
    Podcast Summary

    • The history and dangers of PCP drug abuse.PCP, a powerful drug with a long history, was removed from the market due to its dangerous side effects. It should be avoided to prevent harm.

      PCP, also known as Phencyclidine, is a powerful drug with a history that dates back to the 1920s. Originally created by German chemists, it sat on the shelf for decades before being marketed by a pharmaceutical company in the mid-1950s. However, due to its high potential for abuse and dangerous side effects, PCP was eventually removed from the market in 1965. This drug gained notoriety in the 1970s and 1980s as a street drug, associated with alarming stories of people exhibiting violent and unpredictable behavior. It is important to note that PCP should be avoided due to its dangerous nature.

    • PCP: A Dangerous and Declining DrugPCP, once popular but now declining, is a dangerous and addictive drug primarily controlled by black street gangs in LA and associated with inequality.

      PCP, also known as Angel Dust, is a drug that should be avoided. While its use was more widespread in the 1970s and 1980s, it has significantly decreased over the years. Ketamine, a similar drug, has become more popular and replaced PCP in many instances. However, PCP still remains in fashion in certain pockets, particularly in inner city areas like Washington DC and Kansas City. It is interesting to note that PCP has primarily remained in the US and is mostly controlled and made by black street gangs in LA. The marginalized, unemployed, black inner city men aged mid-twenties to mid-fifties are the ones who often get caught with PCP, contributing to the perception of it being a drug associated with inequality. Despite its decreased use, PCP is still considered a dangerous and addictive substance, ranked alongside cocaine and crystal meth as a controlled substance.

    • PCP and ketamine: Similar sedative effects, paradoxical brain impacts, and diverse effects on neurotransmitters and the central nervous system.PCP and ketamine have similar sedative effects, impact neurotransmitters, and can lead to a range of sensations. Understanding these effects helps explain their appeal and use in different contexts.

      PCP and ketamine, despite their different properties, both have sedative effects. Ketamine was originally used as a battlefield sedative during the Vietnam War due to its ability to sedate without lowering blood pressure. Additionally, PCP and ketamine have paradoxical effects on the brain, impacting neurotransmitters such as glutamate, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These drugs can stimulate opioid and nicotinic receptors while inhibiting reuptake, leading to a range of sensations and effects. Furthermore, the central nervous system can exhibit both depressed and excited states under the influence of these drugs. Understanding these effects helps explain the appeal and use of PCP and ketamine in various contexts such as raves and medical settings.

    • The harmful effects of ketamine abuse on normal movement and functioning.Ketamine abuse disrupts the body's ability to receive glutamate, resulting in unwanted muscle movements and difficulty walking. It is important to recognize and address the seriousness of this issue.

      Ketamine, when abused, can have significant effects on a person's ability to move and function normally. It affects the NMDA receptors in the brain and disrupts the body's ability to receive glutamate, which leads to unwanted muscle movements and difficulty walking. These effects can be observed in videos of people on ketamine, where they exhibit a backward lean or struggle to walk properly. While some may find it funny or entertaining, it is important to recognize the seriousness of the situation. The term "wobble weed" was coined by hippies in San Francisco to describe ketamine due to these effects. It is also associated with marijuana in some contexts. Overall, this conversation sheds light on the harmful consequences of ketamine abuse and the need for awareness and support.

    • Understanding the effects and dangers of PCPPCP is a powerful drug that disconnects the mind and body, distorts perception, and can cause memory loss. Its addictive nature and long-lasting effects make it extremely dangerous.

      PCP, or phencyclidine, is a powerful dissociative drug that can have severe effects on the brain and behavior. Contrary to popular belief, PCP does not induce sleepiness or drowsiness, but rather causes a disconnect between the mind and body. Users may enter a catatonic state with their eyes open while still being able to move and engage in dangerous activities. PCP removes ego boundaries, blurring the line between oneself and the rest of the world. It also distorts one's perception of time, making it difficult to distinguish between past, present, and future events. Notably, PCP can cause memory loss, with users often blacking out and not remembering their actions. This drug is highly addictive and its effects can last up to 24 hours. PCP is commonly smoked or snorted, and it used to be consumed orally or dipped in marijuana joints or cigarettes.

