
    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    enJune 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Mental health, boredomMental health is a challenge for youth, CA trains wellness coaches, businesses innovate, boredom is universal, people endure shocks to avoid it, address challenges for individuals and society

      Mental health is a significant challenge for nearly half of our youth, but California is addressing this issue by training certified wellness coaches to help young people improve their mental health and well-being. Meanwhile, businesses, big and small, are leveraging innovative technologies to streamline their operations and enhance customer experiences. However, even the most innovative solutions may not be enough to combat a universal human experience - boredom. Research shows that people are willing to endure electric shocks to avoid feeling bored, highlighting the importance of finding ways to engage and stimulate individuals during moments of idleness. Whether it's through mental health coaching, business innovation, or personal creativity, addressing these challenges is crucial for individuals and society as a whole. To learn more about California's wellness coaching program, visit cawellnesscoach.org. For businesses looking to innovate, explore T Mobile for Business at tmobile.com/now. And for those seeking to conquer boredom, join the podcast season on happiness challenges at your favorite podcast platform.

    • Boredom environment influenceOur perception of boredom is influenced by both internal mindset and external factors like environment, and understanding this can help us navigate and potentially benefit from it.

      Our perception of boredom is not only influenced by our internal mindset but also by external factors such as our environment. Historically, boredom as we know it is a relatively recent phenomenon, with the first recorded mention being in the 19th century by Charles Dickens. Our susceptibility to boredom can be measured by a boredom proneness scale, and our environment can exacerbate feelings of boredom through factors like slow-moving clocks or distracting background noise. Despite whether the boredom is real or induced, it can be draining and demotivating. The good news is that understanding the science of the mind can help us navigate and even embrace boredom, potentially leading us to important benefits and happiness.

    • Embracing BoredomEmbracing boredom can lead to relaxation, creativity, and happiness, but in today's world, many struggle to get past the initial discomfort. Coaches can help young people learn to embrace boredom and find joy in the present moment.

      Our constant efforts to avoid boredom through busy schedules, unhealthy behaviors, and technology use may be doing more harm than good. Boredom, though often seen as a negative emotion, can lead to relaxation, creativity, and even happiness if we allow ourselves to experience it. However, in today's fast-paced, stimulus-filled world, many people struggle to get past the initial discomfort of boredom. This issue is particularly prevalent among young people, who are dealing with increased mental health challenges. Certified wellness coaches, as part of a new workforce, can help young people develop skills to improve their mental health and well-being, including learning to embrace boredom and find joy in the present moment.

    • Effects of mind wandering on happinessMind wandering can lead to both positive and negative effects on happiness depending on the type of thoughts that arise. Engaging in mind wandering during monotonous tasks can increase happiness, while mind wandering that leads to negative thoughts can decrease happiness.

      Mind wandering, or allowing your mind to wander freely, can have both positive and negative effects on happiness. While some studies suggest that mind wandering can lead to unhappiness, neuroscientist Jonathan Schooler's research found that engaging in mind wandering during a monotonous task can actually insulate individuals against boredom and increase their happiness. However, the type of thoughts that arise during mind wandering is crucial. Mind wandering that leads to worrying or negative thoughts can actually decrease happiness, while mind wandering that involves interesting and positive thoughts can increase happiness. Additionally, companies like Apple and T-Mobile are innovating to enhance customer experiences through technology, such as offering cash back rewards and improving communication for ground staff. Apple Card offers daily cash back and a savings account with a high yield, while T-Mobile for Business is partnering with Delta to provide 5G technology to ground staff for better real-time assistance.

    • Mind wanderingMind wandering, or daydreaming, can lead to creative insights and epiphanies as it engages our default mode network, responsible for intelligent cognitive functions such as creativity and mental time travel.

      Mind wandering, often associated with boredom, may not be as detrimental to well-being as previously thought. In fact, it could lead to creative insights and epiphanies. This is because when our minds wander, we are engaging our default mode network, which is responsible for our most intelligent cognitive functions such as making sense of others, thinking creatively, and mental time travel. Archimedes' discovery of the crown's true composition and J.R.R. Tolkien's creation of the Hobbit are just two famous examples of the power of boredom-induced mind wandering. Researchers have even found that people are more likely to have creative ideas when they're not actively working on a problem, but instead, letting their minds wander during mundane tasks. So, the next time you find yourself bored or daydreaming, embrace it, as it might just lead to your next big idea.

    • Mind Wandering and CreativityTaking breaks for mind wandering can boost creativity, as shown by a study where people came up with 5x more creative ideas after letting their minds wander. It's especially beneficial for complex problems and mental well-being.

      Taking breaks for mind wandering can significantly enhance creativity. A study found that people who were given a chance to let their minds wander came up with ideas that were nearly five times more creative than those who didn't have such a break. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex problems that require innovative solutions. Additionally, the importance of mental health, especially among young people, cannot be overstated. California is addressing this issue by training and certifying wellness coaches to provide preventative and early intervention services. As for businesses, offering quality benefits to employees not only keeps them happy and productive but also helps companies stay competitive. Lastly, embracing boredom and practicing mind wandering for a few minutes each day can lead to increased creativity and improved mental well-being.

    • Boredom and CreativityEmbracing boredom and practicing mindfulness can lead to creative discoveries and potential breakthroughs. Try open mind monitoring meditation and prepare a list of engaging topics to prevent negative thoughts during boredom.

