
    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying the root cause of slow website performanceUse tools like Sentry for performance metrics and profiling to pinpoint and optimize slow pages, improving user experience and website efficiency.

      Website performance can be influenced by various factors, including servers, browsers, and the internet. However, identifying the root cause of a slow website can be a complex task. Scott from Syntax shares his recent experience with adapting to a new ergonomic keyboard, which, despite its productivity benefits, took time to get used to. Similarly, pinpointing what makes a website slow can require some investigation. To help diagnose performance issues, Scott recommends using tools like Sentry, which offers performance metrics and profiling features. With Sentry, you can easily track the performance of your application at every route and identify slow pages across all users. This information can save you time and effort by allowing you to focus on the areas that truly need optimization. Another important aspect of website performance is ergonomics. Just as a new keyboard can improve productivity and reduce strain, optimizing a website can enhance user experience and keep visitors engaged. By using the right tools and understanding the underlying causes of performance issues, you can create a faster, more enjoyable browsing experience for your users.

    • Identifying website performance issues with Century's profiling toolCentury's profiling tool helps pinpoint server generation time issues, enhancing website performance and user experience.

      Website performance is crucial for user satisfaction, and slow websites can negatively impact user experience. Century's profiling tool helps identify performance issues by providing insights into server generation time, user happiness, and other factors. Server generation time is the time it takes for a server to respond with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript after a user makes a request. This process involves DNS lookup, server wake-up, and handling the request, which can take anywhere from milliseconds to seconds. Slow server response times can result from unoptimized database calls, large content, or lengthy server-side processing. To improve website performance, it's essential to identify and address these issues. By focusing on optimizing server generation time, developers can create faster, more enjoyable user experiences.

    • Optimizing server response timesMinimize unnecessary database calls, use caching, concurrent requests, log function times, properly index queries, and ensure server has adequate hardware resources.

      Optimizing server response times involves being mindful of what data you need and minimizing unnecessary database calls. Caching results in memory using tools like Redis can help reduce the need for frequent database queries. Concurrent requests can also be utilized for queries that don't rely on each other. Logging function execution times and using tools like Performance.now() can help identify performance bottlenecks. Properly indexing database queries can also significantly improve response times. Additionally, ensuring that your server has appropriate hardware for the workload is crucial. If your server is struggling to handle the load, consider upgrading your server or optimizing your code to reduce the demands on the server. Overall, server response times can be improved through a combination of optimizing database queries, utilizing caching, concurrent requests, and ensuring your server has the necessary hardware resources.

    • Optimizing website performance involves server and client-side improvementsEnabling compression techniques like Gzip or Brotli on the server reduces the size of data transmitted to the client, improving load times

      Optimizing website performance involves addressing issues both on the server and client sides. On the server side, ensuring sufficient memory and CPU resources can lead to faster processing. On the client side, compressing large HTML payloads using techniques like Gzip and Brotli can significantly reduce the amount of data transmitted and improve load times. For instance, a website with a 1.34 meg HTML payload can be compressed to just 124k by eliminating duplicate data. It's essential to understand the context and the difference between server and client-side optimizations. A normal website's HTML size can vary greatly, with some being just a few bytes and others being several megabytes. Enabling compression techniques like Gzip or Brotli on the server can help reduce the size of data transmitted to the client, resulting in faster page load times. Cloudflare and other similar services can automate the process of enabling these compression techniques for you. In the past, optimizing websites required manual configuration changes, but modern solutions make it easier to achieve optimal performance with minimal effort.

    • Optimizing server setup and managing assets for better website performanceOptimize server software, reduce image and video sizes, minimize JavaScript usage, and use services for automation to improve website loading speed

      Improving website loading speed is crucial for providing a good user experience. Two important factors are optimizing server setup and managing assets. If you're running your own server, you're responsible for managing server software like NGINX or Apache. For better performance, consider using services that handle these tasks. Assets, particularly images and videos, are often overlooked. Reducing their size through methods like streaming or compression can significantly improve load times. Services like Cloudinary can automate this process, saving time and ensuring the correct format and size are served to users. Additionally, minimizing JavaScript usage and optimizing its delivery are essential for faster loading. Techniques like async, deferred, and lazy loading can help with this. Overall, focusing on these areas can lead to substantial improvements in website performance.

    • Strategies for optimizing website performanceSelectively load JavaScript, cache assets, use virtualization and lazy loading for efficient rendering.

      Optimizing website performance involves several strategies, including loading JavaScript selectively, caching assets, and employing virtualization and lazy loading. When it comes to JavaScript, instead of loading it on every page, it's more efficient to only load it on the pages that require it. This can be achieved with tools that help chunk up your JavaScript into specific parts. Caching assets, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript, is another effective method. By putting these assets on a content delivery network (CDN), they can be delivered from servers closest to the user, improving load times. Virtualization and lazy loading are techniques to help manage the rendering of large numbers of elements or images. Virtualization allows only rendering the items that are in the user's viewport, while lazy loading ensures images are only loaded when they become visible. Tools like Parcel Vite can help generate manifests to make managing these optimizations easier. Additionally, minimizing the number of elements on a page and only loading images that are in the user's viewport can significantly improve performance.

