
    From Homeless To $400M: Tobi Pearce On How To Find Your Purpose, Mindset & Motivation, Overcoming Adversity, Self-Judgement & Criticism and Learning From Failures.

    enOctober 02, 2023
    What challenges did Toby Pearce overcome on his journey?
    Why is authenticity important in business according to the podcast?
    How did the speaker identify a need for fitness apps?
    What lessons did Toby learn from his failures?
    How did the speaker's approach resonate with women in fitness?

    • From Homelessness to $400 Million: Overcoming Challenges and Finding PurposeSuccess often comes from overcoming challenges, aligning career and passion, learning from failures, and dealing with self-judgment. Achieving goals can make things harder and having a smaller circle is a part of being successful.

      Learning from this podcast episode is that success, whether in business or personal life, often comes from overcoming challenges and finding purpose through pain. Marie Llewellyn's friend Toby Pearce, a successful tech founder and ex-CEO of the Sweat app, shared his inspiring journey from homelessness to selling his company for $400 million before his 29th birthday. Toby emphasized the importance of aligning career and passion, learning from failures, and dealing with self-judgment and criticism. He also highlighted that achieving goals and reaching the top can make things harder and that being successful often means having a smaller circle. Overall, this conversation offers valuable insights and motivation for anyone looking to find their future purpose or navigate their career, regardless of their current stage in life.

    • Navigating difficult situations as an opportunity for growthExperiencing adversity can provide a new perspective and a solid foundation to build upon, making us stronger and more resilient.

      Overcoming adversity and hardship can be a powerful motivator for personal growth and success. The speaker shared his own experience of leaving home at a young age due to family tension and navigating uncomfortable situations. He reflects on this time as an opportunity for growth, despite the challenges. He also emphasizes that everyone has faced hardships and that hitting rock bottom can provide a new perspective and a solid foundation to build upon. The idea of not being fragile, which is realized after experiencing adversity, can be a strong motivator to try new things and work hard to achieve goals. Successful people often come from difficult backgrounds and use their past experiences as a driving force to overcome obstacles and reach new heights.

    • Embracing new opportunities and taking calculated risksOpening yourself up to new experiences and taking calculated risks can lead to personal growth and exceptional outcomes.

      Taking calculated risks and doing things differently can lead to personal growth and progress. Fear of imperfection or societal pressures can hinder progress, but being confident in one's abilities and willing to try new things can lead to exceptional outcomes. This concept was reflected in the speaker's personal journey to fitness. Growing up, they were underestimating their own slim build and didn't realize their potential until they received a suggestion to build muscle for injury prevention. This led them to the gym and eventually a career as a personal trainer. Initially, they trained both men and women, but a convenient scheduling overlap led them to train a group of moms regularly. This experience taught them the importance of being open to new opportunities and the potential rewards that come with taking risks and doing things differently.

    • Starting small and growing organicallyIdentifying a need and providing a solution, even if small, can lead to a large and impactful business. Recognizing the value of accountability, motivation, and support can resonate with customers and lead to successful apps.

      Identifying a need and providing a solution, even if it starts small, can lead to a large and impactful business. The speaker started by training a small group of women in fitness, which grew organically through word of mouth. At the time, women lifting weights was not common, making the speaker's efforts stand out. The speaker enjoyed the journey and the results, but also recognized the value of providing accountability, motivation, and support, which resonated with women more than men. The success of this approach led to the creation of popular fitness apps like BBG and the Sweat app. The initial idea for such an app came from recognizing the high demand for the content through illegal downloads on torrent sites. The speaker saw both the marketing opportunity and the sadness in this situation, which ultimately drove them to create a legal and rewarding solution for themselves and their customers.

    • Starting a business driven by desire, not passionHaving a passion for building a business is more important than being passionate about a specific product or service. Enjoying the experience is key.

