
    Groundbreaking Science Between Your Mind & Gut Health w/ Dr. Amy Shah

    enFebruary 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The gut's role in health goes beyond digestionA healthy gut is crucial for a strong immune system and can help prevent inflammatory diseases. Maintain a diverse microbiome through proper nutrition, stress management, and balanced gut health.

      The gut, often referred to as the second brain, plays a significant role in our overall health and wellbeing beyond just digestion. The gut and brain are connected through the vagus nerve, and our emotions, moods, and even cravings can originate from the gut. Historically, the importance of the gut microbiome was overlooked, but recent research shows that a healthy gut is crucial for a strong immune system and can help prevent inflammatory diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The gut needs a diverse range of bacteria to function optimally, and a lack of this diversity can lead to various health issues. Therefore, it's essential to focus on maintaining a healthy gut through proper nutrition, stress management, and a balanced microbiome. Dr. Amy Shaw, an expert on the topic, emphasizes the importance of understanding the gut-brain connection and offers insights into why we crave certain foods and how to address these cravings in her new book, "I'm So Effing Hungry."

    • The gut's role in producing dopamine and brain functionConsuming fermented foods with live bacteria can increase gut diversity, leading to better brain function and improved mood. Avoid overuse of antibacterial products and antibiotics to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

      The health of our gut plays a significant role in producing dopamine, a motivation hormone that can be up to 100 times more potent when produced by gut bacteria. Consuming fermented foods with live bacteria can increase the diversity of gut bacteria, leading to better brain function, improved mood, and increased happiness. However, the overuse of antibacterial products and antibiotics can harm gut bacteria, leading to a decrease in diversity and potential health issues for future generations. It's essential to consider the gut's role in overall health and well-being and make choices that support a healthy gut microbiome.

    • Fermented foods offer gut health benefits, but alcohol negates themUnderstanding cravings, formed by childhood memories and associations, can help us make healthier choices and manage them effectively.

      While fermented foods offer benefits for our gut health, consuming alcohol negates these benefits due to its toxic effects on the brain. Hunger and cravings are two different things, and cravings are driven by the strongest motivational pathway in our brains. These cravings can lead us to seek out good or bad things, and understanding how they work can help us make healthier choices. Our cravings are often formed through childhood memories and associations, making it essential to be aware of these triggers and learn how to manage them effectively.

    • The Role of Dopamine and Gut Bacteria in Motivation and CravingsUnderstanding the role of dopamine and gut bacteria in motivation and cravings can help us make more conscious choices for our well-being. Try incorporating superfoods like leafy greens, berries, nuts, seeds, fermented foods, and healthy oils for a healthy gut and improved mood, energy, and overall health.

      Our brains are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain, which can lead us to make choices that may not be in our best interest, such as overindulging in sugar or using our phones while driving. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation, plays a significant role in these behaviors. The discomfort we feel after experiencing pleasure can actually motivate us to repeat the behavior to alleviate the discomfort. BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, can help individuals work through various life challenges and improve their mental health, providing a safe and convenient alternative to traditional therapy. Additionally, our gut bacteria can influence our motivation and cravings, particularly in relation to sugar. By understanding these underlying motivations and exploring alternative sources of dopamine, such as exercise and healthy foods, we can make more conscious choices for our well-being. The six superfoods recommended for promoting gut health and overall wellness include leafy greens, berries, nuts, seeds, fermented foods, and healthy oils. These foods provide essential nutrients and support a healthy gut microbiome, which in turn can improve mood, energy levels, and overall health.

    • Impact of Foods on Gut Health and MoodFocus on fiber-rich plant foods, dopamine-supporting foods, and omega-3 rich foods for a healthy gut and improved mood.

      The foods we consume significantly impact our gut health, mood, and overall well-being. Ultra-processed foods, which contain ingredients not found in home kitchens, are detrimental to our gut bacteria and can lead to increased cravings, lower dopamine levels, and poor mental health. To promote a healthy gut and improve mood, focus on consuming foods rich in fiber from plants, dopamine-supporting foods like eggs, yogurt, nuts, cherries, and bananas, and omega-3 rich foods. Additionally, aim for a dopamine-rich breakfast to boost energy and motivation. By incorporating these foods into our diet, we can support our gut health and enhance our overall well-being.

