
    Podcast Summary

    • The Bible's belief in Christ as the force behind creation and consciousness as a defining factor in realityThe Bible's view of Christ as the creator and consciousness as a crucial aspect of reality challenges scientists and philosophers to explore their interconnectedness

      The Bible, particularly the Christian interpretation, holds a dreamlike belief that Christ was the same force as God used to bring order to the chaotic beginning of time. This idea, which is not easily dismissed as superstition, is deeply interconnected with the primacy of consciousness, a topic of ongoing debate among scientists and philosophers. Consciousness, with its strange properties, seems to be a defining factor in the reality of our subjective experience of the world. Renowned physicist John Wheeler believed that consciousness plays a constitutive role in transforming the potential chaos of being into actuality. This belief, though complex and deeply rooted, sheds light on the intricate relationship between consciousness, reality, and the divine.

    • Ancient mythology's perspective on consciousness and creating order from chaosAncient mythology views consciousness as the active tool that brings form to the formless potential of the world, creating order from chaos.

      Consciousness and the creation of order from chaos are deeply connected concepts. From a scientific perspective, consciousness remains a mystery, but from a mythological and philosophical perspective, consciousness is seen as the tool that enables us to give form to the formless potential of the world. This idea can be found in ancient mythology, where there are three causal elements: formless potential, interpretive structure, and consciousness. The formless potential is the source of all things, the interpretive structure is the cognitive framework that allows us to make sense of the world, and consciousness is the active principle that brings it all to life. This concept is reflected in the Christian Trinity, where God the Father represents the structure, God the Son represents consciousness, and the Holy Spirit represents the active principle that turns chaos into order. This idea offers a sophisticated way of understanding the relationship between consciousness, potential, and the creation of reality.

    • Understanding the world and belief in human worthOur bodies interpret chaos into order, belief in human equality is a cornerstone of civilization, and free speech is essential for all other rights and ideas.

      Our understanding of the world and our belief in the inherent worth of every individual are deeply interconnected and rooted in our evolution and cultural traditions. Our bodies, shaped by millions of years of evolution, serve as interpretive structures that help us perceive and transform chaos into order. The belief that every human being is equal before God, regardless of their differences, is a remarkable and difficult idea that is the cornerstone of our legal system and a fundamental aspect of civilized behavior. This belief, which is expressed through speech, has a divine quality and is essential for the creation of habitable reality. Speech, as a public and collective cognitive process, plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the world and our relationships with each other. While not every right has equal value, free speech, as the catalyst for all other rights and ideas, should be protected above all.

    • Ancient beliefs about potential and free willAncient myths reflect our deep-rooted beliefs in free will and the power to shape our world. These beliefs influence our societal norms and expectations.

      Our actions and beliefs are rooted in ancient beliefs about potential, free will, and creation. The biblical story of God creating the world from chaos can be traced back to older Mesopotamian myths, where chaos and order were personified as Tiamat and Apsu. These myths reflect the human experience of confronting the unknown and transforming it into something orderly and habitable. This idea of free will and the ability to shape our world is deeply ingrained in our societal norms and expectations. Treating others as if they lack autonomy and responsibility is seen as an insult and can be punishing. The belief in free will and potential is not just a philosophical concept, but a fundamental aspect of how we view ourselves and our place in the world.

    • Our response to the unknown is deeply rooted in our evolutionary pastOur ancient ancestors' need to explore and confront danger led to the development of circuits in our brain for dealing with the unknown, which can manifest as courage or fear in modern situations, and trust is a valuable natural resource that enables peaceful cooperation.

      The human brain's response to the unknown is deeply rooted in our evolutionary past, with the same circuits used to encounter and conquer the unknown, whether it be geographical or interpersonal, also being used in abstract situations today. This response, which can manifest as paternal courage or the demonization of enemies, is a result of our ancient ancestors' need to explore and confront danger in order to survive and create habitable spaces. This fundamental aspect of human nature can be seen in various forms of storytelling and is a key driver of our capacity for cooperation and conflict. Additionally, trust, as the foundation of peaceful cooperation, is a valuable natural resource that enables prosperous societies.

    • The Power and Peril of TrustTrust is crucial for relationships and societies, but its betrayal can lead to chaos and instability.

