
    Good Time Show: DAO Primer

    enJune 15, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Potential of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)DAOs are community-owned and operated through software, offering greater decentralization, autonomy, and community ownership compared to traditional corporations.

      A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a new type of organizational structure that exists on a blockchain. Unlike traditional corporations, which have a centralized control and a set of rules and incentives for their members, a DAO is community-owned and operated through software. It doesn't have a single point of control, making it sovereign and self-governing. The speakers on the show, including Ali Yahia from Andreessen Horowitz, Avichal Garg from Electric Capital, Dennis Nasrao from Mitter, Will Papper and Ian Lee from Syndicate DAO, and others, are all pushing the boundaries of what DAOs can do and how they can change the way we coordinate human activity. Whether you're new to the world of crypto or a seasoned expert, the discussion provides valuable insights into the potential of DAOs as a new organizational structure that can bring about greater decentralization, autonomy, and community ownership.

    • New way of organizing humans and managing resources using DAOsDAOs are censorship-resistant, resilient to manipulation, and operate based on encoded rules, enabling faster operations and possibilities beyond traditional corporate structures

      Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) represent a new way of organizing humans and managing resources, leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology. DAOs are censorship-resistant, resilient to manipulation, and operate based on encoded rules. They are entirely software-based and fully programmable, enabling new decision-making processes and modes of cooperation. This software-based nature allows for faster operations and possibilities that go beyond traditional corporate structures. Looking back at history, the concept of corporations evolved from partnerships with personal liabilities to limited liability corporations, which required a charter from a king to create. The lowering of this friction led to innovation and the creation of complex projects requiring large amounts of capital and labor. Similarly, the blockchain ecosystem can be seen as a digital country, and DAOs represent a significant unlock in innovation by enabling decentralized organization and decision-making.

    • Blockchain's role in creating stable digital systems and enabling decentralized governanceBlockchain technology's immutability feature enables the creation of stable digital systems, like Bitcoin, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), allowing for the formation of online economic entities and unlocking new possibilities for innovation.

      Blockchain technology enables immutability, which is essential for creating stable and predictable digital systems akin to a democratic constitution. This concept of immutability is crucial for guaranteeing the existence of digital assets, such as Bitcoin, and establishing rules for online communities, known as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). DAOs allow for the formation of online economic entities at Internet speed, making it easier for groups to coordinate and innovate. This is a significant departure from the current Internet landscape, where centralized entities like Facebook, Google, and Apple hold the power to change rules at will. By enabling decentralized governance, blockchain technology and DAOs have the potential to unlock a new era of economic innovation, making it accessible to anyone on the Internet. The historical analogy of the Limited Liability Company (LLC) provides a foundation for understanding this concept, but it's essential to recognize that the Internet and digital economy are fundamentally different from the publishing and industrial economies of the past.

    • Revolutionizing Business with Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationsDAOs enable rapid setup, immediate fundraising, and lower costs, potentially transforming the corporate world into a decentralized network of communities

      Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are revolutionizing the way businesses are formed and operated, offering the potential for rapid setup, immediate fundraising, and lower costs. This transformation is not just an efficiency improvement, but rather a fundamental shift in the nature of corporations. For instance, with platforms like Syndicate, the cost of setting up a venture fund can drop from thousands to just a few dollars, enabling a wider range of people and ideas to enter the investment landscape. The end result could be a corporate world that looks drastically different in the next 5-10 years, potentially resembling communities more than traditional hierarchical structures. This is an exciting time as the infrastructure and user experience for DAOs continue to develop, making the process of launching and managing them more seamless.

    • New possibilities for decision making and coordination in DAOsDAOs offer cost-effective, programmable solutions for decision making and coordination, enabling new organizational models and incentive structures, like Compound's decentralized money market.

      DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) offer new possibilities for decision making and coordination that traditional corporations cannot match. With the technology behind DAOs, the cost of creating an organization can be improved dramatically, leading to fundamental changes in what can be achieved. DAOs are programmable, meaning their code runs at the speed of computers, not lawyers. This enables new decision-making models and incentive structures. For instance, Compound, a decentralized money market, is fully decentralized with a combination of human and automated decision-making. The ability for DAO members to add live-running code into their organization, which is continuously executed by blockchain, makes something like Compound possible, whereas a traditional LLC would require additional machinery to achieve the same result. Essentially, the vastly improved cost and performance of DAOs open up new possibilities for organizations that were previously unimaginable.