    • Maintain a Balanced Diet with Protein and Polyphenols for Optimal HealthEating a balanced diet with adequate protein and polyphenols supports improved energy levels, emotional health, and overall fitness. Consume polyphenol-rich foods and respect your body's natural circadian rhythms for optimal health.

      Protein intake is crucial for overall health and wellbeing, especially as we age and engage in regular physical activity. Protein helps maintain muscle mass, regulate hunger and cravings, and supports emotional health. Additionally, consuming polyphenol-rich foods, such as brightly colored fruits and vegetables, provides antioxidant benefits for anti-aging. Maintaining a balanced diet with adequate protein and polyphenols can contribute to improved energy levels, emotional health, and overall fitness. Furthermore, it's essential to respect our body's natural circadian rhythms when it comes to eating. Eating a nutritious breakfast and allowing for a sufficient digestion period before bed can help optimize gut health and support restorative processes. Misunderstanding circadian rhythms and fasting can lead to digestive issues, weight gain, and feelings of grogginess, ultimately impacting our energy levels and emotional health.

    • Focusing on gut health for optimal hormone balanceImprove gut health to balance hormones, reduce stress, avoid processed sugars, focus on complex carbs, and restorative activities during late luteal phase.

      For optimal hormone health, particularly for women, focusing on gut health is crucial. The gut produces hormones and can help balance hormone levels. Poor gut health can lead to hormonal imbalances and irregular cycles. During the late luteal phase, when hormone levels drop, it's important to reduce stress, avoid processed sugary foods, and focus on complex carbs and restorative activities. This can help manage symptoms and maintain stable hormone levels. Additionally, learning and understanding your menstrual cycle can help you optimize your lifestyle during different phases.

    • Focusing on long-term solutions for personal health and business growthInvest in meals with healthy fats and complex carbs for sustained energy (personal health). Build a strong company culture for business growth and hire/retain top talent with Insparity's help.

      For both personal health and business growth, focusing on long-term solutions is key. For personal health, opt for meals with healthy fats and complex carbs, like avocado and beans, for sustained energy. For business growth, building a strong company culture is crucial, and Insparity can help with strategies for hiring and maintaining top talent. Regarding the topic of gender and gut health, while there may not be definitive studies on the subject, anecdotal evidence suggests women report more gut health issues and cravings. Companies like NetSuite offer customized solutions for managing various business KPIs, providing a single source of truth for efficient risk management and forecasting.

    • Prioritizing Gut Health for Women: Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Fermented FoodsWomen should prioritize their gut health through consuming prebiotics and probiotics, eating fermented foods, and focusing on fiber intake. Entrepreneurs can fill the gap in the market by offering tests and supplements for gut health assessment and improvement.

      Both men and women need to prioritize their own health and well-being, especially when it comes to their gut health. Women, in particular, tend to put others before themselves and ignore their own discomfort or symptoms. Prebiotics and probiotics play essential roles in maintaining a healthy gut. Prebiotics are the food for gut bacteria, and probiotics are the beneficial bacteria themselves. Eating a variety of fermented foods or taking supplements can help ensure a healthy gut microbiome. Additionally, fiber, found in foods like cilium husk, plays a crucial role in gut health by promoting the growth of good bacteria and making us feel full. It's essential for individuals to prioritize their health, including their gut health, and make necessary changes to their diet and lifestyle. There's currently no standard test or pill for assessing or improving gut health, but entrepreneurs and companies have an opportunity to fill this gap in the market.

    • Exploring the Potential of Gut Bacteria Transplants for Mental HealthGut bacteria transplants from healthy donors, like elite athletes, may lead to new treatments for mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. This could be done through procedures like colonoscopies or future pills, and is part of the concept of psychobiotics, which suggests addressing the whole body for mental health.

      The field of medicine and science is making progress in the area of gut bacteria transplants, which could potentially lead to new treatments for various health conditions, including mental health issues like depression and anxiety. This involves taking bacteria from healthy donors, such as elite athletes, and transferring it to those in need. This could be done through a colonoscopy or, in the future, through a pill. This concept, known as psychobiotics, suggests that mental health issues could be treated by addressing the whole body, rather than just prescribing pills to address chemical imbalances. Additionally, sharing food and bacteria with loved ones, particularly during childhood, can have a significant impact on one's gut health and overall well-being.

    • Boosting gut health for emotional well-being and energyIntroduce superfoods, increase fiber, explore probiotics, prioritize exercise, and maintain proper nutrition for improved gut-brain relationship and overall well-being.

