
    FROM DELOITTE AND FASTCO WORKS: Racing Past Limits — A conversation with Deloitte’s Deb Golden and Professional Race Car Driver Toni Breidinger

    enSeptember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal experiences shaping trajectory and inspiring innovationEmbrace curiosity, creativity, and courage to challenge stereotypes and inspire change through personal experiences

      Personal experiences, even those as seemingly insignificant as getting behind the wheel of a go-kart for the first time, can shape our trajectory in life and inspire us to challenge stereotypes and innovate in unexpected ways. Toni Breidinger, the first Arab American female driver in NASCAR, shares how her early experiences with go-karting ignited a lifelong love for racing and instilled a sense of confidence and independence in her. Throughout her career, she has broken barriers and reimagined possibilities, inspiring others along the way. As leaders navigate disruptions in their personal and professional lives, embracing curiosity, creativity, and the courage to think outside the box can lead to lasting change and inspire those around them. Toni's story is a powerful reminder that our experiences, no matter how small, can set us on a path to greatness.

    • Challenging the status quo as a trailblazing Arab American female NASCAR driverBelen Mosqueda-Baltimo overcomes societal stereotypes and mental stress through journaling, gratitude, and pushing herself physically to succeed in NASCAR

      Racing has been a passion for Belen Mosqueda-Baltimo since she was young, but as she grew older and became more aware of societal stereotypes and the lack of representation in her sport, she realized she was challenging the status quo as a trailblazing Arab American female NASCAR driver. This wasn't a burden for her, but rather an opportunity to improve and push herself to new heights, both mentally and physically. Belen's routine includes journaling and expressing gratitude in the morning to help manage the mental stress of racing, as well as pushing herself to do that extra rep in the gym. On the track, she thrives under pressure and knows that she can't stop once the race begins. Despite facing headwinds and negative comments on social media, Belen's love for racing has always outweighed any sacrifices she may have had to make, and she continues to pave a path for future generations in her sport.

    • Mental and physical endurance for race car drivingSuccessful race car drivers need mental focus, quick decision-making, and physical fitness, along with self-reflection and a positive mindset.

      Being a successful race car driver requires both mental and physical endurance. The mental aspect involves making quick, life-dependent decisions under immense pressure and dealing with various external pressures. The physical aspect involves pushing oneself beyond limits in the gym and on the racetrack. Self-reflection, such as journaling and practicing gratitude, is crucial for maintaining focus and performing at a high level under pressure. In the moment, drivers must make split-second decisions based on their perception of the situation, which requires being present and calm. Maintaining a positive perspective also plays a role in decision-making and ultimately, success.

    • Adapting and remaining calm in chaos, learning from failures, and surrounding oneself with positivity are crucial for success.Success requires adapting to adversity, learning from failures, and surrounding oneself with positive people for motivation and resilience.

      Having the ability to adapt and remain calm in chaotic situations, learning from failures, and surrounding oneself with positive people are crucial elements for success, whether in racing or any other profession. Adversity and failure are inevitable, and the capacity to transform these setbacks into opportunities is what sets successful individuals apart. The importance of self-awareness, maintaining a positive mindset, and being surrounded by supportive people cannot be overstated. These skills help individuals bounce back from setbacks and continue to strive for improvement. Building a strong support network, both within and outside of one's industry, is essential for maintaining motivation and resilience.

    • Surround Yourself with Positivity for Personal GrowthIdentify toxic friendships, learn from negativity, value passion and grit, stay open to new experiences, and trust natural passion and determination for personal growth

      Surrounding yourself with positive people is crucial for personal growth and success. It can be challenging to identify toxic friendships, especially when we've grown accustomed to negativity. However, these experiences can teach us valuable lessons and help us develop the resilience needed to thrive in various situations. Passion and grit are essential qualities that cannot be forced, and it's crucial to find what ignites our inner drive. Ultimately, we can't teach ourselves grit or create passion for something that doesn't resonate with us. Instead, we must stay open to new experiences and trust that our natural passion and determination will guide us towards our goals.

