
    Podcast Summary

    • Supporting Essential Workers and Keeping Them Safe, Fashion for All, NBA Playoffs, and the Importance of Free SpeechGrainger supports essential workers with industrial supplies, JCPenney offers fashion for all body types, NBA playoffs showcase intensity, and free speech is essential for nonpartisan organizations

      There are essential workers who keep our society running smoothly, and businesses like Grainger are there to support them with reliable industrial supplies. Meanwhile, at JCPenney, everyone deserves to look and feel good, and the retailer offers stylish and comfortable options for various body types. Furthermore, the NBA playoffs demonstrate the excitement and intensity of "playoff mode," and the book "The Coddling of the American Mind" by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt sheds light on the importance of free speech and individual rights in education. In these uncertain times, it's crucial for nonpartisan organizations to address their concerns openly and honestly.

    • Defending civil liberties for all, even the unpopularCivil liberties, such as freedom of speech, are essential for maintaining a free society. Compromising on them can lead to further compromise and authoritarian outcomes.

      Committing to civil liberties, including freedom of speech, is crucial in preventing authoritarian outcomes, even when it may be uncomfortable or unpopular. This was exemplified by Ira Glasser, the former executive director of the ACLU, who defended the rights of Nazis to march in Skokie despite being a Jewish lawyer whose family survived the Holocaust. Glasser believed that civil liberties are essential for maintaining a free society and that compromising on them leads to further compromise. His experiences, including witnessing Jackie Robinson's integration into Major League Baseball, inspired him to champion civil liberties and racial equity. The documentary "Mighty Ira" highlights Glasser's impact on the ACLU and his dedication to upholding civil liberties for all, regardless of political affiliations or personal beliefs.

    • The importance of respecting diverse opinions and open dialogueUnderstanding and respecting diverse opinions and engaging in open dialogue can broaden perspectives and shape lives. While there are limits to free speech, the primary value lies in gaining insight into people's thoughts and beliefs.

      The importance of understanding and respecting the diversity of opinions and the value of open dialogue, as experienced by Ira Glass, can significantly impact an individual's perspective and shape their life. In terms of free speech, while there are limits such as incitement to violence, defamation, and threats, the bedrock principle is that speech cannot be banned solely because it is offensive due to its subjectivity. Private companies have the right to terminate employment based on unpopular speech, but there is a need for increased cultural tolerance. My perspective on free speech differs from others as I believe the primary value is gaining insight into what people truly think and why, regardless of whether the ideas are considered good or bad.

    • Addressing difficult ideas and conversationsEngage in open dialogue and avoid suppressing ideas to prevent misunderstandings, misconceptions, and paranoia. Uphold free speech principles while considering potential harm.

      It's important to face and address difficult ideas and conversations, rather than suppressing them, as doing so can lead to misunderstandings, misconceptions, and even paranoia. This idea comes from the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and was also advocated by Harvey Silverglate, a civil liberties lawyer. Suppressing ideas can result in missing potential threats and creating an exaggerated perception of the situation. When faced with conflicting viewpoints, it's essential to uphold the principles of free speech, while also considering the potential harm caused by certain ideas. The choice between defending free speech and protecting individuals from harm is a complex one, but ultimately, it's valuable to know what people truly believe and engage in open dialogue. Over-reliance on censorship can be a dangerous tactic and can lead to a distorted view of reality.

    • A Debate on the Importance of Understanding Opposing ViewpointsThe NYT's publication of a controversial opinion piece sparked a discussion on the importance of empathy, understanding opposing viewpoints, and balancing these considerations with mental health and well-being.

      The New York Times' decision to publish an opinion piece by Senator Tom Cotton, which some staffers argued put black and brown reporters in danger, sparked a debate about the importance of understanding opposing viewpoints and the potential consequences of labeling ideas as dangerous. James Bennett, who was hired in 2016 to help the Times connect with a wider audience, published the article despite controversy. Bennett's hiring was a response to the paper's realization that it may have been out of touch with certain segments of the population. However, the argument that publishing the article put people's lives at risk was met with skepticism by some, including Hyatt and the speaker, who believed it was a rhetorical tactic rather than an empirically justifiable claim. The discussion touched on the importance of empathy, understanding cognitive distortions, and the need to avoid hypocrisy in our discourse. The speakers also acknowledged the complexity of balancing these considerations with the goal of promoting mental health and well-being.

