
    From Sexploration to Sexplanation with Pamela Madsen

    enSeptember 06, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Passion and Enhancing Sexual ExperiencesDiscover new pleasures with Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel. The magic wand is a trusted tool for reaching orgasms. Self-discovery, communication, and consent are essential for a satisfying sexual life.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration when it comes to sex. To enhance the experience, consider trying products from Promescent, such as their delay spray for men and warming arousal gel for women. The magic wand, an iconic sex toy, is also mentioned as a trusted tool for reaching orgasms. Additionally, understanding and aligning one's values, desires, and behaviors can lead to an authentic and satisfying sexual life. Pamela Madsen, founder of Back to the Body, discusses the importance of self-discovery and trying new things in the bedroom. And for those dealing with heartbreak, remember that everyone has different standards and preferences. Communication and consent are key to a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Exploring Women's Sexuality in a Safe SpaceWomen often struggle to receive pleasure due to societal pressures and lack of safe spaces to explore their bodies. Pamela Batson's retreats and workshops aim to inspire women to reconnect with their bodies and embrace their sexuality in a supportive environment.

      Women's sexual pleasure and well-being are often hindered by societal pressures and the need to feel safe and empowered. Pamela Batson, the founder of Back to the Body, emphasizes the importance of creating spaces where women can explore their bodies and receive pleasure without judgment. She believes that women have a hard time receiving pleasure for its own sake and often fake orgasms due to men's lack of foreplay. Through her retreats and workshops, Pamela aims to inspire women to reconnect with their bodies and embrace their sexuality in a supportive and safe environment. Her message resonates with many women who struggle with their relationship with their bodies and the societal expectations surrounding sex and pleasure. By providing opportunities for women to explore their bodies and receive pleasure, Pamela hopes to help them see that they are capable of experiencing true sexual fulfillment.

    • Exploring sexuality to reignite passionWomen can reignite passion and desire by creating a sexual adventure and exploring new experiences in a safe and consensual way, through reading, retreats, or seeking out new experiences. Permission to explore and find what truly makes them feel erotic and desirable is key.

      Women's sexuality is often shaped by external factors and societal pressures, leading to a disconnection from their bodies and a lack of interest in sex due to boredom. To address this issue, creating a sexual adventure and exploring new experiences in a safe and consensual way can help reignite passion and desire. This can be achieved through various means such as reading inspirational materials, attending retreats, or seeking out new experiences. It's important for women to give themselves permission to explore their sexuality and find what truly makes them feel erotic and desirable, both inside and out. This journey of self-discovery can begin with small steps, such as having open conversations with partners or seeking out resources and communities that support sexual exploration and expression.

    • A woman's journey to self-discovery and healing through sacred sexuality and psychological bodyworkExploring sacred sexuality and psychological bodywork can lead to healing from societal pressures, trauma, and reclaiming lost parts of oneself, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

      The lack of sexual fulfillment and exploration for women in the past led the speaker to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. This journey led her to the world of sacred sexuality and psychological bodywork, which provided opportunities for women to heal their body images, shed trauma, and learn boundaries and communication skills. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of receiving and letting go of societal pressures to please others, which can lead to healing from various traumas and reclaiming parts of oneself. Psychological bodywork and somatic touch in immersive settings are believed to have extraordinary healing properties by releasing emotions stored in the body and addressing pelvic floor issues that contribute to physical pain and tension.

    • Reconnecting Women with Their SexualityWomen's sexual exploration and pleasure are vital for their overall well-being. Learning to prioritize own desires and needs leads to more fulfilling relationships and orgasms.

      Women's sexual exploration and pleasure are essential for their overall well-being, and it's crucial for them to learn to prioritize their own desires and needs in bed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of helping women reconnect with their bodies and shed shame, as societal norms often teach them to prioritize others' needs over their own. Through hands-on teaching and therapy, women can learn to embrace their sexuality and assert their desires, ultimately leading to more fulfilling relationships and orgasms. The speaker's work with women of all ages, including her 93-year-old mother, highlights the importance of this work for women at every stage of life.

