
    Honest Table Talk on Running a Business in 2019 | Inside 4Ds

    enMay 02, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Trust your employees to succeedEmpowering employees by trusting them to succeed can lead to a more productive and successful work environment, while controlling behavior can create negative outcomes.

      As a leader, it's essential to understand your limitations and allow your employees to succeed in their roles. Trying to control everything can lead to negative outcomes, such as creating entitlement and imposing your ideologies on others. Instead, focus on putting people in the best position to succeed and trusting them to do so. Remember, no one truly knows another person completely, and everyone has unique capabilities and potential. By letting go of the need to control and focusing on collaboration, you can create a more productive and successful work environment.

    • Focus on exceptional managers for business improvementExceptional managers lead to effective teams and overall business success. Authenticity and transparency are essential when dealing with specific markets or customer bases. Directly address potential issues rather than dwelling on them.

      The focus for improving business performance should be on the managers, as they have the most significant impact on the employees and the overall operation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having exceptional managers who can lead their teams effectively, as opposed to dwelling on individual underperforming employees. He also mentions that authenticity and transparency are key when dealing with specific markets or customer bases that may have certain expectations or biases. The speaker's approach is to either completely dismiss or address any potential issues directly, rather than dwelling on them in the middle. Ultimately, the success of a business relies on having strong leadership and a clear vision.

    • Entrepreneur's journey influenced by childhood experiencesBeing authentic, learning from competitors, and engaging consumers can create a competitive advantage. Consolidating multiple businesses can increase long-term value.

      Focusing on the consumer and being authentic about one's background and business can create a competitive advantage. The speaker shares his experiences of growing up in a business environment and how it influenced his entrepreneurial journey. He emphasizes the importance of being in the trenches, learning from competitors, and using curiosity to engage consumers. He also discusses the benefits and challenges of having multiple businesses under different names, and the potential confusion it may cause for consumers. However, he believes that consolidating the businesses to build a strong brand can increase the business value in the long run. The speaker's anecdotes and insights offer valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to connect with their audience and stand out in a competitive market.

    • Consolidating websites: Complex decision with potential drawbacksUnderstand value of clients, make tough decisions, provide generous severance packages for a smooth transition

      Consolidating multiple websites under one brand can be a complex decision with potential drawbacks, including loss of SEO juice, brand equity, and customer confusion. Change, even in a small market, can be met with resistance from customers who may perceive it as a negative shift. However, if there is a compelling reason or strategy for consolidation, it can be a worthwhile investment. Another key point discussed was the importance of understanding the value of different clients and making tough decisions, such as letting go of disproportionately time-consuming clients, even if they are beloved. The speaker emphasized the importance of providing generous severance packages to make the transition smoother for both parties. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of careful consideration and strategic planning when making significant business decisions.

    • Communicating honestly with clients, even if it means letting them goBe honest with clients, recognize when relationships are no longer beneficial, approach transitions with empathy, and be open to new opportunities.

      When dealing with clients, it's important to communicate honestly and effectively, even if it means letting them go. This can be a difficult process, but it's essential for both parties to move on and grow. It's important to recognize when a relationship is no longer beneficial for your business and to approach the situation with empathy and a plan for their transition. Don't be afraid to let go of clients who are no longer a good fit, and be willing to walk away if necessary. Additionally, don't be afraid to be upfront about changes in your business or pricing, as clients may not realize that their needs have outgrown what you can offer. Remember that it's okay for both parties to evolve and move on, and that new opportunities may arise as a result. Overall, the key is to approach client relationships with honesty, empathy, and a focus on what's best for both parties in the long run.

    • Balancing Client Demands and Your StrategyCommunicate your strategy to clients, be transparent about costs and work involved, don't compromise entirely, and focus on living authentically.

