
    How a Spanish fisherman lead the CIA to conclude that reality is a Hologram

    enJuly 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Literary Inspirations: Lawrence Sterne, Michel de Montaigne, and Flann O'BrienThe Blind Boy Podcast draws inspiration from 18th century writers Lawrence Sterne and Michel de Montaigne, blending storytelling and essays for a cohesive listening experience. The host's favorite writer, Flann O'Brien, also influenced his approach.

      The Blind Boy Podcast, with its interconnected monologue essays, draws inspiration from 18th century writers Lawrence Sterne and Michel de Montaigne. The host's creative process is influenced by the way these authors blended storytelling and essays into one cohesive work. The podcast's non-linear structure and interwoven themes encourage listeners to start from the beginning and listen to the entirety of the content for the most enjoyable experience. The host's inspiration also comes from contemporary podcasts and television. The podcast's inspiration from writers centuries ago might seem pretentious, but it reflects the host's goal of creating a cohesive, interconnected body of work rather than separate episodes. The host's favorite writer, Flann O'Brien, also inspired him to explore the works of Lawrence Sterne. While Sterne was born in Ireland, his British background and writing don't align with the Irish literary canon in the same way as writers like Jonathan Swift, who was also Anglo-Irish but more overtly sympathetic to the Irish cause. The podcast's exploration of these literary influences adds depth and complexity to the content.

    • Limerick's Unpredictable Weather Affects Outdoor DiningDespite unpredictable weather, clear glass replaced opaque glass to restore outdoor dining culture in Limerick

      Unpredictable weather in Limerick, Ireland, has made it challenging for the city to fully embrace outdoor dining culture. Last year, the speaker described the disappointment of watching a pineapple pizza get ruined by unexpected rain. However, the situation improved when restaurants installed permanent awnings, allowing diners to enjoy their meals outdoors even in the rain. Unfortunately, the city council recently installed opaque frosted glass around the dining areas, making it feel like diners were indoors, which went against the communal experience of outdoor dining. After public outrage, the glass was replaced with clear glass, allowing the outdoor dining culture to thrive once again. The speaker is looking forward to enjoying outdoor dining in Limerick this summer and reminisced about his experiences writing outside in Spain, where the predictability of good weather made outdoor dining more enjoyable.

    • Misunderstandings can lead to unexpected situationsClear communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and their potential consequences. Unexpected situations can lead to unique experiences and opportunities, but they can also cause stress and complications.

      Communication barriers can lead to unexpected situations. In this story, a misunderstanding between the speaker and a waiter in Spain resulted in the speaker being mistakenly identified as a fishing writer, leading to free plates of prawns at every café. Despite not eating prawns due to a childhood trauma, the speaker didn't want to be rude and explain the misunderstanding. Instead, he started feeding the excess prawns to stray cats, which led to a following of cats at every restaurant. The situation became stressful, so the speaker traveled to different towns along the coast of Spain to find peace and focus on his writing. In Palomares, he found a small village where he could write in peace, marking a turning point in his writing journey. This experience highlights the importance of clear communication and the unexpected twists that can arise from misunderstandings.

    • A Crashed B52 Bomber and the Lost Nuclear Bomb during the Cold WarDuring the Cold War, a US B52 bomber carrying nuclear weapons crashed, causing an international incident and a massive search for a lost bomb, emphasizing the risks and uncertainties of nuclear arms race.

      During the Cold War era, the US military flew bombers loaded with nuclear weapons over Europe as part of a nuclear deterrent policy. In 1966, an American B52 bomber with four nuclear bombs on board crashed during mid-air refueling over Spain. Three of the bombs were recovered, but one was lost at sea, leading to an international incident and a massive search effort. The incident highlights the dangers and potential consequences of the nuclear arms race during the Cold War. The lost nuclear bomb remains a reminder of the potential risks and uncertainties of nuclear weapons.

    • Local fisherman helps US locate lost nuclear bomb, earns nickname 'Paco Obama'An ordinary local fisherman played a crucial role in helping the US military locate a lost nuclear bomb, earning a substantial compensation but likely not becoming a multimillionaire under the Spanish regime.