    • The Power of Passion and Perseverance in Team EnvironmentsPassion fuels individual success, perseverance helps overcome challenges, and trust is essential for team success

      Both passion and perseverance are essential for individual performance and success. Passion cannot be forced and must come naturally, while perseverance helps individuals overcome challenges and continue working towards their goals. Trust is also crucial in team environments, and building it quickly is important for success. This can be challenging, but letting your guard down and fully trusting those around you is necessary for achieving common goals. In racing, as in any other team environment, trust is critical for success, and building it as quickly as possible is essential for everyone involved.

    • Embracing challenges and finding growthRegardless of obstacles, Deloitte's team and a racecar driver emphasize the importance of family support, seeking mentors, challenging norms, and self-reflection for growth.

      Regardless of the challenges faced, Deloitte's team is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations turn obstacles into opportunities for growth. The speaker, a successful racecar driver, emphasizes the importance of family support and the ongoing search for a mentor within her male-dominated sport. She shares her experience with imposter syndrome and the technique of creating a "brag sheet" to remind herself of her accomplishments on difficult days. As a trailblazer, she acknowledges the importance of challenging the norm and creating new pathways for future generations. Despite not having a mentor in her specific field, she continues to lean on her family and remains determined to find one. Ultimately, her story underscores the importance of resilience, self-reflection, and the pursuit of growth, even in the face of adversity.

    • Challenging limiting beliefs in sportsBelieve women can excel in any sport, push past fears, and create supportive communities for women's sports

      Deborah M. Cohan, an accomplished woman who has made her mark in various fields, encourages challenging myths and orthodoxies, particularly the one that males are superior athletes to females. She believes women can excel in anything men can do, and even surpass them. Deborah also shared an experience of pushing herself out of her comfort zone by facing her fear of heights, which left her feeling fulfilled and proud. In today's digital age, she wishes she had created supportive social media pages for women's sports, as she values their impact. Overall, Deborah's message emphasizes the importance of challenging limiting beliefs, facing fears, and creating positive change.

    • Empowering Women in Male-Dominated FieldsCreating spaces for female athletes and race car drivers inspires young girls, embracing individuality is crucial, and building strength and community paves the way for future generations.

      Uplifting and supporting other women, particularly in male-dominated fields, is essential for creating a win-win situation. As discussed in the podcast, creating spaces to highlight female athletes and race car drivers is a great way to encourage and inspire young girls. The speaker also emphasized the importance of embracing one's individuality and not being afraid to be the first you. These messages are especially relevant in today's world, where young girls face unique challenges, including societal pressure and the constant presence of social media. By finding confidence and building strength, we can help pave the way for future generations and create positive change in the world. Overall, the podcast highlighted the importance of community, encouragement, and individuality in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

    • Embracing Ambition: Tony Breidinger's Journey to SuccessBelieve in your abilities, challenge societal norms, and pursue your dreams with courage and resilience to achieve success

      Ambition, a relentless drive to achieve goals despite challenges, has been the most important characteristic for Tony Breidinger in leading through disruption, both in her personal and professional life. From a young age, she has believed in her ability to accomplish anything with hard work, breaking societal norms and achieving success at high speeds as a racecar driver. Her unwavering belief in her abilities and passion for her goals have enabled her to challenge the status quo and make a positive impact in business, culture, and society. This story serves as an inspiration for listeners to embrace their own ambitions and pursue their dreams with courage and resilience.

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    Susie is a passionate artist who likes to communicate her feelings through art and draw the audience to experience her emotions. Susie works to evoke emotions in the viewers, so they become silent partners and enjoy the experience. The different mediums she uses also contribute to the feelings she wants to convey. Susie is well versed in several mediums, including Watercolor, Gauche, Acrylics, Oils, Digital, Charcoal, Body Painting, and teaching the basics of Fine Art.

    Recently, Susie joined the new and expanding world of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), becoming the Creative Director for Mowsse, (an NFT Marketplace made by Creatives for Creatives). She has also worked with various charities such as Big Brother/Big Sister of Los Angeles, The Widows Orphans, and Disabled Fireman Fund, and recently with United Way.

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Sooztheartist
    Shop her art: https://sooztheartist.secure-decoration.com/shop