      In business, especially in client service, it's important to find a balance between meeting client demands and maintaining your own strategy. Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of VaynerMedia, emphasizes that clients pay for the service they receive, and it's essential to communicate where your strategy stands. He also suggests being transparent about costs and the amount of work involved. Vaynerchuk shares a Russian saying, "whoever pays for the music gets to pick the song," which reflects his approach to business. However, he advises not to compromise your strategy entirely and instead, die in your own sword. It means that even if a big client insists on a different approach, it's essential to communicate that it's your strategy and not just a compromise. This approach can lead to a win-win situation, as shown in VaynerMedia's recent experience. Lastly, Vaynerchuk recommends not overthinking the distinction between personal and business brand and instead, focusing on living your life authentically.

    • Focus on your strengths, hire experts for weaknessesBusiness owners should understand basics of all business aspects, but not necessarily become experts in every subculture. Hire competent team members to delegate tasks and grow effectively.

      It's essential for business owners to focus on their strengths and hire experts for their weaknesses. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experience of starting with a wine business and transitioning to marketing, and how he learned to let go of the need to be the best at everything. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the basics of all aspects of your business, but not necessarily becoming an expert in every subculture. This approach allows you to remain dangerous enough to oversee the holistic version of your business while delegating tasks to those who excel in specific areas. Additionally, Vaynerchuk stresses the importance of knowing enough about finances to make informed decisions and payroll responsibilities. By recognizing the fundamentals of business and surrounding yourself with competent team members, you can grow your business effectively.

    • Narrowing focus leads to successFocusing on a specific area and letting go of what you're not good at can lead to business success. Hire and fire wisely, maintain a clear culture, and take advice from operating entrepreneurs.

      Focusing on a specific area and bringing things in instead of spreading yourself too thin can lead to success. The speaker shares his experience of struggling with expanding their business too quickly, which resulted in failure. However, when they narrowed their focus and concentrated on Denver, the business began to thrive. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and letting go of what you're not good at or don't enjoy, while keeping what you like and excel at. He also mentions the importance of having a clear culture and being willing to make tough decisions, such as firing those who don't fit the culture. The speaker believes that hiring and firing are equally important, as hiring is a guess, while firing is a knowing. He concludes by warning against taking advice from non-operating entrepreneurs and encouraging consistency in your message and actions.

    • Understanding human nature and taking calculated risksWalk in someone else's shoes, create a safe environment for open communication, take calculated risks, learn from failures, and understand markets to achieve business success.

      Theory and execution are two different things, especially in business. The speaker expresses the importance of walking in someone else's shoes and understanding human nature before implementing theories. He emphasizes the need to create a safe environment for employees to communicate openly and the importance of transparency in business relationships. The speaker also shares his approach to taking calculated risks and learning from failures, using his experience building VaynerMedia as an example. Lastly, he touches on the importance of understanding markets and the value of trying new approaches, even if they may not initially seem successful. Overall, the speaker's message highlights the importance of practical experience, open communication, and a willingness to take calculated risks in achieving business success.

    • Basketball sports card market demand surgesAsia's growing interest in Jordan, LeBron, Kobe, Steph rookie cards is driving demand in basketball sports card market, expected to outpace supply, creating potential price increases. Build online presence, create valuable content to attract customers.

      The sports card market, specifically basketball, is experiencing a surge in demand due to its cultural significance and global popularity. This shift in demand is expected to outpace the current supply, leading to potential price increases. The speaker, who has a strong understanding of supply and demand, believes that this trend is just beginning and that it will be driven by Asia's growing interest in Jordan, LeBron, Kobe, Steph rookie cards, among others. The speaker also suggests that businesses should focus on building their own online presence and creating valuable content to attract customers, rather than relying on third-party platforms. The speaker's belief is that those who provide the most value to their customers will ultimately win in the long run.

    • Investing in authentic relationships with audience leads to growthGive away valuable content, target specific communities, handle employee issues carefully, and build authentic relationships to grow your business.

      Building trust with your audience through valuable content and authentic engagement can lead to significant business growth. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of giving away marketing advice for free on Facebook, which helped him build a strong relationship with his audience and eventually monetize it. He emphasized the importance of targeting specific communities with Facebook ads and creating content tailored to their needs. Additionally, he highlighted the significance of handling employee issues carefully to maintain a positive company image and avoid losing control of the narrative. Overall, the key takeaway is to invest time and effort in building authentic relationships with your audience and handling business challenges in a way that benefits both you and your customers.

