
    Freelancing Your Way Through Life with Jess Bruno

    enJuly 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the power of networking and personal branding through InstagramStarting a personal brand or side hustle on Instagram can lead to valuable connections and growth opportunities. Networking and helping others grow their businesses can transform a hobby into a successful freelance business.

      Starting a personal brand or side hustle, like a blog or freelance business, can be an empowering and transformative experience. Jess Bruno, a guest on the Girls in Marketing podcast, shared her journey of starting her Instagram blog during lockdown when she was unable to work. She discovered the power of networking and helping others grow their businesses through social media, particularly Instagram. Her relatable and colorful content resonated with many, and she eventually turned it into a full-time freelance content marketing consultancy. Kick Resume, a sponsor of the podcast, was mentioned as a helpful resource for creating professional CVs, cover letters, and portfolio websites, even for those with no graphic design skills. Overall, the podcast episode emphasized the importance of taking control of your personal brand and using social media as a powerful tool for growth and connection.

    • A marketing professional's diverse dayBackground in marketing, freelance corporate work, consulting smaller businesses, honed skills in social media, grew events from a few to sellout, left due to personal reasons, started own business during lockdown, unique approach to marketing, understanding and connecting with audiences.

      A typical day for this marketing professional involves splitting her time between freelance corporate work and consulting with smaller businesses. She has a background in marketing, having worked for a cinema chain and teaching girl bands, where she honed her skills in social media marketing. Her experience led her to work for Exclusive Touch, promoting events such as the Reggae Brunch, which grew from a few events per month to sellout events across the UK. She left the job due to personal reasons and eventually started her own business during lockdown, demonstrating the power of social media in growing businesses. Her unique approach to marketing, focusing on understanding and connecting with specific audiences, has been key to her success.

    • Using social media wisely for personal growth and community buildingSocial media can broaden horizons, foster connections, and promote growth when used responsibly, but it's important to avoid unhealthy comparison and set healthy boundaries.

      Social media can be a powerful tool for personal growth, community building, and even business development when used wisely. However, it's essential to remember that it's not a vital organ or an extension of oneself. Instead, it should be seen as a window to connect with others and expand horizons, rather than a mirror for self-comparison or ego validation. The speaker shared her personal experience of how social media transformed her life by providing her with a supportive network of like-minded individuals and opportunities for growth. However, she also acknowledged the potential dangers of excessive use and unhealthy comparison, emphasizing the importance of setting healthy boundaries and using it as a tool for positive purposes. The ongoing pandemic and lockdowns have highlighted the need for connection, making social media an even more crucial tool for staying engaged with the world.

    • Mindful Social Media UsePrioritize self-care over social media validation. Mute negative accounts, set boundaries, and check in with yourself before engaging.

      It's essential to be mindful of social media usage and the potential negative impact it can have on mental health. Comparing ourselves to influencers and constantly checking notifications can lead to feelings of inadequacy and overwhelm. To combat this, consider muting accounts that bring about negative emotions, setting boundaries like using the "do not disturb" feature on your phone, and focusing on checking in with yourself before engaging with social media. The Selfhood's "Check yourself before your notifications" campaign is a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing self-care over social media validation.

    • Managing Business Finances and Engaging with AudienceUsing the right tools and platforms can boost productivity and growth. Find balance between technology and self-care.

      Finding the right tools and platforms to manage your business finances and engage with your audience can significantly improve your productivity and growth. The speaker shared her experience with using Crunch, an online accounting service for freelancers, and expressed her mixed feelings towards Clubhouse, a social media platform for audio conversations. While she found some value in Clubhouse, such as discovering leads and connecting with like-minded individuals, she also felt overwhelmed by the noise and sales pitches. The speaker suggested adding a text box feature to allow for more meaningful engagement and dialogue. Ultimately, she emphasized the importance of finding the right balance between using technology to grow your business and taking breaks for self-care. So, whether it's through an accounting service or a social media platform, always be on the lookout for tools that can help streamline your business operations and foster meaningful connections.