    • A moment of clarity saved a life from suicideMental health struggles can push individuals to consider drastic measures, but acknowledging and addressing issues early can prevent tragic outcomes. Seek help if you're struggling.

      Mental health struggles can push individuals to the brink of despair, leading them to contemplate drastic measures. In this case, the speaker, Greg, reached a point where he considered taking his own life due to intense emotional pain. He planned to end his life using a method that ensured no chance of survival if he changed his mind. However, a moment of clarity and a simple question from a hospital psychologist saved his life. This experience underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing mental health issues before they escalate to such extremes. It also highlights the complexity of suicide and the need for empathy and understanding towards those who have considered it.

    • Personal growth and recovery during difficult timesEven when feeling lost or different, remember you're the same person and growth is possible. Reach out for help and help others to foster resilience.

      Even during the darkest moments of life, it's important to remember that you are the same person, and growth and recovery are possible. The speaker shared his personal experience of feeling bottomed out during COVID, but despite feeling like a completely different person, he realized it was still him. He emphasized the importance of reaching out for help when needed, but also the rewarding aspect of helping others through their struggles. The speaker also addressed stereotypes about his work, highlighting that while some cases involve partisan issues, most cases at FIRE deal with non-partisan issues that don't receive media attention. He used the example of a student at the University of Northern Michigan who sought counseling after being raped and was unintentionally reported to authorities, emphasizing the importance of addressing these often overlooked cases.

    • University warns student against discussing self-harm with friendsDiscussing mental health struggles can be beneficial, isolation worsens the situation. CBT, a simple yet effective method for managing negative thoughts and emotions, involves recognizing and challenging cognitive distortions and refocusing on reality.

      The stigma surrounding mental health discussions and the fear of being a burden to others can lead to harmful policies and misunderstandings. This was highlighted in an incident where a student received a letter from her university administration warning her against discussing self-harm with friends, based on a misconception about contagion. The speaker, who wrote a book on this topic with Jonathan Haidt, emphasized that talking about mental health struggles can be beneficial and that isolation only worsens the situation. The speaker also shared her personal experience with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a simple yet effective method for managing negative thoughts and emotions. CBT involves recognizing and challenging cognitive distortions, such as catastrophizing and mind reading, and refocusing on reality. The process requires discipline and consistent practice, but it can lead to significant improvements in mental well-being.

    • Students' attitudes towards free speech on college campuses have changed dramatically since 2013Since 2013, students have become more sensitive to offensive speech, demanding trigger warnings, new speech codes, and even disinviting speakers, justifying it in medicalized language, raising concerns about the state of free speech on college campuses.

      There has been a significant shift in attitudes towards free speech on college campuses. In the past, students were more open to offensive comedy and challenging professors, but administrators were the ones trying to limit free speech through policies like free speech zones. However, starting around 2013, there was a dramatic change in student attitude towards free speech. Students began demanding trigger warnings, new speech codes, and even disinviting speakers due to the potential trauma it could cause to vulnerable groups. This shift was justified in medicalized language, and it wasn't just targeting conservatives anymore. The change was noticeable to those on the ground, and it raised concerns about the state of free speech on college campuses.

    • College Campuses: Balancing Mental Health and Free SpeechIn the late 2010s, college students showed increased signs of anxiety and depression, with administrators focusing too much on emotional wellbeing, leading to protests and violent incidents, and hindering free speech.

      The conversation around mental health on college campuses in the late 2010s saw a significant shift, with students exhibiting increased signs of anxiety and depression, and a growing intolerance for opposing viewpoints. In an article published in The Atlantic in 2015, the speakers discussed how administrators may have inadvertently fostered these trends through overly protective policies and an exaggerated focus on students' emotional wellbeing. However, as the discussion progressed, they noted that the situation worsened, with protests and violent incidents on campuses, often targeting free speech. These events, such as the Milo Yiannopoulos riots and the assault on professor Allison Stanger, raised concerns about the state of political discourse and the prioritization of safety over free expression. The speakers were already working on a book about these issues when the book was published in 2018.

    • Misunderstanding the message of 'Coddling the American Mind'The title of the book has led to misunderstandings, but it argues that protecting and helping young people can sometimes harm them by disempowering them and instilling bad psychological habits.

