strong performance, the massive ruling for Trump when it comes to immunity, the difference between official and unofficial acts as president, how the ruling could affect the Georgia and Florida cases too, Justice Clarence Thomas' warning to Jack Smith as part of the SCOTUS immunity ruling, Justice Amy Coney Barrett's alarming recent judicial rulings, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joining with the conservatives on January 6 ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor "treason" comment, and more.

    Kirk- https://45books.com/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Steve Bannon on Biden's Cognitive Decline as National Security Threat, Fighting Lawfare Against Trump, and Preparing For Prison | Ep. 826

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Steve Bannon, host of "Bannon's War Room," to talk about the massive political fallout from President Biden's disastrous presidential debate, the way Joe Scarborough, one of the biggest Biden's sycophants in the media, has gone from telling critics to "f off" if they say Biden isn't mentally sharp, to saying Biden should step aside as the nominee, the national security threat of having Biden in charge after the debate, the potential constitutional crisis ahead, the truth about Biden's mental fitness, the potential massive political damage to Democrats in the House and Senate if Biden stays in, who Democrats might replace Biden with, the likelihood of Michele Obama being the pick, how Republicans should play it politically, the significance of the New York Times and prominent Democrats going public with their Biden criticism, the donors who are dropping from Biden now, how the right should fight Democratic lawfare against Trump, the massive Supreme Court Fischer ruling that will help Trump and January 6 defendants, Supreme Court clamping down on big government, his prison sentence starting on Monday, the Biden administration's weaponization of the courts, and more. Plus, Megyn and Bannon discuss Breitbart's past attack on Megyn, her rocky relationship with Bannon for years, the lawfare that ended up bringing her and Bannon to this interview, how Megyn differentiates her personal life and her public "brand," and more.

    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by giving her candid assessment of the debate, declaring it a disaster for President Joe Biden and that the campaign "is over." Then Rich Lowry, Emily Jashinsky, Dave Rubin, and Eric Bolling join to talk about the most alarming debate moments for Biden, how they could officially be the end of his candidacy, Democrats and the media panicking after Biden's debate, how Biden could be replaced as the nominee and as the president, who could realistically replace Biden now, Trump's excellent debate performance, and more.

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    Biased Moderators, Bizarre Rules - Previewing Trump vs. Biden, and Memorable Debate Moments, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 824

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss the huge stakes in the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, how Donald Trump might act and the strategy he could employ to win, the way Biden might struggle or perform well, CNN’s debate rules that seem to favor Joe Biden, their bizarre TV segment explaining how microphones work, whether Biden speaking freely without interruption will actually hurt him, the bias against Trump from moderators, the disaster Chris Wallace debate, what to expect from Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, J.D. Vance’s odds in the veepstakes, Vance's skills in dealing with the elite media and incredible life story, what VP candidates could help stop a Trump impeachment, and more. Plus, Megyn Kelly previews her interview with Steve Bannon - her first interview with him ever, and she and The Fifth Column discuss Bannon's role in our political environment for the last decade.

    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Megyn Kelly is joined by Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," to discuss JFK’s inappropriate behavior at the White House, how he preyed on innocent young women, how the Kennedys have learned to kill bad press and continue to do so to this day, the cruelty of JFK when it came to losing a child, truth about Jackie's relationship with JFK, bizarre new details about Jackie's final moment with her husband's body, JFK and RFK's affairs with Marilyn Monroe, the terrible way they treated her, whether Bobby Kennedy could have had something to do with her death, JFK Jr.'s status as the most eligible bachelor at the time of his death, his odd obsession with danger, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Rowe, writer and star of "Something to Stand For," to discuss the decline of patriotism in America, the polarization we see today, the freedom we have in America and the risk that comes with it, how this country is different from so many others that aren't capitalistic, an incredible story about prominent American leaders and "bull testicles," the erosion of trust Americans have in the corporate media, the way today's journalists are no longer skeptical of those in power, why a journalist’s goal shouldn’t be gaining power and popularity, and more. Then Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," joins to discuss AOC's embarrassing attempt to connect with young voters trying to hype them up, it's failed attempt to help Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman as he lost big in his primary race, Hillary Clinton’s cringe new book cover that looks nothing like her, how out-of-touch her New York Times column about her debate technique is, Jennifer Lopez' relentless focus on herself, her inability to convince America that she's really just "Jenny From the Block," and more.



    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    In this "First Person" special, Megyn Kelly is joined by detransitioner Prisha Mosley and IWF Director Kelsey Bolar to discuss doctors pushing Prisha to a medical "gender transition" as a teenager after she went to be treated for an eating disorder, discovering gender dysphoria on Tumblr, the dangers of puberty blockers and other treatments that most people don't know, the moment Prisha found out she was pregnant, the challenges during her pregnancy, the pain she's dealing with postpartum, what it means to be one of the first detransitioners to have a baby, suing doctors who medically transitioned her, and more.


    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Howard Blum, author of "When the Night Comes Falling," to discuss new details about Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger's conversations with his father on their cross-country road trip after the massacre, how his father may have suspected his son's involvement, new details about his behavior at Washington State University, whether Bryan Kohberger was casing the Idaho murder victims' house or having an internal conflict about it, Blum's reporting about who the target of the attack really was, the possibility Kohberger had seen the victim before, what the surviving roommate of the Idaho college murders Dylan Mortensen saw and texted with her other roommate at the time, theories on why she didn't call the police right away, Kohberger's older sister's suspicions of him, and more. Then Erick Erickson, author of "You Shall Be as Gods," joins to discuss how Biden and Trump are preparing for the important first debate on Thursday, whether Trump will be able to keep his composure, Trump's success in previous debate, the importance of creating a moment the audience will remember, CNN host Kasie Hunt cutting the mic of a Trump spokesperson who mildly criticized her colleagues, why debate moderators are subject to criticism, the left's instincts to silence those they disagree with, the lack of spirituality and faith in America and around the world, turning to government over religion, how to reverse the negative trends, and more.


    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    This episode: political correspondent Susan Davis, campaign correspondent Franco Ordoñez, and national political correspondent Domenico Montanaro.

    The podcast is produced by Casey Morell and Elena Moore. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

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