
    Here’s the News: Gain Of Function A BIO-WEAPON?! Fauci KNEW All Along?!

    enDecember 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Concerns over transparency of COVID-19 origin investigationsIndependent media voices question potential cover-ups, emphasize importance of diverse sources and radical change

      There are concerns about the transparency and intent of certain inquiries into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the UK. Independent media voices are raising questions about the downplaying and potential cover-up of information regarding the Wuhan lab leak. The podcast "Stay Free with Russell Brown" discusses how these revelations add to the growing awareness of the importance of independent media and politics, and the need for radical change. A key figure in this narrative is Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been accused of downplaying the lab leak theory and promoting the narrative of a natural virus origin. The podcast also highlights the financial ties between health agencies and the pharmaceutical industry, and the potential implications of these relationships on the dissemination of information. Overall, the podcast encourages listeners to question the official narrative and seek out diverse sources of information.

    • Censorship of important COVID-19 information during early stagesDuring the pandemic's early stages, crucial discussions about the virus' origins, public health measures' effectiveness, and potential conflicts of interest were suppressed or censored, putting public health at risk. Regulating risky research practices globally is essential to prevent future pandemics.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, important questions and information regarding the origins of the virus, the effectiveness of certain public health measures, and potential conflicts of interest were suppressed or censored. This included discussions about the funding sources of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the ineffectiveness of lockdowns and masks, and concerns about gain-of-function research. These topics were met with harsh criticism and even potential consequences, such as being kicked off the internet or facing physical harm. The US Chief Medical Officer, Anthony Fauci, whose agency had funded research at the Wuhan Institute, may have had a personal stake in downplaying the possibility of a lab leak. If we fail to learn from this experience and regulate risky research practices in laboratories globally, we risk another pandemic. The ongoing Covid inquiry in the UK and the lack of significant inquiry within it may be a result of those in power trying to preserve their reputation and maintain control.

    • Allegations of COVID-19 originating from Wuhan labConcerns about safety issues and potential bioweapon research at Wuhan Institute of Virology have been raised, with allegations of suppression of information and consequences for scientists. International inquiry is needed to understand potential risks and implications.

      There have been credible allegations suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. These claims have been largely ignored by the mainstream media but have gained traction in independent circles. Scientists, whose research could have contributed to the pandemic, have faced consequences, including one who was reportedly killed. There have been long-standing concerns about safety issues and potential bioweapon research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The suppression of information related to this topic is significant, as it involves potential dual-use research of concern, which could be misappropriated and used for harmful purposes. The lack of international inquiry into these matters is concerning, and it's crucial that these important issues are not overlooked or dismissed as conspiracy theories. The potential risks and implications of this situation are far-reaching, and it's essential to keep an open and informed perspective on this developing story.

    • Political power transition or serious investigation?The UK COVID-19 inquiry is perceived as a superficial attempt to aid power transition, with concerns over potential misuse of research funding and suppression of lab leak theory.

      The ongoing COVID-19 inquiry in the UK is perceived as a superficial attempt to aid the transition of power from one political party to another, rather than a serious investigation into potential connections between the NIH, Anthony Fauci, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. These connections date back to research funded a decade prior to the pandemic, with concerns over potential misappropriation of dangerous techniques for military or malign use. The suppression of the lab leak theory and the alignment of government agencies, legacy media, and state interests have hindered the dissemination of crucial information to the public. The bamboozling of political figures, such as Boris Johnson, and the interconnected relationships between current political figures and entities like the WEF and Moderna, suggest a systemic issue that cannot be solved by simply shuffling individuals within it.

    • Lack of thorough investigation into COVID-19 policiesDespite the significant impacts of lockdowns on health, economy, and children, there's a lack of unbiased investigation into their effectiveness and consequences. Questionable data and potential manipulation favoring establishment interests hinder a genuine inquiry.

      The COVID-19 inquiry lacks a thorough and unbiased approach, focusing more on maintaining control and narratives rather than a genuine investigation into the effectiveness and consequences of lockdown policies. The data surrounding the number of lives saved by lockdown has been questionable, with potential manipulation to favor establishment interests and corporate profits. The debate around the origin of the virus adds another layer of complexity, but the inquiry refuses to explore it. The lockdown, which had significant impacts on health, economy, and children, deserves a comprehensive investigation, but instead, we are left with a merry-go-round of blame and obfuscation. The Johns Hopkins University and Lund University study suggesting that lockdown prevented as few as 1,700 deaths in England and Wales further highlights the need for a rigorous inquiry.

    • COVID response raises questions about life, interests servedThe COVID response, with its draconian measures and lack of transparency, has brought up concerns about prioritizing life and true interests served, while the ongoing inquiry has yet to reveal new insights or meaningful conclusions.

