
    Have faith it's coming

    enJuly 20, 2024
    What small changes can improve our health routines?
    How did the client feel about her exercise routine?
    What emotional effects did organ donation have on the speaker?
    Why is focusing on personal progress important?
    What does the speaker suggest about achieving dreams?

    Podcast Summary

    • Environment and mindset changesSmall changes in environment and mindset can lead to significant improvements in our lives, as demonstrated by a client who moved her exercise bike to a more prominent position and saw progress in her fitness journey

      Small changes in our environment and mindset can lead to significant improvements in our lives. I shared a story about a client who was feeling discouraged about not seeing results from her diet and exercise routine. She had given up and even thrown out her old clothes. But when we discussed her recent actions, we realized that she had also made small changes in her home environment to make her exercise routine more accessible. By moving her exercise bike to a more prominent position, she was making a conscious effort to prioritize her health and fitness. This small change, combined with her determination not to give up, ultimately led to progress. So, even when we feel stuck or discouraged, it's important to have faith in ourselves and look for opportunities to make small changes that can make a big difference.

    • Personal growthConsistent effort towards personal growth, no matter how small, leads to significant results. Analyze actions for insights and make deliberate choices to move towards goals.

      Consistent effort and dedication towards personal growth, no matter how small the progress may seem, will eventually lead to significant results. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential not to discredit oneself or talk oneself out of progress. Observing and analyzing one's actions can provide valuable insights into one's thoughts, feelings, and motivations. The speaker also highlights that actions speak louder than words and can reveal a lot about a person's intentions and desires. Therefore, paying attention to one's actions and making deliberate choices can help individuals move towards their goals and create positive change in their lives.

    • Self-belief and faithBelieving in yourself and having faith, whether in a higher power or personal determination, can help keep you motivated and focused on your goals during difficult times, allowing you to eventually reach your desired destination.

      Having faith in yourself and believing in your dreams is crucial for achieving success. This doesn't necessarily mean having a religious faith, but rather trusting that there is a greater force at work helping you along the way. It's important to keep moving forward, even during difficult times, because the world is constantly spinning and time is always moving forward. By focusing on your goals and making small adjustments to your lifestyle, you can stay on a positive trajectory and eventually reach your desired destination. Faith, whether it's in yourself or a higher power, can provide the motivation and belief that you need to keep going, even when things get tough. So don't give up, keep pushing forward, and trust that something good is coming.

    • Imposter SyndromeImposter syndrome can hinder progress and prevent self-love if left unchecked, but recognizing it as a safety mechanism and working on self-compassion can help keep up with the journey's pace.

      Life is a journey, and we must keep moving forward to reach our goals. Just like being on a motorway, we can't stop in the middle; we need to stay in the appropriate lane for our destination. Sometimes, we may encounter obstacles or roadworks, but we must swiftly move around them and get back into our original lane. Imposter syndrome, a feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt, is a natural alarm within us, but if left unchecked, it can hinder our progress and prevent us from loving and compassionately treating ourselves. Long-term imposter syndrome can be detrimental, so it's essential to recognize it as a safety mechanism and work on cultivating self-love and self-compassion to keep up with our journey's pace. In essence, keep moving forward, acknowledge and bypass the obstacles, and love yourself along the way.

    • Imposter SyndromeTake time to adjust and learn in new environments, don't dwell in shame, focus on personal growth and helping others, and having a goal or cause can alleviate feelings of imposter syndrome and shame.

      It's essential to take the time to adjust and learn in new environments before expressing yourself fully. The speaker shared her experience of absorbing information during the first few weeks in new roles and how she once mistakenly gave the impression of being wild and out of control due to hay fever. She also emphasized the importance of not dwelling in shame and instead focusing on personal growth and helping others when achieving goals. The speaker's advice is to trust in oneself, learn from mistakes, and find meaning in the journey towards success. Additionally, having a goal or a cause to focus on can help alleviate feelings of imposter syndrome and shame.

    • Heart Transplant Recipients SyndromeHeart transplant recipients can adopt donor's personality traits, habits, or even phobias due to the interconnectedness of our body and brain

      Our body and brain are more connected than we realize. The heart, for instance, has a nervous system and is sometimes referred to as the "little brain." This connection was highlighted in a remarkable story where a murderer's words, spoken to the victim, were later repeated by the recipient of the victim's heart transplant. This phenomenon, known as "heart transplant recipients' syndrome," can lead people to adopt the personality traits, habits, or even phobias of their donors. Our bodies and brains are interconnected in ways we're just beginning to understand, and this story serves as a reminder of the profound impact our donors can have on our lives. Additionally, personal experiences, such as a change in sleep patterns or food preferences, have been reported by kidney transplant recipients, further emphasizing the connection between our organs and our identities.

    • Emotional connections in organ donationOrgan donation can lead to profound emotional connections, as donors and recipients may discover shared experiences and feel a strong attachment to the donated organ

      Organ donation can lead to profound emotional connections. The speaker shared her experience of donating a kidney and discovering that her donor had also been an eye owl and enjoyed Kit Kats. She felt a strong attachment to her donated kidney and even felt it was "crying" for its counterpart. After the donation, she would sometimes feel a sense of grief and longing for the organ she had parted with, as it had been with her for 38 years. The speaker emphasized the importance of seeking out stories and experiences, like this one, to broaden our perspectives and gain wisdom. She also shared that she had stopped watching live TV without realizing it, reflecting on the many ways our lives can change unexpectedly.

    • Self-Trust and FocusSeek meaningful experiences and wisdom, stay focused on goals, be mindful of influences, small actions lead to big rewards, persevere, and surround yourself with positive influences.

      It's important to trust in yourself and focus on your goals, while also being mindful of the influences in your life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking out meaningful experiences and wisdom, rather than consuming easy or negative content. They also stress the importance of staying focused on your path and not letting others slow you down. Keep in mind that small actions can lead to big rewards, and perseverance is key to achieving your goals. Additionally, be mindful of who you surround yourself with, and don't let others bring you down or distract you from your journey.

    • Self-reflection and positivityInstead of focusing on external distractions or comparing ourselves to others, celebrate accomplishments and keep pushing forward with a positive attitude.

      Instead of focusing on external distractions or comparing ourselves to others, we should focus on our own progress and surround ourselves with positivity. It's natural to feel frustrated or disheartened when our dreams haven't been achieved yet, but it's important to remember that they are on the way. Rather than dwelling on what's missing, we should celebrate our accomplishments and continue to work towards our goals with determination and self-love. So, take a step back, reflect on how far you've come, and keep pushing forward with a positive attitude. You're doing an amazing job!

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