      Personal passion and profession do not necessarily need to be intertwined to be successful. The speaker shares his experience of starting a tech company in the early days of mobile apps, driven by the desire to build a business rather than being passionate about fitness or the industry itself. He emphasizes that having a passion for the game of building a business can be more important than being passionate about a specific product or service. While enjoying what you do is important, being thoroughly obsessed with it is not a requirement. This mindset can be limiting for those who only engage in activities they are passionate about, as many people are unsure of what they are passionate about. The speaker suggests trying new things and focusing on enjoying the experience rather than being obsessed. This perspective can also apply to the CEO role, where being passionate about the mission and the business itself can be more important than being passionate about a specific product or industry.

    • Authenticity matters in business successAuthenticity builds relatability and better business results. Prioritize being good over looking good, and focus on the journey rather than the title.

      Authenticity is crucial in business, whether it's for an individual promoting a product or a CEO leading an organization. When there's a disconnect between interests and the product or service, it can come across as inauthentic and hinder success. On the other hand, a strong connection between the individual and their role can lead to relatability and better business results. However, running an organization is multifactorial, and different people with various focuses are required to win. Being a CEO or entrepreneur comes with significant responsibility and pressure, and it's essential to prioritize being good over looking good. Authenticity, understanding the complexities of running a business, and focusing on the journey rather than the title are key to success.

    • Making a Positive Impact and Embracing Challenges for GrowthSuccessfully growing a business involves numerous challenges, but making a positive impact on the world and embracing challenges can lead to personal and professional growth.

      Growing a successful business comes with a steep learning curve and numerous challenges, especially when you're young and inexperienced. The more successful you become, the more decisions you have to make in a short amount of time. However, the positive impact of certain industries, like natural diamonds, can extend far beyond just financial success. For instance, natural diamonds not only make for beautiful jewelry but also support the livelihoods of millions and contribute to infrastructure, healthcare, education, and environmental protection. On a personal note, making eco-friendly choices can make a significant difference in your daily life. For example, switching to Earthbreeze's liquidless laundry detergent not only reduces plastic waste but also makes doing laundry easier and more convenient. Additionally, providing your dogs with fresh, healthy food from The Farmer's Dog can lead to better health and a longer lifespan. During challenging times, it's essential to find what fuels you and helps you thrive. While some people may find constant wins enjoyable, others may struggle more when things don't go as planned. Regardless, embracing the challenges and learning from them is key to personal and professional growth. In summary, making a positive impact on the world, whether through business or personal choices, and embracing challenges are essential for growth and success.

    • Dealing with entrepreneurial lowsEntrepreneurship involves emotional ups and downs, dealing with financial losses and letting go of employees can be challenging, and it's important to find support and joy in the process.

      Entrepreneurship comes with its fair share of ups and downs, and the lows can be particularly challenging. The speaker shared an experience of a deal falling through just hours before the money was meant to come through, which led to downsizing the company and letting go of employees. This situation was difficult not only because of the financial implications but also because of the emotional toll it took. The speaker noted that it's hard to find people who can relate to such experiences, and it's not easy to talk about them publicly due to the negative connotations. Additionally, the emotional response to success and failure can be disproportionate, with the lows being particularly low. Entrepreneurship can feel isolating, especially when surrounded by people who haven't experienced similar challenges or when trying to find help and resources. Despite the difficulties, the speaker found joy in the challenge and learned to make the best of it.

    • The value of the entrepreneurial journeyWhile the process of building a business has become more streamlined, the value of the learning experiences and skill development gained during the journey should not be underestimated.

      The landscape of industries, particularly in technology, has significantly evolved over the past decade, making it easier for businesses to follow a proven roadmap for success. However, while the results may be less unique, the process of building something from scratch offers valuable learning experiences and skill development. Intelligence and hard work are important, but timing, luck, and persistence also play significant roles in achieving success. The Wild West days of entrepreneurship, where every step required careful consideration and experimentation, are giving way to more streamlined and commoditized processes. Yet, the value of the journey and the skills gained along the way should not be underestimated.

    • The value of persistence and continuous learningSuccess requires persistence and continuous learning. Focus on making better decisions through practice and experience, as time in the game is valuable for learning and improvement.