      A local fisherman named Francisco Simo Arts from Palomares, Spain, played a crucial role in helping the US military locate a lost nuclear bomb in the Mediterranean Sea in 1966. Under maritime law, Francisco was entitled to a 2% compensation of the bomb's value, worth billions of dollars at the time. He took the US military to court and won an undisclosed settlement, earning him the nickname "Paco Obama." However, under the Spanish fascist dictator Francisco Franco's regime, it's unlikely that Francisco became a multimillionaire from the compensation. The incident underscores the unexpected ways that ordinary people can make significant contributions to international events and the complex legal implications that can follow.

    • US military's unexpected discovery and its political impactThe Palomares incident, a US military 'broken arrow' event, led to efforts to prevent nuclear accidents and exploration of unconventional methods, while also highlighting historical US military impact and individual role in shaping history.

      Sometimes unexpected events, like a fisherman discovering a lost nuclear bomb, can lead to significant political changes and unexpected discoveries. The Palomares incident, a "broken arrow" event for the US military, led to massive efforts to prevent such incidents from happening again, including the exploration of unconventional methods like psychic abilities. This incident also highlights the historical and ongoing impact of US military actions on other countries and communities, as well as the lengths the US has gone to in the name of national security. Additionally, the podcast highlights the role of individuals and their discoveries in shaping history, even in seemingly insignificant ways.

    • Supporting Independent CreatorsConsider becoming a patron of your favorite independent creators for as little as a cup of coffee per month. Sharing, reviewing, and speaking about their work helps them reach a wider audience.

      Independent creators, like podcast hosts, rely on the support of their audience to keep producing authentic and meaningful content. The speaker in this discussion encourages listeners to consider becoming patrons, even if it's just the cost of a cup of coffee per month. This support allows the creator to remain independent and not be influenced by advertisers or larger streaming services. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of sharing, reviewing, and speaking about independent podcasts to help them reach a wider audience. Additionally, the speaker shares his fascination with the historical actions of intelligence agencies like the CIA, specifically their involvement in funding projects related to psychic abilities in the late 20th century. These projects, which aimed to use human psychics to locate missing nuclear bombs, are now proven facts, and the speaker finds this area of history to be more interesting than contemporary conspiracy theories.

    • Military's failed attempt to use psychics and the theory of reality as a computer simulationThe US military's research into using psychics in the military, based on quantum physics theories, explored the possibility that reality is a computer simulation and our brains create the illusion of solid matter, ultimately expanding our knowledge despite the lack of results.

      The US military's research into using psychics in the military, which spanned over 20 years and cost a significant amount of money, ultimately proved to be a failure. However, what's fascinating is not the lack of results but the scientific theories that the military came up with during the research. They hypothesized that reality itself could be a computer simulation, and to explain this, they delved into quantum physics. According to this theory, the universe is made up of vibrational energy, and everything around us, including solid matter, is just an illusion created by our brains. This report, known as the "Gateway Process," also explored the possibility of subjects using Transcendental Meditation to bypass our human experience of reality and travel beyond space and time. It's a complex and thought-provoking concept that challenges our understanding of reality and our place in it. Ultimately, the research may not have yielded the desired results, but it certainly expanded our knowledge and understanding of the nature of reality.

    • Exploring Consciousness Expansion with CIA ResearchThe CIA's research into consciousness expansion through practices like Transcendental Meditation and Hemi-Sync sounds suggests that reality might be a construct of the human brain and we could access information from different dimensions beyond our physical reality.

      The CIA, based on 20 years of research, believed that the human mind, when properly attuned through practices like Transcendental Meditation and the use of specific sounds and frequencies, could expand consciousness and access information from different dimensions beyond our physical reality. This process, known as the Gateway Experience, includes stages like the gateway affirmation, exposure to Hemi-Sync sounds, and experiencing an out-of-body energy balloon. The ultimate goal is remote viewing, where the consciousness leaves the body and engages with the quantum hologram of reality. The CIA's findings suggest that reality might be a construct of the human brain, and we might be living in a computer-simulated universe. While this idea might seem far-fetched, the CIA's investment in this research implies a serious exploration of these concepts. To experience some of these techniques, try searching for "Hemi Sync meditation" on YouTube.

    • Trying a New Form of Meditation: Hemi Sync vs MindfulnessThe speaker shared his experience with Hemi Sync meditation, which sent him into a deep trance and left him feeling out of control, contrasting his usual calming mindfulness practice. He advised caution for those new to meditation or not feeling well.

