
    Grandpa Joe's Cruelty, Kamala's Nonsense, and the Cocaine at the White House, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 585

    enJuly 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussions on The Megyn Kelly Show ranged from President Biden's comment about ammunition to RFK Jr. and Biden's grandchildrenBiden's team is reportedly concerned about right-wing scrutiny regarding Hunter Biden's personal life, leading to a debate on the public figure's right to privacy versus the expectation of transparency

      During the Megyn Kelly Show, discussions ranged from President Biden's comment about the United States running low on ammunition, the upcoming White House briefing on cocaine, to the controversy surrounding Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Joe Biden's number of grandchildren. Maureen Dowd, a liberal columnist, criticized Biden for not acknowledging his seventh grandchild publicly. The View took up the issue, arguing that Biden's team was concerned about right-wing scrutiny regarding Hunter Biden's personal life. While some argue that Biden's personal life is private, others believe that as a public figure, legitimate questions are to be expected. The hosts of The 5th Column podcast, Camille Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welsh, joined the show to discuss these topics and more.

    • Complexities and challenges of family relationshipsSpeakers discussed concerns over individuals not prioritizing their roles as grandparents, personal integrity, potential hypocrisy, double standards, and ethical concerns in family dynamics

      The discussion revolved around the complexities and challenges of family relationships, particularly in the context of grandparents and their grandchildren. The speakers expressed their concerns about individuals, including Hunter Biden and his mother, who might not prioritize their roles as grandparents despite their public statements about family values. They also touched upon the issue of personal integrity and the potential hypocrisy of public figures. Another topic that emerged was the apparent double standards in society, with some individuals being judged more harshly based on their professions or backgrounds. The speakers also discussed Hunter Biden's business dealings and his ties to his father, which have raised questions about their relationship and potential ethical concerns. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intricacies of family dynamics and the importance of personal responsibility and integrity.

    • Denying Responsibility for a Child: A Gross Act, Especially for Public FiguresPublic figures who deny responsibility for their children create a confusing and disappointing situation, especially for grandchildren who may be unaware of their family lineage.

      Denying responsibility for a child created is a gross and skeevy act, especially when the person involved has publicly presented themselves as a family man. The discussion revolves around a hypothetical situation where a man, Matt Welsh, impregnates a woman he didn't intend to be involved with and then refuses to take full responsibility for the child. The situation becomes more complex when considering Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, as they have been in public life for decades and have presented themselves as family men. The notion of denying a creation that one is part of is foreign and disgusting to many, especially when the child is a grandchild and may be unaware of their family lineage. The fact that Hunter Biden went to court to prevent his child from using the Biden name adds to the astonishing nature of the situation. The discussion also touches upon the double standard in media coverage of politicians' families and the importance of grandparents in a child's life.

    • Joe Biden's Granddaughter and Family RelationshipsPublic figures like Biden should prioritize family relationships over politics, especially with grandchildren, and avoid negative messaging.

      Politics should not come before family relationships, especially for public figures like Joe Biden. The discussion highlighted the situation between Biden and his granddaughter Navy Joan, whose mother is Hunter Biden's former partner. The speakers agreed that Joe could model good parenting and show support for his granddaughter, beyond politics and any potential issues with her mother. They emphasized the importance of nurturing the relationship and making the child feel valued, despite the circumstances of her birth. The speakers also drew parallels to the Kennedy family and the impact of politics on their personal lives. They cautioned against letting political considerations dominate decisions that affect family relationships. Ultimately, they urged Joe Biden to prioritize his role as a grandfather and avoid sending negative messages to his granddaughter about her worth or her place in the family.

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Controversial Claims and ConnectionsRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s political stance and accusations, including those against Joe Biden, Tucker Carlson, and the MMR vaccine, lack substantial evidence and face skepticism from experts. His connections to conspiracy theories and controversies, such as his first-cousin relationship with Michael Skakel, add to scrutiny of his credibility and motives.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s political stance and claims, such as his accusations against Joe Biden, Tucker Carlson, and the MMR vaccines, often lack substantial evidence and face skepticism from experts and fact-checkers. His connections to various conspiracy theories and controversies, including his first-cousin relationship with Michael Skakel, who was accused of a high-profile murder, add to the scrutiny of his credibility and motives. Despite his growing traction and anti-establishment appeal, especially among some Republicans, the lack of substantiated evidence supporting his claims raises concerns about the validity of his arguments and his potential impact on political discourse.

