
    How Hormones and Menopause Impact on Women with ADHD - Adele Wimsett

    enAugust 20, 2024
    How do estrogen and progesterone affect women's mood?
    What lifestyle choices support an ADHD-friendly environment?
    Why are hormone assessments important for women with ADHD?
    What role does progesterone play in nervous system health?
    How can hormonal fluctuations impact overall well-being?

    Podcast Summary

    • Women's hormonesUnderstanding the impact of women's hormones on mood and health and making lifestyle choices to support balance can lead to improved overall well-being.

      Women's hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, significantly impact their mood and overall health, yet they are often overlooked or misunderstood. These hormones follow a cyclical pattern throughout the month and play crucial roles in various bodily functions, including cognitive function and mood balance. Unfortunately, common health practices, such as consistent aggressive fasting and certain diets, can negatively affect women's hormones. Additionally, the body prioritizes stress hormones cortisol and insulin over estrogen and progesterone, making it essential to maintain a balance of these hormones. Understanding the role of hormones and their impact on women's health can lead to making lifestyle choices that support an "ADHD-friendly" lifestyle, ultimately improving overall well-being.

    • Women's hormones and ADHDWomen's hormonal cycles significantly impact their cognitive function, mood, and ADHD symptoms. Estrogen boosts abilities, but drops can lead to mood swings, irritability, and decreased focus. Menopause also plays a role. Lack of research and awareness can result in late diagnoses and inadequate treatment.

      Women's hormonal cycles significantly impact their cognitive function, mood, and ADHD symptoms. Estrogen, often referred to as the "yes hormone," boosts women's cognitive abilities and makes them feel more confident and capable. However, when estrogen levels drop during menstruation, women may experience mood swings, irritability, and decreased focus, which can be mistakenly attributed to their ADHD. The menopause, a distinct hormonal shift in women's lives, also plays a role in ADHD symptoms. Women's hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives, including during menopause, can make it challenging for them to manage their ADHD symptoms consistently. Furthermore, there is a lack of research and awareness regarding the gender bias in understanding and diagnosing ADHD in women, which can result in late diagnoses and inadequate treatment. It is essential to acknowledge the hormonal cycle's influence on women's ADHD symptoms and raise awareness of the unique challenges women face in managing their condition. This can help reduce the stigma surrounding women's experiences with ADHD and lead to more effective treatment and support.

    • Hormonal fluctuations and ADHD in womenUnderstanding hormonal fluctuations and their impact on ADHD traits in women can lead to significant improvements in managing symptoms and overall well-being through tracking cycles, adapting lifestyles, and seeking professional help when needed, especially for individualized hormone assessments

      Understanding the connection between hormonal fluctuations and ADHD traits in women can lead to significant improvements in managing symptoms and overall well-being. By tracking hormonal cycles and adapting lifestyles accordingly, women can create an ADHD-friendly environment that supports their unique physiology. Progesterone, a hormone often overlooked, plays a crucial role in calming the nervous system and protecting nerve health. However, some women with ADHD may react differently to synthetic progestins, highlighting the importance of individualized hormone assessments. Lastly, many women tolerate feeling unwell for extended periods, unaware of potential hormone deficiencies. Encouraging women to prioritize their health and seek professional help when needed can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    • Hormonal management for women with ADHDStarting the day with protein and checking in during the afternoon can help manage hormonal imbalances and prevent energy crashes for women with ADHD. Body-identical hormones may also benefit mental health, but individualized support is crucial.

      There are natural ways to manage hormones for women with ADHD, beyond relying on medication. The discussion highlighted the importance of addressing hormonal imbalances related to adrenal function and blood sugar regulation. Starting the day with adequate protein intake can support both the adrenals and blood sugar levels, potentially preventing energy crashes. Additionally, taking a conscious check-in during the afternoon can help women become more aware of their feelings and prevent a crash. The conversation also touched upon the potential benefits of using body-identical hormones for women's mental health, emphasizing the importance of individualized support and a strong foundation of wellness.

    • Self-care and hormonal needsChecking in with ourselves, staying hydrated, and organizing supplements can help manage ADHD and hormonal fluctuations. Open communication about hormonal needs and cycles can lead to greater understanding and support in relationships.

