
    Podcast Summary

    • Transitioning to Value-Based BillingValue-based billing empowers freelancers to charge what they're worth, make more money, and take time off, while hourly billing can limit business growth.

      Transitioning to value-based billing from hourly billing can significantly increase your income as a freelancer. Sponsored by Jonathan Stark's Value Pricing Boot Camp, this episode of Syntax discusses the benefits of value-based billing and how it allows freelancers to charge what they're worth. Hourly billing can limit the growth of a business, while value-based pricing empowers freelancers to make more money and take time off for themselves. The Value Pricing Boot Camp offers a free 6-day email course to help freelancers get started with value-based billing. This mindset shift, combined with your development skills, is crucial for success as a freelancer. If you're interested in freelancing or looking to make some extra money, consider signing up for the free email course at valuepricingbootcamp.com.

    • Establishing expertise through community involvementBuilding a reputation through blogging, speaking, and being vocal about skills can attract referrals, even before having a strong portfolio.

      While having a strong portfolio is important, particularly for design gigs, credibility and referrals are key to landing your first freelance clients. Building a reputation within your industry and community through blogging, speaking at conferences, and being vocal about your skills can help establish your expertise and attract referrals. Before having a strong referral network, it's important to tell potential clients what you do and actively reach out to businesses to offer your services. Persistence and putting yourself out there can lead to opportunities, even if you don't have a polished portfolio yet.

    • Effective communication and personal branding for freelancersUnderstand client needs, focus on value, and communicate professionally to secure clients and set fair prices

      Establishing a strong personal brand and effective communication with clients are crucial for securing your first few clients and building a successful business. When it comes to budgeting, it's essential to understand the client's needs and objectives before discussing money. By focusing on the end goal and the value your services bring to their business, you can establish a fair and mutually beneficial price. Remember, timely and professional communications are key to presenting yourself as a legitimate business and building trust with potential clients.

    • Understanding Client's Budget and ValuesAsking about budgets early on helps align expectations, avoid sticker shock, and build trust. Comfortable quoting and budgeting is a crucial skill for business owners. Transparent communication about value and benefits can maintain positive relationships and ensure long-term profitability.

      Understanding your client's budget and what they value is crucial in the business world. This can help determine if a project is a good fit and open up a dialogue about expectations and costs. The topic of money can be uncomfortable, but it's important to ask about budgets early on to avoid sticker shock and ensure both parties are on the same page. Additionally, becoming comfortable with quoting and budgeting is a necessary skill for business owners. For long-term clients, increasing rates or charging more for a project can be a delicate conversation. It's important to communicate the value of your work and the benefits of the continued partnership. Transparency and clear communication can help maintain a positive relationship and ensure both parties are satisfied with the arrangement. Remember, the ultimate goal is to create a mutually beneficial business relationship where both parties make a profit and are in good shape in the long run.

    • Honesty is key to maintaining healthy business relationshipsBe open and honest with clients about project scope, avoid hourly billing, and renegotiate terms for mutual benefit.

      Being honest with your clients about the scope of your projects and the value you bring to the table is crucial for maintaining healthy business relationships. If you find yourself consistently putting more time and resources into a project than you're getting paid for, it may be time to have an open and honest conversation about adjusting the terms. This doesn't necessarily mean breaking the contract, but rather renegotiating to ensure both parties are getting what they need. One effective strategy for managing project scope is to avoid hourly billing and instead provide fixed-price quotes. By clearly defining the scope of each project upfront, you can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page. As you become more experienced and efficient, you can adjust your pricing accordingly to reflect the value you're providing. Ultimately, it's important to remember that business relationships are dynamic, and both parties must be willing to adapt and communicate in order to succeed. By being transparent and proactive in your conversations with clients, you can help build trust and ensure that everyone is getting the most value possible from the partnership.

    • Recognizing the value of your time and talentsEffectively pricing based on the value you bring can save time, ensure fair compensation, and lead to a successful career in development.

      Being able to walk away from projects or people that aren't providing value to you is crucial. This can save you from sinking too much time and energy into situations that may not be worth it. Value-based pricing is an effective strategy for ensuring that you're being compensated fairly for the value you bring to your clients. Whether you're a new developer or an experienced one, value-based pricing allows you to take your time to learn and deliver high-quality work without feeling rushed. It also allows you to charge fairly for your expertise and efficiency, without being penalized for your speed or previous work. In the hip hop world, there's a famous sample that emphasizes the importance of recognizing the value of your own time and talents. By focusing on the value you bring to your clients, you can build a successful career in development.

    • Transparency and clear communication are crucial for client trustBe upfront about costs and deliver quality work to build trust with clients. Honesty about using premade themes or significantly modifying them is also important.