      Improving gut health can significantly impact emotional well-being and energy levels. Introducing six superfoods, increasing fiber intake, and exploring probiotics are potential steps to enhance the gut-brain relationship. Exercise is the best probiotic, producing anti-inflammatory short chain fatty acids. A simple addition of a daily sunny walk can also benefit brain, immune system, and gut health. Ultimately, individuals must prioritize self-care through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and consistent movement to boost their overall well-being. No external savior or miracle cure exists – it's up to each person to make the necessary changes for their betterment. Additionally, for hiring needs, Indeed is a valuable resource to efficiently find qualified candidates for various positions.

    • Streamlining Hiring Process with Indeed and Boosting Self-CareUsing Indeed for hiring saves time and ensures access to qualified candidates. Improve self-care by considering diet changes to benefit gut health and consulting healthcare professionals before altering medication regimens.

      When it comes to hiring qualified employees, using a platform like Indeed can save time and ensure you're in front of candidates who are both qualified and interested in the job. The platform's "instant match" feature can provide quality candidates within 24 hours. Additionally, taking care of one's mental and physical health is crucial for overall well-being. While medication may be necessary for some, it's important to consider how it impacts the gut microbiome. A study showed that diet changes can start to make a difference in just three days. Lastly, it's essential to work with healthcare professionals when considering making changes to your medication regimen. In summary, using Indeed for hiring and prioritizing self-care, including considering the impact of medications on gut health, are key takeaways from this discussion.

    • Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in overall wellnessMaking one positive change, like improving sleep or taking a probiotic, can lead to significant health improvements

      Small changes in lifestyle, such as taking a probiotic and increasing fiber intake, or focusing on chrono nutrition and sleep patterns, can have a significant impact on overall wellness. The power of making "one more" positive change can lead to noticeable improvements. For instance, the importance of sleep and addressing specific sleep issues, like staying asleep, not only enhances rest but also contributes to overall health. The speaker, who has experienced these benefits firsthand, emphasizes the importance of addressing any lingering wellness challenges, such as sleep issues, and making consistent improvements.

    • Avoid screens before bed for better sleepLimiting blue light exposure from screens before bed can improve sleep quality, try avoiding screens for an hour before bed and use a traditional alarm clock instead.

      Limiting exposure to blue light from electronic devices before bedtime can significantly improve sleep quality. Blue light emitted from phones, computers, and other screens can signal to the brain that it's time to stay alert, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. To promote better sleep hygiene, try avoiding screens for at least an hour before bed and consider using a traditional alarm clock instead of checking your phone first thing in the morning. Additionally, maintaining a dark, cool sleeping environment and practicing relaxation techniques can also contribute to better sleep.

    • Mindset and Hydration: Key Factors for Gut HealthStaying hydrated and maintaining a positive mindset are crucial for optimal gut health. Neglecting either can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and lead to symptoms like hunger, cravings, fatigue, and negative health effects.

      Both our mindset and hydration levels play crucial roles in maintaining gut health. While the common belief of drinking a gallon of water a day may not apply to everyone due to differences in body size and activity levels, staying hydrated is essential to prevent dehydration and its symptoms, such as hunger, cravings, and fatigue. Moreover, our thoughts and emotions can also impact gut health. Negative thoughts and stress can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, while positive thoughts and a healthy mindset can promote better gut health. Therefore, focusing on both hydration and mental well-being is essential for optimal gut health.

    • The connection between mindset and gut healthResearch reveals that people with positive mindsets have different gut bacteria than those with negative ones. Focusing on positive thoughts and healthy habits can potentially improve gut health and overall well-being.

      The state of our gut bacteria can significantly impact our overall well-being and happiness. Research shows that people with positive outlooks on life have different gut bacteria than those with more negative mindsets. This finding highlights the importance of taking care of our mental and gut health through the things we think, the people we surround ourselves with, and the media we consume. By focusing on positive thoughts and healthy habits, we can potentially improve our gut bacteria and enhance our overall well-being. It's a reminder of the powerful connection between our mind and body, and the importance of taking care of both. So, go ahead and make positive changes today to improve your gut health and overall well-being. And don't forget to check out Dr. Shaw's book for more insights on this fascinating topic.