      Trust is a powerful economic and interpersonal force that simplifies complex relationships and enables stability. However, when trust is betrayed, the consequences can be devastating, leading to a collapse of certainty and a feeling of being in an unfamiliar and uncertain world. This experience can be likened to a journey to the underworld in mythology, where the solidity and stability we've built around us is shattered, revealing hidden complexities and challenges. Trust is essential for building relationships and societies, but it also carries the risk of betrayal and the resulting chaos. Understanding this dynamic can help us navigate the complexities of human relationships and the inevitable ups and downs that come with them.

    • Understanding the human condition through stories of challengesStories tap into universal truths about the human condition, revealing our awareness of imperfections and the weight of the future

      Human beings are constantly faced with challenges or "snakes" that disrupt our perceived sense of stability and safety. These challenges are part of an unchanging reality, or archetype, that transcends our moment-to-moment experiences. We may not be able to directly observe these abstract realities, but we can imagine them and understand their significance through stories and fiction. These stories, such as the one of Adam and Eve, tap into universal truths about the human condition, including our awareness of our own imperfections and the weight of the future. Ultimately, these challenges and the human response to them shape our existence and give meaning to our lives.

    • Our inherent awareness of existence in a post-cataclysmic world leads to self-consciousness and fear of social humiliationJung recognized the depth and significance of ancient stories, rejecting simplistic explanations, and saw them as reflecting the human condition, including our deepest fears and desires

      Human beings have an inherent awareness of their existence in a post-cataclysmic world, as expressed in the biblical story of Adam and Eve. This awareness leads to self-consciousness and a fear of social humiliation, making us acutely sensitive to the judgment of others. This vulnerability is a fundamental aspect of human nature and is associated with neuroticism. The stories at the roots of our civilization, like the Adam and Eve story, are full of mysteries and complexities that challenge our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Jung approached these stories with a beginner's mind, recognizing their depth and significance, and rejecting simplistic explanations like Freud's view of God as the father or Marx's view of religion as the opiate of the masses. Instead, Jung saw these stories as reflecting the human condition, including the potential for betrayal, resentment, and even the darkest of desires. Ultimately, these stories speak to our deepest fears and desires, and help us make sense of our existence.

    • Recognizing the Power of Naming and SpeechThe ability to name and speak transforms potential into actuality, setting the foundation for conscious articulation and separating humans from animals. It's important to use this power constructively, rather than succumbing to negative emotions.

      Our cognitive faculties, particularly our ability to speak and name things, play a crucial role in shaping our conscious reality. This is evident in the biblical story of creation, where God separates light from darkness, names them day and night, and gives Adam the task of naming all the animals. The act of naming transforms potential into actuality and sets the foundation for conscious articulation and speech, which separates humans from animals. Despite our small presence in the universe, consciousness and its transformations may be the most significant phenomena in the cosmos. It's important to recognize the power of our cognitive abilities and use them constructively, rather than succumbing to negative emotions like confusion, outrage, and resentment, which can lead to destructive actions.

    • The Significance of Human ConsciousnessHuman consciousness is valuable and deserves care and respect, as it is a fundamental aspect of human existence, despite the indifference of the universe.

      The speaker values human consciousness and believes it to be significant, despite the neutrality of the cosmos towards it. He expresses skepticism towards those who trivialize consciousness and sees a potential dark side to such beliefs, which could lead to a lack of responsibility and even hatred towards humanity. The speaker, who is a psychoanalyst, emphasizes the importance of care and respect for human beings, who face numerous challenges and struggles in their existence. The creation story from the Bible, as mentioned in the conversation, is used as an example of the fundamental essence of human being, which is care. The speaker also criticizes those who express a hatred for humanity and desire for its elimination, viewing it as a sickening and appalling attitude.

    • Ancient descriptions held deeper psychological meaningsAncient stories were more than just geography or science, they held deeper psychological significance and provide valuable context to understand the human imagination of those times.

