
    Good Time Show: a16z's Journey with Crypto and Crypto Investing

    enJuly 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • A16z's interest in crypto began in 2012, but it wasn't a full-fledged fund until the emergence of Ethereum and other projects.A16z saw potential in crypto and followed their belief that innovative weekend projects often become mainstream, leading to the launch of their full-fledged crypto fund.

      The team at Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) first became interested in crypto around 2012, during the early days of Bitcoin. They began investing seriously but it wasn't yet a full-fledged crypto fund due to the lack of momentum in the space. However, the turning point came with Bitcoin forks and the emergence of Ethereum and other projects, which led to a more dynamic and larger crypto market. The team at a16z, including Chris Dixon and Katie Haun, saw potential in the space and followed their belief that what's exciting and innovative on the weekends often becomes the norm at work in the future. This led them down the crypto alley and eventually, they announced the launch of Crypto Fund 3.

    • The Evolution of Crypto and Facebook's InterestFacebook sees crypto as a product-market fit and poised for mainstream adoption due to its software-based nature and potential for internet-native money.

      Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel's involvement with crypto started around the same time they explored other futuristic technologies like VR and 3D printing. However, unlike these other areas, crypto evolved into a significant movement due to its software-based nature and the powerful expressiveness of the space. Zuckerberg and Thiel were intrigued by the potential of crypto, but they didn't fully understand its potential back then. They saw parallels between crypto and the early days of the internet and the desire for internet-native money. The concept of internet-native money dates back to the early nineties, with ideas of digital cash and the Cypherpunk manifesto. Various attempts were made to implement internet-native payments, but they failed due to the lack of technical breakthroughs like Bitcoin and the blockchain. Despite these early efforts, the credit card network was not set up for micro-payments, and there was no internet-native sense of authentication. Today, Facebook's big funding announcement indicates that they believe crypto is now at the product-market fit stage and poised to break out.

    • The Internet's Native Money and Trust SystemBitcoin's creation enabled the Internet to have a native monetization system, allowing for instant, intermediary-free transactions.

      The creation of Bitcoin and the broader crypto movement represented a technological breakthrough for the Internet, enabling Internet native money, trust, contracts, and digital property. This was a significant development because prior to this, there was no native way to monetize the Internet. The ideas behind crypto had been discussed for decades, but it wasn't until Bitcoin's architecture and accessibility through platforms like Coinbase that it gained widespread adoption. A key moment for many was witnessing a large Bitcoin transaction transfer almost instantly between two parties, a stark contrast to traditional methods like wire transfers. The ability to move money quickly and without intermediaries has proven to be a transformative application of crypto.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Investing in Crypto as a VCTo invest in crypto as a VC, Chris and Katie had to overcome regulatory, custody, and infrastructure hurdles by creating a separate organization and becoming an RIA. Early days involved taking risks and setting up shop in unconventional locations.

      Investing in crypto, particularly tokens, was an unprecedented challenge for traditional venture capital firms due to regulatory, custody, and infrastructure issues. Chris and Katie faced these hurdles firsthand, requiring them to create a separate organization and become a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) to properly invest in and hold crypto assets. The early days involved taking significant risks and setting up shop in unconventional locations, including being neighbors with an unlicensed eyelash lab. Despite these challenges, the belief that crypto represented a new asset class and the need to own tokens as the native asset class of information networks drove their determination to create the best environment for entrepreneurs to raise funds and for LPs to gain exposure.

    • Operational Complexity in Crypto: Staking, Governance, and Network OperationsCrypto operations involve staking, governance, and network teams for security, reliability, and decision-making in advanced decentralized systems.

      The crypto industry has evolved from a simple decentralized money system to a complex computing paradigm, requiring sophisticated operational capabilities. These capabilities include staking, where token holders lock up their tokens and provide computational power to secure and maintain the network. Additionally, decentralized systems need governance mechanisms for stakeholders to vote and make decisions on changes to the network. The operational complexity of these systems necessitates specialized teams to ensure reliability and uptime. The Andresen Horowitz crypto fund recognized this need and established a network operations team to support these advanced capabilities. This team is crucial for the fund to fully participate in the modern crypto world, where security, reliability, and governance are essential components.

    • Decentralized systems delegate voting power to various entities for true representation and decentralizationCrypto systems are moving towards decentralized governance structures by delegating voting power to universities, startups, NGOs, corporations, and the community, preventing outsized control by single players or classes.

