
    Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2

    enJuly 25, 2024
    How can humbling ourselves lead to opportunities?
    What role does prayer play in our lives?
    What resources are offered by Alan Jackson Ministries?
    Why is humility important according to this text?
    How does God promote those who humble themselves?

    Podcast Summary

    • Humbling ourselves before GodHumbling ourselves before God can lead to greater opportunities and promotion, allowing God to act as our promoter. Through prayer and support of ministries, we can grow in faith and cooperate with God's plan.

      Humbling ourselves before God can lead to greater opportunities and promotion, as seen in the biblical example of Paul's missionary journeys. God can act as our promoter, but we must be willing to humble ourselves and follow His guidance, even if it means changing plans or directions. Through prayer and support of ministries like Alan Jackson Ministries, we can grow in our faith and cooperate with God's plan for our lives and the world. By donating $15 or more, you can receive helpful resources to focus your prayer life and join thousands in praying for significant change.

    • Biblical leadership and humilityBiblical leaders like Moses, Isaiah, and Mary demonstrated humility in response to God's call, recognizing their limitations and unworthiness, and this trait is essential for effective leadership in God's kingdom.

      Humility is a consistent characteristic in individuals who are used by God for significant leadership roles, as seen in the stories of Moses, Isaiah, and Mary in the Bible. Despite the vast differences in their assignments, they all responded with humility when God called them, recognizing their own limitations and unworthiness. This is a valuable lesson for us today, as humility is often overlooked in contemporary society, but it is essential for those seeking to serve and lead in God's kingdom. Proverbs 15:33 supports this idea, stating that "the fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom and humility comes before honor."

    • Humility and prayerHumility leads to God's blessings and promotion, while diligent prayer can make a difference in our families, communities, churches, and nation.

      Humility is the key to God's blessings and promotion in life. Contrary to a common attitude, wanting to merely get to heaven without striving for significance in the Kingdom of God is not acceptable. Instead, we should aim to serve others and humble ourselves before God, as He is the one who promotes and exalts those who humble themselves. This month, through Alan Jackson Ministries, we are encouraged to join together in prayer for our families, communities, churches, and nation, believing that our diligent prayers can make a difference. By donating $15 or more, we can receive resources to help focus our prayer life, including Pastor Allen's prayer book, prayer cards, and a four-session email series about prayer. Let's stop complaining and start praying, as the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

    • Humility vs. PrideGreat leaders prioritize humility over pride during difficult times as it brings promotion, while pride leads to destruction. Cultivate genuine spirituality and remember we are all part of God's creation.

      Great leaders, especially during difficult times, should prioritize humility over pride. Pastor Allen emphasized that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. He encouraged us to let the authenticity of our lives surface and cultivate genuine spirituality. Pride, on the other hand, leads to destruction. To maintain humility and deconstruct pride, we should regularly engage in behaviors that promote these qualities. Remember, we are all part of God's creation and not particularly special or entitled. Humility brings promotion, while pride brings destruction. Let us strive to give God the glory and the credit.

    • Leading for God's kingdomCultivating humility, ambition for God's kingdom, regular service, generosity, compassion, and deconstructing pride are essential practices for leading well in God's kingdom. Humility and compassion help us understand ourselves and others better, while avoiding pride leads to God's blessings and the flourishing of His kingdom.

      Leading well for God's kingdom requires cultivating humility, ambition for the kingdom, regular service, generosity, compassion, and deconstructing pride. These practices may be counter-intuitive and may put us in a minority, but they will lead to God's blessings and the flourishing of His kingdom. Remember, our time and resources are valuable, and giving them away for the Lord's purposes is an important way to serve. Cultivating humility and compassion, in particular, will help us understand ourselves and others better, and bring us closer to God. Don't tolerate pride, as it is more corrosive than any disease and will rob us of more than material success. Instead, embrace humility as the right understanding of ourselves and our place in God's kingdom.

    • Prayer and obediencePrayer is a powerful way to connect with God, commit to obedience, and seek forgiveness. Resources like Pastor Allen's prayer book, timely prayer cards, and email series can help strengthen this spiritual practice.

      Prayer is a powerful tool for connecting with God and yielding our lives to His will. In the discussion, we heard a prayer expressing this commitment to obedience and seeking God's forgiveness. The speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on prayer and offered resources to help strengthen this spiritual practice. By donating $15 or more, listeners could receive Pastor Allen's prayer book, timely prayer cards, and access to an email series on prayer. Ultimately, the message reminded us that our prayers make a difference and that God's love and faithfulness endure forever.

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