    • Virtualization and Lazy Rendering Techniques for Web PerformanceVirtualization reduces CPU load by rendering only necessary elements, while lazy rendering techniques like content visibility auto improve loading times. Caching in various forms saves data for faster access, enhancing user experience.

      Virtualization and lazy rendering techniques are becoming increasingly important for optimizing web performance. Virtualization allows rendering only the necessary elements as they come into view, reducing the load on the CPU and improving overall performance. Libraries like tanstack lazy or virtualization help achieve this. Eye tracking technology, as seen in the new PlayStation VR headset, is another example of virtualized rendering, focusing on rendering only what the user is looking at. Additionally, there's a new CSS attribute called content visibility auto, which is a lazy rendering technique for DOM nodes. This can significantly improve loading times, but it may break search functionality. As technology advances, we may see more virtualized rendering and caching techniques integrated into the browser itself, making websites more efficient and responsive. Caching, another crucial aspect of web performance, comes in various forms. Server-side caching, such as Redis or memory caching, saves data in the RAM of a system for faster access. CDN (Content Delivery Network) caching stores frequently accessed content on servers located closer to the user, reducing latency and improving load times. Browser caching stores files locally on the user's device, allowing for faster access to previously visited web pages. These caching techniques help improve user experience by reducing load times and enhancing overall performance.

    • Techniques for efficient data retrieval through cachingCaching techniques include memory caching, browser caching, CDN caching, memoizing functions, and using local storage or session storage. These methods help improve performance and reduce server load.

      Caching is a technique used to store and retrieve data efficiently. This can be done in JavaScript through variables, which store data in memory and are accessible until the function or process is closed. This is known as memory caching. Browser caching is another form of caching where images or other assets are stored on the user's computer for faster access on subsequent visits. CDN caching is a method used by Content Delivery Networks to store and serve frequently accessed content from servers located around the world. Memoizing a function is also a form of caching, where the results of function calls are stored in memory for faster access. Local storage and session storage in the browser can also be used as a means of caching data. Redis caching is another popular method for caching data in memory, which can be accessed quickly and efficiently. Overall, caching is an important technique for improving performance and reducing the load on servers.

    • Caching and handling render-blocking requests for improved website performanceImplement caching to store frequently used data in memory and check for recent HTML requests. Optimize CSS and scripts to avoid render-blocking and ensure faster rendering.

      Caching is an essential technique for improving website performance by storing frequently used data in a faster-access location. The speaker discussed implementing a simple caching system in memory, checking if the requested HTML is already available and within the last 10 minutes. This approach can help reduce processing time and improve response rates. Another crucial aspect of website performance is handling render-blocking requests. When a browser makes an initial request for HTML, it may encounter CSS and JavaScript files, which can halt the rendering process while downloading and parsing these files. This can significantly impact website performance. To mitigate this issue, consider inlining CSS or optimizing the order of scripts and CSS files to ensure they don't block rendering. Caching and handling render-blocking requests are two essential strategies for enhancing website performance. By understanding these concepts and implementing appropriate techniques, developers can create faster, smoother user experiences.

    • Optimizing CSS and JavaScript LoadingUsing a style tag for all CSS, media attributes, async and defer attributes on scripts, and 'module' type=

      Optimizing the loading of CSS and JavaScript can significantly improve the performance of a website. One common method for doing this is by using a style tag to include all CSS at once, instead of downloading it separately, which can help avoid the "Flash of Unstyled Content" and make the HTML render faster. Another method is using media attributes on CSS tags to prevent unnecessary downloads. In the JavaScript world, using async and defer attributes on script tags can also improve performance by controlling when they are downloaded and executed. Async downloads while the HTML is parsing and executes right away, while defer downloads while the HTML is parsing but waits until it's finished to run. In most cases, using defer is recommended. Additionally, using the type of "module" for JavaScript files will also result in deferred loading. These are just a few ways to optimize the loading of CSS and JavaScript, making websites faster and more efficient for users. Latency, a term mentioned in the discussion, refers to the time delay between a user's request for a resource and the server's response. Minimizing latency is crucial for providing a good user experience and ensuring that websites load quickly.

    • Understanding Latency and Its Impact on User ExperienceLatency, the time it takes for data to travel, can impact user experience, even with fast internet. CDNs help reduce latency, but it can also increase it. Latency is a challenge in our digital world, and we must be aware of its potential impact on users and provide the best solution.

      Latency, the time it takes for data to travel from one computer to another, can significantly impact the user experience, even with a fast internet connection. This delay can be caused by physical distances or hardware limitations, and it's not limited to the web but also affects audio, video, and other applications. CDNs help reduce latency by bringing servers closer to users, but it can also increase latency if the database is not near the edge function. Latency is a challenge we face in our digital world, and while we can try to minimize it, we are ultimately at the mercy of physics. A simple example of latency is using a mouse with weak batteries, which can cause laggy performance. It's essential to be aware of latency and its potential impact on users, and do our best to provide the best possible solution for everyone. A new trend is the discussion of flash of light mode or flash of dark mode, which refers to the brief moment of incorrect display of content before the correct one appears. This issue can also impact user experience and should be addressed to ensure a smooth and enjoyable digital experience.