    • Controversies surrounding Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s reportingCriticisms against Kennedy's reporting are often based on selective interpretations, and his intentions may not be to deceive or spread misinformation, but the importance of fact-checking and responsible journalism remains crucial.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a journalist and activist, has been subjected to criticism and deplatforming due to controversies surrounding some of his past reporting. These controversies include articles on vaccines and election irregularities that were later retracted or corrected. However, Kennedy's defenders argue that the criticisms are often based on selective and misrepresentative interpretations of his work. They argue that Kennedy's reporting style involves connecting dots and leaping to conspiratorial conclusions, but that his intentions are not necessarily to deceive or spread misinformation. Despite these controversies, Kennedy continues to run for public office and advocates for various causes, including environmental issues and vaccine safety. The debate around Kennedy's credibility highlights the importance of fact-checking and responsible journalism, as well as the potential consequences of deplatforming and censorship.

    • RFK Jr.'s inconsistent stance on conspiracy theoriesRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s credibility is questioned due to his inconsistent approach to accepting mainstream narratives, raising concerns about confirmation bias and selective use of evidence.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s credibility and perceived conspiracy theories come under scrutiny due to his consistent lurch towards alternative explanations for events, such as the death of Martha Moxley and the assassination of his father. While some may view this as a conspiratorial mindset, others argue that it's a pattern born from a lack of proven evidence for the mainstream narratives. However, RFK Jr.'s stance on certain issues, like HIV not causing AIDS and the death of his uncle, contradicts his appeals to scientific consensus in other areas, raising concerns about his selective use of evidence and potential confirmation bias. This inconsistency, combined with the increasing appeal of conspiratorial thinking in the current societal climate, can make his perspectives both intriguing and concerning.

    • Consider the whole package and motivations of conspiracy theoristsWhile some conspiracy theories may contain truth, it's crucial to evaluate the whole narrative and the motivations of those promoting them, as many contain falsehoods and misinformation.

      While some conspiracy theories may contain elements of truth, it's essential to consider the whole package and the motivations of those promoting them. Alex Jones, for instance, has made sensational claims about gay frogs and government conspiracies, some of which have been proven true but exist within a larger context of falsehoods and misinformation. Jones' appeal lies in his ability to tap into the instinct that those in power are deceiving us, but it's crucial to remember that he is still a figure on the political left and his views on economic policy and other issues are not aligned with the right. Additionally, while there may be valid concerns about pharmaceutical companies and their influence, the idea of a broad conspiracy to silence critics of immunizations is unlikely given the substantial consensus in favor of vaccines and the limited financial impact on pharma profits. Ultimately, it's essential to approach conspiracy theories with a critical and informed perspective, recognizing that while some elements may be true, the larger narrative often contains falsehoods and misinformation.

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s concerns about vaccines and autismRobert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer, noticed a correlation between mandatory vaccines and an increase in autism cases, leading him to question vaccine industry liabilities and raise concerns

      During the late 1980s, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. noticed a correlation between the introduction of mandatory vaccines and a significant increase in autism cases. As an environmental lawyer, he saw this as a concern and raised questions about potential liabilities for vaccine manufacturers, who were shielded from lawsuits due to the vaccines' mandatory status. Kennedy's perspective does not definitively prove vaccines caused autism, but his expertise as a lawyer and his firsthand experience during this time have led him to question the vaccine industry. Additionally, during the podcast, Chris Cuomo offered motivational advice for those struggling to find the drive to start tasks, encouraging listeners to simply begin, even when they don't feel like it.

    • Radio show discussion about Chris Cuomo's crop top trend and mental healthSatirical radio conversation touched on Chris Cuomo's appearance, crop top trend for men, and mental health challenges, with no harmful intent.

      During a discussion on a radio show, Megyn Kelly and her guests joked about Chris Cuomo's appearance and his penchant for showing off his physique, particularly his naked belly. The conversation also touched on the return of crop tops for men, with some men reportedly embracing the trend. Kelly expressed her skepticism about the trend and joked about finding sources for a crop top story. The conversation also included some light-hearted banter about mental health and the challenges of getting out of bed for work. Overall, the discussion was meant to be entertaining and humorous, with no malicious intent towards Chris Cuomo or any other individuals mentioned.

