
    Podcast Summary

    • Discrimination and ProgressThough technology advances and societal norms evolve, progress can be slow and past discrimination persists. Embrace the 21st century while acknowledging differences and striving for understanding.

      Technology, like the iPhone, offers control and privacy, while societal progress can be slow and sometimes disappointing. During a podcast discussion, the hosts touched on the topic of the British Armed Forces' past discrimination against gay individuals. They were surprised to learn that it was still illegal to be gay in the military up until the early 2000s. The hosts also shared their disappointment about a potential business partnership that seemed to have vanished without a trace. On a brighter note, they encouraged listeners to treat their mothers to Osea's limited-edition skin care sets for Mother's Day. Osea, a company that has been creating clean, seaweed-infused products for nearly 30 years, offers a range of products that promote healthy, glowing skin. The hosts also shared their thoughts on the popular TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?" and its ability to uncover surprising family connections. They mused about the idea of genetics and how they shape our identities, even across generations. Despite the occasional setbacks and disappointments, the hosts emphasized the importance of looking back with hindsight and striving for progress and understanding. They encouraged their audience to embrace the 21st century and the opportunities it brings, while also acknowledging that not everyone may be on the same page.

    • Experience of dealing with late payments in small business and cultural acceptance of delayed paymentsBeing financially responsible is crucial for small business owners, but dealing with late payments and cultural acceptance of delayed payments can present challenges.

      Background checks are a common practice in various aspects of life, including employment and business transactions, and often go unnoticed. Jenny shared her experience of dealing with late payments in her small business, which can lead to financial struggles. The discussion also touched upon the cultural acceptance of delayed payments, especially among larger corporations. In a lighter vein, Fi and Jane talked about their encounter with an embroiderer on the Northern Line and the subversive cross stitch designs they found intriguing. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being financially responsible, the challenges small business owners face, and the unexpected joys of discovering unique crafts.

    • Exploring Personal Growth and Adapting to New SituationsThrough personal experiences and learning from history, we can develop empathy, resilience, and adapt to new situations. Appreciate local communities and their unique quirks, and make choices that suit our individual needs.

      Life can present us with various challenges and choices, some of which can be as complex and demanding as those faced by individuals like Diana Bird, a RAF squadron leader who helped evacuate people from Kabul, or Rosie, a woman who assisted Afghan activists in the UK. These experiences can lead to profound personal growth and the development of empathy and resilience. Another topic touched upon was the ancient Greeks and their ways, which, despite seeming unusual at times, were not unfamiliar to us. We shared a humorous anecdote about a less-than-successful classics lesson involving men's quivers. Furthermore, we discussed the merits of local newspapers and their ability to capture the essence of communities, as exemplified by a headline about a mischievous seal in Tasmania. Lastly, fasting was mentioned as a personal choice for some individuals, with one listener sharing his experience of feeling more productive while fasting. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of adapting to new situations, learning from history, appreciating the quirks of local communities, and making choices that suit our individual needs.

    • Heatwaves and Air Conditioning: Comfort vs. EnvironmentHeatwaves can negatively impact travelers' experiences and local economies, with air conditioning providing relief but contributing to environmental concerns.

      Extreme heat can make travel uncomfortable and even unbearable for some people, particularly those with health conditions like diabetes. This issue is not just a first-world problem, as many European destinations heavily rely on tourism. However, the use of air conditioning, while providing relief, can also contribute to environmental concerns. A listener named Kiki shares her experience of the current heatwave in Mallorca, expressing concern for the local economy and ecology. The team plans to explore the history and impact of air conditioning further in upcoming episodes. If you have any specific questions or are an air conditioning expert, feel free to call in and share your insights.

    • The influence of unexpected factors on our perception of realityMisheard lyrics, uncanny resemblances, and historical narratives can all shape our understanding of reality. Learn about historical figures respectfully with 'The 5' and consider the power of recommendations.

