
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Current State of American PoliticsMichael Anton's piece offers insights on preserving America's future amidst erosion of civil liberties and constitutional republic, emphasizing the importance of understanding the radical left's plans and taking action.

      Michael Anton's latest piece is a must-read for understanding the current state of American politics and the steps necessary to preserve the country's future. Dan Bongino, the show's host, emphasizes the importance of this piece, which he will cover in detail towards the end of the show. The piece builds on Anton's earlier warning about the radical left's plans to influence elections, which came true during the 2020 election. The caller on Bongino's radio show expressed similar concerns about the erosion of civil liberties and the constitutional republic. This concern is shared by millions of Americans. Anton's piece provides insights into how to address these issues and win the "big fight" for the country's future. The piece only makes sense when the argument is set up first, making it essential to listen to the show in its entirety.

    • Focus on improving yourself and surroundings firstImproving yourself and surroundings is the key to bringing about change, as politics is downstream of culture

      While it's important to engage in political activities such as voting, donating, and volunteering, the most effective way to bring about change is by focusing on improving ourselves and our immediate surroundings first. As the speaker noted, we have been doing these things for the past decade, but the situation seems to be worsening. By applying the principle of making your own bed first, we can have a greater impact on our communities and ultimately on the larger cultural and political landscape. Politics, according to Andrew Breitbart, is downstream of culture, meaning that changing the culture is a prerequisite for successful political action.

    • Start with home for global changeBegin local change by engaging in important conversations with family to shift cultural norms and potentially influence broader societal change

      Changing the world starts at home. We cannot expect to influence larger systems, such as governments, if we cannot first instill the values of freedom, liberty, and personal dignity in our own families. The woman in the story, who asked for advice on changing the world, was unwilling to engage in important conversations with her own children and grandkids. It's essential to start by making our own beds and focusing on local change before tackling larger issues. This approach is not to ignore higher levels of change, but rather to recognize that the easiest fights are often the ones closest to us. By having open and respectful conversations with our loved ones, we can begin to shift cultural norms and, eventually, influence broader societal change. The book "The Black Swan" by Nassim Taleb provides valuable insights into how we can navigate complex systems and effect change.

    • Seize Every OpportunitySuccessful people actively seek out opportunities and make their own luck by showing up and taking initiative, but it's important to be on time and not miss them due to personal actions.

      That successful people don't rely on one common factor, such as good looks or intelligence, to achieve wealth and success. Instead, they actively seek out opportunities and make their own luck. This means showing up to events, taking extra classes, and even attending inconvenient meetings. However, it's important not to chase opportunities last minute, as missing them is often a result of one's own actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and being on time for opportunities. This mindset led him to run for office despite multiple losses, which ultimately led him to the current opportunity he has. Overall, the message is to seize every opportunity and not let it slip away.

    • Parents protesting mask mandates and critical race theory in schoolsParents are taking a stand against policies they believe are harmful to their children, sparking heated debates and demands for change at local school board meetings.

      Parents are taking a stand against policies they believe are harmful to their children, specifically mask mandates and critical race theory in schools. These issues have sparked heated debates at local school board meetings, with parents demanding change. One parent in Washington state even accused the school board of discriminatory practices based on critical race theory. The parents' actions are part of a larger movement to reclaim control of their children's education and challenge what they see as indoctrination. The discussion also touched on the importance of local action leading to larger change, and the mention of Bravo Company Manufacturing as an example of a company that provides high-quality, life-saving equipment.

    • Citizens pushing back against divisive policiesCitizens are making a difference by opposing divisive education policies and supporting law enforcement, sparking a cultural shift.

      Engaged citizens are standing up against divisive policies and ideologies, particularly in the education system, and making a difference at the local level. Parents, like the one in Palm Beach County, Florida, are pushing back against equity statements and critical race theory in schools, and their actions are inspiring others to do the same. Additionally, communities are seeing the benefits of supporting law enforcement and the rule of law, as experienced officers are leaving urban areas and finding new opportunities in smaller towns. These actions, while not always resulting in immediate victories, are part of a larger cultural shift that could have long-term impacts on politics and society. It's important for individuals to stay informed, get involved in their communities, and seize opportunities to make a difference.

    • The Role of Community Support in Law EnforcementCommunity support for law enforcement leaders is crucial for low crime rates and attracting top cops. Negative attitudes towards law enforcement in liberal cities are causing officers to leave. Citizens are taking action to improve their local governments, leading to a 'great American awakening'. For pain relief, consider using the Omax CBD roll-on.

      The support and respect of local communities for their law enforcement leaders plays a significant role in maintaining low crime rates and attracting great cops. In contrast, liberal cities with negative attitudes towards law enforcement are seeing their best officers leave for places where they are valued. Citizens are recognizing the importance of politics being downstream of their local culture and are taking action to improve their counties and school boards. This grassroots movement is leading to a great American awakening, as evidenced by numerous ongoing stories. For those experiencing chronic pain, a potential solution is the use of the Omax CBD roll-on. This natural, non-prescription pain relief remedy works by blocking pain receptors, reducing inflammation, and improving muscle and joint flexibility. Its quick and effective relief makes it a valuable tool for those seeking immediate relief from pain.

    • Taking Action Locally and StatewideLocal actions like using Omax Health's CBD roll-on and supporting local businesses can bring relief. State-level actions like voting and electing leaders can lead to significant victories and population growth.

      Both local and state-level actions are important for making a difference. The use of Omax Health's Cryo-free CBD pain relief roll-on, which offers a 20% discount with code Bongino, is an example of a local action that can bring relief. Meanwhile, voting and electing leaders like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott at the state level have led to significant victories and population growth in states like Texas and Florida. While voting may not solve all problems, it is an essential component of making a difference and should not be abandoned. The left's persistent efforts to vote despite their criticisms of elections demonstrate the importance of staying engaged. Overall, taking action in both local and state contexts is crucial for creating positive change.