      Self-care and understanding our body's needs are essential for managing ADHD and hormonal fluctuations. Simple practices like checking in with ourselves, staying hydrated, and organizing supplements can make a big difference. Hormonal cycles, particularly in women, can significantly impact ADHD symptoms, and open communication about hormonal needs and cycles can lead to greater understanding and support in relationships. Additionally, hormonal changes during puberty and menopause can further complicate ADHD management, highlighting the importance of ongoing self-care and awareness.

    • Hormonal impact on ADHD in womenHormonal changes can significantly impact ADHD symptoms in women, leading to confusion, fear, and self-doubt. More research and dialogue are needed to help women better understand their experiences and seek appropriate support.

      Women and girls experience unique challenges when it comes to understanding and managing ADHD due to the intersection of hormonal changes and societal expectations. The lack of knowledge and awareness around this issue can lead to feelings of confusion, fear, and self-doubt. The speaker's personal experience of being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and the impact of hormonal changes on her symptoms underscores the importance of education and open conversations around these topics. The speaker emphasizes the need for more research and dialogue to help women better understand their experiences and empower them to seek appropriate support. The lack of recognition of the link between hormones and ADHD is a significant injustice that needs to be addressed.

    • Women's hormones and healthcareWomen's unique hormonal needs are often overlooked in healthcare, with practices like fasting and restrictive diets potentially harmful. Evidence-based approaches and normalizing conversations can help promote understanding and better health outcomes.

      Women's hormones play a significant role in their response to medication and overall health, yet this area is still under-researched and misunderstood. Women are often subjected to a "male model of healthcare" that may not suit their unique needs. Some common practices, such as fasting and restrictive diets, can be detrimental to women's hormonal balance. It's essential to consider evidence-based approaches specific to menstruating women before adopting new health practices. Additionally, environmental factors like toxins and substances can negatively impact hormonal balance. Normalizing conversations around women's cycles and supporting each other through different phases can help reduce shame and promote understanding. One practical step women can take is to download a free resource from the speaker's website, which includes a letter to share with healthcare providers explaining the role of hormones in ADHD and potential HRT options. Ultimately, women should advocate for their own health and well-being, and prioritize evidence-based, feminine models of healthcare.

    • Life-changing momentsExperiencing a life-changing moment can lead to a profound shift in perspective and ultimately, a decision to move on, inspiring growth and new opportunities

      Experiencing a life-changing moment, whether it brings feelings of amazement and terror or a deep sense of knowing, can lead to a profound shift in perspective and ultimately, a decision to move on. Adele's story illustrates this perfectly. After her experience, she felt a mix of emotions but ultimately knew that it was time for her to make a change. This experience sent her into a hyper-focused state, giving her the clarity and confidence to make a decision and move forward. It's important to recognize that these moments, no matter how scary or uncertain they may seem, can be truly inspiring and lead to growth and new opportunities.

    Recent Episodes from ADHD Chatter

    ‘Making friends was always IMPOSSIBLE’ - Parul Singh details late AuDHD diagnosis

    ‘Making friends was always IMPOSSIBLE’ - Parul Singh details late AuDHD diagnosis

    Parul Singh opens up about her late ADHD & autism diagnosis. It’s insightful, hilarious and very relatable. Thank you Parul for sharing your incredible story with us.

    00:00 Trailer

    02:48 When was your first memory of feeling like you might have ADHD?

    11:45 And since you were last on, you were diagnosed with Autism too, so the second part of the question. When was your first memory of feeling like you have autistic traits? 

    20:36 How do you find Autism manifests itself in your social and professional life? 

    24:16 We had Jay Beech on the show who also has AuDHD and he said that the ADHD brain and the Autism brain are like 2 siblings pulling each other by the hair and dragging each other across the room, is this true for you?

    25:53 Has this more recent diagnosis made a lot of sense of previous struggles you've had in the past?

    30:55 Since your diagnosis, have you found your tribe?

    33:25 Has your diagnosis made sense to those closest to you?

    36:26 How do you communicate the everyday struggles of being AuDHD to those around you, those people by which your relationship relies heavily on your strength to communicate things to them. i.e friends, family and partner? 