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    Audio Timecodes:

    00:00  Introduction

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    52:01    Summary

    Mentioned in todays episode:

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    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    For full show notes, resources mentioned, and transcripts go to: www.drmindypelz.com/ep125/

    To enroll in Dr. Mindy's Fasting membership go to: resetacademy.drmindypelz.com

    This episode is all about the role of fiber on our gut microbiome and preventing diseases.

    Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (or "Dr. B") is an award-winning gastroenterologist, internationally recognized gut health expert, and the New York Times-bestselling author of Fiber Fueled and The Fiber Fueled Cookbook. He sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of ZOE and is the U.S. Medical Director of ZOE, has authored more than twenty articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, has given more than forty presentations at national meetings, presented to Congress and the USDA, and has taught over 10,000 students how to heal and optimize their gut health. He lives in Charleston, South Carolina with his wife and children. You’ll find him on Instagram as @theguthealthmd, on Facebook as @theguthealthmd, and on his website theplantfedgut.com.

    Please see our medical disclaimer.

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    Download our FREE guide — Top 10 Tips to Live Healthier: https://zoe.com/freeguide


    00:00 Intro

    00:15 Jonathan’s Intro

    00:50 Quickfire round

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    04:00 Unpacking clindamycin

    11:40 Antibiotic-associated diarrhea 

    14:45 Side effects prevention advice

    22:20 Jonathan’s gut at 7 days 

    27:50 Fermented foods

    27:00 Tips for building your gut back up

    41:30 Benefits vs. risks

    48:00 Summary 

    51:20 Outro

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    Post-antibiotic gut mucosal microbiome reconstitution is impaired by probiotics and improved by autologous FMT from Cell

    Saccharomyces boulardii: What makes it tick as successful probiotic? From the Journal of Fungi

    Follow ZOE on Instagram.

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com and we’ll do our best to cover it.

    Gut bacteria & fasting: meet the night crew - The Big IF Dailies

    Gut bacteria & fasting: meet the night crew - The Big IF Dailies

    Nowadays, food can be delivered to your door with just a few swipes of your smartphone. The result? Many of us eat more frequently, at any time of the day. And this may have some downsides. New research shows that for our gut bacteria to perform their helpful activities, we may have to embrace the dietary patterns of our ancestors. 

    In today’s daily episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Jonathan is joined by Tim Spector to answer the question: How do gut bacteria repair your gut while fasting?

    This episode is part of a limited series to celebrate the launch of The Big IF study: The world’s biggest clinical study to discover how intermittent fasting affects our mood, energy and hunger.  Want to know if intermittent fasting can work for you? 

    TAKE PART for FREE: joinzoe.com/thebigif

    Download our FREE guide — Top 10 Tips to Live Healthier: https://zoe.com/freeguide

    This podcast was produced by Fascinate Productions.

    Mastering The Microbiome

    Mastering The Microbiome
    Our bodies are comprised of about ten trillion cells. But only half those cells are human. The remainder comprise our microbiome—a vast and complex ecosystem of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in or on our bodies. Only now is science beginning to understand the profound impact of these microbes on human health. We choose to believe that we are fully sentient and self-governing, wholly responsible for our health, moods and decisions. But the truth is far different. In fact, to a large extent, our emotional state, propensity for disease, the nature of our cravings, and even some of our decision making can be traced back to the nature of our gut ecology. Most of these microorganisms are symbiotic. Maintaining a healthy culture of the right microorganisms is fundamental to good health. But should the quality of your microbiome go awry, health havoc ensues. To better understand the vital role these microorganisms play in our health and lives, today’s show is a veritable microbiome masterclass courtesy of the gastroenterologists, scientific researchers, and gut experts that have graced the show over the years. After 8+ years and 500+ conversations, I’ve compiled a vast library of bankable, timeless information and advice. As a steward of this archive, I feel a responsibility to convert the best of it into a more helpful, productive, accessible, and practical resource. As an initial step toward this goal, I will be periodically offering curated wisdom focused on a specific theme or subject (as opposed to a guest). This episode is an embryonic experiment in doing just that—the first in what will be an evolving series of deep dives, commencing with this microbiome intensive courtesy of the following collection of past podcast gut health expert guests (all hyperlinked to their respective full episodes): Robynne Chutkan, M.D. Ara Katz and Raja Dhir Zach Bush, M.D. Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D. Will Bulsiewicz, M.D. FULL BLOG & SHOW NOTES: bit.ly/richroll575 YouTube: bit.ly/microbiome575 I sincerely hope you find this experiment helpful and instructive. Peace + Plants, Rich