      Persistence and continuous learning are key to achieving success in business and other endeavors. The speaker emphasized that luck, timing, and the continuation of effort play a significant role in their own success story. They also criticized the marketing tactics of business coaches who claim to have unique solutions or frameworks, without providing objective data to back up their claims. The speaker encouraged listeners to focus on making better decisions through practice and experience, emphasizing that time in the game is valuable for learning and improvement. This principle can be applied to various aspects of life, from starting a business to pursuing a fitness goal. It's not just about putting in the time, but also about intelligently applying effort and continuously learning from experiences.

    • Learning from failures and implementing new strategiesAssess situations, gain insights, and adapt for success in various aspects of life, from health and wellness to business ventures.

      Success, whether in business or personal wellness, requires intelligent effort and a willingness to learn from failures. The speaker emphasizes the importance of assessing situations, gaining insights, and implementing new strategies. This can be applied to various aspects of life, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle while traveling or addressing hair loss. The creation of Divvy, a scalp care brand, came from a personal journey of learning about scalp health. Similarly, the speaker's success with Sweat Yep, a fitness business, came from hard work and determination. Westin Hotels offer a solution for maintaining wellness routines while traveling, and Divvy provides effective, science-backed ingredients for scalp and hair health.

    • Identity crisis after selling a businessFocusing solely on financial success can lead to an identity crisis when a business is sold. Entrepreneurs should recognize the distinction between themselves and their business to avoid putting all their identity into the company.

      Wealth and identity are interconnected for entrepreneurs, but focusing solely on financial success can lead to an identity crisis when the business no longer belongs to them. The speaker shares his personal experience of selling his organization and feeling lost without the company as a part of his identity. He emphasizes that the emotional aspect of building and leading a business can be just as significant as the financial rewards. After selling, he faced an identity crisis and had to rebuild his sense of self beyond his role as founder and CEO. This experience taught him the importance of recognizing the distinction between himself and his business to avoid putting all his identity into the company, which can lead to a difficult transition when it's no longer a part of his life.

    • From unexpected wealth to finding purposeUnexpected success can lead to unexpected challenges, take time for self-discovery, and help others find their purpose.

      Unexpected success can bring about unexpected challenges, and it's important to take the time to reflect on what truly matters and how to use your experiences to help others. The speaker shares his personal journey of making $400 million and feeling lonely and lost, leading him to figure out his passions and purpose outside of work. He emphasizes the importance of getting good at being bored and taking time for self-discovery. He also mentions how his experience has helped him in his current role as a consultant and advisor to founders, allowing him to help others avoid the pain he went through and find their own purpose. The speaker also touches on the common issue of entrepreneurs struggling to balance their personal lives with their careers and how his experience has helped him in this area as well.

    • Running a business and being a parent share emotional similaritiesFounders should understand that setbacks are natural, success is not only about money, and it's important to find balance and prioritize personal growth and happiness.

      Running a business and being a parent share similarities in terms of the emotional investment and constant worry involved. Just as a new parent might obsessively check on their baby, founders often work long hours and experience high levels of stress, fearing that something could go wrong. This emotional tension can make it difficult for founders to disconnect from their business. Additionally, financial success can bring new challenges, such as a fear of losing money that was once scarce. It's important for founders to understand that not everything needs to be perfect and that setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Success should not be defined solely by money or material possessions, but rather by personal growth and happiness.

    • Buying material possessions doesn't guarantee happinessExperiences and memories bring true happiness, not material possessions. Be practical and consider functionality over style or brand.

      Material possessions, such as a new house or expensive items, do not necessarily lead to increased happiness. The speaker in this conversation shares his personal experience of buying a new house without using deal money and not feeling the need to spend excessively on other items. He also recalls past experiences of buying things like a watch or Louis Vuitton suitcases that he rarely used or appreciated. The importance of happiness, according to the speaker, comes from experiences and memories rather than material possessions. It's essential to adjust to one's new normal and understand that everyone's definition of normal and what brings them happiness is different. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being practical and considering the functionality of items over their style or brand.