    • DAOs expand into digital art purchases with PleaserDAODAOs are not just for financial applications, they can also facilitate the collective purchase of digital assets like NFTs.

      The DAO concept is expanding beyond traditional financial applications, as demonstrated by the formation of PleaserDAO, which was created to collectively purchase a piece of digital art. The story began when a content creator, who had gained a following for making videos for DeFi protocols, decided to auction off an NFT of one of his animations. A group of interested individuals came together on Twitter, pooled funds using 1000 Eyes, and formed a DAO to bid on the NFT. This marks a new application of DAOs, showing their potential to facilitate the purchase of digital assets. The formation of PleaserDAO was organic and spontaneous, demonstrating the flexibility and adaptability of this decentralized governance model.

    • A community using DAO principles to collectively acquire valuable NFTsThe PleasrDAO is a decentralized community pooling resources to buy valuable NFTs through DAO principles, utilizing Telegram polls, snapshot voting, and multisig wallets.

      The PleasrDAO is a community of individuals who come together using DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) principles to pool resources and collectively acquire valuable NFTs, such as the Edward Snowden piece, that may be out of reach for any one person. The DAO operates through a combination of Telegram polls for urgent matters and snapshot voting using governance tokens for less urgent decisions. The multisig wallet holders act as trustees, signing off on transactions and holding the actual power over the capital. The community is united by a shared ethos and vision, particularly around technology, crypto, independent thinking, and charitable causes. The ease of understanding this concept lies in its relatability to traditional communities banding together to achieve a common goal, but with the added benefits of decentralization and blockchain technology.

    • DAOs in Action: The Story of PleaserDAO and PartyBidDAOs enable more inclusive and collaborative auction environments through smart contracts and crypto transactions, allowing for rapid prototyping and evolution.

      The decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) concept is demonstrated through the inspiring story of PleaserDAO and PartyBid. This story highlights the potential power of DAOs and the innovative use of a reserve auction mechanism. In traditional auctions, multiple bidders can be excluded, leading to a less networked and less social experience. However, with PartyBid, those who are outbid can pool their resources together to place a higher bid, creating a more inclusive and collaborative environment. The ease of smart contracts and crypto transactions makes this possible, even outside of traditional business hours. This is an example of the unique coordination capabilities of the crypto space, where ideas can be shared and prototyped rapidly. The success of PartyBid, as demonstrated by Colin and Samir's experience, showcases the potential for DAOs to reach minimum viable meme status and continue to evolve.

    • Exploring New Ways of Building Communities and Raising Funds with DAOs and NFTsDAOs and NFTs enable decentralized communities, product creation, and fundraising through smart contracts and blockchain technology, eliminating intermediaries and allowing for decentralized decision-making. Fractional ownership through NFTs allows multiple people to have a stake in a unique item.

      The use of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) can enable new ways of building communities, creating products, and raising funds beyond traditional corporate structures. The speaker shared his experience of using Mirror, a platform for creating DAOs, to build a community around a project called Partybid. By crowdfunding through Mirror and issuing party tokens, the speaker was able to create a token-gated Discord for community members, allowing them to communicate and collaborate. This mechanism, which is based on smart contracts and blockchain technology, eliminates the need for intermediaries and allows for decentralized decision-making. The speaker also discussed the concept of fractional ownership through NFTs, where multiple people can have a stake in a unique item. However, there are still questions to be answered regarding the legal frameworks and jurisdictions that DAOs and NFTs operate under. The speaker invited the audience to continue the discussion and explore these complex issues together.

    • DAOs facing decision on off-chain connectionDAOs deciding whether to adopt off-chain entities and jurisdictions for potential investment access, while managing potential challenges of formalization and security.

      DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) are facing a significant decision regarding their connection to the off-chain world. This decision revolves around whether DAOs should adopt off-chain entities and jurisdictions, which would involve paying taxes and being governed by the laws of that jurisdiction, or whether they should remain fully decentralized and jurisdictionless. The Wyoming DAO Law is an example of an effort to provide clarity in this area, allowing the attachment of a corporate entity based on Wyoming to a DAO. However, it's important to note that DAOs have no jurisdictions, and jurisdictions may compete to attract them. The opportunity here is that this could potentially unlock investing for millions or even billions of people around the world through decentralized investing protocols like Syndicate. The challenge is managing the potential influx of investors and ensuring the formalization and security of these investment circles as DAOs. The discussion also touched on the fact that there are already many informal investment circles forming using crypto, and people are co-investing through various means, including Telegram, email, and WhatsApp groups.

