
    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing hormones with fasting and electrolytesUnderstand fasting's role in hormonal balance and maintain electrolyte balance for optimal health with Element's sugar-free drink mix and Bi-Optimizers' magnesium supplement.

      Women can balance their hormones by understanding the right place to use fasting in their menstrual cycle. Additionally, for optimal health, it's crucial to maintain proper electrolyte balance, which can be achieved through Element's sugar-free electrolyte drink mix. Magnesium is an essential mineral for various bodily functions, yet most people are deficient. Bi-Optimizers' magnesium supplement, which contains all seven types of magnesium, can help address this issue. Regarding time-restricted eating, a recent study presented at the American Heart Association meeting with unreliable data suggested a potential increase in heart attack risk. However, this study's limitations make it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions. Overall, time-restricted eating is just one tool to help improve metabolism and oral health, and it's essential to consider individual health circumstances and lifestyle habits when making dietary decisions.

    • Misunderstood and mismanaged women's hormonal healthUnderstanding hormones and living a supportive lifestyle can improve women's hormonal health and relieve symptoms

      Women's hormonal health is a complex issue that has been misunderstood and mismanaged for decades. The lack of hormone literacy among both women and healthcare providers has led to the overuse of synthetic hormones and the underutilization of natural approaches. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, and imbalances can lead to a range of symptoms including painful periods, irregular cycles, menopausal symptoms, and sexual dysfunction. To address these issues, it's essential to understand the role of hormones and how to live a lifestyle that supports their natural fluctuations throughout a woman's life cycle. By prioritizing hormone health, women can experience relief from symptoms and improve their overall wellbeing.

    • Women's Hormonal Health: Unique Needs and Personalized ApproachUnderstanding the unique needs of each hormone and adapting lifestyles accordingly improves women's hormonal health. Consider factors like stress, diet, exercise, and environmental toxins.

      Women's hormonal health is being negatively impacted by a lack of knowledge, an evolutionary mismatch with modern stressors, and a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare. Women produce multiple hormones, including testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen, which have different requirements and are influenced by various lifestyle factors. For instance, cortisol, a stress hormone, affects estrogen and progesterone differently. Progesterone, in particular, is sensitive to cortisol and can disappear when cortisol levels are high, leading to hormonal imbalances and menstrual issues. To improve hormonal health, it's essential to understand the unique needs of each hormone and adapt our lifestyles accordingly. This includes considering factors like stress, diet, exercise, and environmental toxins. Overall, addressing women's hormonal health requires a more nuanced and personalized approach to healthcare.

    • Factors affecting women's hormonal balance and how fasting can helpFasting, especially when timed according to menstrual cycles, can help manage hormones and alleviate symptoms of PMS, menopause, PCOS, and infertility by addressing factors within our control like toxins, lifestyle choices, and stress.

      Women's hormonal balance can be significantly impacted by various factors, including toxins, environment, lifestyle choices like smoking, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, stress, and sleep. However, many of these factors are within our control, and making adjustments can lead to relief from symptoms often associated with PMS and menopause. Fasting, specifically, has been found to be an effective method for managing hormones, particularly for women. By understanding the unique requirements of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, and timing fasts accordingly, women can experience balanced cycles and improved overall hormonal health. This can lead to relief from conditions such as PCOS, perimenopause symptoms, and infertility. To make the most of this approach, it's essential to track menstrual cycles and learn about the nuances of hormonal fluctuations throughout the cycle. This knowledge can then be used to tailor lifestyle choices and fasting practices to support hormonal health.

    • Focusing on lifestyle and food choices for women's hormonal healthIncorporating convenient, healthy snacks from Thrive Market, consuming high-quality eggs, and practicing intermittent fasting can support women's hormonal health.

      For women's hormonal health, focusing on lifestyle adjustments and quality food choices is essential. Dr. Mark shared his personal experience of using Thrive Market for convenient and healthy snacks, which can help individuals meet their health goals. The discussion also touched upon the importance of high-quality eggs, specifically Happy Egg's free-range hens and their impact on egg quality. Lastly, fasting was discussed as a way to regulate hormones, with the body having two energy systems and the longer fasting duration, the more healing mechanisms that show up, including a potential increase in testosterone levels for women.