    • Focus on a few primary social media channelsMaximize impact by concentrating on select social media platforms and tailoring content to each audience

      While the hustle and networking opportunities on platforms like Clubhouse can be valuable, it's important to focus on a few primary social media channels rather than spreading yourself too thin. The speaker admires those who make the most of Clubhouse but also recognizes the potential dangers and the oversaturation of social media platforms. She suggests finding your audience and resonating with the vibe of each platform, using McDonald's as an example of a brand that excels at repurposing content for different social media channels. Additionally, she's excited about the potential of Spotify integrating a Clubhouse-like feature and sees it as a more convenient option for creatives.

    • Evaluating and cleaning up your followers listRegularly evaluate and clean up your followers to maintain an engaged audience and improve reach. Losing followers is natural as you evolve and produce content that may not resonate with everyone, but focus on bringing in new followers who align with your brand or message.

      Losing followers on social media is a natural part of growing an account, especially when you're trying to reach a specific audience. The speaker shared her personal experience of losing followers as she changed the focus of her Instagram content from being single and ready to mingle to working with creative women. She emphasized that it's important to regularly evaluate and clean up your followers list to ensure that you have an engaged audience, as inactive followers can negatively impact your reach. The speaker also noted that it's inevitable to lose followers as you evolve and produce content that may not resonate with everyone. Instead of being discouraged, she views it as an opportunity to bring in more followers who will appreciate and engage with her content. Ultimately, the goal is to have a loyal and engaged following that aligns with your brand or message.

    • Embracing change in social media and freelance workIt's natural to evolve in social media and freelance work, prioritize personal growth, health, and work-life balance, and remember that online presence doesn't define our worth.

      Growth and change are natural aspects of life, including social media. It's okay to move on from accounts or relationships that no longer resonate with you. This can be as simple as unfollowing someone or as drastic as deleting an account. Personal growth may lead to a shift in the types of content or connections that appeal to us. Similarly, health and work-life balance are crucial considerations when making the transition to freelance work. For those with chronic conditions, like an autoimmune disease, freelance work can offer more flexibility and control over one's schedule and work environment, leading to improved management of the condition. Overall, it's essential to recognize that social media and our online presence are just windows into our lives, not reflections of our worth or identity.

    • Working from Home Improves Quality of Life for Those with Health IssuesWorking from home provides flexibility, control, and accommodations for individuals dealing with health issues, leading to improved mental and physical well-being.

      Having control over one's work environment and schedule can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals dealing with health issues. The speaker, who has an autoimmune disease called Crohn's, shares her experience of the challenges she faced while working in an office setting during her illness. She explains how the embarrassment and pressure to hide her symptoms led to mental health issues and the agony of calling in sick. During the lockdown, she started her own business and found that working from home, setting boundaries, and having the flexibility to manage her time and symptoms was a game-changer. She emphasizes that while things have improved in terms of workplace accommodations, the stigma around discussing health issues remains. The speaker concludes by sharing that, although it's hard to be one's own boss, the freedom to work in a way that accommodates her needs is worth it. She also acknowledges that everyone's experience is unique, and it's essential to find what works best for each individual.

    • Prioritize self-care for personal well-being and work qualityNeglecting health can lead to decreased productivity and lost clients. Set boundaries, manage time effectively, and focus on self-care to ensure you're at your best for clients. Personal experiences and activities outside of work can also help recharge.

      Taking care of yourself is essential for both your personal well-being and the quality of your work. It can be challenging to prioritize self-care, especially when you're passionate about your career. However, neglecting your health can lead to decreased productivity and even lost clients. Setting boundaries and making time for rest are crucial. Remember, it's harder to take a day off for yourself than for a client, but it's necessary. When you're sick or tired, your work will suffer, and you won't be able to give your best. The speaker shared her personal experience of losing clients due to neglecting her health. She emphasized the importance of creating boundaries, managing time effectively, and focusing on self-care to ensure you're at your best for your clients. Additionally, she mentioned that finding activities outside of work, such as knitting, can help you relax and recharge. So, take care of yourself, and the rewards will be worth it.

    • Exploring hobbies for mental and physical well-beingDiscovering enjoyable hobbies outside of work and screens can enhance mental and physical health, provide a sense of accomplishment, and offer relaxation and nostalgia.