    • The Future of Business and Community Organizations: DAOsDAOs represent the future of business and community organization, particularly in the crypto space, offering automation potential and the ability to exist in the cloud without physical domicile.

      DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, represent the future of business and community organization, particularly in the crypto space. The demand for DAOs exists, but the challenge is delivering the necessary infrastructure, user experience, and legal protections. While governments are starting to explore the potential of DAOs, it's still early days internationally. The interest in DAOs largely follows the crypto epicenters in places like Singapore, South Korea, Dubai, and the US. The Wall Street Bets community's impact on the market using an economic API provides a glimpse into the potential power of DAOs as a better and more powerful economic API. Decentralized automated organizations could exist on a spectrum of automation, with some groups using DAO tech to automate off-chain processes, while others move towards fully autonomous organizations. Syndicate, for example, automates the primary functions of investing, including raising capital, managing capital, deploying capital, and reporting on management. The potential for automation in DAOs is vast, with applications ranging from group NFT buying to various business models. Ultimately, the Internet economy fueled by crypto presents a massive opportunity for DAOs to do business in the cloud without being domiciled, leading to a wide range of interesting applications.

    • DAOs on a spectrum of automationDAOs will evolve from traditional orgs to fully autonomous, potentially run by AI, with potential implications for business models, accountability, and jurisdiction. Potential concerns include criminal activities.

      Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) will exist on a spectrum of automation, with some resembling traditional organizations with a designated leader, while others will be fully autonomous and potentially even run by AI. Additionally, some DAOs may choose to follow jurisdictional laws. This discussion also touched on the idea that technology, including DAOs, often starts with applications that map to existing concepts before evolving into more advanced and innovative forms. The potential implications of DAOs are vast, from extending traditional business models to creating entirely new ones, and raising questions about accountability and jurisdiction. One potential concern is the possibility of malicious actors using DAOs to engage in criminal activities. Ultimately, the development of DAOs represents a new frontier in technology, with the potential to disrupt traditional business models and create entirely new ones. The conversation also highlighted the influence of science fiction on the development of real-world technology.

    • Empowering creators with Mirror's decentralized platformMirror uses ENS for naming, lets users crowdfund projects with membership tokens, and fosters communal cohesion through a token-based invite system, setting it apart as a unique platform for creators.

      Mirror is a crypto-native platform that empowers creators with decentralized publishing, economic tools, and community building through DAOs. The platform uses ENS for naming and lets users crowdfund projects with tokens representing membership and economic stakes. Mirror's private beta, called "Right Race," uses a token-based invite system where community members vote on new members. This system fosters communal cohesion and creates a sense of appreciation for those who join through merit. In the future, Mirror plans to expand governance responsibilities to verified users, potentially allowing them access to a creator fund. This innovative approach to community building and decision-making sets Mirror apart as a unique platform for creators.

    • Decentralized Funding Model on Mirror: Community Drives AllocationMirror's decentralized funding model empowers creators, promotes transparency, and allows anyone in the world to contribute, ensuring a more equitable solution for all users.

      Mirror, a new platform, is utilizing a decentralized funding model where the community decides how capital is allocated to creators. This model empowers creators to feel the community's support and benefits from transparent promotion. Unlike traditional platforms, the community itself determines the shape of the community. Dennis, the creator of Mirror, acknowledges the importance of committing to this governance system, even for the team itself. He believes that crypto projects allow creators to programmatically limit their powers, ensuring the community cannot be manipulated. An interesting example of this is when Facebook had an issue with memes clogging up users' feeds, and only employees had the ability to intervene. Mirror's decentralized nature means that anyone in the world can contribute to the project, providing a wider talent pool and ensuring a more equitable solution for all users. When it comes to trusting the community, Dennis acknowledges that there could be more complex issues than memes, but the open nature of the protocol and data in crypto projects allows for a larger, more diverse talent pool to address these issues.

    • The future of crypto networks includes a social and curation layerIn the next decade, crypto networks like DeFi, NFT, and social platforms will have a social and curation layer to manage and upgrade protocols, surface content, and potentially lead to new crypto-native social networks.