    • Exploring the therapeutic benefits of fastingFasting beyond dieting, different types (intermittent, autophagy, long-term) offer distinct health benefits, including hormone production, fat burning, cell cleaning, gut microbiome repair, and eliminating aging cells.

      Fasting goes beyond just dieting and can be used therapeutically to repair various areas of the body, particularly the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries. There are different types and durations of fasting, each with distinct benefits. Intermittent fasting lasts 13-15 hours, triggering growth hormone production and fat burning. Autophagy fasting lasts 17 hours, allowing cells to clean themselves and detoxify. Fasts lasting 24 hours repair the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in estrogen metabolism. Longer fasts, such as 36 hours, enhance fat burning, and 72 hours can eliminate senescent cells, boosting overall health and immunity. These therapeutic fasts offer spiritual and healing benefits, with a 72-hour fast recommended twice a year for women to eliminate aging cells and reboot the immune system.

    • Fasting and refeeding for muscle growth and improved healthFasting causes temporary muscle loss, but refeeding allows muscle to be rebuilt stronger. Prolonged fasting also benefits the microbiome, eliminates senescent cells, and resets the immune and dopamine systems.

      While fasting may result in temporary muscle loss, the refeeding process offers an opportunity for muscle growth and improved overall health. During a fast, the body breaks down muscle to find energy, but when food is reintroduced, muscle can be rebuilt stronger. This process also benefits the microbiome, allowing it to regrow to a new level. Additionally, prolonged fasting can lead to the elimination of senescent cells and the resetting of the immune system and dopamine system. Overall, fasting and refeeding work together to promote deep healing within the body.

    • The Power of Intermittent Fasting to Enhance Pleasure from FoodIntermittent fasting, especially longer fasts, can reset our pleasure response system to food, making us enjoy it more and reducing overall need.

      Our bodies have a pleasure response system, which is activated by various substances like sugar, alcohol, and drugs. Over time, this system can become saturated, leading us to need more and more of these substances to achieve the same pleasure. This is similar to what happens with obese individuals and their relationship with food. A powerful way to reset this system and enhance the pleasure we get from food is through intermittent fasting, particularly longer fasts of 48 hours or more. These fasts can help us feel the dopamine effects more quickly and intensely, allowing us to enjoy our food more and reduce our overall need for it. The frequency and duration of fasting can vary based on individual goals and needs, with options ranging from daily intermittent fasting to weekly longer fasts. When reintroducing food after a fast, it's essential to focus on nutrient-dense foods, including adequate protein, to support the body's recovery and maintenance.

    • Balancing Good Fats, Protein, and Microbiome Foods for Effective Intermittent FastingTo maximize the benefits of intermittent fasting, incorporate good fats, adequate protein, and microbiome-supporting foods like polyphenols, probiotics, and prebiotics. Practice detoxification methods to support the body's elimination of toxins.

      For effective and continued healing through intermittent fasting, it's essential to incorporate a balance of good fats, adequate protein, and polyphenol, probiotic, and prebiotic foods. These elements work together to keep the hunger hormone at bay, support muscle growth, and maintain a healthy microbiome. It's important to note that not everyone should fast, especially individuals with eating disorders, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. When fasting, it's crucial to ensure the body's detoxification pathways are open through practices like dry brushing, infrared saunas, sweating, and maintaining regular bowel movements. This holistic approach to fasting supports the body in effectively processing and eliminating toxins.

    • Supporting natural detoxification through lifestyle changesWomen over 40 can improve hormonal health by prioritizing lifestyle changes, including intermittent fasting, balancing carbs, increasing protein, repairing the microbiome, practicing mindfulness, and using fluids and electrolytes during fasting.

      Making simple lifestyle changes can significantly support the body's natural detoxification process. This includes drinking plenty of fluids, using electrolytes, and consuming essential amino acids during fasting. For women over 40, it's crucial to prioritize lifestyle changes as hormonal decline sets in. Recommended practices include intermittent fasting, balancing carb intake, increasing protein consumption, repairing the microbiome, and practicing mindfulness. These steps can be more effective than relying solely on hormone therapy, but they must be paired with a commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The use of amino acids during fasting is a topic of ongoing debate, as it's unclear if they may hinder autophagy. Regardless, the importance of addressing lifestyle factors first cannot be overstated.