    • Debunking Myths About PCP and Embalming FluidIt is important to seek accurate information and avoid spreading misinformation about drugs like PCP and embalming fluid to prevent unnecessary fear and unjust treatment.

      There is a significant amount of misinformation and urban legends surrounding the use of PCP and embalming fluid. It seems that the media, drug abuse organizations, and even law enforcement have perpetuated these myths, leading to widespread confusion and fear. While PCP can have harmful effects, such as hallucinations and altered strength, many of the extreme stories and claims are not entirely accurate. It is essential to separate fact from fiction when discussing drugs and their effects, as the dissemination of false information can contribute to moral panics and unjust treatment. It is crucial to rely on accurate sources and educate ourselves to avoid falling into the trap of disinformation.

    • Debunking the Myth of PCP and Superhuman StrengthPopular belief that PCP grants superhuman strength is false; it has led to the development of non-lethal weapons to deal with PCP users, highlighting the need to challenge prejudices and ensure fair treatment for all drug users.

      The myth of PCP giving individuals superhuman strength perpetuates fear and justifies excessive force by law enforcement. The idea that PCP triggers violent behavior or provides extraordinary physical abilities is unfounded and unsupported by evidence. While PCP can amplify aggressive tendencies, it does not grant individuals the ability to possess superhuman strength. The widespread belief in this myth has led to the development of various non-lethal weapons such as tasers and bear sprays, as law enforcement agencies needed alternative methods to subdue PCP users without resorting to more severe measures. It is important to separate fact from fiction and challenge the prejudices associated with certain substances to ensure fair treatment and justice for all individuals regardless of their drug use.

    • Being Prepared and Mindful: A Strategy for Bear Encounters and Unintentional Drug ConsumptionIt is crucial to have a plan and be aware of potential dangers in different situations, such as encounters with wildlife or unknowingly consuming substances.

      Bear spray can be an effective last resort when facing a bear. The conversation discusses a strategy of laying face down and pretending to be dead, then spraying the bear when it approaches. While this tactic may seem unconventional, it highlights the importance of being prepared and having a plan when encountering wildlife. Additionally, the conversation touches on the use of PCP in a chowder that was served to the crew members of the Titanic movie. This incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers and consequences of consuming drugs unknowingly. The key takeaway emphasizes the need for caution and awareness in various situations, whether it be encounters with bears or being mindful of substances consumed.

    • Understanding the Risks and Potential Benefits of PCPProper dosage control is crucial when using PCP to minimize the risk of adverse symptoms and to explore its potential as a treatment for mental disorders.

      PCP can produce undesirable symptoms and has a low overdose threshold. A normal dose of PCP ranges from 5 to 10 milligrams, but even at 10 milligrams, it can cause symptoms similar to a schizophrenic episode. The problem with PCP dosage is that it can be difficult to determine accurately, especially when smoking it. However, it is suggested that taking a hit and waiting a few minutes before taking another can help control the dosage. It is important to note that PCP can worsen preexisting mental disorders and potentially induce schizophrenia, especially with prolonged use. Despite its negative reputation, PCP is being studied for its effects on schizophrenia and its potential to treat Alzheimer's due to its impact on glutamate levels in the brain.

    • The Dangers and Effects of PCPPCP is a highly dangerous and unpredictable drug that can lead to physical and psychological health issues, addiction, and profound changes in beliefs and behavior.

      PCP is an extremely unpredictable and dangerous drug. It can induce seizures, increase heart rate, and cause rapid involuntary eye movement known as nystagmus. Prolonged and chronic use of PCP can lead to a shift in spiritual and religious beliefs, often resulting in a belief of being a god. It can also create a feeling of invincibility and amplify social anxiety into profound paranoia. PCP addiction is difficult to treat through pharmaceutical means, and therapy and treatment are usually required. PCP has a high incidence of dependence and can physically alter the brain's reward system, making it harder to experience pleasure without the drug. Withdrawal symptoms from PCP can include major depression and permanent speech impairments. Overall, PCP is not a drug to be taken lightly, and its usage can have severe consequences.