    • Focus on the quality of a relationship, not just its lengthPrioritize shared values, alignment, intimacy, and utility for a fulfilling relationship. Reevaluate or let go if it's not reciprocated.

      The length of a relationship does not determine its quality. Instead, focus on characteristics like shared values, alignment, intimacy, and utility. A good relationship involves a value exchange that is reciprocated. If you're not getting what you want from a relationship, whether it's intimate or friendly, it may be time to reevaluate or let go. Relationships are a natural part of life, and evolving and changing is a practical aspect of maintaining healthy connections. The decisions we make, such as career choices and intimate partners, significantly impact our existing and future relationships. It's unlikely to maintain deep connections with individuals who have vastly different values or interests. Letting go of a relationship or changing its nature is not a negative thing; it's a natural part of personal growth.

    • Entrepreneurship and parenthood bring feelings of isolation and self-judgment, but offer valuable experiences for personal growth and meaningful relationships.Despite societal pressures and personal challenges, entrepreneurship and parenthood provide opportunities for growth and connection.

      Being an entrepreneur or pursuing unconventional paths can lead to feelings of isolation and self-judgment, as society often perceives such choices as abnormal. However, it's essential to remember that these experiences are normal and valuable, as they allow us to form deep connections with like-minded individuals. Parenthood also brings unique challenges, such as the requirement for immense patience and a new experience of love. Despite the difficulties, both entrepreneurship and parenthood offer opportunities for personal growth and the formation of meaningful relationships. It's crucial to recognize the value in these experiences and not let societal norms or self-judgment hinder our personal growth.

    • Appreciating the present moments with your childEmbrace the opportunities of spending time with your child and appreciate the present moments, as they are precious and fleeting. Businesses can also be more resilient by trusting the process and understanding they are not as fragile as we might think.

      Having a child brings a significant shift in priorities and perspective, presenting both challenges and opportunities. It's essential to embrace the opportunities, such as spending time with your child, as these moments are precious and fleeting. In business and other areas of life, people often wish away time and responsibilities, but these experiences can be valuable and enjoyable. According to some statistics, by the time a child turns 18, parents have spent approximately 80% of their time with them. Therefore, it's crucial to appreciate the present moments and make the most of them. Another piece of advice is that businesses are not as fragile as we might think. Understanding this intellectually is important, but actually believing it and trusting the process can lead to greater resilience and success.

    • The Benefits of Taking Time Off for Business and Personal GrowthTaking time off from work can lead to increased productivity, improved well-being, and essential components of living one's best life. Self-love, finding someone to love, and pursuing joy are key components of this growth.

      Taking time off from work, whether it's a day or a vacation, can actually benefit your business and personal growth. As business owner Toby Pierce shared in the podcast, disconnecting from the business can lead to increased productivity and improved well-being. Toby emphasized the importance of self-love, finding someone to love, and pursuing things that bring joy as essential components of living one's best life. He can be found on Instagram at @toby\_underscore\_pierce, and listeners are encouraged to engage with the podcast community by commenting on the latest Instagram post with their desired guest for a chance to win Bloom Greens. Remember to follow the podcast for weekly episodes and share and leave a review if you enjoyed the conversation. Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements.

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    Pursuit of Wellness
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    The Truth About Birth Control, Cortisol, Hormones, Fasting & Cycle Syncing