      The ancient descriptions of the world were not just geographical or scientific, but also psychological. These descriptions, such as the one about a disk of land with a dome and various layers of water, were based on observation but also held deeper psychological meanings. For instance, constellations were seen as gods and the drama of the cosmos was a projection of the human imagination. Jung's analysis of astrology is an example of this, as he saw it as a reflection of the human psyche rather than an actual scientific phenomenon. Understanding the geographical substrate of these stories is important as it provides context and helps us connect with the psychology shared by these ancient people. The world they described was not just the natural world as we know it, but also the way they saw and understood it. This psychological perspective is still relevant to us today.

    • Finding balance between security and explorationSeek a balance between exploring the unknown and managing the known for optimal state of engagement and joy

      Our optimal state lies in finding a balance between security and exploration. This balance is reflected in the structure of our brain, with the right hemisphere handling the unknown and the left hemisphere managing the known. Being fully engaged in the world, with one foot in the secure and one foot in the unknown, allows us to feel meaningful connection and a sense of paradise on Earth. This state is a neurophysiological signal that we're in the right place at the right time, maximizing information flow and experiencing joy. However, it's important to acknowledge that we can't always be in this state, and we must find ways to mediate between security and exploration. The devil, or adversary, as depicted in Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, presents an intriguing perspective, questioning the value of existence given the world's suffering. Yet, the human experience lies in finding meaning and balance in both the known and the unknown.

    • Exploring the question of how to transcend suffering and limitation through actionsThe human imagination, through stories like the Bible, offers the possibility of finding a mode of being that allows us to triumph over tragedy.

      Despite the challenges and suffering in life, it's important to strive for modes of being that make things better rather than worse. The biblical stories offer a dialogue between ways of being that justify or make the world unbearable. The question is whether we can transcend the suffering and limitation of being through our actions. The human imagination, through stories like the Bible, explores this question and offers the possibility of finding a mode of being that allows us to triumph over tragedy. Ultimately, we look to those who seem to bear the burden of being heroically, inspiring us to mimic and follow their example.

    • Recognizing universal values of good and evilThe recognition of good and evil as universal values is essential for humanity's moral compass, allowing us to strive for a better world and acknowledge the power of our actions.

      The recognition of good and evil as universal values is essential for humanity's moral compass. Alexander Solzhenitsyn believed that the Nuremberg trials, which established the concept of crimes against humanity, were the most important event of the 20th century. This notion of universal evil is not just a matter of practicality, but a call to being and acting with morality. The idea that consciousness and illumination are integral to being is reflected in various religious and mythological texts, such as the Bible, which describes God as the source of light and consciousness. The recognition of good and evil as universal values allows us to separate day from night, to mark the seasons, and to strive for a better world, where everyone acts as a light in the darkness. It's a reminder that we have the power to make a difference and that our actions have consequences, for better or for worse.

    • Associating Sovereigns with Celestial Bodies: A Metaphor for LeadershipThe metaphor of associating rulers with celestial bodies highlights the importance of wisdom, illumination, and positive impact in leadership.

      The ancient idea of associating the sovereign with the heavenly lights is a metaphorical way to understand the concept of authority and competence in leadership. This idea is rooted in the biblical account of God creating the sun, moon, and stars to rule over the day and night, separating light from darkness. From an historical perspective, understanding sovereignty as something more than power or dominance took a long time to develop. The idea of a ruler as a source of wisdom and illumination in the face of darkness is a powerful metaphor. Furthermore, the declaration of the cosmos emphasizes the value of something over nothing, and the potential for humans to make the world a better place by contributing to it. An example of this is the eradication of the guinea worm disease in Africa, which demonstrates the positive impact one person can have on the world. In summary, the idea of associating celestial bodies with earthly rulers and striving to make the world a better place are enduring themes that continue to resonate today.

    • Exploring the humanities deepens our understanding of lifeEngaging with the humanities provides wisdom, helps us confront life's challenges, and offers deeper insights into ourselves and the world.

      Engaging with profound knowledge through the humanities, such as understanding biblical stories and classic literature, is essential for confronting life's ultimate questions and becoming wise. This wisdom enables us to deal honorably with the tragedy and challenges of life and be a source of strength for others. The humanities, including history and art, offer a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, providing nourishment for the soul beyond mere physical sustenance. These works, like the Sistine Chapel, offer profound insights into the nature of being and evil and are accessible to people from all walks of life. Ignoring the humanities is not an option for those seeking to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

    • The Bible's portrayal of God's nature and the call to act towards HimDespite the challenges of the world, the Bible encourages believers to have faith and courage in God's goodness, seen as a divine pattern and a wise response to evil.

