
    Getting Touchy Feely with Brooke Burke-Charvet

    enOctober 27, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Summer Sex: Tools and Products for Enhancing IntimacyEmbrace summer sex with Promescent's pleasure-enhancing products, the iconic Magic Wand, open communication, and experimentation.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration when it comes to sex, and there are various tools and products that can enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure for both men and women. The Magic Wand, an iconic sex toy, is also mentioned as a powerful and effective tool for achieving orgasms. The podcast episode also touches on the importance of open communication and experimentation in relationships, as well as the normalcy of having fantasies separate from one's partner. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of embracing sexuality and experimentation during the summer season and utilizing resources like Promescent and the Magic Wand to enhance the experience.

    • The Power of ITunes ReviewsPositive iTunes reviews can significantly impact a podcast's success. Encourage listeners to leave positive reviews to support their favorite shows.

      ITunes reviews play a significant role in the success of a podcast. The speaker shared his experience of trying to monetize his show through subscription fees and receiving negative feedback due to the visibility of negative reviews on iTunes. He emphasized the importance of positive reviews and encouraged listeners to leave them to support their favorite shows. Additionally, the speaker introduced his guest, Brooke Burke Charvet, and discussed her upcoming fitness app, emphasizing the importance of making time for self-care and fitness, even with limited time. They also discussed the idea of partner workouts as a fun and effective way to workout with friends or loved ones.

    • The Importance of Friendships for WomenFriendships offer unique support, accountability, and understanding beyond romantic relationships. Embrace the importance of both types of relationships.

      Women value the role of friends in their lives as sources of accountability, support, and understanding, which goes beyond the dynamics of romantic relationships. While partners can provide companionship, intimacy, and shared experiences, friends offer a unique kind of connection that can't be replaced. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential to recognize and accept that no one person can fulfill all our needs and expectations, and that it's healthy to seek comfort and understanding from various sources. Additionally, women are often better listeners and emotional supporters, which makes their friendships valuable and irreplaceable. The speaker encourages embracing the importance of both romantic and platonic relationships in our lives and recognizing the unique benefits each one brings.

    • Friends have open and honest conversations about sex leading to deeper connectionsHaving open and honest conversations about sex can lead to unexpected connections and discoveries. Approach the topic with comfort and curiosity.

      Open and honest conversations about sex, even among friends, can lead to deep connections and new discoveries. During a conversation between two friends, they found themselves continuing the discussion off-air, leading to a surprising get-together where they discussed sex in a comfortable and open way. The friend, Emily, brought along some educational resources, including a vibrator disguised as a necklace. The conversation was met with great interest from others, and the friend's husband was fully supportive. The experience was so enjoyable that the friend's son discovered the necklace and was intrigued by its vibrating feature. The takeaway is that having open and honest conversations about sex can lead to unexpected connections and discoveries, and that it's important to approach the topic with a sense of comfort and curiosity.

    • Innovative UV toy box keeps kids' toys clean and safeUV toy box kills 99.9% of bacteria, charges toys, and has a sleek design, providing a clean and safe play environment for kids while giving parents peace of mind.

      Parents prioritize the safety and cleanliness of their children's toys, leading to the creation of innovative solutions like self-cleaning and sanitizing toy boxes. The UV toy box discussed in the conversation is a new invention that not only stores and charges toys but also kills 99.9% of harmful bacteria, ensuring a clean and safe play environment for kids. This is particularly important because toys can harbor germs that can cause infections if not properly cleaned. The inventor of the UV toy box, Carrie, came up with the idea after experiencing an infection from a toy herself. The box is designed with a lock to prevent children from accessing it without adult supervision, adding an extra layer of protection. The toy box also has a sleek and chic design, making it an attractive addition to any child's bedroom. Overall, the UV toy box represents a responsible and proactive approach to toy safety and cleanliness, giving parents peace of mind and ensuring their children have a healthy and enjoyable play experience.

    • Maintaining Sex Toys: Cleanliness and ConvenienceRegularly clean and sanitize sex toys with toy cleaners like Joe Refresh for health and optimal use. Visiting sex stores like Hotstar Hollywood, Babeland, Pleasure Chest, and Good Vibrations can make the process of introducing new toys to a partner enjoyable and less intimidating.

      Maintaining cleanliness and charging of sex toys is essential for health and optimal use. Toy cleaners, like the one from System Jo named Joe Refresh, play a crucial role in this upkeep. They not only clean toys but also sanitize them, preventing bacterial growth and potential infections. Additionally, some toy cleaners can even charge your cell phone, making them a convenient and modern solution. Introducing sex toys to a partner can be intimidating, but visiting a sex store can be an enjoyable experience. Stores like Hotstar Hollywood, Babeland, Pleasure Chest, and Good Vibrations offer a welcoming and professional atmosphere, making the process less daunting. It's essential to remember that everyone's comfort level is different, and being a little uncomfortable during the initial visit is normal. The experience can eventually lead to excitement and new discoveries.