    The Truth About Birth Control, Cortisol, Hormones, Fasting & Cycle Syncing
    Ep. # 128 In today’s episode, we’re thrilled to welcome back Dr. Mindy Pelz, a fan favorite and one of my personal top picks for all women to hear. As a renowned women’s health expert, Dr. Pelz will guide us through essential topics like the impact of birth control, cortisol management, fasting, and cycle syncing. With her extensive experience in nutritional and functional health, she’ll offer invaluable insights on balancing hormones, enhancing fertility, and optimizing overall health. Tune in to explore the DUTCH test, fasting protocols, and personalized wellness strategies that can help you reclaim your health and thrive. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Dr. Mindy’s Website click here! For Dr, Mindy’s Books click here! For The Fast Like A Girl App click here! For Dr. Mindy’s Youtube Channel click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Go to boncharge.com and use coupon code PURSUIT to save 15%. That’s boncharge.com and use coupon code PURSUIT to save 15% It's time you own your health. To join Function Health, go to functionhealth.com/pow and use code POW100 to skip the waitlist. Available up to 1,000 listeners Topics Discussed 00:02:36 - What is the The DUTCH test 00:06:38 - Hormone disruptors and birth control 00:09:58 - Estrogen and testosterone 00:13:10 - Cortisol and progesterone patterns  00:18:27 - Fasting for women 00:25:56 - Fasting protocols  00:27:16 - Keto and fat burning 00:29:02 - Fasting frequency and your hormones  00:33:52 - Food recommendations for ovulation  00:36:11 - PMS cravings   00:37:58 - Fasting lengths and breaking your fast 00:39:31 - Building muscle while fasting  00:41:57 - Gut health and fasting  00:45:25 - Gut health and hormones   00:46:04 - Nature’s carb  00:50:08 - Doing health in a women’s way  00:51:17 - What wellness looks like to Dr. Mindy
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enAugust 29, 2024

    Best In Class: Motivation, Mindset, Productivity & Manifestation

    Best In Class: Motivation, Mindset, Productivity & Manifestation
    Ep. #127 Welcome to another episode of Monday Mashups on POW! This week, we’re featuring powerful discussions with Tom McCarthy, Melissa Wood Tepperberg, and Roxie Nafousi on transforming your life through personal growth and mindset shifts. We’ll explore using trauma as a catalyst for change, overcoming self-esteem challenges, and embracing new tools for managing anxiety. Discover how to find your true identity and purpose, manifest self-worth, and cultivate a positive dialogue around self-image. Tune in for actionable insights and inspiring stories to help you navigate life’s challenges and thrive! Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Tom McCarthy’s instagram click here! For Melissa Wood’s Instagram click here! For Roxie Nafousi Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored by: Plus, if you visit carawayhome.com/PURSUIT you can take an additional 10% off your next purchase.This deal is exclusive for our listeners, so visit carawayhome.com/PURSUIT or use code PURSUIT at checkout. Caraway. Non-Toxic cookware made modern. Make switching seasons a breeze with Quince's high-quality closet essentials. Go to Quince.com/pow  for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. That’s Quince.com/pow to get free shipping and 365-day returns. AquaTru comes with a 30-day Money-Back Guarantee and even makes a great gift. Today my listeners receive 20% OFF any AquaTru purifier! Just go to AquaTru.com - that’s AquaTru.com and enter the code “POW” at checkout.  Visit clearstemskincare.com and use code POW at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Again, that’s code POW for 20% It's time you own your health. To join Function Health, go to functionhealth.com/pow and use code POW100 to skip the waitlist. Available up to 1,000 listeners. Show Links: Ep. 78 How to Live a Life Without Limits and Transform Your Reality With Tom McCarthy Tom’s Book Ep. 62 Melissa Wood Health On Healing Your Relationship w/ Food & Finding Self Love ​​ You Can Heal Your Life A Return To Love Ep. 72 How To Manifest Your Dream Life w/ Roxie Nafousi Topics Discussed Tom McCarthy 02:15 - Using your trauma to transform yourself 04:32 - Victim Mentality  07:42 - Dealing with self-esteem with athletes   10:22 - Our subconscious mind 12:42 - Reprogramming the subconscious mind  16:47 - Finding true identity and purpose  Melissa Wood Tepperberg 23:38 - Hitting rock bottom 25:53 - Adapting with new tools for anxiety 26:58 - Taking full responsibility for your life 28:15 - Self hatred around acne and forming a positive dialogue 31:51 - Changing your perspective towards yourself 32:13 - Acupuncture, mediation, colonics  38:33 - Healing your relationship with your body Roxie Nafousi 48:40 - Addiction, yoga and hitting rock bottom 54:39 - The importance of hitting rock bottom  56:15 - Manifesting and self-worth 57:25 - You have to grow through what you’re going through 01:00:21 - Manifesting out of self worth, taking responsibility 01:01:25 - Roxie’s 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enAugust 26, 2024