      The Bible's creation story presents God's continuous judgment of reality as good, despite its apparent cruelty or arbitrariness. In the Old Testament, God's nature is seen as both arbitrary and powerful, while in the New Testament, believers are encouraged to act towards God as if He is only good, despite the challenges of the world. This act of faith and courage, as demonstrated by Christ's sacrifice, is seen as a divine pattern and a wise response to the existence of evil. The Bible's portrayal of God's nature and the call to act towards Him with faith and courage, even in the face of suffering and evil, is a profound and enduring theme.

    • Embracing the finite nature of existenceAccepting the world as good despite evidence to the contrary, recognizing the value of embodiment, and viewing religious stories as the birthplace of philosophical concepts are heroic attitudes towards life.

      Accepting the finite nature of existence and embracing it with courage is a heroic attitude towards life. This transformation of attitude requires accepting the world as good, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. The divine essence, as embodied and complicated as a human being, is a reasonable concept. The idea of God as an embodied human being is not primitive but rather a recognition of the value of embodiment. The complex origins of monotheism reflect the ancient observation of powers determining human destiny and the emergence of philosophical ideas from religious stories. These stories should be viewed as the birthplace of sophisticated philosophical concepts, and engaging with them rationally is essential.

    • The biblical concept of humans being created in God's image is profound and egalitarianThe idea that humans possess a divine quality and have dominion over the earth, as depicted in the Genesis story, is a profound and egalitarian concept that recognizes a divine connection to humanity.

      The concept of human beings being created in the image of God, as depicted in the biblical story of Genesis, is a profound and egalitarian idea. This notion, which is not easily understood or abstracted, suggests that humans possess a divine quality and have dominion over the earth. The idea of a divine connection to humanity is not to be underestimated, despite its metaphysical nature. Additionally, the creation story in Genesis, which presents males and females as being created simultaneously, is an advanced and egalitarian concept. The image of God creating Adam and Eve is depicted in famous artworks like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, and some scientists have suggested that Michelangelo may have symbolically placed God within the human brain, reflecting the connection between consciousness and the divine. The idea that consciousness arises from a material substrate that we don't fully understand is a testament to the remarkable and miraculous nature of human existence. Despite advances in science, there is still much we don't understand about the brain and consciousness, and it's important to recognize the limits of our knowledge.

    • The importance of balancing work and restGod's example of resting on the seventh day highlights the need for work-life balance for optimal productivity and well-being.

      God, as depicted in the biblical creation story, worked diligently for six days but took a rest on the seventh day, setting an example for humans to follow. This wisdom, which has been passed down through time, emphasizes the importance of balancing work and rest for productivity and overall well-being. Additionally, the concept of God in this narrative embodies power, consciousness, and cosmic significance, offering a metaphorical understanding of the divine. Freud's dream interpretation method can be applied to this idea, revealing the various associations and meanings people have attributed to the concept of God throughout history.

    • Exploring the meaning of dreams through Jungian analysisJungian analysis of dreams involves examining narrative structures, identifying objects or people, and exploring their associations to gain insights into abstract concepts like God.

      The analysis of dreams, as described by the speaker, is a process of exploring the associational web of ideas and meanings, which can help bring abstract concepts to a more articulated form. This technique, inspired by Jung, involves examining the narrative structure of dreams, identifying objects or people, and exploring their associations to gain insights into the underlying ideas. The speaker applies this concept to the idea of God, suggesting that God is an abstracted ideal, and that confusion of the ideal with a particular incarnation or ruler can lead to societal degeneration and tyranny. From a Christian perspective, God is seen as having three elements: the embodiment of human tradition and consciousness, the intermediary Holy Spirit, and the notion of the suffering individual, which lacks limitation. This lack of limitation adds depth and complexity to the divine concept.

    • The power of embracing limitations and striving for virtueEmbracing limitations and striving for virtue can lead to positive influence on both the individual and the cosmos, as suggested by the Christian concept of the incarnation.