      Decentralized systems in the crypto space are working towards ensuring true representation and decentralization by delegating voting power to various independent actors, including universities, startups, NGOs, and even traditional corporations. This is an important aspect as it prevents a single player or class of players from having outsized control. Celo, for instance, has been expanding its delegation program to include entities like Deutsche Telekom and Visa. Unlike traditional venture capital firms, crypto funds do not have the same level of control as they used to, as some protocols now require community approval for token acquisitions. This shift towards community decision-making and decentralized governance structures sets crypto apart from traditional corporations.

    • The Future of Crypto: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)DAOs, allowing global participation and efficient coordination, are set to replace traditional corporate structures in the crypto ecosystem, attracting top talent and leading to qualitatively different coordination patterns.

      The future of crypto lies in the decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) which are poised to replace traditional corporate structures. These DAOs, which allow participants from around the world to build and agree upon systems using software, offer significant improvements over traditional structures with their efficiency, cost savings, and ease of setup. The vision is that with the newfound ability to set up organizations more efficiently, we will see qualitatively different and more complex coordination patterns emerge. Additionally, the regulatory landscape is being addressed by thought leaders in the space who aim to educate and set context on important issues. This shift towards DAOs and the broader crypto ecosystem is attracting top talent from around the world, making for an exciting and evolving landscape.

    • Proposed FinCEN regulation on self-hosted wallets met with industry resistanceIndustry collaboration and advocacy played a crucial role in modifying a restrictive FinCEN regulation, highlighting the importance of stakeholder involvement in regulatory discussions.

      During the previous administration, a proposed regulation by the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) aimed to restrict the use of self-hosted wallets with short notice and no comment period. This regulation, which was motivated by one individual and opposed by most law enforcement due to potential negative impacts on investigations, was met with resistance from a group of tech companies, VC firms, and interested parties, led by a regulatory and policy group at 16z. The group successfully extended the comment period and had the most burdensome part of the proposed regulation removed, demonstrating the importance of industry collaboration and advocacy in shaping regulatory discussions. Now, with a new administration, conversations behind closed doors revolve around the ongoing importance of balancing innovation and regulation, with topics such as stablecoins, DeFi, and NFTs frequently discussed.

    • Educating Policymakers on Crypto RegulationDespite ongoing discussions, crypto regulation is disorganized and most regulators lack a clear understanding of DeFi complexities. Industry aims to educate policymakers, correct misconceptions, and create uniformity. Misconceptions about crypto being used only for illicit purposes persist, and there's a need to educate the tech community and public as well.

      While there are ongoing discussions and desires to regulate crypto in DC, the current state of regulation is disorganized and most regulators lack a sufficient understanding of the complexities of crypto, particularly in the DeFi space. The industry aims to educate policymakers and create uniformity and clarity in regulation. The speakers had productive meetings with top policymakers, but realized the extent of work required to keep officials informed about the rapidly evolving crypto space. Misconceptions about crypto being purely used for illicit purposes also persist, and it's crucial to correct these misconceptions. Additionally, there's a need to educate not just policymakers, but also the tech community and the general public about the advancements and potential problems in crypto. The speakers plan to expand their team and continue their efforts to educate and shape sensible regulation.

    • Exploring Opportunities in Crypto for Diverse TalentsCrypto offers opportunities for various skill sets and is becoming more accessible to non-experts. Approach crypto with the right perspective, recognizing its technical innovation and consumer experiences, to find your place in the community.

      The crypto industry offers a multitude of opportunities for individuals with various skill sets, from designers and engineers to marketers and beyond. As the industry continues to grow and intersect with other sectors, the need for diverse talent becomes increasingly important. Ariana, an OG in the space, advises that crypto is becoming more accessible to non-experts, with consumer applications like NBA Top Shot leading the way. However, it's essential to approach crypto from the right perspective, as it encompasses both technical innovation and consumer experiences. By recognizing the diverse aspects of crypto, individuals can find their place in the community and contribute to its continued growth.

    • Discover the unique aspects of the crypto worldExplore the crypto world's diversity and complexity to find exciting opportunities in gaming, metaverse, identity, and more.

      The crypto world encompasses various dimensions and cultures, ranging from the libertarian, crypto and archaic side, to a more general technology movement. This complexity and diversity might make it seem counterintuitive or hard to understand for some people. However, with a little more persistence and an open mind, one might discover the unique aspects that excite and intrigue them in this multidisciplinary field. For instance, the intersection of gaming and the metaverse, or the potential of identity and crypto, holds immense opportunities for entrepreneurs and innovators. So, keep exploring and talking to others in the community to find your angle and uncover the wonders of the crypto world.