    44:47 ‘Pebbling’ explained

    46:08 In general, do you find it hard to draw out empathy from a person who has a brain that just thinks in a totally different way?

    50:16 What part does "Stockholm Syndrome" play in this? And can you briefly explain what Stockholm syndrome is?

    53:00 How much of your AuDHD do you think might be caused by complex PTSD?

    56:46 The ADHD Item segment

    01:00:19 The ADHD Agony Aunt segment (Washing Machine of Woes)

    01:02:31 What is the difference between a shutdown and a meltdown? And why might one occur over the other?

    01:11:35 How have you learnt to harness both your ADHD and Autism to become a successful individual? 

    01:13:32 Does your ADHD ever mask your Autism or vice versa?

    01:14:28 What is your relationship with alcohol like at the moment and how has that journey been over the years? 

    01:16:10 The Alien scenario

    01:18:41 Most impulsive thing

    01:21:01 Signing the ‘thinks outside the box’ canvas

    Find Parul on Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/parul-parallel-minds/

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    ADHD and Narcissism: The Hidden Link You NEED To Know! - Dr Mark Rackley

    ADHD and Narcissism: The Hidden Link You NEED To Know! - Dr Mark Rackley

    Alex chats with leading psychologist, Dr Mark Rackley.

    Expect to learn the signs you're dating a narcissist, the similarities between ADHD and narcissism, and so much more.


    00:00 Trailer

    02:28 A broad question and not yet ADHD specific, but, what is a narcissist and is there a difference between a narcissist and someone with NPD?

    06:48 Why do you think narcissism is such a big topic in the world at the moment?

    08:27 Is genuine Narcissism or NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder for audience members) common and if so, why do you think that is?

    10:10 What does a narcissist need to "survive" and what is it they’re looking for in life (and what are they looking for from people around them)?

    14:20 How does a narcissist prey on someone and what sort of people are they looking to exploit?

    16:30 Is covert narcissism different to the more mainstream narcissism we hear about and why is it particularly dangerous?

    18:21 Are narcissists afraid of being alone and what - in general terms - do you think a narcissist thinks of when they are left alone?

    20:00 What might the general timeline be for someone dating a narcissist and that dating turning into a serious relationship i.e how might narcissism show itself gradually in a romantic relationship?

    22:04 What tricks does a narcissist use to keep you on their hook if they see you as part of their "narcissistic supply”?

    24:05 ADHD Item

    27:06 Washing machine of woes

    33:09 Do narcissists know they’re narcissists?

    34:24 At what point would a narcissist begin to become self-aware that they might indeed have a problem?

    36:39 I need to voice some worries of my own! I’m on camera, I think I share some of the traits we've been talking about. I don't like being alone. I need praise to rid me of my RSD….do you think I’m a narcissist? How can I tell?!

    39:48 How can I be sure that my traits are just ADHD and not narcissism?

    43:09 Are there any other similarities someone with ADHD might have that are typical of a Narcissist, but might not be narcissism?

    45:07 If someone has an ADHD partner and they are trying to figure out if it's ADHD, or if there is something more sinister at play, what steps can they take to help try to figure it out?

    47:51 Is there a known cause for narcissism and if not, what do you think might be a factor that perpetuates it?

    49:18 How to spot a narcissist

    53:21 Can you ever change a narcissist and is it worth trying?

    54:05 Can narcissists be successful professionally?

    57:33 Successful narcissists aside, with the lower rungs of narcissism and perhaps the majority of the narcissistic population that aren't particularly high-functioning CEOs, what can that look like? Or to put it another way, what does the "everyday narcissist" look like?

    59:40 Is social media causing narcissism, or is it just the perfect tool for someone who already is a narcissist?

    Follow Dr Mark on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmarkrackley/

    Listen to Dr Mark's podcast 👉 https://open.spotify.com/show/2pQcITHSlR5qNUagV0jEgX

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    “I won’t be BULLIED anymore!” - Shappi Khorsandi explores late ADHD diagnosis

    “I won’t be BULLIED anymore!” - Shappi Khorsandi explores late ADHD diagnosis

    Shappi Khorsandi explores late ADHD diagnosis and shares many lessons she’s learnt. This episode is painfully relatable, but also full of hope, humour and insight.