      The acceptance of limitations and the striving for virtue, as embodied in the Christian concept of the incarnation, can have a profound impact on both the individual and the cosmos. This idea, which is a part of the Trinitarian belief, suggests that consciousness, or the abstract notion of being, gains reality and relevance when it is instantiated in a specific time and place in history. By embracing the challenges and hardships of existence, one can act virtuously and positively influence the world around them. This idea, which has been pondered for centuries, indicates that there may be a divine quality to the individual who accepts the conditions of existence and still seeks the good. The power of this concept is that it acknowledges the reality of suffering and limitations, while also encouraging individuals to rise above them and make a positive difference in the world.

    • The divine or metaphysical realm interconnecting with the physical worldThroughout history, various cultures have depicted the divine or metaphysical realm as a connection to the physical world, emphasizing the importance of courage, faith, and self-awareness.

      Throughout history and across different cultures, there exists a common theme of the divine or metaphysical realm being represented as a realm beyond the physical world, often depicted as an opening in the sky or a mandala. This idea of the divine and physical realms interconnecting is a universal conception and can be seen in various religious and philosophical traditions. These experiences of the divine or metaphysical are not limited to the Western world, and they can be induced through various means, including religious or spiritual practices and even neurological conditions. The notion of accepting and moving forward despite the suffering and limitations of the physical world is a recurring theme in these depictions, emphasizing the importance of courage, faith, and the support of one's tradition. Ultimately, understanding and connecting with these ideas can help individuals gain a deeper sense of self-awareness and the courage to face the existential challenges of life.

    • The existence of evil and its relationship to GodEvil is not a separate entity but an outgrowth of God, highlighting the importance of the human choice between good and evil.

      The existence of evil and imperfection in a world created by a perfect God is a complex and enduring question in Christianity. From a psychological perspective, the presence of evil as an outgrowth of God, rather than a separate entity, highlights the potential danger of elevating intellect or rationality to the point of totalitarianism. The idea that in order for there to be good, there must be the possibility of evil, suggests that the choice between good and evil is a fundamental aspect of human existence. This choice, while not inherently built into the structure of the world, is a metaphysical reality that humans must grapple with.

    • Understanding the Role of Human Beings in the Creation ProcessHuman beings possess free will and the ability to make choices between good and evil, adding cosmic significance to our lives. Awareness of vulnerability and knowledge of good and evil expands our capacity for both good and evil.

      According to the discussion, human beings have a unique role in the creation process. We possess free will and the ability to make choices between good and evil, which adds cosmic significance to our lives. The moment we gained self-consciousness, we became aware of our vulnerability and the knowledge of good and evil. This expansion of knowledge gave us the capacity for evil, making us capable of causing harm to ourselves and others. The snake in the Garden of Eden symbolizes this inherent evil within us, and our awareness of vulnerability is what drives us to exploit it. This perspective offers a new understanding of the relationship between consciousness, vulnerability, and the possibility of evil in the world.

    • Desire for truth and consciousnessSpeaking truth brings good into existence, respect others' autonomy, and allow children to learn from their mistakes

      The desire for truth and speaking it out, as represented in the biblical story of God creating the world, is deeply connected to the concept of good and consciousness. Malevolence, on the other hand, stems from a desire for revenge against God and being itself. The act of speaking truth brings good into existence, and faith lies in the belief that this is the best way to create better being. Jordan Peterson encourages the heroic impulse in men, but also emphasizes the importance of respecting others' autonomy and not intervening when they don't want help. In the context of the skateboarding example, this means allowing children to take risks and learn from their injuries, while also being cautious about intervening in situations where they might not be wanted.

    • Allowing children to face risks and challenges is essential for their developmentEncouraging kids to take risks and learn from mistakes promotes growth and resilience, while listening and creating redemptive relationships can help people make positive changes in their lives.

      Allowing children to take risks and face danger is crucial for their development, even if it may seem dangerous to us as parents. This idea is linked to the concept of pushing oneself against challenges, which is a necessary part of life. Additionally, the power of listening and creating a redemptive relationship can be instrumental in helping people make positive changes in their lives. However, this can only happen when the person recognizes their own mistakes and desires to change. Ultimately, people must acknowledge their own shortcomings and take responsibility for their actions in order to learn and grow.

    • The Art of Psychological Rescue and IndividuationPrepare for rescue situations, be cautious, and understand the importance of establishing identity through objective criteria to prevent relativism and nihilism.