      The title "Coddling the American Mind" of the book, which the speaker initially disagreed with, has led to misunderstandings about the book's message. The author intended to argue that efforts to protect and help young people can sometimes harm them by disempowering them and instilling bad psychological habits. However, the title has been perceived by some as implying that young people are spoiled, which is not the intended message. Despite the speaker's preference for the title "Disempowered," the publisher ultimately chose to use "Coddling the American Mind." The speaker encourages readers to read the book to understand the nuanced message and dispel potential misunderstandings. The speaker also frames the book's message in the context of the fragility and antifragility framework, acknowledging the potential for criticism that the framework could be used to dismiss the suffering of those with serious mental illness.

    • Factors contributing to mental health crisis for millennials and Gen Z at elite collegesSocial media use, political polarization, paranoid parenting, lack of free play, hyper-bureaucratization, and changing ideas of social justice are identified as major factors affecting mental health and disconnect for millennials and Gen Z at elite colleges, regardless of political affiliation.

      The authors of the book identified several factors contributing to the mental health crisis and disconnect between millennials and Generation Z, particularly those attending elite colleges. These factors include social media use, political polarization, paranoid parenting, lack of free play, hyper-bureaucratization, and changing ideas of social justice. The authors argue that these issues, while sometimes politically charged, affect individuals regardless of political affiliation. They found that Generation Z, born after 1995, exhibits a significant discontinuity in personality and attitudes compared to millennials. The authors' research became a detective story to understand these differences and led to the discovery of these six causal threads. While some may challenge the authors' conclusions, particularly regarding social justice, they argue that a more nuanced understanding of these issues is necessary to address the mental health crisis on college campuses.

    • Understanding interconnected identitiesRecognize interconnectedness, but don't reduce yourself to just those identities. Embrace individual uniqueness and common humanity.

      While recognizing the interconnected nature of our various identities is important, it's essential not to reduce ourselves to just those identities. Intersectionality, the study of how various identities intersect and impact one another, ultimately leads us back to the uniqueness of the individual. Each person is a unique conglomeration of their identities, experiences, and interests. It's crucial to remember that beyond our racial, gender, or other identities, we share common humanity. This commonality has been instrumental in social movements, such as the gay rights movement, which emphasized the shared experiences and emotions among people, ultimately leading to greater understanding and acceptance. So, while recognizing our interconnected identities is essential, it's equally important to remember and celebrate our individual uniqueness and common humanity.

    • Balancing Compassion and Human RightsRemember the importance of free speech and thought, and maintain a balanced perspective that acknowledges both human goodness and realities.

      While it's important to have compassion for those who face hardships and discrimination, fundamental human rights such as free speech and thought should not be overlooked. The speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering that those in power will ultimately implement any government solutions, and encourages a balanced perspective that acknowledges both the potential for human goodness and the realities of human nature. The speaker also laments the current trend of forgetting the insights of the past that have helped protect human rights and maintain checks and balances in government.

    • The Importance of Upholding Individual Rights and FreedomsBe mindful of potential consequences of limiting free speech and individual rights, even if offensive, as seen in Trump's focus on flag burning amendment. Uphold values of embodied cognition to respect individual freedoms.

      The principles we fight for can easily become our own downfall if we're not careful. During the discussion, Greg discussed Trump's recent focus on the flag burning amendment and the importance of upholding the right to burn the American flag, as established in the Texas v Johnson case. Greg emphasized that we should be mindful of the potential consequences of limiting free speech and individual rights, even if we find certain actions offensive. Additionally, Greg shared insights from his own experiences and upbringing that shaped his passion for free speech. Embodied cognition, a psychological concept, was mentioned as a significant influence on his perspective. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being aware of the potential unintended consequences of our actions and the value of upholding individual rights and freedoms.

    • The speaker's upbringing shaped his belief in free speech and American pluralismThe speaker's personal experiences deeply influenced his strong belief in free speech and respect for diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

      The speaker's upbringing, specifically his father's experiences growing up in Yugoslavia amidst cultural conflicts and his own experiences as a first-generation kid in a multicultural neighborhood, deeply influenced his strong belief in free speech and American pluralism. These experiences shaped his perspective on the importance of understanding and respecting diverse backgrounds and the value of open dialogue. This belief was further reinforced through his involvement in journalism and his legal studies focusing on the First Amendment. The speaker's personal experiences and values led him to become a passionate advocate for free speech and the importance of respecting diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

    • Overcoming Multiple Challenges with DeterminationEven in the face of multiple life-changing obstacles, never give up on seeking answers and second opinions to find the best solution for your health.