    • A woman's transformative journey at a retreat with therapeutic touch sessionsExploring the unknown through therapeutic touch can lead to personal growth and healing, especially for women dealing with trauma and body shame.

      The power of embracing the unknown and being open to new experiences, like therapeutic touch, can lead to personal growth and healing. This was exemplified by a woman's transformative journey at a retreat that offered one-way touch sessions with certified body workers. These sessions, which focused on the client's pleasure, helped women explore their bodies and emotions in a safe and consensual environment. The sessions, which were led by male practitioners, were found to be particularly effective in healing trauma and body shame. The retreat's founder had initially intended to create a space for fun and exploration, but the sessions unexpectedly became a source of spiritual growth and healing. During these sessions, women were encouraged to let go of attachments to past stories and simply feel their emotions without judgment. The use of trained women as intermediaries to facilitate communication between clients and practitioners also proved beneficial. Overall, this retreat provided a unique and impactful way for women to connect with their bodies and overcome emotional blocks.

    • A week-long retreat for women to explore sexuality and healWomen receive individual attention, form genuine connections, and heal in a safe and supportive environment at the Back to the Body retreat.

      The Back to the Body retreat is a week-long, intensive, and deeply personal experience designed to help women explore their sexuality and heal in a safe and supportive environment. Before the retreat, women fill out forms detailing their sexual history and medications. Upon arrival, they are assigned a safe port, a woman who stays with them throughout the retreat, to provide emotional support. Women then have 90-minute sessions with practitioners, where they can learn to express their desires and receive guidance. Afterward, they are held by other women in a nurturing space called the nest. The high staff-to-client ratio ensures each woman receives individual attention. The retreat is not focused on healing, but rather creating a container for women to heal themselves. Some women attend to explore their sexuality further, while others seek to heal. By removing competition and providing equal time and attention to all, women can form genuine connections and support each other. To learn more, check out the author's book, Shameless.

    • Exploring sexuality and relationshipsCommunication, openness, and seeking guidance can enhance sexuality and relationships. Sharing desires and experiences can deepen connections.

      Exploring sexuality and improving one's relationship with it is a personal journey that can be facilitated through various means, including books, videos, and seeking guidance from professionals. Communication and openness with one's partner are essential, and it's important to remember that everyone learns differently. Sharing one's desires and experiences with a partner can lead to a deeper understanding and connection in the relationship. The speaker's experience of introducing her husband to sex education professionals led to his support and understanding, ultimately enhancing their relationship. Although society is becoming more open to discussing sex, it's still an evolving topic, and there's always room for growth and learning.

    • Personal growth retreats enhance intimacyRetreats foster self-awareness and connection to oneself, promoting stronger relationships through individual growth and healing.

      Attending retreats for personal growth and exploration can lead to increased independence and self-awareness in a woman's intimate relationship. The speaker shares her experience of feeling more connected to herself and her sexuality, even when her partner isn't able to attend the retreats with her. She emphasizes that the work done outside of the relationship is not meant to replace the partner, but rather to provide a safe space for personal growth and healing. The limitations of relationships and the importance of individual therapy were also discussed. The speaker encourages open communication and understanding between partners about the benefits of attending retreats and the importance of personal growth. Additionally, the topic of religion was briefly touched upon as another potential source of conflict in relationships.

    • Understanding and experiencing sex influenced by societal and religious normsWomen can overcome disconnect between desires and pleasure by recognizing and respecting personal values and desires, with support from other women.

      Women's understanding and experience of sex can be deeply influenced by societal and religious norms, leading to a disconnect between their own desires and pleasure. This disconnect can be challenging to overcome, especially when it's been reinforced since childhood. Healing and transformation take time and practice, but can be facilitated through the support and empowerment of other women. By exploring and aligning personal values, desires, and behaviors, women can live more authentic and fulfilling sexual lives. An example of this is a woman who values monogamy but desires multiple lovers. By recognizing and respecting both her value and desire, she can live an authentic sexual life. This work is crucial for women to reclaim their power and confidence, and to address the root causes of many challenges in relationships and life.