      Psychological rescue and trying to help someone in distress requires preparation and caution, especially when the person doesn't want to be rescued. The metaphor of rescuing someone drowning illustrates this point. Nebulization, a behavior exhibited by social justice warriors, is the opposite of individuation. Individuation involves establishing objective criteria to determine one's identity, while nebulization dissolves these criteria, leading to relativism and nihilism. The Genesis tale and the concept of God can be seen as the process of individuation, with the Trinity representing its core premises: I exist, I am, and I ask.

    • Confronting mortality and evil for self-realizationStart with prohibitions and focus on ethical transformation for desirable social beings, improving environment and ability to produce order in life

      According to Jung, genuine self-realization involves confronting mortality and evil, which are key elements of individuation. However, in today's ideological battles, there's a refusal to engage in precise language and a tendency to hide behind vague and fog-like concepts. This nebulization contributes to the degeneration of civilization. Regarding setting goals in life, Dr. Peterson suggests starting with prohibitions and focusing on making desirable social beings. This ethical transformation is seen in the shift from the Old Testament's prohibitions to the New Testament's positive good. A simple yet effective way to practice this is by cleaning up your room and learning to distinguish between chaos and order. This not only improves your environment but also helps you develop the ability to produce order in your life.

    • Building order from chaos through daily tasksAsking what small tasks can be accomplished daily, even if unpleasant, leads to personal growth and the ability to tackle larger challenges with compounded benefits

      True ownership and improvement of things in life, whether they are physical objects or situations, requires active engagement and effort beyond just physical possession. Peterson suggests asking oneself what small tasks can be accomplished each day to make tomorrow better than today, even if they are unpleasant or avoided. By focusing on these tasks and completing them, one can gradually build order from chaos, strengthen oneself, and eventually move towards a positive vision for the future. This technique, according to Peterson, can lead to significant personal growth and the ability to tackle larger challenges with the benefit of compound interest.

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    For Dr. Eithan Haim:

    Legal defense fund via GiveSendGo - https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


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    Katharine Birbalsingh is Headmistress and co-founder of Michaela Community School and former Chair of the Social Mobility Commission. She is known as “Britain’s Strictest Headmistress”, following the ITV documentary about Michaela. Michaela’s Progress 8 score placed the school top in the country the last two years. In 2023, OFSTED graded the school as “Outstanding” in every category. Birbalsingh read “Philosophy & Modern Languages” at the University of Oxford and has always taught in inner London. She has made numerous appearances on television, radio, and podcasts and has written for several publications. Birbalsingh has also written two books and edited another two, the last of which is “The Power of Culture,” which is about Michaela.  Birbalsingh was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2020 and Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford in 2021.


    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

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    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

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    This episode was recorded on June 8th, 2024



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    For Max Lugavere:


    Pre-Order “Little Empty Boxes” (Film)  http://littleemptyboxes.com


    On X http://x.com/maxlugavere


    On Instagram http://instagram.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on YouTube (podcast) http://youtube.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on Spotify (podcast) https://open.spotify.com/show/5WkdjiVLo1kp3alPfFZItS?si=e0189092486a4653

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    Paul Kengor, Ph.D., is a professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and editor of The American Spectator. He’s a New York Times bestselling author of more than 20 books, including “The Devil and Karl Marx” and “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism,” which is the basis of the new movie “Reagan,” starring Dennis Quaid. Kengor is a renowned historian of the Cold War, communism, and Reagan presidency.


    This episode was recorded on June 7th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


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    For Paul Kengor:


    On X https://twitter.com/DrPaulKengor


    The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Karl-Marx-Communisms-Infiltration/dp/1505114446


    The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Crusader-Ronald-Reagan-Fall-Communism/dp/0061189243

    God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life (Book) https://www.amazon.com/God-Ronald-Reagan-Spiritual-Life/dp/006057142X 

    454. Urban Warfare, Civilian Casualty, & Human Shields | John Spencer

    454. Urban Warfare, Civilian Casualty, & Human Shields | John Spencer

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with urban warfare expert and scholar John Spencer. They discuss the ongoing war in Israel, the ideology of Hamas, their capture of western universities, the complexity of the tunnel system beneath Gaza, the underlying roots of anti-Semitism, and the reality of war in the mess of politics.