    How To Gain Lean Muscle, Lose Weight & Lift Weights w/ Sal Di Stefano of Mind Pump

    How To Gain Lean Muscle, Lose Weight & Lift Weights w/ Sal Di Stefano of Mind Pump
    Ep. #126 This week on POW, we’re thrilled to bring back fan favorite Sal Di Stefano, host of the Mind Pump Podcast, for an enlightening discussion weightlifting and holistic health. Join us as Sal shares his evolution from a focus on aesthetics to embracing a holistic approach, highlighting the dangers of insecurity and the power of listening to your body. We explore the benefits of weightlifting, especially for women, and the importance of mindful eating, self-care, and the impact of social media on our health perceptions. Packed with practical tips, from intuitive eating to effective strength training, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to balance fitness goals with a healthier, more empowered mindset. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Sal Di Stefano’s Instagram click here! For Mind Pump podcast click here! For Mind Pump free resources click here! For Mind Pump’s MAPS fitness program click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Go to boncharge.com and use coupon code PURSUIT to save 15%. Show Links: Mind Pump MAPS Fitness Program Mind Pump Media Free Resources Mind Pump Podcast Topics Discussed 03:06 - Meet Sal Di Stefano, host of the Mind Pump Podcast 04:44 - Sal’s experience with crohn's disease 08:59 - It’s not about the results, it’s about the journey  16:38 - Creating a sustainable lifestyle 18:21 - Leaky gut syndrome 20:47 - Leaky gut, overeating, and bodybuilding  22:07 - Intuitive eating 27:33 - The importance and effectiveness of weightlifting 34:27 - Proactive tissue growth  35:43 - Empowering women to strength train  37:32 - The impact of bodybuilding on body image and food 40:51 - Best body acceptance age 43:12 - Social media and body image  44:54 - Advice for beginners with strength training 49:41 - Value of tracking your food and when not to 55:48 - Maintenance calories  57:56 - The right amount of weight to lose a week 01:00:31 - The power of the pursuit of health 01:03:35 - Advice for beginners intimidated at the gym 01:09:41 - Where Sal is at in his fitness journey
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enAugust 22, 2024

