
    Fox's Post-Tucker Crisis, Harry's Media Vendetta, and Harms of Gender "Transition," with Chadwick Moore, Dr. Miriam Grossman, and Nile Gardiner | Ep. 568

    enJune 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unauthorized Tucker Carlson biography by Chadwick MooreDespite Tucker Carlson's cooperation, his book by Chadwick Moore is delayed due to Fox News removing his show, generating buzz and potential viewer backlash

      Chadwick Moore, an author and journalist, is writing an unauthorized biography of Tucker Carlson, despite having Tucker's full cooperation and editorial control. The book was initially set for release in May but was delayed due to Tucker's show being taken off the air by Fox News. Moore's book, titled "Tucker," is expected to attract a large audience due to the recent developments in Tucker's career. The ratings for Fox News in Tucker's time slot have been abysmal, indicating a potential boycott or loss of interest from viewers following the network's actions. Moore's interview on The Megyn Kelly Show provides insight into the timeline of the book project and the unexpected turn of events.

    • Tucker Carlson's legal battle with Fox News and potential investigationMedia figures like Tucker Carlson face complex issues including contract disputes, comparisons to historical figures, and potential investigations for hacking and unauthorized communication interception.

      The media landscape is complex and can involve unexpected twists and turns. Tucker Carlson, a prominent media figure, recently went public with his thoughts on various topics, including diversity and Zelensky being compared to Churchill. He also shared that he's having a legal battle with Fox News over a contract dispute. Fox News reportedly sent him a letter claiming he breached his contract by rendering services on Twitter. However, it's unclear if Twitter is mentioned in his non-compete agreement. A new twist in the story is that the federal authorities are investigating potential hacking and unauthorized communication interception in relation to leaks of Tucker's Fox News outtakes. The target of the investigation is a journalist named Timothy Burke, who reportedly had access to the information. This situation highlights the complexity of media dynamics and the potential for legal and ethical dilemmas.

    • Fox News' Suspicious Timing and Leaked Videos of Tucker CarlsonInvestigations are ongoing into how journalist Tim Burke obtained unencrypted and unprotected videos of Tucker Carlson and who may have leaked them. The timing of these videos and Dominion Litigation documents raises suspicions of involvement from Fox News to discredit Carlson due to competition fears.

      The circumstances surrounding Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News and the subsequent release of controversial videos featuring him continue to raise questions about potential leaks and motivations. Tim Burke, a journalist, obtained and reported on unencrypted and unprotected videos of Carlson, leading to investigations into how he obtained them and who may have leaked them. The timing of these videos and the leaked Dominion Litigation documents, which only Fox News and Dominion had access to, is suspicious. The New York Times reported on both issues around the same time. While initial assumptions were that a third-party contractor may have recorded Carlson, the involvement of confidential documents and Fox News' disparagement of Carlson in the media adds complexity to the situation. Fox News appears to be in a panicked state about Carlson's potential competition and may have been involved in the leaks to discredit him. The investigations are ongoing, and the full truth remains to be seen.

    • Fox News faces significant viewership losses after terminating Tucker Carlson's showFox News' decision to terminate Tucker Carlson's show led to a massive drop in ratings, with MSNBC gaining viewers in his old time slot and Fox's prime-time ratings plummeting. The situation is complicated by potential breach of contract lawsuits related to leaked texts regarding the Dominion litigation.

      Fox News' decision to terminate Tucker Carlson's show has led to significant viewership losses for the network. Carlson's core audience, who saw him as a voice against nationalist populist civil libertarian issues, felt betrayed by Fox over the years but continued to watch due to Carlson's presence. With his departure, MSNBC has gained viewers in his old time slot, and Fox's prime-time ratings have plummeted. The situation is particularly problematic for Fox as they may face a breach of contract lawsuit if it is revealed that they were behind the leaks of Carlson's texts related to the Dominion litigation. The numbers show a massive drop in ratings for Fox News, with even their top shows losing to MSNBC and CNN. The management's belief in the indestructible nature of the Fox News brand may have contributed to this decision, but the current media landscape values personalities, and it seems that Fox may be struggling to adapt.

    • Tucker Carlson's Sudden Removal from Fox News and Its Possible ReasonsTucker Carlson's termination from Fox News sparked controversy, with sources suggesting it was due to a deal with Dominion Voting Systems over defamation claims. Regardless of the truth, this incident underscores the impact of media personalities and the complex relationships between viewers, companies, and controversial content.

      The relationship between viewers and certain news personalities, like Tucker Carlson, can be deeply personal and influential. This was evident in the large viewership of his Fox News show, with many Democrats tuning in despite political differences. However, when Tucker was suddenly removed from the air, sources claimed it was due to a deal with Dominion, a voting technology company that had sued Fox News for defamation. Despite Fox and Dominion's denials, sources close to the situation maintain that this was the reason for Tucker's termination. This incident highlights the power dynamics between media companies, personalities, and the public, as well as the potential consequences of controversial content.