    John Spencer is an award-winning scholar, professor, author, combat veteran, national security and military analyst, and internationally recognized expert and advisor on urban warfare, military strategy, tactics, and other related topics. Considered one of the world’s leading experts on urban warfare, he served as an advisor to the top four-star general and other senior leaders in the U.S. Army as part of strategic research groups from the Pentagon to the United States Military Academy.


    This episode was recorded on June 4th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



    - Links -


    For John Spencer:

    On X https://twitter.com/SpencerGuard?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Website https://www.johnspenceronline.com/


    Understanding Urban Warfare (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Urban-Warfare-Liam-Collins/dp/1912440350


    The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender (Online guidebook) https://www.johnspenceronline.com/mini-manual-urbandefender


    Urban Warfare Project (Podcast) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-warfare-project/id1490714950 

    453. Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann

    453. Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with author and professor of politics Eric Kaufmann. They discuss where the instinctive feminine ethos goes wrong, when beliefs solidify in cognitive development, how the loss of cultural power comes about, and how to potentially fix the corruption of education.


    Eric Peter Kaufmann is a Canadian author and professor of politics from the University of Buckingham. He was appointed in October 2023 following his resignation from his post at Birkbeck, University of London, after two decades of service, citing political differences. He is a specialist on Orangeism in Northern Ireland, nationalism, and political and religious demography.



    - Links -


    “The Third Awokening” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D459XT8N/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1IRUVF15JQLKQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hX4h5NrOyN1lCkRuKp4UM-I2wmwiOo7jUKUzhijCGUqplpOicK_sf92FtJ-RfvQCkLb-J3v7R1LQttqtXd5p5aWQAk85EIH09e3OkVAOcMs_NnMSC3RjN7eb80EPEy9BQ68ymHIEb7YchloiwzoiKXIrEl-vfbGxutr5w4AInTpEZKg8-dJcRmaR_aptULkpp81Ls-j0vvPn2q_MWHEQTjxAoJ5MPzlk5VvsAe_R7Wo.dZIyu_PWY2izuf3jBSYhx-wobgzxqiUuNJYOKjrbgmM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Eric+kaufmann&qid=1715744487&sprefix=eric+kaufmann%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-3


    Entitled “Taboo” in outside of the U.S. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taboo-Making-Produced-Cultural-Revolution-ebook/dp/B0CKFD8Z16


    University of Buckingham course - Woke: the Origins, Dynamics and Implications of an Elite Ideology https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/courses/occasional/woke/?_gl=1*5vuahc*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTMzNzMwNDE3Ny4xNzE2ODQ3MjIy*_ga_PWEL0GXNN9*MTcxNjg0NzIyMi4xLjAuMTcxNjg0NzIyMi4wLjAuMA..


    Centre for Heterodox Social Science https://www.heterodoxcentre.com/


    Website www.sneps.net


    On Twitter https://twitter.com/epkaufm?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor  

    452. The Loudest Woman in Comedy | Roseanne Barr

    452. The Loudest Woman in Comedy | Roseanne Barr

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with actor, standup comedian, and podcaster Roseanne Barr. They discuss her recent voice acting role on the new show Mr. Birchum, how humor shines a light on and disperses darkness, the rarity and hardships of being a female comic, her overnight success in Hollywood, and what really matters in living a good (and humorous) life.


    Roseanne Barr is an American podcaster, writer, producer, actor, and standup comic. She was awarded both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her hit show “Roseanne” which ran for nine seasons. She has written two books, ran for president once, and recently taken up podcasting with her son, as well as a voice acting role in the DW+ show Mr. Birchum.



    - Links -

    Website https://www.roseannebarr.com/?_sm_nck=1


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/roseannebarr 


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@roseannebarr 

    The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

    The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

    This is a special release from the We Who Wrestle With God Tour in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discusses how worldview operates as a useful story, why might doesn't make right, how chaos manifests as infinite possibility without aim, the biblical role of women, and the original sins of Adam.