    • Optimizing Hormonal Health: Beyond Hormone ProductionFocus on hormone breakdown, liver function, and detoxification for optimal hormonal health. Understand hormonal cycle, fast, vary foods, improve microbiome, detox, and slow down for better hormonal health.

      Addressing hormonal issues goes beyond just focusing on hormone production. It's essential to consider the breakdown of hormones, the liver's function, and detoxification for optimal hormonal health. These steps are crucial regardless of whether one chooses hormone replacement therapy or not. For women looking to improve their hormonal health, the first step is understanding their hormonal cycle and getting to know the unique "personalities" of different hormones. Then, they should focus on fasting, varying their foods, improving their microbiome, detoxing, and slowing down. This holistic approach can help women navigate their hormonal health journey and may reduce the need for hormone therapies. Additionally, it's important to remember that hormonal health is a community effort, and supporting each other can lead to better overall health.

    • Empowering Women's Health Through Community and Comprehensive TestingCommunity-based approach, holistic healthcare, and comprehensive hormonal testing can help women understand their hormonal health, make informed choices, and reclaim power in their healthcare experiences.

      Women's health and wellness can greatly benefit from a community-based approach, where we learn from each other, share experiences, and collaborate with healthcare providers. The current medical system often focuses on absolutes and linear solutions, neglecting the complexities of women's hormonal regulation. A more feminine approach to healthcare, which integrates our natural cycles and encourages education and collaboration, can help bridge this gap. Hormonal testing plays a crucial role in understanding our hormonal health. While blood tests are commonly used, the Dutch test, which measures hormone metabolites in urine, offers more comprehensive insights into estrogen levels and how they're breaking down. This information can empower women to make lifestyle choices that support their hormonal health. In summary, building a supportive community, adopting a more holistic approach to healthcare, and utilizing comprehensive hormonal testing can help women navigate their unique health journeys and reclaim their power in their healthcare experiences.

    • Understanding hormonal health with the Dutch testThe Dutch test offers a comprehensive evaluation of hormonal health, revealing imbalances and underlying causes through various supporting factors and personalized lifestyle interventions.

      The Dutch test is a more functional and comprehensive hormone test compared to regular panels offered by doctors. It provides a broader picture of hormonal health by evaluating various supporting factors like the adrenals, liver, and methylation pathways. The Dutch test measures different kinds of sex hormones and cortisol patterns, revealing valuable insights into hormonal imbalances and their underlying causes. Lifestyle plays a significant role in optimizing women's health, and the Dutch test results can guide personalized interventions, including nutrition, stress management, detox, and fasting. These simple yet effective strategies can help improve hormonal balance, slow down the aging process, and address chronic health issues. Ultimately, the Dutch test and its accompanying lifestyle recommendations empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being.

    • Lifestyle factors significantly impact women's hormonal healthEmpower yourself to improve hormonal health through lifestyle changes, supplements, and sometimes bioidentical hormones, as emphasized by Dr. Mindy Pelz.

      Women's health, particularly hormonal health, is deeply connected to lifestyle factors. Dr. Mindy Pelz emphasized this during the discussion, sharing stories of women who have experienced various hormonal issues and the significant impact that lifestyle changes have had on their health. From thyroid medication and menopause to depression and anxiety, simple practices can make a huge difference. Unfortunately, the healthcare system often overlooks this connection, leading to unnecessary suffering. Dr. Pelz's work, as seen in her book "Fast Like a Girl," and her podcast, "The Resetter," aims to empower women to take charge of their hormonal health through lifestyle changes, supplements, and sometimes bioidentical hormones. The importance of hormonal literacy and understanding the power of lifestyle cannot be overstated, especially considering the high rate of suicide among women aged 45 to 55. To learn more about Dr. Pelz's work and resources, visit her website, Instagram, or podcast.