      The response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the implementation of draconian measures, raises important questions about the prioritization of the sanctity of life and the true interests served by such policies. The report revealing negligible impact of these measures on COVID mortality and significant collateral costs has brought up concerns about transparency and learning from past mistakes. The ongoing COVID inquiry, while revealing known information, has yet to uncover new insights or draw meaningful conclusions. The system of research funding and implementation, where taxpayer money is used to develop solutions sold back to the public, adds to the complexity of the issue. Instead of focusing on difficult questions and exploring the origins of the virus, the inquiry seems to be promoting the idea that earlier, longer, and harder lockdowns would have led to better outcomes. This perspective not only fails to reveal new information but also sets the stage for future lockdowns and assertions of centralized control.

    • Examining the role of suppressed dissenting opinions and potentially flawed scientific advice in the COVID-19 responseThe COVID-19 inquiry should invite key scientists to scrutinize decision-making, modeling accuracy, and intervention efficacy, learn from past mistakes, and investigate potential misuse of power.

      The ongoing COVID-19 inquiry should not only focus on holding the government accountable for their handling of the pandemic, but also examine the role of suppressed dissenting scientific opinions and potentially flawed scientific advice. The inquiry should invite key scientists like Robert Malone, Peter McCulloch, and Jay Bhattacharya to participate and scrutinize the decision-making process, the accuracy of modeling, and the efficacy of various interventions. Additionally, the inquiry should acknowledge and learn from past mistakes, such as the care home scandal, and establish measures to protect the elderly and vulnerable populations in the future. The inquiry should not shy away from investigating potential misuse of power and malfeasance, as some interventions, like vaccination passports for nightclubs, may have had no scientific basis or legitimacy.

    • Assessing the Effectiveness and Cost of LockdownsThe ongoing inquiry into lockdowns during the pandemic should focus on hard data and scientific evidence to determine if they saved more lives than they cost, considering excess deaths, model accuracy, and non-pharmaceutical intervention impact.

      The ongoing inquiry into the effects of lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic should focus on the hard data and scientific evidence to determine if the measures were effective and worth the cost. This includes examining excess deaths, the accuracy of models, and the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions. It's crucial to ask if lockdowns saved more lives than they cost, especially considering the lag in reporting and potential suppression of dissenting voices. The process has shown how power structures, including governments and influential organizations, react in a crisis by centralizing control and defending their decisions. The missed opportunity for open dialogue and consideration of alternatives is a significant loss.

    • The importance of independent media and voicesIndependent media and voices expose truths ignored by legacy media and inquiries, challenge powerful narratives, and encourage free thought.

      Independent media and voices outside the mainstream are crucial for asking difficult questions and uncovering truths that may be ignored by legacy media and official inquiries. These voices often bring up important issues and names that have not been heard in the mainstream media or political inquiries. The legacy media, according to the speaker, often amplifies the messages of the powerful and may be behind the curve on important issues. The speaker also suggests that some inquiries, such as the COVID-19 inquiry, may serve as a form of theatre to keep certain measures and powers in place for future crises. The speaker encourages staying free and open to diverse viewpoints, even if they may not align with one's own. The importance of independent media and thought cannot be overstated in a world that values free speech.

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

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    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰.

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    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit https://taxnetworkusa.com/brand and find your path to financial peace of mind.

    Order your Contagion Kit today at http://www.twc.health/BRAND use code BRAND for 10% off + FREE SHIPPING.

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Alex Jones has been forced to shut down Info Wars, five new US states are suing Pfizer over ‘vaccine misinformation’, the US unveiled new documents revealing Saudi Arabia’s potential connection to 9/11, and doctors are seeing increased heart attacks amongst younger people, I wonder why? Tune in for all this more! Remember to subscribe.

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    Visit http://herbdoc.com/brand for 25% off the product for Russell Brand viewers only!

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

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    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    Wake up everyday and choose freedom, order at https://1775coffee.com/BRAND

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

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    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Join us for an explosive episode featuring Alex Jones, the outspoken host of InfoWars and a relentless critic of the deep state. Jones delves into allegations that the FBI and CIA are conspiring to shut down his show, he discusses the reasons behind the current push to censor him, the likely situation of a full-scale thermo-nuclear war with Russia, and the targeting of those who dare to criticize powerful entities. We also explore the intriguing possibility of the deep state communicating with aliens. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion!

    Get your copy of his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Awakening-Defeating-Globalists-Renaissance/dp/B0CL1B31N5/

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    On today’s episode, I’ll be discussing the crazy unveiled story of how the US Pentagon was spreading disinformation to discredit the chinese COVID vaccine globally as uncovered by an investigative report published by Reuters. We’ll also be discussing how the legacy media falsely claimed Joe Biden at G7 was digitally altered, Candace Owens talking about Kanye West’s MK Ultra handler, black voters in Atlanta on Trump, and Rachel Maddow on Trump ‘pulling The View’. Watch the show for more!

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