    • Tucker Carlson's exit from Fox News leaves viewers feeling betrayed and disappointedThe mysterious circumstances surrounding Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News has led to a significant loss of viewership and a shift towards digital media, with rumors of him launching his own network.

      The circumstances surrounding Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News have left many feeling betrayed and disappointed, leading to a significant loss of viewership and a shift towards digital media. Unlike Bill O'Reilly's departure during the Trump administration, which was met with minimal ratings dip and quick replacement, the mysterious and shady way Tucker was removed from the network has left many questioning Fox's intentions and loyalty to its audience. With Tucker's team leaving Fox and rumors of launching his own network, it seems the future holds more changes for media consumption habits.

    • Prince Harry's US Immigration Application Under ScrutinyOngoing legal battle for Harry's US immigration records due to potential perjury over drug use admissions in memoir

      There is ongoing scrutiny over Prince Harry's immigration application to the United States, with the Heritage Foundation suing the Department of Homeland Security for the release of his records. Harry admitted to extensive drug use in his memoir, and if he was not truthful about this in his application, it could constitute perjury. The rules regarding drug use are strict for US visa applicants, and many have been denied entry to the US because of their drug use history. If Harry answered truthfully about his drug use, he should support the release of his records. However, there has been no comment from Harry or his team regarding the immigration issue.

    • Prince Harry's US Immigration Records: Public Interest vs. PrivacyThe public has a right to know if Prince Harry received preferential treatment during his US immigration process, but his privacy should also be respected. If Harry lied on his application, it could lead to serious consequences. The court is currently deciding if Harry's records should be made public.

      There are concerns about potential preferential treatment received by Prince Harry in his US immigration process, and the public has a right to know the details of his application, including any intervention from US officials. Harry's marriage to an American citizen should not influence the scrutiny of his application. However, if Harry lied on his application, it could lead to serious consequences such as revocation of his visa and public scrutiny, potentially forcing him to leave the US. The Biden administration's refusal to release Harry's immigration records is being challenged in court, and the public interest in transparency is high given Harry's public status. The potential revelation of embarrassing information in the records is not a valid reason for withholding them from the public.

    • Prince Harry's public image tarnished by drug use and entitlementPrince Harry's use of illegal drugs and entitled behavior have damaged his public image, leading to denial of US work visa and negative public perception in UK

      Prince Harry's image as a public figure has been tarnished due to his extensive use of illegal drugs, which has been well-documented in his memoir and media interviews. He has been denied a US work visa in the past due to drug-related issues. Harry's lawsuit against The Mirror in the UK, where he accused them of phone hacking, did not go well as he came across as someone with no sense of personal responsibility and highly entitled, narcissistic, and delusional. The British public's perception of him has turned against him, and he has become one of the most unpopular public figures in the UK. Harry's recent Netflix show, memoir, and interviews have blamed the royal family for leaks about him, but in court, he claimed the tabloids were responsible. This inconsistency has raised questions about his credibility.

    • Prince Harry Blames External Factors for His ProblemsPrince Harry tends to blame external factors for his issues, creating lawsuits and feuds, while Dr. Miriam Grossman emphasizes objectivity in the debate on sex and gender.

      Prince Harry seems to blame external factors, such as the royal family, the media, and specific individuals like Piers Morgan, for his own problems and issues, rather than taking responsibility for his actions. This pattern of behavior has led him to sue multiple parties and create a vendetta against his critics. Meanwhile, Dr. Miriam Grossman provides a voice of reason in the ongoing cultural debate, emphasizing the objective nature of sex and the subjective experience of gender. She also acknowledges the existence of rare cases where children have a strong inner sense of being the opposite sex before the age of 5 or 7.

    • Parenting Transgender Children: From Rare to CommonParents must be prepared and educated to support their children's gender identity, especially as it becomes more common for kids to learn about it externally.

      The landscape of childhood gender identity issues has shifted significantly in recent decades, and many parents are unprepared for their children's sudden announcements of transgender identities. Dr. Judith Reisman, a child psychiatrist, shares her experience of moving from treating extremely rare cases of children who recognized their discomfort with their bodies at a young age to dealing almost exclusively with children who have no prior history of such feelings. These children often learn about being transgender from external sources like friends, the internet, or teachers. Parents are frequently blindsided by this revelation and don't know how to respond, leading to crises and, in some cases, catastrophic outcomes. Dr. Reisman wrote a book to help parents be better prepared and educated on the subject, emphasizing the importance of medically and biologically accurate information. It's essential for parents to educate their children on this topic before they are exposed to potentially harmful influences.

    • Understanding the difference between sex and genderAs parents, it's crucial to teach kids about biology and respect their feelings, but avoid affirming conflicting gender identities without proper evaluation.

      As a parent, it's crucial to understand the difference between biological sex and gender identity, and to start educating your children about biology from a young age. The medical establishment has been influenced by ideologies promoting the notion that a child can be born in the wrong body, and this can begin indoctrination at an early age. Parents need to find experts who will help identify the root causes of their child's dysphoric moments, rather than simply affirming their gender identity. If a child expresses feelings about their gender identity that conflict with their biological sex, it's essential to stay calm, affirm their feelings, and encourage open dialogue without affirming any particular belief or idea. The most important thing is to approach the situation with curiosity and a desire to understand.