    • Importance of controlling the narrative and building trust with employeesRecognize market trends, build trust with employees, and understand the pace of change to adapt in business.

      Controlling the narrative is crucial for business owners, especially when dealing with problematic employees. The speaker shared an experience of an employee spreading lies to retailers, which could have caused double damage if not addressed promptly. He emphasized the importance of building equity with employees before making tough decisions, such as termination. The speaker also highlighted the importance of understanding the market trends and the pace of change in business. He shared an example of his own mistake in predicting the future and how it took longer than expected for certain technological advancements to become mainstream. In the context of the auto industry, the speaker is considering different strategies, including becoming a car buyer and selling through franchise dealerships or helping all dealerships adapt to changing trends. He acknowledged that it's essential to recognize the pace of change and the deals in place that can slow down the transition. Overall, the speaker's insights emphasize the importance of being aware of the market trends, building trust with employees, and understanding the pace of change in business.

    • Identifying and capitalizing on emerging trendsStaying patient, persistent, and confident in one's abilities to identify and capitalize on emerging trends, while effectively managing resources and priorities.

      Identifying and capitalizing on emerging trends early can lead to significant success, but the timeline for their materialization may be longer than anticipated. The speaker, who correctly predicted the mainstream adoption of online dating and the eventual popularity of NFTs, emphasizes the importance of staying persistent and having faith in one's convictions. Additionally, creating a valuable product or service that generates demand can provide leverage in securing capital and negotiating deals. The speaker's personal experiences with building a brand and speaking engagements illustrate the importance of charging what one is worth and prioritizing time and resources effectively. Overall, the key takeaway is to remain patient, persistent, and confident in one's abilities to identify and capitalize on emerging trends, while also effectively managing resources and priorities.

    • Raising speaking fees for greater financial rewardsSpeaking for free builds reputation, raising fees attracts selective clients, and fewer engagements can equal same income.

      Increasing your fees and speaking less can lead to financial success. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his personal experience of raising his speaking fee from $5,000 to $15,000 and discovering that some clients were willing to pay the higher price. This allowed him to focus more on building his business and ultimately made the same amount of money with fewer speaking engagements. He encourages aspiring speakers to speak as much as possible for free in the beginning to build a reputation and gain experience. However, at some point, increasing fees can lead to more selective clients and greater financial rewards. Vaynerchuk also acknowledges the challenges of balancing personal and professional obligations, especially for parents, but emphasizes the importance of maintaining perspective and focusing on the opportunities rather than the obstacles.

    • Stay authentic and answer questions that resonate with youAnswer questions based on your expertise and resonance, invest in personal care, and find questions being asked in your niche to build engagement and establish authority.

      Creating a successful Q&A show requires staying authentic to yourself and staying in your lane. Gary Vaynerchuk, a well-known business personality, emphasized the importance of answering questions that resonate with you and providing value based on your expertise. He also shared his origin story of answering wine-related questions on Twitter when he started his Wine Library TV show, before anyone knew who he was. Another important tip is to find questions being asked in the world and answer them, even if they're not directly addressed to you. This can help you build engagement and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Additionally, investing in personal care such as body work and self-starting can contribute to overall well-being and productivity.

    • Exploring hidden body issues for improved healthExploring and addressing hidden body issues through soft tissue work and self-exploration can lead to better sleep, increased mobility, and a greater connection to your body.

      Our bodies hold tension and issues in areas we may not even be aware of, and addressing these areas through soft tissue work and self-exploration can lead to significant improvements in overall health and well-being. The speaker's personal experience with discovering and addressing issues with their IT band, psoas, adductor, and QL muscles over several years has led to better sleep, increased mobility, and a greater connection to their body. They emphasize that everyone's experience will be unique, and that exploring your own body with curiosity and care can reveal hidden issues that may be impacting your daily life. The speaker also highlights the importance of seeking out knowledgeable professionals, like Jordan, to help guide the process and provide tools, such as the blue ball, to aid in self-discovery and healing.