    • People are moving to states with conservative leadershipMoving to conservative states leads to economic growth, lower unemployment, and more electoral college votes for Republicans

      The political landscape is shifting as people are voting with their feet and moving to states with conservative leadership, resulting in economic growth and lower unemployment rates. This trend is leading to an increase in electoral college votes for Republican-led states and the preservation of livelihoods. The importance of local and state elections cannot be overlooked, as demonstrated by the contrasting economic recoveries in red and blue states. The success of conservative states in preserving businesses and jobs is attracting residents and resources, making them more powerful in the electoral college race. This trend is a reminder that voting still matters and can lead to significant changes at the local and state levels.

    • Considering Secession for Conservative Counties in Liberal StatesIf you feel your rights are being violated and public safety deteriorating in your liberal-leaning state, consider the option of secession and joining red states. This is not a new concept, as seen in the formation of Maine and West Virginia.

      The speaker is suggesting the idea of conservative counties in liberal states considering secession and joining red states as a solution to perceived rights violations and deteriorating public safety. This idea is not new, as there have been precedents in American history, such as the counties that became Maine and West Virginia. The speaker encourages listeners to seriously consider this option if they feel their rights are being trampled on in their current liberal-leaning states. The speaker also criticizes the notion that democracy only applies when liberals win and encourages listeners to explore this option further. Additionally, the speaker promotes MyPillow products for comfort and support.

    • Secession Debate in the US: Protecting Values or Undermining Democracy?The possibility of liberal areas seceding from conservative ones in the US raises constitutional questions and potential legal challenges, with critics arguing it could undermine democracy and lead to further division, while supporters see it as a means to protect their values and rights.

      The ongoing political divide between liberal and conservative areas in the United States has led some to consider the possibility of liberal states or counties seceding and joining more conservative ones. This idea, while not without precedent, raises constitutional questions and potential legal challenges. Critics argue that such actions would undermine the democratic process and lead to further division. Supporters, however, see it as a means to protect their values and rights. The debate is heated, with accusations of white supremacy being levied against those advocating for secession. Ultimately, the constitutionality and feasibility of such a move are uncertain, and it remains to be seen whether it will gain significant traction.

    • Why the Left Fights Against Allowing Those with Differing Viewpoints to LeaveThe left values power and control, and opposes allowing those with differing viewpoints to leave states where their values align, as it limits their ability to exert influence.

      Power is a deeply valued commodity for the left, and they will go to great lengths to maintain it, even if it means denying the same rights and freedoms to those who disagree with them. Michael Anton's piece raises the question of why the left seems so opposed to allowing those with differing viewpoints to leave and live in states where their values are more aligned. The answer, Anton suggests, is that the left can only exert power and control over those who remain. Additionally, journalists have been accused of focusing on Republican reactions to Democratic scandals rather than the scandals themselves, leading to the term "Republican pounds" stories. This trend has prompted journalists to find creative ways to write about these stories without using the term "Republican pounds," resulting in headlines like "Republicans' Gifts" and "Republicans' Dwellings." Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of standing up for individual rights and freedoms, and the need to be aware of attempts to manipulate public discourse.

    • A shift in the narrative on COVID-19's originSome media now acknowledge the Wuhan lab theory, but the focus remains on criticizing those who propose it, rather than engaging with evidence.

      There has been a shift in the narrative surrounding the origin of COVID-19, with some media outlets and pundits now acknowledging the possibility that it may have originated from the Wuhan lab in China. Previously, this theory was dismissed as a conspiracy, but recent developments have led to a reconsideration of this view. The speaker in this text expresses frustration with the way this issue has been covered in the media, with a focus on criticizing those who have raised this theory rather than engaging with the evidence. He encourages his audience to continue sending in stories and to spread the word if they want to hear his show, which is available on various radio stations and online platforms. The text also includes a reminder that the Google Podcasts app will be discontinued, and listeners are encouraged to find alternative platforms to continue listening to the show.

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    To learn more about Greg: 

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    Visit his Youtube channel, The Detective Diaries

    Check out his book, Zombie Advocacy and Roswell: The After-Action Report.


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    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merchandise, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

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    They brought her in to discuss some of the challenges of becoming a police officer, what it's like to be a female cop and how difficult it is to be a police officer in today's society.
    Lauren started out by working at a Federal prison facility as a jailor at 20 years old. From there she moved to the road as a patrol officer. She says that it wasn't as difficult of a transition as she imagined and everyone on the force was very welcoming. They treated her not as a woman, but as a fellow officer. She did agree that some agencies or municipalities have this issue, but she was fortunate. The most nerve racking part of being on the road, for her, was her first day. She got her first call at 7am and blanked out. She called her commanding officer and he helped her through it. Since there it's been a pretty smooth ride. Lauren explains that working in the jail gave her some much needed experience for how to deal with criminals in the outside world. "Oh ya, you get to know them, they call me Barbie", she laughed. "I'd see one come in and I'd be like, damn your back in here, what for now?" Surprisingly enough, on the road, people tend to gravitate to her during situations. Kevin asks if she has problems with women because they are typically "catty" with other women, especially ones with authority over them. Lauren explained that they gravitate to her as well! Kevin wonders if it's because women can be deemed more trustworthy and male police officers tend to be looked at as a threat, due to unforeseen reasons, in today's society. They all talked relationships in the first responder fields and how tough that is to navigate, as well as, firemen being the better job over a cop.

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    You can thank us later.

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    He is a best selling author of the Bruno Johnson series. The Sinister out last Feb received a starred review in Publisher's Weekly.

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