      The speaker, Blind Boy, shared his experience trying a Hemi Sync meditation, which is different from his regular mindfulness meditation practice. While he found mindfulness meditation relaxing and calming, leaving him present and aware, the Hemi Sync meditation sent him into a deep trance, leaving his body and making him feel out of control. He prefers his standard meditation practice and doesn't recommend the Hemi Sync meditation for those not feeling their best or those new to meditation due to its intensity. The speaker also discussed a CIA report on the nature of reality and encouraged listeners to explore the topic further through his previous podcast episode with a quantum physicist. The speaker ended the podcast by mentioning his gift-giving skills and promoting 1800flowers.com and Whoop, a fitness tracker and app.

    • A user shares their positive experience with WHOOP, a fitness tracker that focuses on strain rather than stepsWHOOP is a fitness tracker that prioritizes strain over steps, aligning with some users' preferences for a data-driven approach to fitness and recovery. It offers a free one-month membership and emphasizes the importance of exercise for mental and physical health.

      The WHOOP band is a non-invasive fitness tracker that helps users monitor their fitness and recovery levels in a detailed and data-driven way. The user shares their personal experience with the importance of exercise for mental and physical health, and how WHOOP's focus on strain rather than steps aligns with their preferences. They appreciate the data privacy and the usefulness of the strain metric, which takes into account both physical and mental exertion. For those who prioritize exercise and are intrigued by WHOOP, a free one-month membership is available by visiting join.woop.com/blindbite. The user emphasizes the role of exercise in their mental health regime, stating that it fuels their capacity to use mental health tools and emotional resources. They enjoy the process of exercising and the feeling of mindfulness and positivity it brings, as well as the resilience it provides for the rest of the day.

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    Hello and welcome to Martin Hewlett's Calming Anxiety.

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    For those younger listeners struggling with the stress of social media, do check out this amazing website. https://www.icanhelp.net/

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    Backing Music by Chris Collins
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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/calming-anxiety--4110266/support.

    Dad to Dad 147 Azim Khamisa - Lost His Son To Gun Violence & Through TKF.org Has Reached Millions About Forgiveness & Teaching Non-Violence

    Dad to Dad 147 Azim Khamisa - Lost His Son To Gun Violence & Through TKF.org Has Reached Millions About Forgiveness & Teaching Non-Violence
    Our guest on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast is Azim Khamisa. Azim was born in Kenya and is a successful international businessman. In 1995, Azim’s world was turned upside down when his 20-year-old son Tariq was murdered by a 14-year-old gang member. Azim now dedicates his life on the concept of forgiveness and helping others to avoid similar violent tragedies. In fact, Azim has befriended his son’s killer and his grandfather. It’s an incredible story about a truly special man and it’s all on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad podcast.

    CBS video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBDeFi-04VM

    NBC video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKJSOHigxhI

    Tariq Khamisa Foundation website: https://www.tkf.org

    TKF Program Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaT90zQz8RM
    Azim's website: https://www.azimkhamisa.com

    Email: azim@azimkhamisa.com

    Attend the May 15th SFN Dads Virtual Conference. Register for FREE at https://www.21stCenturyDads.org.

    About the Special Fathers Network -
    SFN is a dad to dad mentoring program for fathers raising children with special needs. Many of the 400+ SFN Mentor Fathers, who all are raising kids with special needs, have said: "I wish there was something like this when we first received our child's diagnosis. I felt so isolated. There was no one within my family, at work, at church or within my friend group who understood or could relate to what I was going through."

    SFN Mentor Fathers share their experiences with younger dads closer to the beginning of their journey raising a child with the same or similar special needs. The SFN Mentor Fathers do NOT offer legal advice or medical advice, that is what lawyers and doctors do. They simply share their experiences and how they have made the most of a challenging situation.

    Go to: https://www21stCenturyDads.org is you'd like to be a SFN Mentor Father.

    Please support the SFN. Click here to donate: https://21stcenturydads.org/donate/

    Feelings and Emotions, So Many Callers!

    Feelings and Emotions, So Many Callers!

    **Important Message** Angels Don't Lie Facebook Live will only be available out of the private group Facebook group. Please send Jeanne an email to join the group. Jeanne has a great message about emotions and feelings. Prayers to our callers - Cassandra, Nicole, Barbara, Hillary, Lisa, Katharine, Michelle and Simone from Ireland. Angels and loved ones provide guidance through Jeanne's power of connection to Spirit.


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