
    Hasty Treat - Async + Await Error Handling Strategies

    enMay 06, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective error handling with SentryUse try and catch blocks for local error handling, send errors to Sentry for deeper analysis, and improve user experience and website stability.

      Effective error handling is crucial in web development, and Sentry is a powerful tool to help manage and understand errors. Wes and Scott discussed various error handling strategies, starting with the common approach of using a try and catch block. This method allows developers to handle errors gracefully and prevent crashes. However, they also highlighted the importance of sending errors to a service like Sentry for further analysis. Sentry automatically collects detailed information about errors, including stack traces, browser and device details, and user information. This data can help developers reproduce and fix issues more efficiently, even without direct user feedback. By using Sentry, developers can improve the user experience and ensure that their websites run smoothly. If you're interested in trying Sentry, use the coupon code "tasty treat" at century.io to get two months free.

    • Error handling in async functionsWrap async code in try-catch blocks to handle errors, but be aware of potential complexities with block scoping and variable access

      Error handling in async functions involves wrapping your code inside an async function, then using a try-catch block below it to handle any errors that may occur. While this method is simple and effective, it can add code bloat and create issues with block scoping. When converting synchronous code to async, you may need to wrap entire functions or calls in try-catch blocks, making the code less readable. Additionally, if you have a variable inside a try block that you need to access in the catch, you must either throw the error and define the variable in the catch or define the variable outside of the block or use a var variable. These complexities can make error handling in async functions a bit more challenging.

    • Handling errors with async-await using high-order functionsWrite error-free functions, then create a high-order function to handle errors and return a new function with error handling added

      When it comes to handling errors with async-await in JavaScript, there are different approaches. One of the more complex but elegant methods is using a high-order function. In this approach, you write your function, like fetchUsers, as if nothing could go wrong. Then, you create another function, like handleErrors, which takes in your fetchUsers function as an argument and returns a new function. This new function is essentially the original function with error handling added. High-order functions are common in React with components like withState or withApollo. They take a function and return a new function with added information or functionality. In the context of async-await, the new function that's returned calls the original function and attaches a dot catch at the end. This is necessary because async functions return promises, allowing you to catch specific errors using regular promise syntax. Ultimately, you can choose to use async-await with error handling or dot catch from regular promises, depending on your preference and the specific requirements of your project. In Node.js or Express, for instance, you might pass errors to an error page by calling next. Keep in mind that high-order functions can make your code more readable and maintainable by separating error handling from the main logic. However, they can also add complexity, so it's essential to understand the trade-offs before implementing them.

    • Simplifying error handling with middleware in Node.jsUsing error handling middleware in Node.js can help simplify the process of handling errors by passing them down the routing chain and rendering error pages, reducing redundancy and providing stack traces and error information in development mode.

      Using error handling middleware in Node.js can help simplify the process of handling errors by passing them down the routing chain and rendering error pages. This approach allows developers to write error handling logic in one place and reuse it across multiple routes, reducing redundancy. The error handling middleware can catch both intentional and unintentional errors, and in development mode, it can provide a stack trace and additional error information. However, this method may not be suitable for every situation, as some developers may prefer handling errors differently for each route. In such cases, multiple high-order functions may be required. Additionally, error handling in a synchronous function can be achieved by chaining a dot catch onto the end. Overall, error handling middleware can lead to a more concise and efficient error handling process in Node.js.

    • Error handling in async/await without try-catchAsync functions in JavaScript return promises, allowing for error handling using a dot catch at the end of the function, and Node.js provides an unhandledRejection event for unhandled errors.

      Using async/await syntax in JavaScript for handling asynchronous tasks doesn't require a try-catch block for error handling. Instead, you can simply chain a dot catch at the end of the async function to handle errors. This is because an async function always returns a promise. This syntax is often overlooked, but it offers a cleaner and more straightforward way to handle errors in asynchronous code. Additionally, Node.js provides an unhandledRejection event, which is important to listen for in Node.js applications to prevent the process from being terminated when an error is not handled. When handling errors, it's recommended to send them to a tracking service for further analysis and logging. Overall, this approach allows for more efficient and effective error handling in asynchronous JavaScript code.

    • Effective error handling improves user experienceImplementing error codes and using context API in React helps communicate issues to users and display error messages consistently, while tools like Sentry can track and manage errors for valuable insights.

      Effective error handling is crucial for providing a good user experience. The speaker discussed how they maintain a list of error codes and use them to communicate issues to users. These error codes can indicate malicious activity or issues caused by VPNs or other tools. By passing these errors along to users, developers can help them troubleshoot and improve their experience. The speaker also shared a use case of implementing an error handling component using React's context API. This component makes it easy to display error messages to users in a consistent way, regardless of where they occur in the application. The speaker also mentioned using a tool like Sentry to track and manage these errors. Overall, the key takeaway is that thoughtful error handling can help improve the user experience, prevent frustration, and provide valuable insights for developers.

    • Effective error handling with SyncawayUnderstand errors, retry requests, implement fallbacks, prioritize error handling, and regularly review logs for smooth functionality.

      Handling errors effectively in programming, specifically with the Syncaway tool, involves a few key options. First, understanding the nature of the error and its potential causes is crucial. Then, implementing appropriate error handling techniques such as retrying requests or implementing fallback mechanisms can help mitigate the impact of errors. Additionally, it's essential to prioritize error handling in the development process and regularly review logs to identify and address recurring errors. While the process may seem complex initially, with practice and experience, handling errors becomes a more manageable and routine part of programming. Remember, the ultimate goal is to ensure smooth and reliable functionality for users, and effective error handling is a crucial step towards achieving that. So, keep learning, experimenting, and refining your error handling skills. And for more insights and discussions on programming and related topics, tune in to Syntax.fm for a full archive of shows and don't forget to subscribe or leave a review if you enjoy the content.

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    Show Notes


    • Where is the best place to start with JS coming from WordPress?


    • How do you set up cron jobs? What are the best tools to use, should they run on their own server or on the application server, etc.?


    • What new skills, frameworks, projects are you look forward to learning in 2019?


    • Do you use any software for tracking analytics on your site and do you ever use this data to run split tests? If so, what is your preferred method for running split tests?


    • What’s your best tip for young coders to stay productive and not lose time?


    • I’m 17 and learning web dev. I’m pretty concerned about my skills and feeling some impostor syndrome. Is it ok to start freelancing?


    • What is React Native? How do people tend to use it? If you want a native and web app, do they share code?


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