    • Internal conflicts between upbringing and desiresExamining and changing limiting beliefs can help women align their values and desires, leading to greater authenticity and pleasure. People have the agency to explore new experiences and change their beliefs if they no longer serve them. Women's sexual responses can vary greatly, and partners should be patient and supportive.

      Many women hold internal conflicts between their upbringing and desires, which can lead to feelings of inauthenticity, sadness, and frustration. These conflicts can be addressed by examining and potentially changing limiting beliefs. Women may desire to explore new experiences, such as visiting a nudist beach or trying different sexual techniques, but feel restricted by their past values. By recognizing and challenging these beliefs, women can align their values and desires, leading to greater authenticity and pleasure. It's important to remember that people don't always know what's possible for their own pleasure and that they have the agency to explore new experiences and change their beliefs if they no longer serve them. Additionally, women's sexual responses can vary greatly, with some taking longer to reach orgasm than others, and it's important for partners to be patient and supportive during the process.

    • Embark on a Sexual Adventure for Women's Sexual Health and PleasureWomen need to prioritize their sexual health and take the first step towards adventure, whether it's through conversation or trying new toys, to access their erotic energy and live a fulfilling sexual life.

      Women's sexual health and pleasure are often overlooked and require time, effort, and adventure. The lack of erotic energy due to factors like antidepressants and birth control can lead to sadness and depression. To address this, women need to take the first step and embark on a sexual adventure, no matter how small or uncomfortable it may seem. This could be as simple as having a conversation with a partner or trying out a new toy. It's important to remember that everyone deserves to access their erotic energy and live a fulfilling sexual life. A great exercise to try with a partner is visiting a sex store and selecting items that each person is hesitant to share, then committing to trying three of those items together. This game can help open up communication and exploration in the bedroom. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to prioritize their sexual health and well-being, and nobody else can do it for them.

    • Rediscovering sensuality and awakening inner powerThrough expert guidance and dedicated practice, women can transform their sexual experiences, leading to increased confidence, vitality, and joy in life.

      The right sexual experiences and exploration can lead to profound transformations for women. Before seeking guidance, some women may feel disconnected from their bodies and unresponsive to traditional methods for enhancing their sexuality. But with the help of experts and dedicated practice, they can rediscover their sensuality and awaken their inner power. This journey can result in a renewed sense of confidence, vitality, and joy in life. For instance, a woman who once doubted her ability to feel turned on again may end up dancing seductively in a ball gown in front of her peers, or a woman in a masculine work environment may blossom into a confident, feminine presence. The process isn't just about achieving orgasms, but rather harnessing the power of arousal to create positive changes in all aspects of life.

    • Embrace self-love and find joy in your bodyWomen should celebrate their bodies and find joy in them, regardless of societal pressure to conform to the male gaze and negative portrayals of aging women.

      Women need to find their "yes" to their bodies and embrace self-love, which is a continuous practice. Society has conditioned women to focus on their flaws and hate on themselves, leading to a disconnection from their bodies. It's essential to find joy and appreciation in one's body, regardless of shape or size. Women have been socialized to conform to the male gaze for over a century, and the fear and shame surrounding aging and sexuality in women are perpetuated by industries that profit from our insecurities. Women's bodies and sexuality are valuable, and aging is a natural part of life. Society's emphasis on youth and the negative portrayal of aging women needs to change, and women must learn to love themselves and their bodies at every stage of life.

    • Embracing the Changes of MenopauseMenopause is a metamorphosis, not a pause in sexuality. Communication and new experiences can lead to increased satisfaction.

      As women age, it's essential to challenge limiting labels and embrace the changes that come with menopause. Instead of viewing it as a pause in sexuality, we should see it as a metamorphosis. Many women feel bored or unsatisfied with their erotic lives, leading them to focus on external changes rather than exploring new experiences. However, it's crucial to remember that men also experience hormonal changes, and open communication with partners is vital. Engaging in new experiences and having honest conversations can lead to increased sexual satisfaction and a more fulfilling sex life. It's never too late to start exploring and embracing the changes that come with aging. The sooner we do this work, the better equipped we'll be to navigate the complexities of our sexuality throughout our lives.