    • Decentralization and the need for a reliable identity solutionTo build a more equitable digital economy, we need to solve the identity problem and create sophisticated systems that assume trust among participants, enabling rich human interactions and expanding the design space in the decentralized internet.

      The future of the internet lies in decentralization, and the current lack of a reliable identity solution is a major obstacle. The crypto world offers new primitives, such as NFTs and DAOs, which have the potential to create a more equitable digital economy where creators interact directly with their fans and have more control over their digital goods and finances. However, to achieve this vision, we need to solve the identity problem and create more sophisticated systems that assume a level of reputation and trust among participants. Without a real identity solution, protocol designers are forced to assume everyone is an adversary, limiting the potential for rich human interactions and the overall design space. The decentralized internet, where power and money flow to the edges, is the original vision, and it's essential that we push towards this future instead of being stuck with centralized platforms and algorithmic ads. If you're interested in being a part of this change, consider joining forces with those working in the crypto space.

    • Emphasizing the importance of welcoming and valuing talented technologistsJoin the movement to welcome and value talented technologists, they are the ones who do the real work. Gratitude for quality people and encouragement to reach out to those working on interesting projects.

      The speakers on this episode emphasized the importance of welcoming and valuing talented technologists in the industry. They expressed a strong desire for individuals to join their movement and get involved, acknowledging that these individuals are the ones who do the real work. The speakers also expressed gratitude for the quality of people they have had the pleasure of working with and encouraged those listening who are working on interesting projects to reach out. Overall, the message was one of inclusivity and appreciation for the contributions of technologists.

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    0:00-1:42 Intro

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    24:12-24:40 Outro

    Please note that the content here is for informational purposes only; should NOT be taken as legal, business, tax, or investment advice or be used to evaluate any investment or security; and is not directed at any investors or potential investors in any a16z fund. a16z and its affiliates may maintain investments in the companies discussed. For more details please see a16z.com/disclosures.

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    [00:16:47] Putting negative references in context

    [00:20:25] Assessing personal growth vs. mistakes

    [00:21:50] Establishing trust with founders

    [00:25:03] Vetting EQ

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    You can read the key takeaways from this conversation, along with a transcript, here.

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    ⬆️ Join The Bankless Nation to listen to the Ad-Free version of this episode 🚀 ------

    Metadreamer is the founder of Metafactory, the “digiphysical culture factory for the metaverse." He is a software engineer and designer in the DAO space, and has contributed to MetaGame, SourceCred, Coordinape, and Metacartel Ventures.

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    The code we write can impact society for the better, and throughout this conversation, we explore the purpose of the crypto movement—with this new technology, we can change culture. Metadreamer’s is a revolution to build a better society.

    📣 ZERION | Trade Across 7 Networks and 500+ protocols

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    Topics Covered:

    0:00 Intro
    4:00 Metadreamer
    5:27 Lowest Hanging Schelling Point
    8:32 Seeking Purpose
    12:05 Value vs Money
    16:44 Expressing Value On-Chain
    22:57 Attestations & Irrigation
    29:07 Retroactive Public Goods Funding
    35:44 Data & Value
    41:10 Verifiable Credentials & Nature
    45:05 Fear of Death
    51:30 The Meta Goal
    57:30 Rebirth & Terence McKenna
    1:04:15 Allowing for Emergence
    1:09:28 The Purpose & Psychadelics
    1:14:16 Advice for Noobs
    1:19:00 A ‘Yes And’ Mentality
    1:21:00 An Optimistic Closing


    MetaDreamer on Twitter
    MetaCartel Ventures

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here:

    91 - Brian Armstrong and The Future of Coinbase

    91 - Brian Armstrong and The Future of Coinbase

    Brian Armstrong is the Founder and CEO of Coinbase. As a pillar of innovation and adoption in crypto, Brian is playing a pivotal role in determining the kind of future we’ll see in the space.

    The Crypto movement is a battle for hearts and minds, and Coinbase is fighting on the front lines.

    Building bridges between the legacy world and the Metaverse is a daunting task, but Brian has been a headstrong leader with a powerful vision. Coinbase finds itself in a position to maximize a user’s choice for what they do with their assets.

    With new features on the way like their NFT platform, Coinbase is steadily opening the doors for composability, decentralization, and ultimately… sovereignty.


    🚀 SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER: https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/ 
    🎙️ SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST: http://podcast.banklesshq.com/ 

    📣 DHARMA | From Dollars to DeFi!