    • Discovering new experiences in sex and foodVisiting a sex toy store together can deepen emotional connection and introduce new toys. Hero Bread offers low net carb options for bread lovers to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

      Exploring new experiences in your sex life can lead to increased excitement and connection between partners. Visiting a sex toy store together can be an uncomfortable experience at first, but it can also provide an opportunity to learn about new toys and experiment with bondage and sensory play. Introducing new toys doesn't have to be intimidating - starting with beginner-friendly items like Velcro cuffs and blindfolds can make the experience more playful and enjoyable. The vulnerability and excitement of trying something new can also increase testosterone levels and deepen the emotional connection between partners. Similarly, when it comes to food, it's understandable to feel guilty about consuming carbs, but with Hero Bread, you can enjoy your favorite bread products without the negative health consequences. Hero Bread offers low net carb options that taste just as good as traditional bread while providing fiber and protein instead of empty calories and sugar. Whether you're making sandwiches, grilled cheese, or even baking with their tortillas, Hero Bread is a game changer for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still indulging in their favorite bread products.

    • Creating an Intimate Experience: Beyond the BedroomIncorporating elements like touch, scent, sound, and even darkness can help keep intimacy fresh and exciting.

      Creating an intimate and exciting experience goes beyond the bedroom and involves engaging all the senses. During this conversation, the use of a massage candle was highlighted as an example. This candle provides warmth, a pleasant scent, and the element of surprise as the oil is not messy or hot like traditional candles. The closed eyes and lack of sight heighten the other senses, making the experience more mysterious and sensual. The conversation also touched upon the idea that total darkness can add an extra layer of excitement and freedom, allowing individuals to be fully present in the moment and explore their sensations without distractions. Overall, incorporating various elements such as touch, scent, sound, and even darkness can help keep intimacy fresh and exciting.

    • Focus on the moment during sexBoth partners may worry about judgment, but focusing on enjoying the moment together and addressing each other's needs can enhance the sexual experience.

      Both men and women can get stuck in their heads during sex, worrying about their partner's judgment, but it's important to remember that your partner is likely focused on enjoying the moment with you. Another key takeaway is that initiating sex can be a challenge for some, and setting the mood through subtle signals or asking your partner what turns them on can be effective ways to overcome this. Overall, being present in the moment and focusing on your partner's needs and desires can help create a more satisfying and connected sexual experience.

    • Open communication about intimacy and sexUnderstanding and discussing differences in arousal and connection can lead to stronger, more fulfilling relationships

      Open communication about intimacy and sex in relationships is crucial for deepening connections and understanding each other's needs. Many people are uncomfortable discussing these topics due to fear of rejection or not being loved, but the more we talk about it, the easier it becomes. Asking for what we want once or twice may not lead to change, and it's important to remember that we're not mind readers. Women and men have different ways of getting aroused, and understanding these differences can lead to better intimacy and stronger relationships. Men are often more visually and mentally stimulated by sex, while women require more emotional and intellectual connection first. By having open conversations about these topics, we can build stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

    • Prioritize Sexual Health and PleasureWomen should regularly engage in sexual activities for hormonal benefits, desire enhancement, and improved vaginal health. Consider hormone therapy and novelty to boost libido, and explore new treatments for optimal pleasure and satisfaction.

      Women should prioritize their sexual health and pleasure by continuing to masturbate and have sex, as it increases the release of feel-good hormones and enhances desire. The more often women engage in sexual activities, the more they'll crave it. Additionally, novelty and newness in relationships can also boost desire. Testosterone plays a significant role in both male and female anatomy, affecting various aspects from energy to libido. Women should ask their doctors to check hormone levels and consider hormone replacement therapy if necessary. New technologies like vaginal rejuvenation treatments can help improve vaginal health and function, enhancing sexual experiences. Overall, women should prioritize their sexual health and well-being for optimal pleasure and satisfaction.

    • Exploring Different Types of Condoms for Enhanced PleasureSkin condoms made from polyisoprene offer a unique experience by transferring heat and sensation, making them suitable for individuals with latex allergies. Focus on feeling good and having great sex, and explore different options to enhance pleasure and maintain intimacy.

      There are various types of condoms, including skin condoms made from polyisoprene, which offer a different experience by transferring heat and sensation as if they're not there. These condoms are non-latex, making them suitable for individuals with latex allergies. The conversation also touched upon the topic of vaginal rejuvenation, emphasizing that every vagina is unique and beautiful, and that the focus should be on feeling good and having great sex rather than cosmetic appearances. It's essential to explore different options, such as skin condoms, to enhance pleasure and maintain intimacy.

