
    Shelby Talcott: DeSantis Sticks His Toe in the Water

    en-usMarch 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Anticipation and Uncertainty Surround Trump IndictmentTrump and his supporters view the indictment as a boost for his campaign, but there's also nervousness about potential legal consequences, causing a focus shift away from other political issues.

      The mood in Trump world remains focused on the anticipated indictment, with a mix of bravado and nervousness. The former president and his supporters have shown signs of wanting the arrest to boost his presidential campaign, but there's also frustration and uncertainty about the potential legal consequences. Meanwhile, other political issues have taken a backseat as the indictment remains the sole focus. Elsewhere, a Florida charter school principal was forced to resign after a parent complained about an art lesson featuring Michelangelo's David, reminiscent of an episode from The Simpsons. Shelby Talcott, our guest and politics reporter for Semaphore, shares her insights on the current state of Trump and National Republican politics.

    • Feud between Trump and DeSantis intensifiesTrump and DeSantis are attacking each other in the media, with Trump trying to use his indictment to gain support and DeSantis using the opportunity to distinguish himself. The outcome of this could impact the 2024 presidential race.

      The ongoing feud between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis is heating up, with both sides using the media to attack each other. Trump, facing an indictment, is trying to flip the narrative and make it work to his advantage, while DeSantis is using the opportunity to distinguish himself from Trump. The polls showing Trump gaining momentum are likely due to his indictment and the resulting boost in support from his base. However, it remains to be seen if this will help Trump significantly in the long term. The attacks between the two potential presidential candidates are likely to continue, with Trump going after DeSantis's congressional record and COVID response, while DeSantis has started commenting directly on Trump. The outcome of this cold war between the two Republicans could shape the 2024 presidential race.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Consolidating the Base vs Expanding itThe 2024 Republican Primary is not only about expanding the base but also consolidating the existing one. Trump campaign is targeting DeSantis' record as governor to undermine his appeal as a potential alternative.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is not just about expanding the base, but also consolidating the existing one. Ron DeSantis, a potential contender, seems to be targeting voters who supported Trump but are open to considering other options. The Trump campaign, in response, is criticizing DeSantis' record as governor, focusing on areas like COVID-19 response, education, and crime. This strategy is aimed at undermining DeSantis' appeal as a successful governor and a potential alternative to Trump. The intensity of the critique suggests that the Trump campaign intends to make DeSantis' record a significant issue in the primary race.

    • Testing the Waters: DeSantis' Criticism of TrumpDeSantis may be testing the limits of criticizing Trump while maintaining GOP support, as seen in Trump's past interactions with Walker during the 2016 primaries.

      The Republican base may not respond positively to direct attacks between prominent Republican figures like Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. The example given is from the 2016 Wisconsin primary, where despite voters' initial dislike of Trump's attacks on Governor Scott Walker, they ultimately rallied behind Trump due to his status as the Republican nominee. DeSantis' recent interview with Piers Morgan showed only light jabs towards Trump, but the media attention it received highlights the potential power of such interactions. DeSantis might be testing the waters to see how much criticism of Trump he can get away with while still maintaining support from the base.

    • The Race Between Trump and DeSantis: A Dance of Policies and PoliticsThe Republican primary race is heating up with DeSantis challenging Trump, differing on COVID-19 policies and potentially abortion, while both tread carefully to avoid alienating voters.

      The Republican primary race is heating up, with Ron DeSantis becoming a formidable challenger to Donald Trump. DeSantis' criticisms of Trump are newsworthy because he's the only Republican candidate besides the "never Trumpers" to directly go after the former president. While some speculate that DeSantis was prepared for Trump's attacks on his record as Florida governor, others believe he was caught off guard. Regardless, DeSantis is determined to not let Trump outflank him on the right. The two are expected to differ significantly on COVID-19 policies, with Trump taking a more ambiguous stance and DeSantis pushing for investigations into vaccines. The abortion issue could also be a point of contention, as there's legislation in Florida that would impose a 6-week ban. Both candidates tread carefully, as taking a hard line on either issue could potentially harm their campaigns. Ultimately, the race between Trump and DeSantis promises to be an interesting dance, with each trying to appeal to their respective bases while avoiding alienating independent voters.