    Toxins 101: Mold, Testing & Hidden Dangers From World Class Experts

    Toxins 101: Mold, Testing & Hidden Dangers From World Class Experts
    Ep. # 125 In this week's Monday Mashups, we explore the crucial topic of living a toxin-free life with insights from leading experts. Hear from Darin Olien, co-host of Down to Earth with Zac Efron, as he examines the hidden dangers of modern conveniences and their impact on our health. Allison Evans of Branch Basics shares her personal journey to wellness and practical tips for maintaining a toxin-free home. Plus, Emily Morrow of CLEARSTEM Skincare reveals how to identify and address mold toxicity and build a supportive health team. Tune in for a powerful blend of expert advice on protecting your health from environmental toxins. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Darin’s Instagram click here! For Darin’s Book Fatal Conveniences click here! For Branch Basics click here! and use code POW20 for 20% off For Emily’s Website click here!  For Emily’s Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Sleep is the foundation of health, and there is nothing better than waking up feeling refreshed and ready to attack the day. Use code POW for 20% off your order at dreamrecovery.io  Right now, Hungryroot is offering Pursuit of Wellness listeners 40% off your first delivery and free veggies for life. Just go to Hungryroot.com/POW, to get 40% off your first delivery and get your free veggies. For a limited time, you can get $30 off the first box - PLUS free Croissants in every box - when you go to Wildgrain.com/POW to start your subscription. That’s Wildgrain.com/POW, or you can use promo code POW at checkout. “Cozy Earth provided an exclusive offer for my listener’s today. Up to 40% off site wide when you use the code “PURSUIT” at cozyearth.com  Topics Discussed Darin Olien - 02:46 - Darin’s backstory and why he wrote his book 09:36 - Raising Awareness of a Hidden Toxic Products  12:30 - Exploring Fatal Conveniences and Health Impacts  14:57 - Lack of US health regulation  21:06 - Shelf stable food  23:13 - Detoxifying your bathroom  27:51 - Product recommendations  33:28 - Chemicals and human fertility impact Alison Evans - 38:58 - Tips for dealing with toxins in your home while pregnant  42:11 - All wet wipes have preservatives  46:01 - Branch basics kit  49:49 - Tips for starting your non toxic journey  55:36 - Clean eating  57:28 - Managing your household  01:01:58 - Tips for starting your non toxic journey  Emily Morrow - 01:06:03 - How Emily & Mari met  01:08:28 - Emily’s wellness journey 01:12:49 - Mold Toxicity, how it shows itself 01:14:46 - Common issues in lab work  01:17:05 - Normal ISN'T optimal  01:19:32 - Myths around cholesterol  01:21:47 - Everything in the body is connected  01:24:12 - How YOU can find and build your health team and what tests you should be asking for?
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enAugust 19, 2024

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    Key Takeaways

    How has the attack defined you and your work now? There are so many things that have defined me. I am a different person now to the woman I was in my 20s. I always think that there is a good thing around the corner even when the shit really hits the fan. I’ve always been self-employed and know the stress and excitement of being self-employed. I trained as a beauty therapist, and worked harder and harder, longer hours to make a bit more money. The attack changed me in a second, but the stress I experienced before prepared me to become more resilient


    What does your week look like? No day is the same, which is why I want this path. I thought I was stupid at school, but I realised I just wasn’t academic. When I was childless and single I said yes to everything and that has led to burnout. But nowadays I say no to more things, and I do work for free doing things. I’m a massive believer in creating passive income, and I want to spend more time with my kids. My charitable things have helped my commercial ventures as well.


    What do you do for free? That would be on a case by case basis, and I get hundreds of enquiries every day. If I think I can help, I’ll say yes, but if it means I will miss my kid's bedtime for the third night in a row then I would say no. You can set up a business and not pay yourself but it’s an asset for the future like my podcast. I’m interested in investing in property, because in the media the income can be up and down month to month. Progressive gave me the confidence to invest in property. I try and not put all my eggs in one basket.


    Katie was a stage name. Before I got attacked I wanted to have a stage name. In the hospital, I saw a psychologist every day and they asked me to write things down. This helped me process those deep and dark thoughts. I decided to put these together in a manuscript and sent it off to publishers. I was rejected for one year. I would post it off every Friday and got rejected a lot. After my documentary, I gained a platform and was able to gain a publishing contract for my autobiography. I’ve been writing ever since.


    How do you become more confident? I don’t think it is a fixed thing. I’m confident in some areas of my life, and not so much in others. A lot of people want to have consistency in confidence. Confidence is often associated with appearance a lot of the time but this can sometimes be momentary and not sustained. Confidence is about acceptance about how the world is. You should always try and learn more things and gain confidence that way. In the modern world with social media, it can be easy to end up envying others, and believing in a facade.


    I want to show my kids what the world is really like. I’m really honest with my kids about stuff and treat her like an edited adult. I like people to treat me honestly in life, and it’s easier to deal with rejection that way. If we stop talking about these things then they become a negative bigger thing.


    Getting things done has real satisfaction. This changes when you have staff though. I went through a period with my business where we had people leaving all the time. Not everyone works in that way, and it can be difficult. It’s hard to understand when everyone doesn’t want to get stuff done in your way. You have to realise that you need different skills in a team, and you need people different from you.