      Our perception of reality can be influenced by unexpected factors, such as misheard lyrics or the uncanny resemblance of inanimate objects to humans. This was highlighted in the discussion about Alita Adams' misheard lyrics and the psychological phenomenon of the uncanny valley. Another key takeaway is the importance of understanding history beyond the sensationalized stories. The recommendation of the book "The 5" serves as an example of how one can learn about the lives of historical figures in a respectful and engaging way. Lastly, the discussion touched upon the power of recommendations and the impact they can have on our perspectives and interests.

    • Imagining the Life of a Podcaster for a New NovelLisa Jewell, a versatile author, researched the life of a podcaster for her latest novel, and explored the unique experiences of women turning 45, emphasizing the impact of life circumstances on their future phases.

      Lisa Jewell, a prolific author, has written various genres throughout her career, from a frothy London caper book to her latest dark psychological thriller. During an interview, she shared that she had to imagine the life of a podcaster for her latest novel, as she doesn't have personal experience with the medium. She also mentioned that she chose to delve into the lives of women turning 45, highlighting the significant differences that can arise based on when they had children. Her character Alex Summers, a podcaster, feels uninspired by her concept of interviewing successful women, and encounters a strange woman in a pub on her 45th birthday, leading to a new creative direction. The conversation also touched upon the idea that 45 is not necessarily a sexual peak for women, but rather a pivotal age where life circumstances can greatly impact the next phase of their lives.

    • Unexpected encounters bring changeUnexpected individuals can challenge us, force us out of comfort zones, and bring significant changes to our lives

      Sometimes, when we're at a crossroads in our lives, we may encounter unexpected individuals who challenge us and force us out of our comfort zones. In the discussed novel, the protagonist Alex meets Josie, a strange woman who proposes a podcast idea about her life-changing experiences. Despite her initial hesitation, Alex agrees due to politeness and the need for a story. Josie's entrance into their lives brings chaos and discomfort, but Alex is unable to remove her due to the intriguing material she provides. The book's unreliable narrator adds an element of suspense and uncertainty, making it an enjoyable experience for the writer. This encounter serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most significant changes in our lives come from the most unexpected sources.

    • The Truth Behind the StoryThe author's latest book, which explores children's excessive bedroom time and the impact of screens, left her questioning its truth despite a clear ending. The theme of children's isolation resonates with parents.

      The author's latest book left her questioning the truth behind the story even after finishing it. This is a unique experience for her, as she typically has a clear understanding of her own work by the end. The book explores the concept of children spending most of their time in their bedrooms, which is a common issue in modern life and can lead to harmful consequences. The character in the book, Josie, takes this to an extreme by not seeing her adult daughter for a year. The author believes this issue is exacerbated by the presence of screens in children's bedrooms, making it difficult for them to function in the outside world. This theme is likely to resonate with many parents. The book's ending is not ambiguous, despite some readers' interpretations, and the truth is revealed in the last two paragraphs of the final chapter. The author's uncertainty about the story's truth is a new experience for her and adds to the intrigue of the book.

    • 1-800-Flowers and Lisa Jewell's EvolutionBoth 1-800-Flowers and Lisa Jewell have transformed over time, with 1-800-Flowers offering discounts for Mother's Day and Lisa Jewell exploring darker themes in her novels, influenced by personal experiences.

      Both 1-800-Flowers and author Lisa Jewell have evolved significantly over time. For 1-800-Flowers, it's offering discounts on Mother's Day gifts, while Lisa Jewell has transitioned from writing romantic comedies to exploring darker themes in her novels. Lisa shared how her own experiences, including a challenging marriage, have influenced her writing and led her to explore topics like coercive control and relationships with darkness. Despite the heavy subject matter, she believes that understanding these complexities is important. As for her ex-husband, they've moved on amicably, and he's even proud of her success. Ultimately, both 1-800-Flowers and Lisa Jewell continue to grow and adapt, offering fresh perspectives on life's celebrations and complexities.

    • Preference for suggestion over explicit descriptionsWriter prefers to engage readers through suggestion and allusion rather than explicit depictions of violence or unpleasantness, emphasizing the importance of immersive storytelling.

      While some writers may delve into graphic and gratuitous depictions of violence and unpleasantness in their works, not all writers share this approach. The speaker expresses a preference for suggestion and allusion over explicit descriptions, particularly when it comes to violent or unpleasant subjects. She feels that there has been a shift towards more graphic writing in recent years, but also acknowledges the success of true crime podcasts and dark stories that do not rely on violence or gore. Ultimately, the greatest gift a writer can give a reader is the ability to lose themselves in the story and be fully engaged, keeping them focused on the book and away from distractions. The speaker herself is a prolific writer who aims to provide this experience for her readers. A notable recent example of a book that achieved this for her was "Everyone Here is Lying" by Shari Lapena.

    • Writing can be compartmentalized and persistence is keyLisa Jewell shares her experience of keeping different aspects of her life separate while writing, emphasizing the importance of persistence in achieving literary success. Her stories often feature creepy characters, but she encourages writers to explore their unique preferences and experiences as valuable material for stories.

      Writing can be compartmentalized, and even those who didn't follow traditional educational paths can still achieve success in the literary world. The speaker, Lisa Jewell, shared her experience of keeping different aspects of her life separate, including reading and writing in distinct moments. She also discussed her preference for writing creepy characters, but acknowledged that she might be biased towards women writing such roles. Jewell also emphasized the importance of persistence, sharing that she started writing when she was young and faced various challenges before getting published. Her message to aspiring writers is that experiences, even difficult ones, can be valuable material for stories. Despite her love for darker novels, she acknowledged that not everyone shares this preference and that there's a place for all genres in literature.

    • Finding Motivation Through Radio During PhD ProcessListening to inspiring interviews on the radio can provide motivation during the challenging PhD process. Some PhDs may take longer than others, and balancing responsibilities as a parent is crucial.

      The PhD process is a significant undertaking that can take several years, and the radio can serve as a source of motivation during challenging times. A listener shared her experience of her daughter discovering an interview with David Tennant, which brought joy to her family. The conversation also touched upon the length of PhD studies, with some subjects requiring more time than others, and the importance of balancing responsibilities as a parent. The podcast hosts encouraged listeners to visit them at the Latitude festival and shared a weather forecast for the following day. The episode concluded with a reminder that Apple's iPhone disassembly robot, Daisy, helps the company recover more materials than conventional recycling methods, and a promotion for Stamps.com as a convenient solution for businesses needing to mail items.

    Recent Episodes from Off Air... with Jane and Fi



    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. In this half, they answer audience questions and discuss retirement, worst interviewees and hand out some highly-coveted tote bags.

    Jane will be back on Monday with a special guest presenter (normal service resumes on Tuesday)...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. They're joined on stage by Richard Coles to discuss his latest novel 'Murder at the Monastery'. They discuss fake tan, who God would vote for and getting mistaken for Dumbledore...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    Jane and Fi are about to break up for their summer holidays but there's much to cover before that... In this episode Jane and Fi discuss funeral flowers, Dora's needs and Colin and Connie. Plus, Mystic Garv makes one more appearance before Jane goes on her holidays... Sit tight for that.

    Also, Jane speaks to biographer and journalist Tom Bower about his new book 'The House of Beckham: Money, Sex and Power'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    The festivities continue for Jane's impending birthday with several Colins en route - no expense has been spared! After she's finished opening some cards, they discuss blushing, draughts and Jane's toes.

    Plus, Jane speaks to actress Jill Halfpenny about her memoir 'A Life Reimagined: My Journey of Hope in the Midst of Loss'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    Jane is reflecting on her upcoming birthday and Fi has some hard truths about the milestone... They also chat riding sidesaddle, cruises and retirement plans.

    Plus, Fi speaks to BBC reporter Ashley John-Baptiste about his memoir 'Looked After: A Childhood in Care'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Mystic Jane is defending her predictions after a weekend of football. More to come on that front... They also discuss milestone birthdays, pro and cons of France and the lunch hour.

    Plus, Fi speaks to leading human rights barrister Susie Alegre about her book ‘Human Rights, Robot Wrongs’.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    This Friday we're sharing an episode of a brand new podcast from The Times.

    It's called Your History, and each week it uses the obituary pages of The Times to tell the stories of important and fascinating lives. This week Anna Temkin, deputy obituaries editor at The Times, explores the lives of TV doctor Michael Mosley and pioneering astronaut Bill Anders.

    You can hear future episodes by following Your History wherever you listen to Off Air...with Jane and Fi.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    Jane and Fi are 'bigging up Britain' and some of their suggestions are a bit of a stretch... Do get in touch if you can do any better! They also cover wild wees, mass risotto and sizzling sausages.

    Plus, mother-daughter duo Andi and Miquita Oliver discuss the new series of their podcast 'Stirring It Up'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Jane survived Redcar and she has some thoughts she'd like to share... brace yourselves! Then there's more motor-home tales, advice on ticks and a tiny bit of political chat (despite promises to the contrary).

    Plus, art historian Katy Hessel joins Jane to discuss her podcast 'Death of an Artist'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    In case you haven't heard (you must be the only one), Jane is in Redcar on the election bus. Times Radio's Matt Chorley fills in today as a double threat: co-presenter and guest. Fi and Matt chat wrap-around ads, shy righties and Trump.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    #175 – Yannis Pappas: History and Comedy
    Yannis Pappas is a comedian and podcaster. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Wine Access: https://wineaccess.com/lex to get 20% off first order - Blinkist: https://blinkist.com/lex and use code LEX to get 25% off premium - Magic Spoon: https://magicspoon.com/lex and use code LEX to get $5 off - Indeed: https://indeed.com/lex to get $75 credit EPISODE LINKS: Yannis's Twitter: https://twitter.com/yannispappas Long Days Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCywn6iboO1P8U7fotfllocw Stand Up Special: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R156F0uXhzk PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (08:39) - Tim Dillon and absolute power (16:00) - Mortality (24:01) - Immortality (31:47) - Dogs (38:26) - Power (43:46) - Hyenas (49:00) - Nature is metal (51:53) - Battle of Crete (59:21) - History is written by the victors (1:04:09) - History Hyenas podcast (1:16:18) - Bernie Madoff (1:19:23) - Jeffrey Epstein (1:24:16) - Hitler (1:26:24) - Conspiracy theories (1:29:34) - Andrew Yang and New York City (1:33:01) - Podcast with Lex's dad (1:36:09) - Andrew Yang and the prison-industrial complex (1:41:57) - Queen Elizabeth (1:49:04) - Advice for young people

    #16 - CHRIS SINGLETON | From Pain to Purpose

    #16 - CHRIS SINGLETON | From Pain to Purpose

    Our guest tonight is Chris Singleton who is going to speak about his story and share the message that "Love is stronger than Hate".

    Chris' website: https://www.chrissingleton.com/

    Chris' story: Chris Singleton is a former minor league baseball player drafted by the Chicago Cubs. He became a nationally-renowned speaker with a message of resilience, forgiveness and unity following the loss of his mother in the 2015 Mother Emanuel Church Tragedy in Charleston, SC.

    Chris now shares his message with over 80 organizations annually and his clients include: Boeing, The Houston Texans, Microsoft, Biogen, Volvo, The Washington Wizards and over 100,000 students and educators across the world.

    One of his children's books, Different – A Story About Loving Your Neighbor, was a best seller in its category and has been featured by numerous outlets, including The Obama Foundation.

    Chris' overall mission when speaking is to inspire his audiences with his story of resilience and to unite millions of people with his belief that, "Love is Stronger Than Hate."

    'It’s so potluck where you’re born!'

    'It’s so potluck where you’re born!'
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    We’re back on British soil for this week’s Luanna! Tales from holidays, Anna’s abroad 111 substitute, Luisa’s Celine Dion-gate, Imo is confirmed celeb, excitement for the NTAs, a skid shagger, an auntie issue and seeing in a bag.

    Plus, Afghanistan thoughts, Only Fans changing their minds, a poopmap weirdo and much more.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947