
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Pleasure: The Magic Wand and MoreThe Magic Wand vibrator sets the standard for powerful pleasure and continues to be a trusted confidant. Express gratitude to strengthen relationships, and use products like delay spray, warming arousal gel, and aromatherapy candles for enhanced summer experiences.

      The magic wand, a iconic vibrator, offers unapologetic pleasure and has set the standard for many favorite products. With its powerful rumble and various iterations, it continues to be a trusted confidant and symbol of power. Additionally, expressing gratitude and appreciation towards your partner and relationship can significantly strengthen it. Using products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel can enhance your sex life during the summer months, while aromatherapy massage candles can set the mood and lead to relaxing and sensual experiences.

    • The Power of Gratitude in RelationshipsExpressing gratitude and appreciation towards partners, friends, and even casual acquaintances can improve relationships. Be clear with your intentions and communicate effectively to express gratitude without being disrespectful. Prioritize open communication and respect in all relationships.

      Expressing gratitude and appreciation towards our partners, friends, and even one-night stands is crucial for building and maintaining healthy relationships. During the Thanksgiving episode of "Sex with Emily," the hosts discussed the importance of gratitude and how it can help improve relationships. They also shared personal experiences and tips for being clear with your intentions and expressing gratitude without being disrespectful. The hosts also touched on the topic of sex and shared their thoughts on various sexual topics, including the importance of communication and consent. They encouraged listeners to check out EmilyandTony.com for 20% off using the coupon code "Emily" and to take advantage of the Black Friday weekend sale for 30% off all Emily and Tony products. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation in all areas of life and encouraged listeners to prioritize open communication and respect in their relationships.

    • Take your time to know someone before getting intimateMoving slowly in a relationship can deepen connection and enhance sexual experiences. Use scents and consider holiday sales for sex toys to enhance intimacy.

      Taking things slow and getting to know someone before becoming intimate can lead to a deeper connection and more enjoyable sexual experiences. The speaker emphasizes that there's no set rule for how many dates one should wait before having sex, but suggests that doing so too soon can make the relationship overly sexual and hinder the opportunity to truly get to know someone. Additionally, the speaker recommends using scents, such as candles, to enhance the sexual experience and create a sensual atmosphere. During the holiday season, the speaker suggests taking advantage of sales on sex toys and other intimate items as potential gifts to enhance one's sex life.

    • Navigating Awkward Family Questions During the HolidaysStay gracious and humorous when faced with intrusive questions about personal life and relationships during the holidays. Focus on gratitude and finding joy in the season, even if traveling home is impossible.

      During the holiday season, especially Thanksgiving, families can be a source of awkward questions and uncomfortable situations. Emily shares her experience with intrusive questions about her personal life and relationships, and offers advice on how to handle such situations with grace and humor. Another key takeaway is the importance of being grateful and finding joy in the holiday season, even if circumstances make traveling home impossible. Emily encourages listeners to focus on the positive aspects of the season, and to engage with her online platforms for entertaining content related to sex and relationships. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-acceptance, openness, and resilience in navigating family dynamics and holiday pressures.

    • Expressing gratitude during Thanksgiving and beyondPracticing gratitude through meditation, journaling, and focusing on positivity can improve overall well-being and help shift focus from negativity to appreciation. Following dreams and staying committed to passions can lead to meaningful careers, while engaging with diverse perspectives broadens horizons.

      The holiday season, specifically Thanksgiving, serves as a reminder for us to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives. This practice of gratitude can improve our overall well-being and help us shift our focus from negative thoughts to appreciation. The history of Thanksgiving dates back to the aftermath of the Civil War when a woman petitioned President Lincoln to establish a national holiday to promote unity and healing. Gratitude practice, such as meditation or journaling, can help us stay focused on the positive aspects of our lives and overcome the natural tendency of our minds to dwell on negativity. By following our dreams and staying committed to our passions, even when the journey is challenging, we can create meaningful and fulfilling careers. Additionally, engaging with diverse perspectives through learning from interesting guests and experts can broaden our horizons and enrich our lives.

    • First impressions can be misleadingGive people a chance, don't judge based on initial encounters. Find passion and pleasure in work for success and satisfaction.