    • Embrace your body's natural changesConsider natural methods and wait for body's natural healing process before opting for labiaplasty. Technology advancements offer non-invasive options for vaginal rejuvenation.

      There's no need to rush into cosmetic procedures like labiaplasty due to societal pressure or personal insecurities. Our bodies undergo changes, especially after childbirth, and it's natural for women to feel concerned. However, these changes can heal over time, and every woman's body is unique and perfect in its own way. The early labiaplasty procedures were mainly cosmetic, and the results were temporary. But with advancements in technology, lasers are now available that can be used for both external and internal rejuvenation. These lasers can help improve the appearance and function of the vaginal area. However, it's essential to consider natural methods like kegel exercises and proper care before opting for invasive procedures. Ultimately, every woman should embrace her body and make informed decisions based on her unique needs and circumstances.

    • Lasers improve vaginal health and functionLasers can stimulate collagen production, increase lubrication, tighten vaginal area, and have mental benefits for some women

      Lasers, specifically vaginal lasers, can help improve vaginal health and function by stimulating collagen production and increasing lubrication. This non-surgical treatment can help tighten the vaginal area and may even have mental and placebo effects. The discussion also touched on the hormonal factors that contribute to decreased lubrication as we age. While the treatment is still relatively new, some women have reported positive experiences and noticeable improvements. It's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique, and it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. For those struggling with dating as a single parent, it's crucial to remember that being a mother is a powerful and beautiful thing. The focus should be on finding the right person who appreciates and values the unique qualities that come with being a parent. Online dating apps can be a starting point, but it's essential to be patient and persistent in finding a genuine connection.

    • Maintain a Separation Between Motherhood and DatingAs a mother, remember your identity beyond parenting, find a partner who respects both sides, keep dating separate from kids initially, expand social circle, and use intentional dating platforms.

      Being a mother should not define you entirely in your dating life. It's essential to remember who you were before becoming a mother and maintain a separation between your personal life and your role as a parent. Finding a partner who respects and embraces both aspects of your identity is crucial. Keeping the dating experience separate from your children, especially during the initial stages, can help protect their emotions and ensure a healthy relationship for all parties involved. Additionally, expanding your social circle and attending various social events can increase your chances of meeting compatible individuals. Lastly, consider using more intentional dating platforms that require more detailed profiles and paying for memberships, as these can lead to more meaningful connections.

    • Embrace self-acceptance for meaningful relationshipsSelf-acceptance leads to attracting meaningful relationships. Differentiate between acting on fantasies and keeping them private. Open communication about fantasies deepens connections, but respect boundaries.

      Accepting and being comfortable with oneself, both emotionally and sexually, can lead to attracting meaningful relationships. The speaker shared an experience of a friend who found happiness in her own space before meeting her current partner. Additionally, it's important to differentiate between fantasies that one wishes to act upon and those that should remain private. Open communication with partners about fantasies can lead to deeper connections and understanding, but it's crucial to respect their boundaries and desires. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between honoring one's own desires and maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Communication is key to a satisfying sex lifeThrough open dialogue, experimentation, and compromise, couples can find common ground and maintain a fulfilling sex life by understanding and respecting each other's desires and boundaries.

      Communication is key in maintaining a satisfying sex life within a relationship. If one partner expresses a desire for something new, but the other shows no interest, it's essential to find common ground and prioritize the sex life. This can be achieved through open dialogue, experimentation, and compromise. Watching porn together, reading erotica, or discussing fantasies can help both partners understand each other's desires and find new ways to connect intimately. It's important to remember that everyone's comfort levels and boundaries are different, and mutual respect and consent are crucial. The goal is to create a safe and consensual environment where both partners feel comfortable expressing their needs and exploring new experiences together. Ultimately, the key to a fulfilling sex life is ongoing communication, understanding, and compromise.

    • Open communication and continuous learningReach out, engage in dialogue, stay curious, and share insights to foster personal growth and development.

      Open communication and continuous learning are essential for personal growth and development. George's email to Brooke, inviting her to the podcast, showcases the importance of reaching out and engaging in meaningful dialogue. Brooke's enthusiasm for being on the show highlights her eagerness to learn and share insights with others. The recurring theme of "keep learning" emphasizes the importance of staying curious and open-minded. Listeners are encouraged to check out Brooke Burke Charvet's podcast, The Brooke Burke Show, and follow her on social media. You can find her at Brooke Burke with an e. Likewise, Sex with Emily invites feedback and encourages listeners to share their thoughts at feedback@sexwithemily.com. Both hosts express their gratitude for their teams and their audiences, emphasizing the value of community and collaboration in personal and professional growth.

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