      Transparency and clear communication are key in setting client expectations and building trust in a project. Hourly billing can lead to resentment and mistrust if clients feel they're being charged for unnecessary time. Instead, providing upfront costs and delivering quality work can lead to a better client relationship. Regarding the use of tools like WordPress and premade themes, they can save time and money, but honesty and transparency are important. If a premade theme is being used and remains unchanged, it's essential to inform the client. However, if the theme is significantly modified, the line between using a premade theme and creating a unique design can become blurred. Ultimately, the goal is to provide the best solution for the client while maintaining transparency and ethical business practices.

    • Building Your Own WordPress Themes for Competitive AdvantageInvesting in creating custom WordPress themes can lead to greater control, familiarity, and expertise, providing a competitive advantage and potentially higher-paying projects.

      While using pre-made WordPress themes can be a quick solution for building websites, developing your own themes from scratch can significantly increase your value as a developer and provide you with a competitive advantage. The speaker shared his experience of starting with pre-made themes but eventually transitioning to building themes from scratch, which led him to better-paying custom WordPress projects. He emphasized that it's not cheating to use pre-made themes, but if you aim to become a top-dollar custom developer, building your own themes is worth the investment. The speaker also shared his frustration with working on existing themes and the benefits of having your own tools and starting files. Overall, developing your own WordPress themes can lead to greater control, familiarity, and expertise in your field.

    • Exploring the Business Side of FreelancingFreelancing involves more than just completing projects, it requires marketing and creating courses to grow a business. Value Pricing Bootcamp by Jonathan Stark is a helpful resource for freelancers looking to improve pricing strategies.

      Running a freelance business involves more than just completing projects for clients. There's a business side to managing a freelance career, including marketing and creating courses, that can be valuable to discuss. The hosts encourage listeners to submit any specific business-related questions they have for future "Hasty Treats" episodes. They also mentioned the Value Pricing Bootcamp by Jonathan Stark as a valuable resource for those interested in pricing strategies for their freelance businesses. The hosts aim to provide valuable insights and information in their "Hasty Treats" episodes, and having sponsors like Jonathan Stark who align with the topic makes for a perfect fit. So, whether you're a freelancer looking to improve your business skills or just interested in learning more about the world of freelancing, be sure to tune in to Syntax.fm for informative and engaging discussions.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    How’d he get there? Tune in to find out all about the tools, tips, and life hacks he used to get where he is today.  

    About Russ Perry:
    Russ Perry is the Founder and CEO of one of the world’s most successful flat-rate creative services companies, Design Pickle. Under his leadership, Design Pickle has grown from 2 team members to over 700 globally, completing over 1 million creative requests.

    Russ also penned the book “The Sober Entrepreneur: Change Your Family Tree,” where he shares his personal journey from battling addiction to building a seven-figure empire. This powerful tale reveals the precise steps he took to transform his life, providing insights as well as inspiration for entrepreneurs looking to reach their fullest potential.

    For a comprehensive book review, check out this page.

    On today’s episode:

    • Meet Russ Perry, Founder, and CEO at Design Pickle - 01:16
    • Where does Russ see himself on his entrepreneurial journey today? - 03:40
    • How focussing on personal growth helped Russ grow tremendously in his journey as an entrepreneur - 08:04
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    • How Russ defines his own success as an entrepreneur (and why choosing his challenges is a big part of it) - 34:51

    Key Takeaways: 

    • Involving yourself with the right business groups can give you a wider view of what’s possible in the world. Russ went from being chained to in-person meetings to a business in the online space.
    • To map out where you want to go next, ask yourself what you need to do to get there and be willing to course-correct if you’ve gotten off of the path. 
    • By leveling up your own personal skills, you can build a better business and be of more value to others. 
    • The key to setting your future state is working on your present state. A good way to do this is to make a list of the real things you want and then determine who you need to work on becoming today to set yourself up for what you want. 
    • Dedicating yourself to the process of self-improvement not only benefits you, but also your business, and the other people in your life. 

    How do your personal skills create value in business?

    “The more that I am able to level up my own personal skills the better that I can build a business and build value to others which is really what a business is all about.” [9:00]

    What is the one skill that you value most in your business? Share with us what personal skills helped you grow your business and follow Beyond 8 Figures on social media - we share a ton of helpful content there!

    Connect with Russ Perry:

    Follow Beyond 8 Figures:

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    Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links in this episode are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Rest assured, we only promote products/services we believe will benefit your entrepreneurial journey. 

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    23 Year Old Sets Up From Scratch

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Start your 14 Day FREE Trial for the Entrepreneurs University at: https://jamessinclair.net/

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    Claudeth Forbin 

    Ascending Financial Strategies Group 


    To schedule a free discovery, no obligation call with claudeth: https://letsmeet.io/claudethforbin/business-dna-discovery-call