    Topics Covered:

    0:00 Intro
    7:30 Brian Armstrong & His Start
    14:11 Why Coinbase?
    19:00 Money, Tech, and Values
    25:48 The Drive and Vision
    29:36 The Future of Coinbase
    32:56 Retail, Institutions, and Developers
    36:32 Relationship with DeFi
    40:32 Coinbase Lend & CeDeFi
    47:30 Public Goods & Decentralization
    51:39 Eating All the Banks
    58:09 Custody & Sovereignty
    1:02:30 The Metaverse
    1:10:02 NFTs and Mainstream
    1:16:52 Withdraw to Layer 2
    1:18:34 Regulation
    1:26:40 Taking on the SEC
    1:32:12 Maturing and Growing
    1:36:27 Closing & Disclaimers


    Brian on Twitter:
    The Master Switch:

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here:

    06 The Lunatic Who Crashed Crypto

    06 The Lunatic Who Crashed Crypto
    This week, a story of about how crypto just imploded due to one risky, financial product. And the fight-loving, Twitter-addicted founder who invented that product for his adoring army of lunatics. Visit Crypto Island at pjvogt.com if you'd like to help support this project. There's a newsletter about how these episodes are made, too.  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    EXPLAINED! Crypto & the $1T U.S. Infrastructure Bill | CryptoCast 016

    EXPLAINED! Crypto & the $1T U.S. Infrastructure Bill | CryptoCast 016
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    Tune in to this episode of CryptoCast presented by Cream Scheme for a clear and concise explanation of what the bill means for crypto in the U.S., why these crypto provisions are being pushed to become law, and the roles that political figures such as U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Senators Cynthia Lummis, Pat Toomey, Ron Wyden, Rob Portman, Mark Warner, and Richard Shelby are playing in this unfolding drama.

    Order your “Established” sweatshirt as seen in this episode now at: http://www.creamscheme.com/product/established-sweatshirt-black

    Subscribe to Cream Scheme on YouTube: https://goo.gl/jvqyAu

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    Tune in to CryptoCast presented by Cream Scheme on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and SoundCloud:


    Cream Scheme is a premium #streetwear and media brand with a simple and relatable message: everyone has a Scheme (plan) to get Cream (money). Our products and content encourage critical thinking, subvert dominant narratives, and spark the flame within everyone in our orbit to not settle for scraps.

    Intro song: "I Gotta Get Paid" by King RA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAmwUYBvPaM)

    Disclaimer: Cream Scheme is not a financial advisory firm and this is not financial advice. You are responsible for conducting your own research and making your own investment decisions.

    Why ConsenSys is Suing the SEC | Joseph Lubin & Matt Corva

    Why ConsenSys is Suing the SEC | Joseph Lubin & Matt Corva

    “The U.S. is trying to disconnect from Ethereum," that’s what Joe Lubin the CEO of Consensys said in today’s conversation. He was talking about those in power trying to unplug Ethereum from the citizens.

    The SEC is going after Kraken, Coinbase, Uniswap and Metamask. They’re trying to turn every non-custodial wallet into a broker-dealer.

    We brought on Joe Lubin, a crypto OG and CEO of Consensys the company behind a number of massive crypto projects including the popular Metamask wallet, and Matt Corva, the General Counsel at Consensys, leading the charge against the SEC 

    Joe and Matt are producing evidence that the SEC is coming after Ethereum itself. Sending discovery requests to Ethereum core developers, threatening their employers - pushing a coordinated effort to claim Ether is a security so they can control it.

    So Consensys is taking them to court to settle the issue. If they’re successful it’ll be the first time we get a clear court ruling that Ether is a commodity and not a security.



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    0:00 Intro
    6:35 SEC vs. Ethereum 
    9:45 The Uniqueness of This Case
    11:15 88,000 Pages to the SEC
    12:11 SEC Going After Devs? 
    14:47 The Wells Notice
    16:27 ETH ETF
    17:58 Outcome of Consensys Winning  
    21:29 U.S. Law Process & Timeline
    25:55 Ether Isn’t a Security
    34:50 Gary’s Confidence Conspiracy  
    41:17 MetaMask Isn’t a Broker Dealer
    47:10 What is Prometheum? 
    51:10 How Can the SEC Win? What Happens to Crypto? 
    55:49 What the Crypto Community Can Do
    59:50 What Happens Next?
    1:03:15 Closing & Disclaimers


    Consensys Complaint 

    Joe Lubin

    Matt Corva

    Not financial or tax advice. See our investment disclosures here: