
    Heartbreaks & Honky-Tonks (ft. Remi Bader, Harry Jowsey, Madeline Argy)

    enMarch 14, 2024
    What did Alex Earl say about breakups?
    How did the speaker plan to ensure safety at events?
    What event did the speaker attend in Austin, Texas?
    What hydration solution was recommended by the speaker?
    How did the speaker feel about their recent breakup?

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Excitement After a BreakupStay hydrated during warm weather and prioritize safety during social events and first dates to make the most of new experiences after a breakup.

      Breakups can bring unexpected excitement and new opportunities, but it's important to prioritize safety during social events and first dates. The speaker, Alex Earl, shared her personal experience of feeling excited about a recent breakup and the upcoming events in Austin, Texas for South by Southwest weekend. She emphasized the importance of staying hydrated during warmer weather and introduced safety features offered by Tinder to ensure a safer dating experience. The episode was sponsored by Tinder and Liquid IV, and listeners were encouraged to download Tinder and try Liquid IV for their summer adventures. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of embracing new experiences while prioritizing safety and self-care.

    • Chaotic Packing and Unexpected Challenges Before a TripDespite the stress of last-minute packing and unexpected challenges, the podcast host remains grateful for the opportunity to travel and share her experiences with her audience, and is excited to explore Austin with her partner. Listeners can save 20% on Key Eyewear purchases using a special discount code.

      The podcast host, who is currently traveling for work, had a chaotic experience packing for a trip to Austin, Texas. Despite her desire to travel and experience new places, the reality of last-minute packing and unexpected challenges can lead to stress and disorganization. However, she remains grateful for the opportunity to share her adventures with her audience and is looking forward to exploring Austin with her partner. Additionally, the episode featured a promotion for Key Eyewear, with a discount code for listeners to save 20% on their purchases. The host mentioned her past mispronunciation of the brand's name and praised Key for offering trendy sunglasses at affordable prices.

    • Nervously Anticipating a New Town PartyDespite feeling unsure about her outfit and social circle, the speaker is excited to dance with 'Earl Girls' and experience the 'honk and tonk' of the party, coordinating outfits with friend Braxton to avoid long lines.

      The speaker is excited to attend a party in a new town but is feeling nervous and unsure about certain aspects of the night, such as her outfit and the potential consequences of spending time with a particular group of people. Despite these concerns, she is looking forward to dancing with the "Earl Girls" and experiencing the "honk and tonk" of the event. The speaker also mentions that she and her friend Braxton have coordinated outfits and that they plan to go to the back entrance of the venue to avoid long lines. Overall, the speaker's tone is lighthearted and playful, but there is an undercurrent of apprehension and uncertainty.

    • Unexpected night out leads to new discoveries and connectionsAn enjoyable night out filled with food, music, and new experiences can lead to memorable moments and valuable connections, while prioritizing safety is crucial.

      The speaker had an unexpected and enjoyable night out filled with food, music, and new experiences. She discovered a great event space, made pasta, and connected with new people. It was a memorable night that left her feeling good despite the exhaustion. The event space, with its bars, live music, and photo section, was a major highlight. The speaker also emphasized the importance of safety during dates, promoting Tinder's features like "Share my date" and "Noonlight" for keeping friends informed and ensuring safety. The episode was sponsored by Liquid IV, a convenient and effective way to stay hydrated during summer adventures.

    • An Unexpected Night of Pasta, Tequila, and Adventure at South by SouthwestSouth by Southwest offered unexpected experiences, new connections, and personal growth through unexpected encounters and overcoming fears.

      The speaker had an unexpected and memorable experience during South by Southwest, which involved making pasta and sharing tequila shots with new friends, turning a simple task into a multi-hour event. The night continued with unexpected adventures, including ordering pizza in a club and signing a bottle girl's breasts with a Sharpie. Despite the chaos, the speaker enjoyed the experience and was grateful for the opportunity to connect with others. Later, she faced her fear of public speaking at a WWD panel, finding comfort in sharing her experiences and insights with the audience. Overall, the speaker's South by Southwest experience was a rollercoaster of unexpected events, new connections, and personal growth.

    • Sharing vulnerabilities builds connectionAuthenticity and vulnerability help establish a genuine relationship with the audience, leading to a comfortable and welcoming environment.

      Authenticity and vulnerability can build a strong connection with an audience. The speaker shared her experience of using social media to be open about her acne struggles and how it led to a larger following. During an event, she also embraced the opportunity to engage with the audience and share her thoughts, leading to a comfortable and welcoming environment. The speaker's willingness to be honest and candid with her audience helped establish a genuine relationship, which was reflected in the positive responses she received. Overall, the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in building a strong connection with an audience was a key takeaway from the speaker's experiences.

    • The Power of Helping OthersReaching out for help can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities. Kindness can create lasting friendships and open doors to new possibilities.

      Helping others can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities. This was evident in the story shared by the speaker about her early days in her career when she reached out to Remy Bader for guidance. Remy went above and beyond to help the speaker understand the industry and connected her with important contacts. This act of kindness not only helped the speaker but also led to a lasting friendship. The speaker expressed her gratitude for Remy's support and emphasized the importance of being there for others, especially during times of uncertainty and confusion. This story illustrates the power of kindness and the potential for meaningful relationships to emerge from seemingly casual interactions.

    • Navigating breakups in the digital ageProtect your peace and privacy during breakups, learn from past mistakes, and acknowledge relatability to help others

      Going through a breakup, especially when you have an online presence, can be a challenging experience. Sharing vulnerable moments online can lead to regret, especially during emotional turmoil. It's essential to protect your peace and privacy while also acknowledging the relatability of these experiences for many people. There's no rule book for navigating a breakup, but speaking honestly and authentically about your emotions can help others who may be going through similar experiences. Regretting past posts is a common feeling, but learning from these experiences and setting boundaries can help prevent similar situations in the future. Ultimately, breakups are hard, and it's essential to remember that you're not alone in feeling lost and unsure of how to move forward.

    • Navigating the complexities of relationships and self-care after a breakupRecognize unhealthy behaviors, allow emotions, learn from experiences, and prioritize self-care during and after a breakup.

      Going through a breakup can be a confusing and uncomfortable experience, but it's important to prioritize your own well-being and do what's best for you in the long run. The speaker shared how they felt lost and comforted by their ex-partner, and how it's easy to stay in a relationship out of comfort rather than what's right. They also acknowledged the difficulty of recognizing unhealthy behaviors and red flags when you're deeply in love. The speaker emphasized the importance of allowing yourself to go through the emotions and not being hard on yourself, as well as learning from past experiences and growing from them. Additionally, they discussed the challenge of moving on and the differing opinions on whether or not contact with an ex should be maintained. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the complexities and challenges of relationships and the importance of self-care and self-awareness during and after a breakup.

    • Focusing on self-improvement and healthy distractions during a breakupEngaging in self-improvement and healthy distractions can help in the healing process after a breakup. Remember, everyone copes differently and has a unique pace of healing. Lean on a strong support system and create a new world for yourself.

      After a breakup, focusing on self-improvement and healthy distractions can help in the healing process. It's important to remember that there's no set rule to follow, and everyone copes differently. Being distracted, whether it be through work, hobbies, or socializing, can help take the focus off the pain and promote personal growth. Additionally, having a strong support system, such as friends or family, can make all the difference during this time. It's essential to remember that there is a life outside of the relationship and to create a new world for oneself. It's also important to remember that everyone heals at their own pace and that there's no need to rush into new relationships or accept someone back who hasn't taken responsibility for their actions.

    • Navigating the complexities of a breakupBreakups bring emotions, personal growth, and opportunities, but it's essential to take care of intimate health and act fast when hiring talent.

      Going through a breakup can be a complex and emotional experience, involving stages of grief, anger, relief, and acceptance. It may feel difficult and even overwhelming at first, but it can ultimately lead to new experiences, personal growth, and a sense of freedom. It's important to remember that breakups are a normal part of life and can bring about exciting opportunities. Additionally, it's important to take care of one's intimate health, and there should be no shame in seeking help or resources when needed. Finally, when it comes to hiring for a business, it's essential to act quickly and efficiently to secure the most talented candidates before they are snapped up by the competition.

    • Communication is crucial in relationshipsAddress issues directly and set boundaries to build trust and respect in relationships. Use ZipRecruiter for efficient hiring.

      Communication is key in maintaining trust and respect in relationships. In the first scenario discussed, a woman discovered her boyfriend had slept with her cousin while she was asleep. The consensus among the group was that she should address the issue directly with both her boyfriend and cousin. In the second scenario, a woman expressed concern about her boyfriend liking other women's bikini photos on social media. The group advised her to communicate her feelings to her boyfriend and set boundaries in their relationship. It's important to remember that honest and open communication can help prevent misunderstandings and build stronger bonds. On a separate note, the group also discussed the benefits of using ZipRecruiter for hiring, as it helps employers find quality candidates quickly and efficiently. If you're looking to hire, give ZipRecruiter a try at ziprecruiter.com/hotmess.

    • Navigating uncomfortable situations in datingPeople approach uncomfortable dating situations differently, with women often giving potential partners multiple chances despite initial reservations, while emphasizing the importance of expressing discomfort or disrespect and asserting boundaries.

      People make mistakes and deal with uncomfortable situations in various ways. In the conversation, the topic ranged from experiencing unexpected periods to dealing with intrusive exes and the differing approaches men and women take in dating. The speakers also discussed the importance of asserting boundaries and expressing discomfort or disrespect. Another theme that emerged was the idea that people, especially women, often give potential partners multiple chances despite initial reservations. The conversation also touched on the topic of appearance and the societal pressure to conform to certain standards. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and communicating effectively in relationships.

    • Misunderstandings and judgments from personal experiences and cultural differencesBe mindful of individual backgrounds and cultural nuances to avoid misunderstandings and judgment.

      Personal experiences and cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and judgments. The speaker shares her experience of being criticized for her living conditions and feeling misunderstood, which she attributes to past experiences with cockroaches. She also discusses the cultural differences she encountered regarding the consumption of tequila in Paris. These experiences highlight the importance of understanding individual backgrounds and being mindful of cultural nuances to avoid misunderstandings and judgment. Additionally, the speaker provides advice on handling difficult social situations, such as inviting someone to a wedding despite disliking them. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of self-perception, cultural differences, and navigating social situations.

    • Navigating Social Complexities and Relationship ChallengesPeople can feel obligated and anxious in social situations, and relationships can bring up feelings of infidelity and jealousy. Communication and understanding intentional actions are key to navigating these complexities.

      People, including the speaker, can struggle with social situations and feelings of obligation, especially when it comes to inviting others to events or dealing with potential romantic infidelity. The speaker shares her personal experiences of feeling stressed about inviting people to her parties and admits to having been cheated on multiple times. She also expresses her discomfort with her boyfriend having a close female friend in their social circle. Despite these challenges, the speaker acknowledges the importance of communication and understanding intentional actions in these situations. She admits to sometimes being quick to judge the female friend, but recognizes that both parties can be equally responsible. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the complexities and nuances of social dynamics and relationships.

    • Experience of being let down by a trusted personPeople disappoint us, but forgiveness and moving on are crucial for healthy relationships.

      People, regardless of gender, can disappoint us, and it can be more painful when we least expect it from someone we trust. The speaker shares her experience of being let down by someone she trusted, expressing frustration and disappointment. She reflects on how societal expectations can influence our reactions to betrayals, particularly when the perpetrator is a man. The conversation also touches upon the complexity of dealing with these situations, especially when it comes to forgiveness and moving on. The discussion ends with the speakers acknowledging that they will both be in Los Angeles soon, leaving the possibility of a future encounter open. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing that people make mistakes, and it's essential to approach relationships with an open mind and a willingness to forgive.

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    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00:00 Intro
    • 00:00:26 “I think I manifested this interview…”
    • 00:09:53 “I grew up in a horse community.”
    • 00:15:42 Craving the simple things
    • 00:18:51 Setting boundaries for yourself
    • 00:21:46 Putting yourself first
    • 00:27:15 It’s important to be happy
    • 00:28:51 Reassuring yourself of who you really are
    • 00:33:06 Sometimes, family can be overwhelming
    • 00:35:54 Losing a dear friend
    • 00:40:53 Finding a new purpose
    • 00:45:38 Stop being mean to your inner child
    • 00:50:24 Kendall on Final Five

    Episode Resources

    Do you want to meditate daily with me? Go to go.calm.com/onpurpose to get 40% off a Calm Premium Membership. Experience the Daily Jay. Only on Calm

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    Deepening Our Understanding of One Another
    Discussion around asking better questions and cultivating space in our relationships for more understanding! This is something that you can do as a vulnerable person who can let others in, say what you mean, and being clear; and something you can find as a listener, cultivating space to find greater meaning, and being a safe person to confide in.

    For more episodes and to listen adfree visit: patreon.com/abitfromwithin
    You can also find Felicia on Tik Tok @feliciamarti or instagram @abitfromwithin

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