      Finding meaningful hobbies outside of work and screens can significantly improve mental and physical well-being. The speaker shares her experience with knitting, which has helped her reduce screen time, find joy in simple tasks, and cope with challenges through her mantra "this too shall pass." Knitting also brings her nostalgic memories and connects her to her family heritage. The speaker encourages listeners to explore hobbies that bring them joy and ease, even if they seem trivial or unconventional. Hobbies can provide a sense of accomplishment, relaxation, and overall wellness in the midst of life's challenges.

    • Embracing challenges and seeking supportDuring tough times, stay resilient and connect with resources like the Girls in Marketing podcast for marketing insights and community support.

      Even during challenging times, it's important to keep pushing forward and seek help when needed. Jess shared her personal experience and emphasized the importance of resilience and reaching out for support when necessary. The Girls in Marketing podcast is a great resource for marketing professionals, covering topics from setting up your own agency to personal branding and influencer marketing. Listeners are encouraged to engage with the podcast community by leaving reviews, finding them on social media, and joining their Facebook groups. The podcast offers valuable insights and information, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in marketing.

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    ⁠Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

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    ⁠Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

    ⁠Connect with Lauren Watson here.

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    -Why marketing could be a good career for you

    No matter what background you’re transferring into marketing from, this episode will equip you with the tools and confidence for your new marketing career path.

    If you find this episode useful, please leave us a review and rating as it helps us continue making the podcast!

    See you next week for another episode, The Girls in Marketing Team x

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    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻 Money is a taboo topic for many. However, that stops today. In this exclusive episode of the Girls in Marketing Podcast, we tackle the financial challenges faced by you in a Girls in Marketing community Q&A. We asked for your questions on Instagram and you sent in your problems. Topics covered in this episode include: - Pricing yourself as a marketer - Understanding if you’re being paid appropriately - Keeping a healthy cash flow when you work for yourself - Pitching for paid training opportunities No matter what stage of your marketing career, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice to help you get financially stable. Tune in and get your money questions answered! If you want to get involved in future episodes, make sure you follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girlsinmarketing/ Remember to check out Hostinger by clicking here.

    See you next week for another great episode!

    Enhancing Your Employability As a Marketer and Unlocking New Career Opportunities

    Enhancing Your Employability As a Marketer and Unlocking New Career Opportunities

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    From creating your own career experience to identifying new opportunities, we discuss our own journeys into marketing and what we did to boost our career development on the way. This is a great listen to anyone wanting to broaden their marketing careers, make sure you listen until the end!

    If you did enjoy this episode, please make sure you: -Rate and review our podcast

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    If you want to apply to our Digital Marketing Growth Programme, you can check it out here: https://go.girlsinmarketing.com/3UXd6Qg

    See you next week for another great episode!

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    Integrating SEO and Marketing, Building a Digital Community and Working for Yourself with Areej AbuAli, Founder of Women in Tech SEO

    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠👩‍💻

    Welcome back to another episode of the Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we have a special episode with the founder of one of the most powerful marketing communities around, Areej AbuAli.

    Areej initially made a name for herself in the SEO world working with huge household names such as Zoopla and Papier. Areej is also the brilliant mind behind Women in Tech SEO, a global community that supports and empowers women in the technical SEO field.

    In this episode, we dive into the world of technical SEO, exploring its complexities and the role it plays in your broader marketing landscape. Areej shares her journey, the challenges she faced, and how she built a thriving community that has become a vital resource for women in the industry.

    This episode covers a range of marketing topics, including:

    💻 What Technical SEO is and how it relates to your wider marketing strategy

    🔍 Strategies you can implement to boost your SEO efforts

    🤩 Taking the plunge of working for yourself

    📲 Building a community of thousands online

    If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to leave a rating and review as it helps The Girls in Marketing Podcast become even better.

    We’ll see you next week for another great episode.


    ⁠Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠⁠👩‍💻

    You can follow Areej here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/areejabuali/

    Apply to our Digital Marketing Growth Programme here.

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    It's a tricky skill to master and a perfect balance isn't always achievable, as discussed by the Girls in Marketing Team.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Achieving a work/life balance
    • How to balance your role as a marketer
    • Why a 50/50 balance isn't always achievable
    • How you can set healthy boundaries with work

    We hope you enjoy this episode! If you do make sure to leave a rating and review for our show as it helps us make the podcast even better.