      First impressions can be misleading. The speaker initially disliked David Lay due to his demeanor during their encounter in the hall. However, within minutes of the show starting, they were impressed by his knowledge and expertise on the topic of sex addiction. This experience highlights the importance of giving people a chance and not judging them based on initial encounters. Another key takeaway is the importance of passion and pleasure in work. The speaker's job revolves around helping people improve their sex lives, and they are grateful for the perks that come with it, such as testing various sex products. They emphasize that their job brings them joy and fulfillment, which is essential for success and satisfaction in any field. Lastly, the speaker expresses their gratitude towards Anderson Cooper and their team for their support and collaboration. They acknowledge that they have a unique working relationship and appreciate the time and effort put into their show. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of giving people a chance, finding passion in work, and expressing gratitude for the people and opportunities that contribute to success.

    • The Importance of Good SexSex brings happiness, reduces stress, burns calories, and boosts mood. Discussing sexual experiences can be a topic of conversation among friends, particularly women.

      Sex is an essential aspect of life that brings happiness, reduces stress, burns calories, and helps in falling asleep. The brain releases feel-good chemicals during sex, making it a natural mood booster and stress reliever. It also provides a topic for conversation among friends, particularly women. The speaker emphasized the importance of good sex and shared an experience of discussing a friend's new relationship and the details of their sexual encounter. The penis size and other physical attributes were mentioned as potential topics of conversation if the penis is remarkable in some way. Overall, the speaker emphasized the positive impact of sex on one's mental and physical well-being.

    • Valuing Feedback and Appreciation in RelationshipsBe open to feedback, appreciate the little things, and make adjustments to improve relationships

      Appreciation is key in any relationship, including sexual relationships. Emily, the podcast host, received feedback from a listener about her habit of taking sips of water during her show, which drove the listener crazy. Instead of getting defensive, Emily acknowledged the feedback and made a small adjustment to improve the listener's experience. This incident highlights the importance of being open to feedback and valuing the perspective of others, even if it's something small. In relationships, appreciation can mean expressing gratitude for the little things, being attentive to your partner's needs, and being open to feedback and improvement. Just like Emily did, we can all strive to appreciate our partners in meaningful ways, even if it means making small adjustments or changes.

    • The Complexity of Appreciation in RelationshipsSeek a healthy balance of appreciation in relationships, where both partners feel valued and express their own needs. Small gestures can go a long way, but be mindful of validation and intimacy issues.

      Appreciation in relationships is complex and multifaceted. Feeling appreciated can lead to happiness and balance, but too much appreciation can also be unhealthy and codependent. It's essential to strive for a healthy balance in relationships, where both partners feel appreciated but also have the ability to express their own needs and desires. In the conversation, one person shared their experience of feeling underappreciated in their current relationship but also recalled being excessively appreciated by past partners. They discussed how they would like their partner to offer small gestures of appreciation, but they felt guilty when asking for it. The conversation also touched upon the importance of validation and compliments in relationships, and how they can make people feel good but also cause discomfort for some individuals due to intimacy issues. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and finding a balance of appreciation in relationships.

    • Communication and compliments in relationshipsEffective communication and genuine compliments are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Understand context, timing, and differences in communication styles to strengthen bonds.

      Effective communication and genuine compliments are essential in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Both partners need to feel appreciated and valued, and compliments can go a long way in making a woman feel beautiful and a man feel affirmed. However, it's important to understand the context and timing of compliments, as well as the importance of active listening and giving undivided attention. Women often want to be heard and processed without being fixed, and men naturally want to help and provide solutions. By recognizing these differences and adjusting our communication styles accordingly, we can strengthen our relationships and foster deeper connections.

    • Communication is key in relationshipsMen naturally want to offer advice and solve problems, women should listen and appreciate their efforts. Greet partners with enthusiasm and positivity. Everyone processes and communicates differently, be patient and understanding. Address frustrations with open dialogue and a willingness to compromise.

      Communication is key in relationships, even if the timing or solution to a problem isn't perfect. Men naturally want to offer advice and solve problems, and women should listen and appreciate their efforts, even if they don't immediately act on it. Additionally, greeting your partner with enthusiasm and positivity can strengthen the bond in your relationship. It's important to remember that everyone processes and communicates differently, and being patient and understanding can lead to a more harmonious partnership. The little quirks and frustrations that arise in relationships are natural and should be addressed with open dialogue and a willingness to compromise. Overall, the goal is to create a positive and supportive environment where both partners feel valued and heard.

    • Effective Communication and Active Listening in RelationshipsEffective communication and active listening are vital in relationships. Make time to engage in conversation, acknowledge women's need to be heard, invest in quality sex toys, and express gratitude through thoughtful gifts.