    • The Abortion Issue and Confusion over Ron DeSantis' Comments Create Complexity in the Republican PrimaryFormer President Trump faces opposition from anti-abortion activists for his unclear stance, while Ron DeSantis deals with confusion over his comments on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and allegations of sexual misconduct.

      The abortion issue could pose a significant challenge for former President Donald Trump in the Republican primary, as he has yet to clearly state his stance on the matter and anti-abortion activists are demanding federal legislation support from candidates. Regarding Ron DeSantis, there seems to be some confusion over his comments regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with some labeling it a walk-back or flip-flop, while others see it as a clarification. Additionally, the back-and-forth between Trump and DeSantis over alleged sexual misconduct allegations against Trump has added another layer of tension to their potential rivalry. Overall, the Republican primary race is shaping up to be a complex and contentious one, with various issues and personal attacks playing a role in the candidates' strategies.

    • The Stormy Daniels controversy resurfaces in the 2024 Republican primary raceSome candidates are using Trump's personal life as a criticism, but others believe it's a wasted effort. Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are focusing on their unique backgrounds, but their pitches may not be enough to stand out in the crowded field.

      The Stormy Daniels controversy surrounding former President Donald Trump is once again resurfacing in the 2024 Republican primary race. While some, like Chip Roy and Ron DeSantis, are bringing up Trump's personal life as a valid criticism, others, including Mike Pence's advisers, believe it could turn off voters and be a wasted effort since the issue has been addressed before. Tim Scott and Nikki Haley, both potential presidential candidates, are focusing on their unique backgrounds and experiences, but the question remains whether their pitches will stand out in the crowded field. Neither Tim Scott nor Nikki Haley are reportedly considering a run for vice president, but rather are focusing on building their own campaigns. While some see raising their profiles as a potential benefit, others argue that it may not be enough to secure the nomination.

    • Possible surprises in the Republican primary raceRight-wing media and influencers hold growing sway over Republican voters, potentially impacting party direction and messaging.

      The Republican primary race is filled with speculation and potential surprises. Some candidates, like Tim Scott, may see a failed campaign by a front-runner like Ron DeSantis as an opportunity to gain more visibility and advance their own careers. If DeSantis does falter, other contenders like Mike Pence could emerge as strong alternatives. Additionally, the influence of right-wing media and influencers is growing, as Republican voters increasingly disregard mainstream media coverage. These influencers, who may have started out as high school students in 2016, now hold significant sway over the party's base. This shift in media consumption habits could have major implications for the direction of the Republican Party and its messaging in the upcoming election.

    • The Rise of Right-Wing Social Media InfluencersRight-wing social media personalities like Alex Bruesewitz, Jack Posobiec, John Cardillo, and Cat Turd (Libs of TikTok) have surpassed the reach and impact of traditional media figures, shaping narratives and driving conversations, influencing presidential candidates, and becoming a dominant force in the political landscape.

      The influence of right-wing social media personalities has significantly grown in the political landscape, surpassing the reach and impact of traditional media figures. Individuals like Alex Bruesewitz, Jack Posobiec, John Cardillo, and even Cat Turd (Libs of TikTok) have amassed large followings and can sway public opinion. These influencers are not just fans, but they interact with and influence presidential candidates, such as Trump and DeSantis, who recognize their importance. The political climate has shifted, and social media has become a dominant force in shaping narratives and driving conversations. This disconnect between the traditional GOP establishment and the social media sphere can lead to unexpected developments and a changing political landscape.

    • Stay informed about controversial figures and fringe communitiesPaying attention to obscure websites and talk show hosts can provide valuable insights into politics and predict future actions or statements of influential figures

      It's crucial to keep an eye on controversial figures and fringe communities, even if their views may seem absurd or distasteful. By doing so, we can better understand the dynamics of politics and predict the actions or statements of influential figures like Elon Musk or Donald Trump. As the speaker noted, this was evident during the 2015-2016 election cycle when paying attention to obscure websites and talk show hosts allowed for accurate predictions about Trump's upcoming topics. While some argue against amplifying such figures, ignoring them leaves us in the dark about the current political landscape. Shelby Talcott, a political reporter covering Trump World and Republicans, echoed this sentiment in her work, as discussed in her interview on The Bulwark podcast. So, while it may seem absurd to live in the "era of cat turd," as the speaker put it, it's essential to pay attention and stay informed.

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