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    Thank you for all your support recently, it means the world to us! We'll see you next week with another fantastic episode with the founder of one of the biggest marketing communities around...

    See you next week,

    Girls in Marketing Team

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    Today, we have an influencer marketing special for you on the podcast. We are joined by Lauren Stretch, Head of Influencer and Social Marketing at FaceTheory.

    With a background spanning across a range of beauty and fashion roles, Lauren has leveraged her fascination with influencer marketing to build a career she loves.

    Lauren has worked on some pretty cool influencer marketing campaigns, including ASAP Rocky, Sarah Ashcroft and Rachel Leary, so stay tuned until the end to hear all the influencer marketing tea.

    Throughout her career, she has worked for brands like GUESS, Missguided, TooFaced, and now she’s working in influencer marketing at FaceTheory.

    This episode discusses: 😳 What working in beauty marketing is REALLY like 🤑 How career currency can boost career progression 🌟 Lauren's favourite influencer marketing campaigns 🧑‍💻 Why the content marketing landscape is changing

    If you want to see more guests like Lauren on the podcast, please go like and subscribe to our podcast as it really helps us out.

    This is a great episode with Lauren, if you enjoy it make sure to share it with your marketing friends.

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    The Vanity Metric Trap: Finding Value in Digital Marketing Data | The Girls in Marketing Podcast

    Check out our main sponsor, Hostinger, to create your dream website: http://hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 👩‍💻

    Check out Kingsbridge to find out more about insurance: https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 🤝

    In the world of marketing, it's easy to get distracted by vanity metrics. Those flashy numbers may look good on paper but they can sometimes fail to translate into meaningful outcomes.

    In this episode, the Girls in Marketing Team dive deep into the vanity metric trap and explore how brands can shift their focus towards uncovering true value in their digital marketing data.

    Topics discussed in this episode included:

    • The vanity metrics trap
    • How to find meaningful metrics
    • Vanity vs actionable metrics
    • Valuable ways to measure marketing success

    Hopefully, this is an insightful episode for you to see how vanity and actionable metrics can be used within your marketing.

    See you next week for an episode about influencer marketing!

    Girls in Marketing

    Monzo's Social Media Success Story: Marketing Insights from Monzo's Social Media Lead, Richard Cook

    Monzo's Social Media Success Story: Marketing Insights from Monzo's Social Media Lead, Richard Cook

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    Gain exclusive access to the social media strategies, tactics, and lessons that have propelled Monzo's social media success as a disrupter bank.

    In this episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast, Olivia sits down with social media royalty, Richard Cook, Social Media Lead at Monzo Bank, as he delves into the captivating world of social media marketing.

    In this episode, you'll discover the journey behind Monzo's remarkable success in social media marketing as Richard shares his invaluable insights and strategies, despite having an untraditional route into marketing.

    This episode discusses:

    • Building a multi-platform social media strategy
    • Working with an FCA-regulated brand
    • Adopting a creative approach to social media
    • Having an untraditional route into marketing

    A huge thank you to Richard for coming to Liverpool to record the podcast. We hope you enjoy this episode, if you did please leave a review and follow our page 🤩

    Make sure you check out our podcast sponsor, Hostinger, for your new website host here: https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 🧑‍💻

    See you next week for another team episode!

    Girls in Marketing Team

    Reacting to YOUR Marketing Confessions with The Girls in Marketing Team

    Reacting to YOUR Marketing Confessions with The Girls in Marketing Team

    ⭐️ Start your passion project with Hostinger here: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠⁠ ⭐️

    Welcome back to another episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we are diving into your marketing confessions. Back in March, we hosted an IRL event in London and we had a confessions box for our community to take part in it’s safe to say you didn’t hold back… From the hilarious to the heartfelt, we'll be unpacking your stories, sharing our own experiences, and offering expert insights from The Girls in Marketing Team along the way.

    A huge thanks to our podcast sponsors Hostinger and Kingsbridge Insurance!

    Find out more about Hostinger: ⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here: ⁠⁠https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 If you enjoy this episode (or we featured your confession), make sure you share the love on social media and leave us a review of how you enjoyed the podcast episode.

    We’ll see you in next week’s episode for a podcast episode with a marketer from a very popular bank 🏦💸