    • The Power of Good MannersPracticing good manners can enhance social interactions, bring joy to gatherings, and have a lasting impact on behavior.

      Good manners are important and can make situations easier. Manners are free and serve as a social lubricant, allowing interactions to flow smoothly. The conversation highlighted how practicing good manners, such as using proper table etiquette, can be seen as a fun game and bring laughter to gatherings. It was also mentioned that teaching children good manners early on can have a lasting impact on their behavior. The mention of Amanda's grandmother and parents being sticklers for manners emphasized the value placed on etiquette in her family. Overall, the conversation reminds us that incorporating good manners into our daily lives can positively influence our relationships and interactions with others.

    • The Importance of Mindfulness and Small Gestures in Enhancing Your Dining ExperienceBeing mindful of small gestures like keeping your elbows off the table can enhance your focus, appreciation for surroundings, and consideration for others, contributing to a more engaging and enjoyable dining experience.

      Being mindful of your actions, such as keeping your elbows off the table, can make you more aware of everything around you. While the notion of associating manners with one's identity may seem outdated and unnecessary, being conscious of small gestures like this can enhance your focus and appreciation for your surroundings, the people you're with, and the food you're eating. It is not about conforming to societal rules, but rather about being present and considerate of others. However, there can be exceptions to this rule, such as when you're actively eating and need to rest your arms. Ultimately, the key is to avoid encroaching on someone else's personal space. So, whether it's through unconventional methods like using momo's poop or simply being mindful, being aware of your elbows can contribute to a more engaging and enjoyable dining experience.

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    Did you know that drug and alcohol addictions affect people from all walks of life? Of course, you do! But, you may not know this... According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 80,000 people die from alcohol-related deaths each year in the United States.

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    I’m dedicating this episode of our show towards bringing more awareness of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and its impact on our society as a whole so that we can work together to change addiction in America.

    My first guest, Kay White, is a spiritual life coach, certified yoga instructor, and the executive director at Villa Kali Ma, which is a recovery program exclusively for women. She joins me today to share her personal journey of healing and learning to love and value herself after three decades of suffering from alcohol, drug, and relationship addiction. Kay shares how she was able to change her story from one of a victim to a true survivor.

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    We Discuss:

    • Becoming aware of the signs and symptoms of people struggling with drug or alcohol abuse
    • Why emotional pain and unhealed trauma often contribute to addictive behaviors
    • The important elements of a successful recovery program that create fundamental change
    • The norms and stigmas in our society today that stop many people from seeking recovery
    • The main contributing factors of the extreme opioid epidemic in our country today 
    • Different options for treating opioid problems and why withdraw today is extremely difficult
    • What Fentanyl and Carfentanil are and how they've severely impacted the opioid crisis
    • The evidence-based practices being used in recovery centers to aid in a successful recovery
    • What to look for in a treatment program and why people shouldn't fly away for treatment
    • What a "full continuum of care" looks like in substance abuse treatment and why it's crucial


    Visit:  VoicesofCourage.us

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    You'll hear me call it episode 102 in the intro and outro because I had to unexpectedly bump my release schedule back by a week. (The actual episode 102 explains why.) So, I am so excited to FINALLY bring you this amazing episode with Eddie!!

    Follow Eddie on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

    This episode of Curve the Cube is sponsored by the Pizza Girls—West Palm Beach’s Top Spot for Authentic NY Pizza—from episode #17!!! They are located right in the heart of downtown, by the fountains where Clematis meets Flagler. Go in and have a slice! Or, order from them online, and they will give you 10% off of your first order. Don’t forget to follow them on social media and to keep an eye out for their food truck for delicious “Slices & Ices”!!

    New Pizza Girls Location!
    Garden Square Shoppes (PGA & Military Trail)
    The new location opening in the fall will include a craft beer and wine bar; so stay tuned to their website and social media for updates!

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    Music Beds courtesy of DJ John Hitta!!!
    DJ John Hitta

    To stay up on the latest with my guests, follow Curve the Cube on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | SnapChat (@CurveTheCube) | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube

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