    • Addressing rendering issues for a faster user experienceImprove user experience by addressing 'flash of unstyled content' and 'flash of incorrect theme or user information' through server-side rendering and preloading fonts and CSS files.

      Optimizing the user experience of a website involves addressing issues related to the rendering of content, particularly during the initial load. Two common problems are the "flash of unstyled content" and the "flash of incorrect theme or user information." The former occurs when CSS and fonts take time to load, causing text to appear unstyled before being properly rendered. The latter happens when server-side information is not yet available, leading to incorrect themes or user preferences being displayed. To improve these issues, server-side rendering of user account information and preloading fonts and CSS files can be helpful. Another issue is the "flash of unstyled text," which can be annoying to users and perceived as slower loading times. Addressing these issues can lead to a more seamless and faster user experience. Additionally, Google Fonts now provides a link preload feature to help optimize font rendering.

    • Optimizing fonts for faster load timesUse system fonts or widely available options, leverage link preload tags for Google fonts, be cautious with data URIs, and consider using tools like Vite plugin for inlining assets.

      Optimizing website load times involves addressing various elements, including fonts and images. For fonts, using system fonts or widely available options can help reduce the time spent on loading. The use of link preload tags for Google fonts can also help start the download process earlier. However, be cautious with data URIs as they can put extra workload on the CPU, potentially causing jank and unresponsiveness, especially if used excessively. It's essential to consider the trade-offs when implementing such optimization techniques. Additionally, tools like Vite plugin single file can help inline CSS, JavaScript, and images into a single HTML file for portability but should be used judiciously. For more insights on website optimization, feel free to share your tips with us on Twitter. Let's keep the conversation going!

    • Discovering the Power of Suavecito Pomade and 3Blue1BrownSuavecito pomade offers a firm hold, matte finish, and water-soluble formula, making it an easy-to-use and effective hair product. 3Blue1Brown is a YouTube channel that teaches complex math concepts through engaging animations, making them accessible and enjoyable for visual learners.

      The Suavecito firm hold pomade is a high-quality, long-lasting hair product with a matte finish and a pleasant fragrance. Wes, a podcast guest and CTO of Suavecito, introduced this product to the hosts, and they were impressed by its firm hold, matte color, and water-soluble formula. Unlike Wes's previous pomade, which was not water-soluble and difficult to wash off, the Suavecito pomade washes out easily with shampoo. Additionally, the Suavecito brand offers a variety of pomades to cater to different hair types and preferences. Furthermore, Wes recommended a YouTube channel called 3Blue1Brown, which teaches math concepts through engaging animations. The channel offers clear, factual explanations of high-level math concepts, making it an excellent resource for visual learners like Wes. The hosts were impressed by the channel's ability to make complex math concepts accessible and enjoyable, and they encouraged listeners to check it out. Overall, both the Suavecito pomade and the 3Blue1Brown YouTube channel received positive reviews from the hosts and offer unique solutions to common problems in their respective fields.

    • Learning from YouTube: A Powerful Self-Directed Learning ToolYouTube is an invaluable resource for self-directed learning, offering millions of videos on various topics, and essential for acquiring new skills and knowledge.

      YouTube is a powerful learning tool, especially for topics like telecom and network classes, which the speaker learned from through a channel of a man from India. Back then, there were limited resources available, but now, there are millions of videos on various topics, making it an invaluable resource. The speaker even runs a YouTube channel for his business and shares his kids' videos. The old-school YouTube button is a badge of honor for those who have had it before it became mainstream. If you're interested in learning JavaScript and CSS, check out westboss.com/courses using the coupon code "syntax" for a discount. The speaker also recommends Level Up Tuts for Svelte, CSS, and JavaScript content. Overall, YouTube's impact on self-directed learning and its accessibility make it an essential platform for acquiring new skills and knowledge.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
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    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
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    Show Notes

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    • 04:25 Syntax Brought to you by Sentry
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    • 21:16 Caching Headers

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    Hasty Treat - 5 Things That Make Your Site Slow

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    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session re-player and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free at logrocket.com/syntax.

    Show Notes

    3:00 - TTFB

    • Slow DNS lookup
    • Server on the other side of the world
    • Slow server processing
    • Network speed back to the browser

    6:21 - Requests

    • Too many requests
    • Too large
    • Waterfalling your requests

    9:44 - Assets are too large

    • Images are the biggest bloat in a site
    • Compress and optimize via build tool or ImageOptim
    • Make smaller
    • Picture fill for mobile

    14:48 - Lazy loading

    • lazy=“true”
    • Intersection observer
    • Preload slider images two ahead

    18:03 - Not using a CDN

    • What is a CDN?
    • Cloudflare is free, others are very cheap - we used Cloudfront
    • Netlify is free and comes with a CDN


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    To watch the full video and transcript of this episode visit:

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