    • Men Wearing Crop Tops: Confidence and Body PositivityConfidence and body positivity are crucial for men to wear crop tops comfortably. While society's reaction can be unpredictable, embracing one's body and expressing personal style can lead to positive experiences.

      The conversation revolved around the topic of men wearing crop tops and the reactions they receive from society. Joseph Damien, a content creator in Fresno, shared his experience of wearing crop tops for over a year and a half, both privately and publicly, and the unwanted attention he received. The consensus seemed to be that confidence is the key to rocking a crop top. However, the discussion took a turn towards body positivity and representation in magazines, with the example of Prince Fielder being the only exception. The conversation then took an unexpected turn with the revelation of a man being featured in a Miami swimsuit runway show, leading to confusion and discomfort among the participants. Despite the overall positive message of body positivity and self-confidence, the conversation also revealed some retrograde views and discomfort towards the representation of men in certain contexts.

    • New York Times shifts focus from sports to other topicsThe New York Times is changing its sports coverage to cater to a different audience, potentially due to the acquisition of The Athletic and union rules. Some fans feel alienated by the 'woke' bent of the coverage.

      The New York Times' decision to abandon their sports coverage and focus on other topics, such as the crop top phenomenon, could be seen as an attempt to cater to a different audience. This shift in focus may be due to the acquisition of The Athletic and the desire to get around union rules, as The Athletic is a nonunion shop. The sports coverage in the New York Times has been criticized for having a "woke" bent, focusing on issues unrelated to sports and attracting little national attention. This has left some sports fans feeling alienated and disappointed. Kamala Harris, in a recent interview, discussed the importance of expressing emotions and finding joy in culture, which can be seen as a reflection of the current moment. While the New York Times sports coverage may not be providing the inspiration some fans are looking for, Harris' words offer a reminder of the importance of connection and joy in our lives.

    • Discussion on Vice President Kamala Harris's speeches and public imageCritics debate Harris's substance and repetition in speeches, speculate about her perceived disconnectedness, and contrast media coverage to past figures.

      Vice President Kamala Harris's speeches often emphasize the importance of the present moment and understanding history to inform the future. However, some critics argue that her words lack substance and are repetitive. There have been speculations about her perceived disconnectedness, with some suggesting she may be influenced by AI or experiencing some internal struggle. Critics also point out the contrast between the media's treatment of Harris compared to past figures like Dan Quayle and George W. Bush, with fewer negative headlines and criticisms. Some news stories about Harris and her administration, such as staff turnover and Joe Biden's anger issues, are seen as orchestrated by those who oppose her or have concerns about Biden's candidacy. Overall, the discussion revolves around Harris's public image, her speeches, and the media's coverage of her.

    • Critics question Kamala Harris's intelligence and qualifications for presidencyDespite low approval ratings, Harris could become Democratic nominee due to lack of opposition, raising concerns about a potential Trump vs. Harris presidency

      There are concerns about Kamala Harris's intelligence and qualifications for the presidency, as expressed by several critics. They believe she cannot effectively communicate and lacks the necessary qualities to lead. These criticisms have been building since her time as Attorney General of California and have intensified since her vice presidency. Despite her low approval ratings, there is a lack of meaningful opposition within the Democratic party, making it likely that she could become the party's nominee if something were to happen to Joe Biden. Some believe this is a result of Americans getting the politics they deserve and Harris's ability to "fail up" in her political career. The worst-case scenario, according to these critics, would be a matchup between Donald Trump in jail and Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. However, it's important to note that these criticisms are subjective and not universally held.

    • Legal proceedings against Trump may drag on till 2024 electionThe complexities of the legal cases against Trump and potential concerns about Biden's ability to complete his term make it uncertain who will represent the Democratic Party in the 2024 presidential election.

      The legal proceedings against Donald Trump, particularly the case in New York, are expected to take a long time due to the complexities involved, and it's unlikely that he will be tried before the 2024 presidential election. Furthermore, there are growing concerns within the Democratic Party about Joe Biden's ability to complete his term, let alone run for re-election, but no clear signs of a push for him to step down. The party's primary deadline varies by state, making it a practical challenge to replace Biden with a viable candidate before the first Super Tuesday in January 2024.