    • Handling gender dysphoria in children: Complex issue with serious consequencesApproach to handling gender dysphoria in children requires addressing underlying causes and comorbid conditions, not just affirming new identity, to avoid harm from puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

      The approach to handling gender dysphoria in children, particularly very young ones, is a complex issue with potentially serious consequences. While some children may grow out of their gender dysphoria if given time and support, others may require professional help. However, the current trend in gender clinics is to affirm a child's new identity without exploring underlying causes or comorbid conditions. This can lead to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which can cause significant harm. The challenge lies not only in addressing any underlying mental health issues but also in dealing with the social indoctrination that encourages children to insist on their new gender identity and stigmatizes those who do not accept it. It's crucial to remember that gender dysphoria is a symptom with various possible causes, and a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment is not only ineffective but also potentially harmful.

    • Interfering with puberty can have long-term consequencesThe use of puberty blockers and social transition for individuals questioning their gender identity carries potential risks and poor outcomes, and the scientific consensus on this issue is not settled.

      The use of puberty blockers and social transition as a solution for individuals questioning their gender identity is a complex issue with potential risks and poor outcomes that are often overlooked in mainstream media. The idea that these interventions are just a "pause" for kids to figure out their identity ignores the challenges of reversing these processes once initiated. Puberty is a crucial developmental stage in life, and interfering with it unnecessarily can have long-term consequences. The scientific consensus on this issue is not settled, and parents are increasingly seeking advice on how to navigate these complex issues. The number of individuals seeking treatment for gender dysphoria has significantly increased in recent years, and there have been reports of malpractice and questionable practices at some gender clinics. It's essential to approach this issue with a nuanced understanding and to consider the potential risks and benefits for each individual child.

    • Misinformation and Harm from Unnecessary Surgeries for GirlsThousands of girls are undergoing unnecessary surgeries due to flawed information, potentially causing irreversible damage and societal pressure, leading to estrangement and lifelong infertility and inability to orgasm.

      There is a significant issue of misinformation and potential harm being inflicted on thousands of girls who are being encouraged to undergo unnecessary surgeries to remove their healthy breasts, based on false beliefs that they will feel better. This situation is a result of flawed information from our medical establishment, sex educators, educational system, and parts of the government influenced by this ideology. The consequences of these interventions can lead to irreversible damage, including infertility and the inability to experience normal sexual function. Families are suffering immensely as they grapple with the emotional turmoil and societal pressure to accept their child's new synthetic persona, often leading to estrangement. The early intervention of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones can result in lifelong infertility and the inability to orgasm. It is crucial to consider the long-term consequences and potential regret for minors who may be experiencing momentary confusion or peer pressure. The situation calls for a more thoughtful and informed approach to addressing the complex issue of gender identity.

    • The Complexities and Risks of Medical Transitions: Jake's StoryJake's experience underscores the importance of considering long-term consequences and potential risks of medical transitions, particularly gender reassignment surgeries, and acknowledging individual's biological sex and complexities in their journey towards self-understanding.

      Jake's story serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and potential risks involved in medical transitions, particularly gender reassignment surgeries. Jake, a patient who was encouraged to transition to living as a woman due to psychiatric issues, underwent estrogen therapy and a vaginoplasty. However, he soon realized that these procedures did not alleviate his psychiatric issues and instead found himself in a devastating predicament - he had neither a penis nor a functional vagina. This was due to the body's natural reaction to view the created vagina as a wound, causing it to close up if not dilated regularly. Unfortunately, Jake stopped dilating when he came to terms with his identity and the pain and effort required were too much to bear. This situation is not unique to Jake, as there exists a community of detransitioners, many of whom have undergone similar surgeries and now face similar challenges. The body's reaction to these surgical interventions highlights the importance of considering the long-term consequences and potential risks of medical transitions. Additionally, the use of preferred pronouns, while a matter of good manners, should not overshadow the importance of acknowledging and respecting an individual's biological sex and the potential complexities that may arise in their journey towards self-understanding.

    • Using preferred pronouns for transgender individuals may confuse young boysDr. McArdle encourages parents to educate themselves to support children's identity development with open communication, common sense, and understanding

      During this current cultural climate, using preferred pronouns for transgender-identifying individuals can send a harmful message to young boys, implying that they too can be considered female. Dr. Megan McArdle, a child psychiatrist and author of "Lost in Transnation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness," believes that this practice, although well-intentioned, can contribute to children's distress and confusion. She emphasizes that all families are susceptible to this issue and encourages parents to educate themselves to better understand and navigate these complex matters. Her book serves as a valuable resource for parents seeking guidance without requiring a PhD or extensive background in the subject. In essence, Dr. McArdle's message is to promote open communication, common sense, and understanding within families to help children navigate their identities in a healthy and supportive manner.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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