    Shappi is a comedian, author, speaker and advocate for human rights.

    00:00 Trailer 

    02:48 When was your earliest memory of feeling different?

    10:30 You were diagnosed at 47? Why did it take so long for you to receive a diagnosis?

    14:28 What clicked into place when you heard the words "You have ADHD"?

    26:44 You have a great analogy about Tarzan and ADHD, can you explain this for our audience?

    33:05 Being diagnosed with ADHD and being a comedian - the creative comedy mind of which is constantly flipping from thought to thought (and I'm sure the two go hand in hand) - but how did this fluid nature of the way the brain works serve in holding down jobs & relationships?

    47:52 Moving around a lot when you were younger, changing country, feeling "foreign", facing racism, having ADHD, being shy, that's a lot to deal with for someone who is likely to be emotionally sensitive? What do you think the most testing part of your life has been as far as RSD is concerned?

    53:21 What did/do your parents think about ADHD and everything that it entails?

    57:30 The ‘ADHD item’ segment 

    01:03:26 Washing machine of woes 

    01:09:01 A very personal question and one you don't have to answer of course, but what is the process of a relationship coming to an end and then the subsequent divorce like for the chaotic mind of someone with ADHD?

    01:14:33 Do you think that everything you've been through - including your late diagnosis - has helped you build your career?

    01:17:41 Where would you be in life without your sense of humour and what purpose does your sense of humour serve in softening the blow of everything we've spoken about already!

    01:19:35 A wedding day story 

    01:23:14 Being very much an outsider through Neurodivergent means and, back when you came to the UK, feeling like an outsider through race too, do you have an explanation in a nutshell that might best describe how ostracised a person would feel, and did feel, in that scenario?

    01:27:04 Most impulsive thing 

    01:31:37 Closing questions & signing the ‘thinks outside the box’ canvas 

    Buy Shappi's book 👉 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Scatter-Brain-finally-rollercoaster-became/dp/1785044206/

    Visit Shappi's website for tour tickets 👉 https://shappi.co.uk

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enAugust 26, 2024

    How Hormones and Menopause Impact on Women with ADHD - Adele Wimsett

    How Hormones and Menopause Impact on Women with ADHD - Adele Wimsett

    Adele specialises in supporting women to balance their hormones naturally. As a woman diagnosed at 41 with ADHD, Adele has a specialist interest in supporting girls & women with how their hormones affect their (un)diagnosed ADHD traits.

    00:00 Trailer

    01:41 Can you explain to us men what the hormones and chemicals at play are in a woman, with a focus on the ones that most prominently affect their mood?

    02:50 What is the "hormone hierarchy"?

    04:08 In our pre-chat, you said you had nicknames for the hormones, like "The Beyonce of the hormone world", what does this mean and what other nicknames do you have?

    05:30 Are there fundamental differences in the Sexes, their mood and what might these be?

    07:24 Firstly, for the uninitiated, what exactly is menopause? And is menopause particularly challenging for someone with ADHD?

    08:58 Do you think there are fundamental differences then in the way each sex exhibits symptoms of ADHD?

    10:15 What do you think can be done about this gender bias?

    11:06 The female hormone cycle and the impact it must have on their mood must be confusing at the best of times, what do you think are the most common confusions that a chemical explanation might help in their understanding of oneself?

    13:32 What does an ‘ADHD friendly’ lifestyle look like?

    15:16 What is the "Hormone MOT"?

    16:05 How does progesterone impact a person's nervous system and what effects can this have on a person's mental and physical wellbeing?

    17:53 Can people go on living their day-to-day not even realising they may be in a hormone deficiency?

    19:08 ADHD Item

    20:09 Washing Machine of Woes

    23:21 How can women naturally balance their hormones as opposed to taking medication to do so?

    25:13 Why do you think we love supplements so much and what are your thoughts on medication or supplements?

    26:08 For a man who is struggling to understand their partner's hormone cycle, what's the best bit of advice you can give them?

    29:43 Could you briefly explain the changing hormones of a young woman and onwards into post-menopause and how this might have an impact on an ADHD person psychologically?

    31:27 What is your own personal ADHD diagnosis story and how did a diagnosis help you understand yourself?