      Effective communication and active listening are crucial in maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship. The speaker shares an example of how he makes time for his partner when she comes home from work, pausing his hockey game to engage in conversation and ask about her day. He acknowledges that sometimes women just want to be heard and not interrupted, and it's essential to give them the space to unload and process their day. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of good communication in the bedroom and encourages listeners to invest in high-quality sex toys from reputable retailers like Good Vibes for Black Friday deals. Lastly, the speaker shares a humorous anecdote about his own ignorance regarding alcohol and how he expresses his gratitude towards his partner through thoughtful gifts. Overall, the key takeaway is that genuine connection and effective communication are essential in all aspects of a relationship.

    • Building strong connections requires selflessness and compromiseMake an effort to cater to your partner's needs and interests, find creative compromises, and show genuine interest in their hobbies to deepen your connection

      Building a meaningful connection in a relationship requires selflessness and compromise. Think about your partner's needs and interests, and make an effort to cater to them every once in a while. This doesn't mean sacrificing your own happiness entirely, but rather finding creative ways to make them feel loved and appreciated. This extends to all areas of life, whether it's dating, work, or friendship. Even small compromises can go a long way in making someone feel valued and cared for. However, it's important that the compromise is mutual and not one-sided. Additionally, showing genuine interest in your partner's hobbies and passions can deepen your connection and make them feel seen and understood. So, take the time to ask about their favorite things and participate in their interests outside of your shared ones. Ultimately, building a strong connection requires effort, communication, and a willingness to put your partner's needs above your own from time to time.

    • Expressing appreciation and interest in your partnerActively listening and acknowledging accomplishments deepens connection, prevents misunderstandings, and makes partners feel valued.

      Showing genuine interest in your partner and acknowledging their accomplishments can significantly enhance your relationship. People sometimes assume things about each other without asking questions or making an effort to understand, leading to misunderstandings or missed opportunities for connection. By actively listening and expressing appreciation, you can create a deeper sense of connection and make your partner feel valued. It's essential to strike a balance between being interested and being aloof, as both are crucial in a healthy relationship. Ultimately, everyone has a fundamental need to feel recognized and appreciated for their efforts, and expressing this can lead to stronger bonds and increased happiness in your partnership.

    • Expressing appreciation and validationAppreciating small accomplishments and asking questions can build connections and make people feel valued. Small gestures also go a long way.

      Men value praise and validation, and expressing appreciation for their accomplishments can make them feel good. This can be as simple as acknowledging a new bookshelf or asking about their work achievements. Additionally, asking questions during conversations can help build a connection and make the other person feel valued. Small gestures like making a cup of coffee or remembering favorite shows can also go a long way. It's important to maintain a natural balance in conversations and notice the small things. This not only applies to established relationships but also to new ones. So, during the upcoming holidays, take the time to appreciate your partner and express your gratitude for their contributions and accomplishments.

    • Express appreciation and ask questions in a relationshipExpressing appreciation and asking questions in a relationship are crucial for maintaining a healthy connection. Surprise your partner with thoughtful gestures and gifts this holiday season.

      Expressing appreciation and asking questions in a relationship are essential for maintaining a healthy connection. Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings, and asking questions shows that you care and are interested. Additionally, special gestures, such as purchasing a luxury sex toy or offering a thoughtful gift, can add excitement and enhance the bond between partners. This holiday season, consider expressing your love and appreciation in meaningful ways. Moreover, it's important to remember that communication goes both ways, and asking questions can help you understand your partner's needs and desires as well. It's not just about making your relationship better but also about figuring out if it's the right one. Lastly, the holiday season is an excellent opportunity to surprise your loved one with a thoughtful gift, such as a hidden male masturbation sleeve that simulates the sensations of sex. These gestures can add excitement and bring you closer together. Don't miss out on special deals and offers, such as the free Flesh Lube offer from Fleshlight.com, to make this holiday season memorable.

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    • Submit your BDSM & sex advice questions by email to americansexpodcast@gmail.com
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    Episode 60 Links

    Episode 60 Sponsor & Giveaway Info

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    • Jimmyjane Love Pod Tre giveaway ($149 value) provided by Castle Megastore. Entrants must be over 18, US resident, no purchase necessary. Visit the giveaway page for details and to enter http://sunnymegatron.com/tre
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    • Submit your BDSM & sex advice questions by email to americansexpodcast@gmail.com
    • To support American Sex podcast, please visit patreon.com/americansex (plus you’ll get all episodes early, secret episodes, bonus stories from guests, on-air shout-outs, stuff in the mail & more!)
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