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    The second segment talks about the evolutionary psychology of mankind, as it achieves a reasonable place as the apex animal of reason and thought. Darwinian theory of natural evolution is inherently flawed due to its geological progression. We are once again reminded of several intriguing and challenging arguments against the case for scientific accuracy for this unstable theory. Empirical evidence in current wildlife can tell many things about it.


    The third segment is human genetics and its related covert operation in Epstein Island. There had been many rumors surrounding an ambitious project to perfect the construction of a perfect human genome by billionaires. As a single strand of DNA holds infinite codes of life, so does the amount of passion held by naughty, greedy individuals to find meaning in their hedonistic reality. There is enough controversy to handle regarding the Epsteins alone, but consider the amount of attention being neglected by these scientific operations far more consequential. It only shows the perks of being a representative of the top one-percenters, look how Epstein gets away with money and law to upside their family’s pursuit for avarice. Moreover, this last segment talks about the perversion of power against life, and how this material reality makes an inescapable case for inequality among men. www.higherdensityliving.com

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    How to Deal with Anxiety, Fear, and Worry

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    This podcast episode revisits several themes from past episodes. The negative orientation of human emotions is the central tenant of imagination. The focal point of human fatalism, as imagined by a sense of FALSE REALITY, is FEAR. The feeling of Fear exacerbates Creation to be backward, regressive, and bents Creational wisdom out of truth. Knowledge-driven by fear promotes unhealthy ENLIGHTENMENT, which CORRUPTS learning and cooks impurities as food for the mind and spirit. Alex and Jason analyzed some very human data gathered from tartle.co to process, to liberate people from their worry state. In one with Creational Enlightenment, Alex and Jason help us find focus in the mind of the seen and unseen evolution happening beyond ourselves and in between everything else. The only thing to fear is fear itself. “Never be trapped in silence” and learn to speak up for your own Free Will. 


    Drawing up historical antecedents, we marveled how the shadow of Nuclear Annihilation followed public anxiety throughout the cold war. Today, we experience primal fears of the constant economic downturn due to volatile markets, complex depression networks through digital social media, a raging COVID-19 pandemic, and the final nail in the coffin of Climate Change threatening to end Mankind. Higher Density Living offers a great calibration to think for the mind, body, and spirit to learn opportunities to combat potential and external degrees of fear, worry, and anxiety. Only when we can muster our thoughts and creational power to balance positive and negative energies. 


    The crossroads for the material and immaterial realms of Social, Physical, and Spiritual Sciences are oneness in Creation. We need to understand more deeply the root foundation of these elements for us to stay upfront with Truth and Reality to free us from the prison of false reality. www.higherdensityliving.com

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    What Is Your Higher Self? Part 1| The Law of One RA Material

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    This chapter contains the higher self as the connection to the spiritual level through the subconscious to bring in the most truthful, creational traits of several past lifetimes. Alex and Jason run us down to the essential though provoking processes of thermodynamics, physics, and kinetic energy radiating from the Sun manifested within you. 


    They re-examine the existing status quo of the social and spiritual evolution of mankind. Where are we now and how this evolution leads us towards Higher Density Living? The higher self is simply having the full understanding of the relations of experience of the “entity” in which mainstream canons refer to the entity as the “6th density” form of mind, body, and spirit. The mind, body, and spirit complex is responsible for transformational changes in-between evolution of densities as it helps grow an evolved mind that can comprehend realities beyond material senses.  An evolved mind holds many positive values. It cannot directly communicate to its older form due to having the lack of true wisdom and tacit cognition.


    This celebrated podcast series will deal with a nuanced understanding of conscious evolution through vibratory signals and resonance happening outside and inside the human dimension of Creation. We intend to deliver this experience to anyone, not only as service to others but as natural a process as Creation itself. 


    The whole point of Creation is about thriving and growing, it is to expand beyond your current state of evolution. There is great appreciation for seeking a greater understanding of higher wisdom.


    As always, Higher Density Living reserves no dogma because only the truth prevails in the universe. Let us join Alex and Jason as they discuss the Law of One Material. www.higherdensityliving.com

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    +++ Podcast Recommendations:
    Listen to Oprah's Super Soul Conversations- especially these two episodes, if you want to get more inspired to take action towards transforming your life to one you truly want:



    THANK YOU for taking 2 minutes of your time to rate and review this Podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/aloha-allerseits/id1521221673