    I get nervous, and a little bit of self-doubt before I go on TV. That responsibility is good. That nervousness is something that you can embrace. When that stops you have gone flat. It’s like reviews however where they are really individual opinions. You can be the best version of you and do the best speech you’ve ever done but some people will always hate what you’ve done.


    If you do care about people you can’t empty your cup because then you can’t help anyone. In Britain, we don’t always tell the truth. When we ask each other, ‘how we are?’ we don’t always tell the truth. You have to take this on a case by case basis however, you don’t have to tell the truth all the time. You can have a facade sometimes to protect yourself but other times it’s good, to tell the truth.


    Money does rule me because I associate money with security. Money gives me opportunity and choice. I accumulate money but I don’t really spend it. I don’t really spend money on designer labels, I wear Topshop, and rent a designer dress for the day to go on TV. If I did a job different to mine then I might have spent my money differently. I send my most money on food, I always cook from scratch. It’s in the £100’s of pounds for seven days. I want to live long and I don’t want my injuries to shorten my life.


    What does disruptive mean to you? It’s about being unapologetically you. When I was younger people put limits on what I can do. I would put a picture of myself without make-up one but a lot of people will not like that. That might not always turn out well, but that doesn’t matter what people think. It’s about being accepting of who you are.


    Best Moments

    • ‘What happened to me was a very small snapshot.’
    • ‘If you’re a victim you didn’t survive.’
    • ‘I’ve always known that struggle and have to have a work ethic’
    • ‘When I was in my twenties my job was connected to my aesthetic.’
    • ‘I always think that I experienced something that people experience in their 70’s.’
    • ‘I was like a toddler in my twenties.’
    • ‘I learn in a different way.’
    • ‘I’m a big believer in charities, as they helped me so much.’
    • ‘I don’t carry guilt if I’m working hard.’
    • ‘Private healthcare can’t stop you from dying.’
    • ‘I’ve become less interested in money, and have a less traditional relationship with money.’
    • ‘It never really is working for free.’
    • ‘I want to put good stuff out there.’
    • ‘I am a controlled risk-taker.’
    • ‘Life is unpredictable.’
    • ‘My book was in the number 1 bestseller Times list.’
    • ‘With self-help, a lot of it is recycled.’
    • ‘I don’t always believe in no, just no right now.’
    • ‘Confidence is about acceptance.’
    • ‘Online you can start envying a facade.’
    • ‘Sales don’t define books.’
    • ‘Nothing is as catastrophic as you think it is.’
    • ‘It’s hard to understand when everyone doesn’t want to get stuff done in your way.’
    • ‘Don’t judge people on your own standards.’
    • ‘Ego is also not asking for help.’
    • ‘Depression isn’t a choice.’
    • ‘To be vulnerable is scary but you can develop your resilience.’
    • ‘The purpose of a critic is to keep us in balance.’
    • ‘Sometimes people put you on a pedestal and it isn’t always helpful.’
    • ‘I invest in my health more than my clothes.’
    • ‘I got criminal money and then didn’t do anything with it for two years.’
    • ‘Some of our judicial systems is not fit for purpose.’
    • ‘Don’t oversell a product, be real.’
    • ‘I was forced to be me, after being disfigured.’

    About the Guest

    Katie Piper is a best-selling international author, inspirational speaker, TV presenter and charity campaigner. Katie made the decision to share her story in a remarkable film for the Cutting Edge strand on Channel 4 called ‘Katie: My Beautiful Face’ which was watched by over 3.5million viewers and nominated for Best Single Documentary at the BAFTA Television Awards in 2010.

    In 2009 she set up a charity The Katie Piper Foundation to help people with burns and scars to reconnect with their lives and their communities. Simon Cowell supported Katie by becoming the patron and remains actively involved to date. The charity’s vision is a world where scars do not limit a person’s function, social inclusion or sense of well-being. In addition to her charity and writing commitments, Katie is also a TV presenter.

    Contact Method

    Website: https://www.katiepiperandyou.co.uk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KatiePiper_

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katiepiperofficial/?fref=ts

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katiepiper_/

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com


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