    • Political speculation surrounds potential Republican contenders and White House cocaine mysteryThe Biden administration's evasive responses to questions about cocaine found in the White House have fueled speculation and accusations of deception, adding to the dynamic political landscape.

      The political landscape continues to be filled with intrigue and speculation. The discussion revolved around the possibility of someone planning a Democratic strategy against potential Republican contenders, such as Donald Trump's son, Don Jr., and the ongoing mystery surrounding cocaine found in the White House. The Biden administration's response to questions about the cocaine and their whereabouts during certain days raised suspicions, leading some to accuse them of lying. Phil Houston, a former CIA deception detection expert, noted that attacking the question itself can be a sign of deception. While the evidence does not definitively point to the Bidens, the lack of transparency and evasive responses have fueled further speculation. It's clear that the political scene remains dynamic and full of twists and turns.

    • Discussion about Hunter Biden's drug use allegations and potential presence of drugs in the White HouseUnexpected places can reveal past drug use, Hunter Biden might have been more cautious with his drugs, and New York City politics shifted the conversation with Eric Adams' response to police killings

      The discussion revolved around former White House official Hunter Biden's past drug use allegations and the potential presence of drugs in the White House. A journalist shared her experience of encountering drugs in unexpected places and suggested that Hunter might have been more likely to keep track of his drugs rather than leave them behind. The conversation also touched upon the ease of access to drugs in certain circles and the potential need for increased security measures in the White House. Additionally, the conversation shifted to New York City politics, specifically Eric Adams' response to the killing of two police officers and his use of a photo of a fallen officer as a campaign prop.

    • Mayor Adams' Misrepresentation of a PhotoNYC Mayor Eric Adams was caught in a lie about an old photo of a fallen friend, which was later found to have been created in his office after the lie was reported. The incident raises concerns about his honesty and trustworthiness, and highlights growing backlash against big city Democratic governments.

      New York City Mayor Eric Adams was caught in a lie about carrying a decades-old photo of a fallen friend, Officer Robert Benival. The photo was actually created in Adams' office after the lie was first reported. This incident raises concerns about Adams' honesty and trustworthiness, especially given his past erratic behavior and lack of a clear governance program. The incident also highlights a growing backlash against the way big city Democratic governments are run. Despite these concerns, Adams has continued to deny any wrongdoing and dodge questions about the authenticity of the photo. The incident underscores the importance of truthfulness and integrity in political leadership.

    • Mayor Eric Adams' Response to Holocaust Survivor CriticizedNew York City Mayor Eric Adams faced criticism for his disrespectful response to a Holocaust survivor during a discussion about rent prices. Megyn Kelly launched a new website for her show, offering exclusive content and a user-friendly experience.

      During a recent interview, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was criticized for his response to a Holocaust survivor during a discussion about rent prices. The exchange was seen as disrespectful and imperial by some, with Adams demanding respect and comparing the situation to plantation ownership. This incident sparked controversy and drew criticism from various quarters. In other news, Megyn Kelly has launched a new website, megankelly.com, which aims to be a one-stop shop for everything related to her show, including archives, exclusive content, and behind-the-scenes material. The website is designed to be user-friendly and will feature content from Kelly and her team, as well as friends of the show. The launch of the website is seen as a way to engage more with fans and loyal listeners/viewers.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    4 Leadership Struggles I Had to Overcome

    4 Leadership Struggles I Had to Overcome

    Lonely Leadership

    What are leadership struggles? Many leaders act as if the point they’ve reached in their careers was easy to reach. From my perspective, as I progressed throughout my career, I ran into many different struggles. These struggles are some that I believe every leader will encounter. Rather than hiding these struggles from you, I will be putting them out in the sunlight for all of you to see. I have come to realize that all leaders are alike. As much as we think we are different, we are not as unique as we think. We all share the same struggles. On today’s show, I will be discussing the various struggles all leaders face and how to counteract them.

    The first leadership struggle I’ve encountered is lonely leadership. As you progress through an organization it gets harder to find people that understand you. Great leaders are told that transparency is a must. Be transparent. Share things with others around you. While transparency holds importance, is it always the answer? Transparency is only important to a point. There are some things you should not be transparent about.

    You should never be transparent about your self-doubt. Being open about your struggles with employees can cause them concern about your organization. Secondly, never be transparent about your opinion of others. Especially key stakeholders. They will find out. My philosophy is to never burn a bridge no matter what. This decision has come back to benefit me throughout my career.

