
    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    enJune 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Mindfulness and spiritualityPracticing mindfulness and having a strong spiritual belief can lead to lower stress, depression, and faster recovery from illnesses, contributing to overall happiness and well-being.

      Practicing mindfulness and having a strong spiritual belief can significantly contribute to overall happiness and well-being. Tony Hale, an Emmy Award-winning actor, shared how his Christian faith helps him tame negative thoughts, build better relationships, and find comfort in the bigger picture. Research shows that people who practice a religious faith report lower stress, depression, and recover faster from illnesses. Although the speaker is an atheist, she acknowledges the emotional benefits believers experience and plans to explore the emotion of awe as a potential alternative. Our minds can sometimes mislead us in our pursuit of happiness, but understanding the science of the mind can guide us back on track.

    • Awe emotionAwe is a unique emotion that leaves us feeling both pleasured and threatened, characterized by physical reactions such as goosebumps and chills. Scholars study it to understand its effects on perspective and stress reduction.

      Awe is a unique emotion that leaves us feeling both pleasured and threatened, often described as destabilizing. It can be experienced in various contexts, including religious, artistic, and even in everyday life. Awe is characterized by physical reactions such as goosebumps and chills, which are similar to those felt during fear or excitement. Despite being initially thought of as ineffable, scholars like Dacher Keltner have made it their mission to study awe scientifically, aiming to understand its physical and emotional manifestations. Awe can provide a sense of perspective and reduce stress, offering a momentary escape from daily concerns. Whether it's through connecting with the divine or experiencing a stunning work of art, awe has the power to leave a profound impact on our lives.

    • Experiencing aweExperiencing awe through nature, art, or moral beauty can reduce stress, foster a stronger sense of community, and make us feel interconnected to something larger.

      Experiencing awe can help us reduce stress, let go of self-oriented worrying, and feel more deeply connected to the world around us, including other people. This emotion, which can be easily accessed through various sources such as nature, art, and the moral beauty of others, has the ability to make us feel small yet interconnected to something larger. Contrary to common misconceptions, awe is not only about religious experiences and cannot be intentionally sought out, but it can be encountered in our daily lives through these various sources. Research shows that people who experience awe have a greater sense of connection to their communities and tend to choose circles of overlap that represent a stronger sense of connection. Therefore, seeking out moments of awe can be a simple yet powerful way to improve our emotional well-being and foster a stronger sense of community.

    • Encounters with aweEncountering awe through various aspects of life, including nature, music, and personal experiences, can lead to increased happiness and reduced stress.

      Experiencing awe is more common than we might assume and can be found in various aspects of life. Awe can be triggered through encounters with the vast and mysterious, such as during epiphanies or at concerts. It can also be found in everyday experiences if we open our eyes and pay attention. Dacker, who has studied awe extensively, believes that moments of collective effervescence, like being in a crowd at a music festival or a protest rally, can also be transcendent. Personal experiences, like witnessing a loved one's death, can also be profoundly awe-inspiring. Incorporating regular experiences of awe into our lives can lead to increased happiness and reduced stress. So whether it's through music, nature, or personal experiences, finding moments of awe is an essential part of the human experience.

    • James Webb Space TelescopeThe James Webb Space Telescope is a groundbreaking achievement that allows us to see back to the birth of the first stars, inspiring awe and scientific progress

      The James Webb Space Telescope represents a fusion of human ingenuity, passion, and scientific curiosity, making it an awe-inspiring achievement that pushes the boundaries of our understanding of the universe. This telescope, which can be considered a time machine due to its incredible scale and mission, allows us to see objects as they were in the past, even reaching back to the birth of the first stars around 13.5 billion years ago. The enthusiasm of individuals like Hank Green and Mike Menzel, who dedicated their lives to this project, underscores the importance of pursuing both the decrease of "suck" and the increase of "awesome" in the world. By continuing to invest in projects like the James Webb Space Telescope, we not only expand our knowledge but also inspire future generations to explore and innovate.

    • James Webb Space Telescope deploymentThe deployment of the largest and most complex telescope ever built, the James Webb Space Telescope, was a groundbreaking achievement requiring immense size, intricate design, and human ingenuity to unfold and function flawlessly in space.

      The James Webb Space Telescope, the largest and most complex telescope ever built, was a groundbreaking achievement in the field of astronomy. Its primary goal was to look at the universe's earliest moments after the Big Bang, which required both immense size and intricate design. The telescope's primary mirror is the size of a three-story house, and its sun shield is as large as a tennis court. To make it space-worthy, it had to be foldable and unfoldable, a challenge that broke the rule of avoiding deployments in space. The team, led by Mike, had to ensure it was foolproof since there would be no chance for repairs once launched. The deployment process was stressful and fraught with risk, but eventually, the telescope's first images confirmed its success. The team's dedication and perseverance paid off, providing a glimpse into the universe's infancy and demonstrating the power of human ingenuity and tenacity.

    • James Webb Space Telescope's inspiring powerThe James Webb Space Telescope inspires awe and wonder, bringing people together and allowing us to explore the universe's oldest structures and time travel billions of years back.

      The James Webb Space Telescope not only expands our scientific knowledge of the universe but also inspires awe and wonder in people. Mike's story highlights this human aspect of the telescope, as he has been awing people with the wonders of the night sky since he was an 11-year-old boy in Elizabeth, New Jersey. His courageous invitation to a group of menacing teens to join him in stargazing led to unexpected benefits, showcasing the universal power of awe and the beauty of the night sky to bring people together. The James Webb Space Telescope continues to inspire awe and wonder, allowing us to see and study some of the oldest physical structures in the universe and time travel billions of years into the past.

    • Seeking awe and wonderIntentionally seeking out moments of awe and wonder, no matter how small, can lead to happiness, stress relief, and a sense of transformative wonder

      Seeking out moments of awe and wonder, whether it's through astronomy, art, music, or other domains, has the power to enrich our lives and make us feel more connected. Mike's experience of sharing the beauty of Neptune with both his engineering friends and his childhood friends demonstrates the universal emotion that can be evoked by something truly amazing. As we go about our daily lives, it's easy to get lost in the mundane and forget to appreciate the awe-inspiring world around us. However, intentionally seeking out these moments, no matter how small, can lead to feelings of happiness, stress relief, and a sense of wonder that can be truly transformative. So next time you come across something that leaves you in awe, take a moment to savor it and share it with others. The world is full of wonders waiting to be discovered.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    Awe reduces stress, helps us forget our minor worries and makes us feel more connected to the people around us. We all need more awe in our lives - but surely it's not that easy to find awesome experiences on your average Tuesday?

    Actor Tony Hale explains how everyday awe helps ease his anxieties, while UC Berkeley's Dacher Keltner shows us how to find awe in music, art, scenery... even in a walk around our block. And Dr Laurie explores the things that give her a sense of awe with the help of Mike Menzel - who built a space telescope that lets us see billions of years into the past.  

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    Further reading:

    Steve Guttenberg - Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.

    Dr Elissa Epel - The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease

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    Coming June 3, wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Listen to more episodes of The TED Interview wherever you get your podcasts.  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Listen to more episodes of A Slight Change of Plans  wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Suggested reading from this episode:

    Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN by Tara Brach

    Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport

    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

    The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It by Christina Maslach

    The Business of Friendship by Shasta Nelson

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