      Even when faced with multiple life-altering challenges, it's important to keep pushing for answers and second opinions. The speaker's experience includes a severe car accident, undiagnosed head injuries, a father's death, and a rare jaw tumor. Despite these hardships, he persevered and eventually found a doctor who offered a less invasive solution for his tumor. Though the journey was long and filled with uncertainty, his determination paid off, and he was able to heal and move forward. The miraculous morphogenic bone protein used in his surgery allowed his jaw to fuse together, sparing him from further invasive procedures. Through it all, the speaker's positive attitude and resilience shone through, inspiring those around him.

    • Greg Lukianoff's Hope for Free SpeechAuthor Greg Lukianoff shares his personal experience with name mispronunciation and speech policing on campuses. He remains optimistic about the importance of free speech and encourages individuals to defend it for personal and societal benefits.

      Despite the challenges and mispronunciations of his name, Greg Lukianoff remains hopeful about the importance and power of free speech. Lukianoff shared his personal experience with the mispronunciation of his name and the attempts to change it to a more accurate representation. He expressed his concern about the current political climate and the increasing speech policing on campuses, but remains optimistic that open societies with more free speech will have an advantage in the long run. Lukianoff's book, "The Coddling of the American Mind," has sparked constructive conversations and debates, and he is encouraged by the charitable responses, even from those who disagree. He urges individuals to defend free speech out of self-interest and for the benefit of society. Despite the current challenges, Lukianoff remains a voice of reason and compassion in the ongoing conversation about free speech and its importance in society.

    • Companies enhancing lives through financial planning and health servicesFacet Wealth focuses on financial planning, while CVS Health addresses health and wellness. Both offer convenience, support, and solutions to their customers, enabling them to live healthier, more balanced lives.

      Both Facet Wealth and CVS Health are committed to improving their respective areas of expertise to enhance the lives of their customers. Facet Wealth focuses on financial planning, ensuring members' money works effectively for them, while CVS Health addresses health and wellness through various services including in-person and virtual care, mental health support, and home evaluations. Eamonn University, a part of CVS Health, specifically aims to help individuals overcome mental health challenges through targeted courses led by renowned experts. These companies' innovative approaches bring convenience, support, and solutions to their customers, enabling them to live healthier, more balanced lives. Whether it's managing finances or mental health, these companies are dedicated to making a positive impact. To learn more about Facet Wealth, visit facet.com, and for CVS Health and Eamonn University, go to cvshealth.com/healthierhappens. Use code 'brain10' for a 10% discount on your first purchase at Eamonn University.

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    Music by @Pogo

    132. Danielle x Tanorria Askew: Creating Connection & Building Communities Around the Dinner Table (Re-Post)

    132. Danielle x Tanorria Askew: Creating Connection & Building Communities Around the Dinner Table (Re-Post)

    Tanorria Askew is a DEI consultant and coach, personal chef, cookbook author, public speaker, podcast co-host, and social justice activist. She is passionate about creating connections and community by gathering people around a dinner table to share a memorable meal and unforgettable conversation. 

    Growing up, she learned to associate food with community and then, as an adult, worked as a corporate trainer focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). But her appearance on season 7 of MasterChef with Gordon Ramsey prompted a leap of faith and sent her down a new path as a business owner who uses her many gifts to unite people of disparate races, cultures, and backgrounds.

    You will love Tanorria’s fantastic energy and presence. And I know you’ll find hope and inspiration in her commitment to creating inclusive spaces, breaking down barriers, encouraging uncomfortable conversations, and promoting action in the face of injustice. 

    Thank you for listening!


    Tanorria’s Table: https://www.tanorriastable.com/

    Black Girls Eating podcast: https://www.blackgirlseating.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanorriastable/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tanorriastable/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanorria-askew-5379b255/

    Cookbook: Staples + 5: 100 Simple Recipes to Make the Most of Your Pantry: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Tanorria-Askew/author/


    Journaling can be a life-changing tool. Grab a pen and put your thoughts on paper—you might be amazed by how much it helps. But, if you’re having trouble getting started or sorting out your thoughts, consider getting a copy of the Treasured Journal. The Treasured Journal includes questions, prompts, and sentence stems to help you make sense of what you’re feeling. You can get the journal and its companion meditation guide at the link below.

    THE TREASURED JOURNAL - https://danielleireland.com/journal

    Please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or experiences you want to share. I would love to hear from you! If you liked this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps me increase the value of this program and makes it easier for others to find us.

    This episode was originally published as #43 on April 27, 2020.


    Website: danielleireland.com

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