    Thirdly, never be transparent about confidential information shared with you. I’ve seen may promising leaders sidelined because of issues of integrity and trust. Building a reputation of integrity as a leader is crucial. It can be lost in just one decision. Don’t make that mistake. This will shatter your career. Being a leader is lonely. Who can you share things with? Your spouse? Not always. I remember when I was at Teligent and we were the hottest new thing. We were on the cover of Business Week, Forbes, WSJ, NY Times etc. My wife was at her hairdresser one day, and the hairdresser was drilling her about information on Teligent. He assumed she had access to confidential information and was getting aggressive. After that, me and my wife came to an agreement to protect her. I do not share any confidential information with her. Never. She doesn’t want to be in that position.

    Is there anyone you can be transparent with? Your coach or mentor. Let your board/shareholders know that you have a coach or mentor. If you’re going to share confidential information with someone, they should sign a non-disclosure agreement. All of this said, you will be lonely as a leader. It comes with the position. Do you have someone that you can be transparent with?



    What Got You Here Won’t Keep You Here

    Will the skills that helped you reach your position keep you there? These things will not keep you here or progress you in your career. Look at me for instance. My specialty is technical work. I have not touched technical work in 15 years. I had to learn new skills in order to advance. How did I learn those different skills? Right out of college, I was told by my mentor Bob that in order to find success, I had to broaden my playing fields. I knew my specialty very well, but I needed to have a variety of experiences. What did I do? I rotated in marketing, sales, finance, IT, etc. I did everything. While these experiences broadened my knowledge, it wasn’t enough. What were the skillsets that brought me to success?

    • Organization design - How do you structure a team? You have to be willing to adjust in order to create a successful organizational structure.
    • People Reading - Each person is unique and you have to commit to learning them.
    • Consensus BuildingLearn the individuals and their objectives. I do one on one calls with each member of my board before meetings. This helps me to get a better grasp on the thoughts and feelings of each member.
    • Objective Setting – How do you set good objectives? use OKR’s/make sure they are clear and measurable. Grant autonomy letting your experts use their skills to achieve ultimate success.


    Consequences of Ideas and Statements

    Ideas and statements made as a leader have consequences. Things will get taken out of context and all the sudden they become the “new law”. When I was CEO at Cable Labs, I told my team that the most common statement they would hear was “Phil said”. In many cases what I said was misinterpreted or misused. The best proof point of this in my career is press coverage. If you google my name and read the articles on the first 16 pages of google, not a single article got the situation 100% correct. At Cable Labs, we had issues with the press pushing out false information. This caused employees to start worrying about the longevity of our Colorado office. I had to call a meeting with my all my employees to address this issue. I made a commitment to my staff that day that they would hear from me first, and not the press. In fact, this created a new culture at Cable Labs called the “no surprise rule” to constantly remind my employees of this. Why do I do this? Because ideas and statements can be a disaster. You need to be hyper-vigilant about what you say, how you say it, and how you operate. Are you conveying statements the right way?


    Creative Self-Doubt

    What is the number one skill leaders are expected to have? Creativity/ ingenuity leading to product, service, and operational innovation. Many leaders get promoted to a leadership role because of innovation they are credited with. Look at Nobel Laureates. There is a trend of peaks seen from the recipients of Nobel awards. One in their mid-twenties and one in their mid-fifties. The question comes down to this. Do you still have your creativity?


    What type of innovator are you?

    Conceptual Innovators - “Think outside the box,” challenging conventional wisdom and suddenly coming up with new ideas. Conceptual innovators tend to peak early in their careers.


    Experimental Innovators - Accumulate knowledge through their careers and find groundbreaking ways to analyze, interpret and synthesize that information into new ways of understanding. The long periods of trial and error required for important experimental innovations make them tend to occur late in a Nobel laureate’s career. Success comes from recognizing that as an innovator we need to shift from the conceptual to the experimental.

    Let’s connect; I am on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. If we do connect, drop me a note and let me know. The email address is feedback@philmckinney.com or you can go to PhilMcKinney.com and drop me a note there. If you are looking for innovation support go to TheInnovators.Network or want to be challenged to develop the next big idea, check out our Disruptive Ideation Workshops. Don’t forget to join our Innovators Community to enjoy more conversations around innovation.