      Embracing boredom and practicing mindfulness can lead to creative discoveries and potential breakthroughs. Neuroscientist Jonathan Schooler suggests trying open mind monitoring meditation to observe thoughts without attachment and prepare a list of engaging topics to prevent negative thoughts. Our constant use of smartphones during idle moments might hinder the discovery process, as seen in the case of mathematician Poincaré. Our aversion to boredom could limit our species' development. My mom reminded me of my past creative pursuits during boredom, and I've come to appreciate the value of boredom in fostering imagination and creativity. We should start treating bored activities as a luxury and an opportunity for our minds to explore new ideas.

    • Embracing boredom, change and new ideasExploring new topics, letting mind wander, mental health support for youth, prioritizing employee needs, and recognizing innovators can lead to personal growth, improved mental health, and a happier, more productive workforce

      Embracing boredom can lead to personal growth and improved mental health. Adult Laurie, from The Happiness Lab, plans to do this by exploring new topics and letting her mind wander during her daily walks. Meanwhile, California is addressing the mental health challenges faced by nearly half of its youth by training and certifying wellness coaches to help children and adolescents build essential skills for better mental well-being. For businesses, prioritizing employee needs and offering quality benefits can lead to a happier and more productive workforce. T-Mobile is also recognizing innovators who challenge industry norms through its Unconventional Awards. In summary, whether it's through personal growth, mental health support for youth, or business competitiveness, embracing change and new ideas can lead to positive outcomes.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    Awe reduces stress, helps us forget our minor worries and makes us feel more connected to the people around us. We all need more awe in our lives - but surely it's not that easy to find awesome experiences on your average Tuesday?

    Actor Tony Hale explains how everyday awe helps ease his anxieties, while UC Berkeley's Dacher Keltner shows us how to find awe in music, art, scenery... even in a walk around our block. And Dr Laurie explores the things that give her a sense of awe with the help of Mike Menzel - who built a space telescope that lets us see billions of years into the past.  

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    How to Tame Stress

    How to Tame Stress

    Dr Laurie is stressed, and it's harming her health. Constant worry and stress is bad for our bodies and our minds, but how can we break the cycle and relax? It turns out scientists have learned a lot from one of America's most stressed-out communities - caregivers.  

    Hollywood star Steve Guttenberg talks about the toughest chapter of his life - caring for his dying dad - and Dr Elissa Epel explains why some caregivers suffer badly from stress, while others seem to find ways to live with the awful situation they find themselves in daily.  

    Further reading:

    Steve Guttenberg - Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.

    Dr Elissa Epel - The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease

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    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    Dr Laurie HATES boredom! Since childhood she's found it so painful that she'll do anything to avoid being bored. She'll watch crappy TV. She'll find extra work to do. She'll snack. But boredom is actually an incredibly useful tool to boost our happiness and creativity.  

    With the help of leading boredom experts, Dr Laurie learns how to embrace doing nothing and finds that in the midst of tedium our brains can come up with the most amazing breakthrough ideas. 

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    How to Fight Perfectionism

    How to Fight Perfectionism

    Holding yourself to impossibly high standards is self-defeating and makes for a miserable life. Can Dr Laurie Santos find ways to tackle her constant perfectionism so she can perform better and have more fun? 

    She hears from researcher Thomas Curran about a worrying growth in perfectionism in society, and asks "recovering perfectionist" Jordana Confino how to tackle the nagging voice in your head telling you to always push yourself and work harder.  

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    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    Sometimes the happiness teacher flunks her own class. In a deeply personal new season, Dr Laurie Santos opens up about the things she really, really struggles with. Things like crippling perfectionism, chronic stress and a paralyzing fear of death. 

    With the help of world-class experts, a Hollywood star and a host of normal people who grapple with the same issues, Dr Laurie will face up to her own happiness demons and try to defeat them. 

    Coming June 3, wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

    Liz Dunn is a regular guest on The Happiness Lab, but in this extended interview with TED's Chris Anderson she take us on a deep dive into her research. It shows that by increasing our generosity and by giving to others we can significantly boost our own happiness. 

    Listen to more episodes of The TED Interview wherever you get your podcasts.  

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    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    A chance to hear a recent episode of A Slight Change of Plans in which Maya Shankar asks psychologist Adam Grant about his new book "Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things". They talk about how to filter out unhelpful feedback, the benefits of imperfectionism, and why we need to give soft skills more respect. 

    Listen to more episodes of A Slight Change of Plans  wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

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    Speaking at SXSW 2024, Dr Laurie Santos argues that because of all our career woes we often neglect our happiness. She walks through her top five tips for improving our workplace wellbeing - which will not only make us feel better, but might even cause our salaries to rise!  

    Suggested reading from this episode:

    Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN by Tara Brach

    Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport

    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

    The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It by Christina Maslach

    The Business of Friendship by Shasta Nelson

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    Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

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    Technology is amazing! We can make video calls, find facts in an instant and watch movies on our phones. We take all this for granted, but have we let our screens and devices take over too much of our lives? 

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    How to Grow After Adversity

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    Karen's campaign to spread global happiness is just one example of "post traumatic growth". Clinical psychologist Dr Edith Shiro (author of The Unexpected Gift of Trauma) has worked with many people who have recovered from trauma and grown as a result. She explains how we can give ourselves the best possible chance to experience post traumatic growth.

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