    • Exploring new resources and building a supportive team for personal growth and pleasureExploring new resources like sex toys and building a supportive team can enhance personal growth and pleasure. Start with warming up and being comfortable before introducing new toys.

      Building a supportive team and exploring new resources, including sex toys, can significantly enhance personal growth and pleasure. The use of toys, such as magic wands, sex butter, dildos, and the Zoomio 2, can help women explore their bodies, find new nerve endings, and expand their pleasure ceiling. It's important to remember to start with warming up and being comfortable before introducing new toys. The team and resources mentioned in the discussion provide valuable support and knowledge for women on their journey of self-discovery and exploration.

    • Exploring and Prioritizing Women's PleasureWomen deserve to focus on their own pleasure and sexual well-being, seeking new experiences and tools, changing the narrative from performing to receiving, and embracing uniqueness without comparison or guilt.

      Women deserve to explore and prioritize their own pleasure and sexuality, regardless of what stage of life they're at. Pamela Madsen, a sex educator and advocate, encourages women to seek out new experiences and tools to enhance their sexual experiences, such as the Zumio toy. She emphasizes that everyone has the potential for pleasure and self-discovery, and it's important to change the narrative around sex from performing to receiving. Madsen's work, including her book "Shameless," provides women with resources and permission to take the time to focus on their own pleasure and sexual well-being. She encourages women to be aspirational and yearn for more, but also emphasizes that everyone's journey is unique and there's no need to compare or feel guilty. The key is to explore, receive, and prioritize your own pleasure.

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    Website - https://www.alexandraroxo.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/alexandraroxo/


    Honorable Mentions:

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    • David Deida - Spirituality and Sexuality teacher, author of some of my FAVORITE books:
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      • Way of the Superior Man
      • Finding God Through Sex

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    Join Stephanie for her 8 week Erotic Blueprint Exploration

    Take the Erotic Blueprint Quiz

    Check out her Yoni Healing Toolkit

    Find her on Spotify where she has playlists for each Erotic Blueprint

    Stephanie’s Website

    Stephanie’s Instagram




    Learn more about Craft Your Path: Feminine Genius

    Sign up for the waitlist & qualify for a special bonus!

    Sign up for my FREE live event: “Ignite Your Feminine Genius” December 29th 12:00-1:30pm EST to reflect on 2021 & set the tone for the new year. You can expect a blend of yoga, music, embodied movement, an oracle card reading, journaling, intention setting, group discussion & Q + A. I will also be sharing a very exciting gift at the end. If you can't make it live, all good, I will send the replay to everyone that signs up.




    “Stoke Your Inner Fire” Women’s Yoga Retreat at beautiful Lake Keowee

    January 20-23 hosted by yours truly & special guest teachers Kate Moon & Julia Powell

    This will be a special experience that is one part yoga retreat & one part winter wonderland getaway. You’ll enjoy accommodations at a gorgeous lakefront log cabin, twice daily yoga & meditation, delicious & nutritious meals sourced locally by private Chef Amanda Moon, cozy boat excursions with blankets & hot cocoa, a fire ritual, tea ceremony, nature walks, connecting with an amazing group of women & so much more. Email me at hello@cortneyostrosky.com to learn more and/or to sign up.




    Make eating healthy EASY with Sakara Life, my FAV delicious & nutritious meal delivery service. Eating their food for the past few months has absolutely changed my life & my body in the BEST ways! I couldn’t recommend them more. Save %20 off of your first order by using discount code: XOUNIQUEWAY




    Want to sponsor the podcast & reach a new audience with your service, brand, product, etc.? Let’s join forces! Email Cortney at hello@cortneyostrosky.com to learn more about the show stats & sponsorship opportunities.




    To say thank you for taking the time to subscribe, rate & review the podcast I’m gifting you my Zoom Yoga Library (11 creative vinyasa classes). All you have to do is take a screenshot of your rating & review & send it to hello@cortneyostrosky.com. I’m so grateful for your support & think you’ll LOVE these classes!


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    Unique Way Instagram

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