    34:58 Do you think being self aware of all of this science behind our moods is ultimately a good thing or is ignorance, to some extent, bliss?

    38:54 How to explain menstruation to a child in an age appropriate way?

    Visit Adele's website 👉 https://harmoniseyou.co.uk

    FInd ADHD Chatter on social media

    Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/adhd_chatter_podcast/?hl=en

    TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@adhd_chatter_podcast?lang=en

    Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-partridge-9b589480/

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enAugust 20, 2024

    The Ultimate Guide to Dating For People with ADHD & Autism, "Hate small talk? Try these first date ideas instead!' - Jamie Johnston

    The Ultimate Guide to Dating For People with ADHD & Autism, "Hate small talk? Try these first date ideas instead!' - Jamie Johnston

    Jamie Johnston is the founder of Mattr, the first neurodivergent-friendly dating app. Jamie is also AuDHD. This makes him the most knowledgable person in the world to speak to about neurodivergent dating.

    Expect to learn solutions to the common themes that crop up around ADHD and dating, what men look for in an ADHD partner, if people with ADHD have a 'type', how to manage pre-date overwhelm, how dating apps are manipulating your brain, and so much more!

    00:00 Trailer

    01:40 When was your first memory of feeling different? 

    05:44 Do you see a common theme crop up when it comes to difficulties revolving around ADHD, Dating and friendship? 

    07:01 What do you think ADHD or AuDHD people look for in a partner? Is there a "type" they go for?

    09:09 where does your dating app differ from the more commonly known ones?

    13:48 Talk us through what happens to the ADHD brain when using dating apps.

    16:14 Talk us through what happens to the ADHD brain just before a first date with someone and why that can be addictive.

    17:40 Do modern dating apps cause a lot of self-esteem issues within an ADHD brain? 

    20:37 How are dating apps designed to keep us engaged and why is that particularly bad for someone with ADHD? 

    22:53 How do you think dating changed pre and post technology and why do so many relationships seem to fizzle out fast? 

    24:46 Your ADHD Item

    27:19 Washing machine of woes

    31:50 Do you think, from your experience, that Neurodivergents are more compatible, or at the very least, drawn to one another? 

    35:24 What do you think dating would be like for a Neurodivergent person who doesn’t know they are neurodivergent, is there a blind spot there? (I.e, does it help to know in the dating world if you have ADHD)

    38:13 What has market research told you about the common struggles of a neurodivergent looking for love? 

    44:20 What is an ideal first date location for a neurodivergent person

    49:02 What do you think guys are looking for in a partner? ADHD or otherwise?

    52:57 Do you have a message of hope for those single neurodivergents looking for love? 

    53:43 What do men tend to look for in a woman online from their dating profiles?

    56:06 Top mistakes women make on their dating profiles

    57:38 First date red flags that could suggest narcissism

    58:43 RSD and dating, how are they interlinked? 

    01:00:34 Celibacy, dating apps and the dopamine of an ADHDer. Is someone with ADHD more inclined to get distracted?

    01:03:48 Is alcohol on a first date a good idea for someone with ADHD?

    01:06:48 Do you think Ghosting and ADHD have a relationship? 

    Visit the Mattr website 👉 https://www.mattr.social

    Download Mattr 👉 https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/mattr-date-different/id6444309024?mt=8&shortlink=xr3hk6i8&c=mattr_website&pid=QR_code&af_xp=qr&source_caller=ui

    Visit Jamie's LinkedIn 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiejohnston9033/

    FInd ADHD Chatter on social media

    Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/adhd_chatter_podcast/?hl=en

    TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@adhd_chatter_podcast?lang=en

    Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-partridge-9b589480/

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enAugust 12, 2024

    Bitesize | No.1 Psychologist Shares Proven Method To Stop Overcompensating & Build Self Belief

    Bitesize | No.1 Psychologist Shares Proven Method To Stop Overcompensating & Build Self Belief
    Jo Perkins is a Psychologist, Speaker, Optimisation and Neurodiversity Expert who applies the science of Psychology in all her work. In this bitesize clip, Dr. Jo explains why people with ADHD struggle with 'overcompensating', how we can manage it, and how we can all increase our self belief and beat imposter syndrome.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enAugust 09, 2024