    • Exploring Health Topics with a Functional Medicine PerspectiveThis podcast offers valuable insights on various health topics from a functional medicine perspective. While it's informative, it doesn't replace professional medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

      While this podcast provides educational information on various health topics, it does not replace professional medical advice. The opinions expressed are the host's own and not endorsed by any affiliated organizations. It's crucial to consult a medical practitioner for personalized help and guidance in your health journey. The podcast is free to access as part of the host's mission to make health improvement resources accessible to the public. Sponsors play a role in making this possible. Remember, your health is valuable, and having a qualified healthcare professional to guide you is essential. For those seeking a functional medicine practitioner, visit ifm.org to find one near you. Always prioritize your wellbeing and seek professional care when needed.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

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    The Hidden Cause of Your PMS and How to Fix It Fast
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    Ditch Dairy Now: The Surprising Science
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    How Intermittent Fasting Works for Women – Cynthia Thurlow, NP : 919

    How Intermittent Fasting Works for Women – Cynthia Thurlow, NP : 919


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    • You’ll learn about the science-based benefits of intermittent fasting for women, especially during midlife.
    • You’ll get details about intermittent fasting advantages for women like how to gain hormonal stability and metabolic health, and how to improve your energy.
    • You’ll get practical intermittent fasting how-tos, nutritional guidelines, carb cycling recommendations, food lists, and recipes to try during your feeding window.

    Cynthia Thurlow joins the show to talk about how intermittent fasting can help women change their body, metabolic system and brain function. She has tips for women at all stages: from active menstrual cycles to perimenopause to menopause.

    Cynthia is a Johns Hopkins-trained nurse practitioner and functional nutritionist founded and serves as CEO of Everyday Wellness Project. She holds a Master of Science degree in Nursing and Functional Nutrition certifications with advanced trainings in Endocrinology and Gastroenterology. Her career in healthcare includes nearly 20 years of emergency medicine and cardiology experience. She brings a broad perspective when working with women to improve the state of their health. 

    “I really start from a foundational level talking to women about fasting,” Cynthia says. “It's really honoring our own unique physiology. It's leaning into that menstrual cycle. It's leaning into the lifestyle piece that so much of us forget to talk about with our patients, our sleep quality, stress management, anti-inflammatory nutrition, our exercise quality, our connection with nature, all of which are critically important.”

    She also addresses diet dogma that frustratingly persists, even with established and emerging science about the benefits of intermittent fasting.

    She tackles this outdated dogma (and a lot more!) in her new book, “Intermittent Fasting Transformation: The 45-Day Program for Women to Lose Stubborn Weight, Improve Hormonal Health, and Slow Aging.”

    “[Intermittent fasting] restores our intrinsic rhythms, burns fat, regenerates our health right down to the cellular level, and stabilizes our hormones,” Cynthia says in her book. “In turn, we are less likely to develop obesity, diabetes, vascular diseases, and autoimmune disorders.”

    At the end of this conversation, you’ll have the tools to decide if intermittent fasting is the right choice for the state of your own health. 

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    How Fasting Can Support Hormones, Muscle, And Heal The Body

    How Fasting Can Support Hormones, Muscle, And Heal The Body
    There’s been a lot of recent discussion around fasting, and for good reason. But one thing that often slips through the cracks is the differences between men and women, and why women need to take a specific approach to fasting that honors their hormones. You may have heard the recent buzz around fasting and a controversial headline associating it with cardiovascular death (which was not peer-reviewed, by the way). So today, I’m resharing this popular episode with holistic health expert Dr. Mindy Pelz to shed light on what we really know about the safety of fasting, and the dos and don’ts, particularly for women. We discuss: Will time-restricted eating kill you? Deciphering recent headlines Two major issues happening for women: Understanding hormone cycles and an evolutionary mismatch  Mindy’s expert approach to managing hormones through fasting  Three rules for successfully reintroducing foods  Who should avoid fasting? Tips for women over 40 that aren’t being talked about  The best way to get a handle on hormone testing Fasting can be an incredibly healing practice, but it’s got to be done the right way—especially for women! Learn how to fast while supporting hormonal balance, and so much more, in this episode with Dr. Mindy Pelz.  This episode is brought to you by LMNT, BIOptimizers, Thrive Market, and Happy Egg. LMNT is giving listeners a FREE eight-count sample pack of their vital electrolyte drink mix with any purchase. Just visit DrinkLMNT.com/Hyman today. Tackle an overlooked root cause of stress with Magnesium Breakthrough. Visit bioptimizers.com/hyman and use code HYMAN10 to save 10%. Head over to thrivemarket.com/Hyman today to received 30% off your first order and a free gift up to $60. Shopping for better eggs shouldn’t be confusing. Look for the yellow carton at your local grocery store or visit happyegg.com/farmacy to find Happy Egg near you.