      The future of crypto networks, including DeFi, NFT, and social platforms, will have a social and curation layer on top of them. This curation layer will be essential for managing and upgrading the protocol, as well as surfacing and prioritizing content on the network. Syndicate, for instance, is building a social platform and social network on top of their crypto network, with a governance layer that includes curation. While it may be impossible to retrofit an existing large social platform like Facebook with this governance model, a new form of social network around DAOs could emerge, which will be crypto-native and have different human organizational structures. When looking at the next 10 years of DAOs, Ali is excited about the combination of DAOs and NFTs, which could lead to a dynamic image that changes all the time, similar to the $1,000,000 homepage and Reddit Place. Another DAO that should exist but doesn't today, according to Ali, is a decentralized, community-driven news platform that curates and verifies news in real-time.

    • Exploring DAOs for innovative solutions to societal problemsDAOs can lower barriers to collective action, leading to innovative solutions for societal issues like carbon sequestration, ocean cleanup, and journalism support.

      Lowering the barriers to collective action through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) can lead to innovative solutions for various problems, including those in the commons, such as carbon sequestration and ocean cleanup. The speakers also discussed the potential for a journalism-focused DAO, where individuals could pool resources to fund investigative journalism or local news initiatives. This could serve as a new business model to support journalism, which is crucial for society. The concept of DAOs as proto versions of decentralized communities, where collective emergent behavior can lead to positive results, was also highlighted. These ideas were inspired by the collective pixel art experiments on the internet, such as Reddit Place and the $1,000,000 homepage. By harnessing the power of decentralized networks and lowering the friction for collective action, we can potentially address significant issues and create new opportunities.

    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: The Future is UnpredictableDAOs enable communities to organize, fund causes, and allocate capital, with potential applications ranging from social networks with embedded Fintech to grant-making DAOs becoming profitable, blurring the lines between for-profit and nonprofit investing.

      DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) represent an exciting and largely unknown future with endless possibilities. They enable communities to organize, fund causes, and allocate capital as easily as time. The potential applications of DAOs range from social networks with embedded Fintech, to collapsing the divide between for-profit and nonprofit investing. This could lead to grant-making DAOs becoming profitable due to the networks they support. The open source movement serves as a prototype for this innovation, having changed the innovation model in the past. The unpredictability of DAOs' future development is what makes them so intriguing, as they could potentially blur the lines between various sectors and create new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

    • Revolutionizing Art Creation with DAOsDAOs enable collective decision-making and collaboration among artists, leading to more complex and impactful creations. Future visions include fractionalization and DeFi incentives, creating a virtual museum where everyone can own a piece of art.

      Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have the potential to revolutionize the way creative projects are developed and owned. The concept of DAOs allows for collective decision-making and collaboration among talented individuals, leading to more complex and impactful creations. PleaserDAO, an art-focused DAO, serves as an organic demonstration of this concept. Instead of artists competing with each other, they can work together to create larger pieces of work. The future vision for PleaserDAO includes the fractionalization of valuable art pieces and the implementation of DeFi mechanisms for incentivization. This collective ownership model has the potential to create a virtual museum where everyone can own a piece of art, rather than an individual owning the entire piece. The theme of collective ownership is not new, as seen with MetaKovan's plans for a virtual museum. The future of DAOs excites Dennis as it moves towards a multiplayer mode, where collaboration and collective decision-making are prioritized over individualism. The potential for combining the complexities of DeFi mechanisms with NFTs is also an exciting prospect for the future of DAOs.

    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and Charitable GivingDAOs enable programmatic and immutable charitable giving, adding transparency, accountability, and credibility, while potentially revolutionizing various industries.

      DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) offer a new way for individuals and organizations to commit to charitable giving, not just through traditional methods, but by programmatically and immutably dedicating future revenues. This concept is exciting because it moves beyond the honor system and allows for transparency and accountability. Charities and philanthropic projects can now be a part of a DAO's vision and mission, and donations can be automatically distributed as revenue is generated. This not only benefits charities, but also adds credibility and trust to the DAO. The discussion also highlighted the potential for DAOs to revolutionize various industries, from art and finance to governance and beyond. Overall, the potential for DAOs to bring about a more decentralized, transparent, and equitable future is a truly exciting development.

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