    • The power of therapy and investment opportunitiesThe speaker shares his passion for improving mobility and overall well-being through structural integrative therapy, and his belief in the potential investment opportunity of a rare Michael Jordan rookie sticker card.

      The speaker is passionate about making a difference in people's lives and believes in the power of structural integrative therapy to improve mobility and overall well-being. He also believes in the potential investment opportunity of a specific collectible item, a Michael Jordan rookie sticker card, which he thinks is underpriced due to its rarity and difficulty to obtain good grades. Despite the challenges he faced in his own recovery process, he remains optimistic and driven to help others and educate his community about the value of this collectible. The speaker's experiences with structural integrative therapy and his belief in the potential investment opportunity demonstrate his resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and make a positive impact on others.

    • Sports card market surge: Investing in Michael Jordan, Akeem Olajuwon, and up-and-coming playersInvesting in sports cards, particularly those of Michael Jordan, Akeem Olajuwon, and up-and-coming players, can yield substantial profits due to cultural trends, globalization, and the gamification aspect of collecting. Understanding market trends and limited supply is crucial for success.

      The sports card market is experiencing a significant surge in value and liquidity, and savvy investors stand to make substantial profits. The speaker believes that certain cards, such as those of Michael Jordan and Akeem Olajuwon, will be particularly valuable due to cultural trends and globalization. He also sees potential in investing in up-and-coming players, like Darren Fox, due to the gamification aspect of collecting cards and the potential financial gain. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the market and the limited supply of certain high-demand cards, which can lead to significant returns. Additionally, he suggests that collecting sports cards can enhance the viewing experience of sports, making it more engaging and enjoyable. Overall, the sports card market presents an intriguing investment opportunity for those willing to do their research and take a long-term view.

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    This week, Sim and Maia discuss productivity apps. They mention Canva for creating visual content, Flow for managing tasks and workflows, and Notion for organisation and content calendars. They also discuss Monday.com for project management and ChatGPT for email writing and content ideation.

    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    • Organising an e-book library with tags and other metadata. 
    • Having a system for keeping your own notes about books. 
    Show Notes:

    249 How I Carry My 600-Book Library In Hand Luggage

    032: Clone Yourself & Scale Your Business Effortlessly!

    032: Clone Yourself & Scale Your Business Effortlessly!

    If you’ve been following my How to Clone Yourself series, then this is the ultimate episode that you do NOT want to miss!

    Today, we’re finally going to get deep into the nitty-gritty of putting together your systems. The systems that will make it feel as though you’re running your business with a team of your very own clones!

    Let me tell you: putting strong, well-planned systems into place in your business leads to a LOT of benefits! It boosts your productivity like crazy. It cuts down on the time needed to complete your repeatable tasks. And it makes it SO MUCH EASIER to train new staff. 

    Where do you want to focus your system-building efforts?

    In the areas that make your business money.

    In the areas where you can WOW your customers.

    In the areas that can lead to the biggest improvements in your personal and professional life.

    Let’s get started!

    In my latest podcast episode, you’ll discover:

    • How much time and effort you’ll save by investing a little time in preparing systems in your business!
    • The three major pieces that you need to include in your operations playbook
    • The crucial questions you must answer in order to build out an amazingly effective process
    • How building systems can actually make it easier to scale your business! 

    Listen below!

    Remember to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher!


    02:24  We need more of you in the world … without you DOING more!

    03:41  What brings money into your business? 

    05:54  “When you invest time in preparing, you accelerate time to implement more than 70 percent” 

    06:49  “Having strong, intentional systems will help you do repeatable tasks faster”

    08:06  Prioritization is an important aspect of developing your systems

    08:17  The three chapters of your operations playbook

    11:32  What you need to consider when building out a process

    13:43  Case Study: Three Boudoir

    16:08   “The simplicity of a checklist is so powerful when it comes to system documentation”

    17:08   How to use Google to help you develop your own systems

    19:56  The ‘How,’ ‘What,’ and ‘Where’ of your operations playbook!

    21:45  How systems ultimately support the scaling of your business

    Thank you for listening! Want more information and tips? Bookmark ambermccue.com/blog and follow Amber on Instagram: @AmberMcCue

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