
    How The Soros Attack Machine Works (Ep 1699)

    enFebruary 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Efforts to silence opposing views on COVID-19Despite diverse opinions on COVID, vaccinations, and masks, attempts are made to cancel shows and silence voices going against the left's narrative. A rebellion against censorship has begun, with personal experiences like Bongino's raising questions about vaccine effectiveness and information accuracy.

      There are ongoing efforts to silence voices and limit free speech, particularly in relation to COVID-19 discussions. Dan Bongino shared on his show that he had a guest, Dr. Peter McCullough, who has expressed opinions on COVID, vaccinations, and masks that go against the narrative of the left. In response, there have been attempts to cancel the show and silence Dr. McCullough. Bongino also discussed a Soros-funded strategy to shut down opposing viewpoints and warned that the rebellion against censorship has begun. Additionally, Bongino shared his personal experience of being reinfected with COVID despite being vaccinated earlier in the year, raising questions about the effectiveness of the vaccines and the accuracy of the advice being given. It's important to question the information being presented and seek out diverse perspectives.

    • The Importance of Open Dialogue and Personal FreedomIndividuals have the right to ask questions and share their experiences, even if they challenge the narrative or popular opinion. Critical thinking and open dialogue are essential for a democratic society.

      Individuals have the right to ask questions and share their personal experiences, even if they go against the narrative or popular opinion. The speaker, who had a compromised immune system, chose to get the vaccine early due to health concerns, but later contracted COVID-19 despite being vaccinated. He is now questioning the effectiveness of the vaccine and is frustrated by those who criticize him for doing so. The speaker believes that there is a fear of transparency and open dialogue, and that those in positions of cultural power are trying to suppress questions and doubts about the vaccine. He encourages viewers to think critically and not to label or dismiss those who ask questions as "morons" or "idiots." The speaker also references recent events, such as the convoy protests and high-profile figures speaking out against vaccine mandates, as signs of a growing rebellion against certain policies and narratives. Overall, the speaker's message is one of personal freedom, critical thinking, and the importance of open dialogue in a democratic society.

    • Natural Immunity vs Vaccines: A Contentious DebateStudy finds 99.3% of unvaccinated COVID patients have antibodies, suggesting natural immunity is more persistent than vaccinated immunity. Acknowledging and valuing natural immunity perspectives can help bridge the divide on vaccine mandates.

      There is a growing acknowledgement and acceptance of natural immunity as an alternative to vaccines in the ongoing debate over vaccine mandates. Shaquille O'Neal, during a podcast interview, expressed his concern over mandates and the importance of individual choice. Dr. Marty McCarry, a Johns Hopkins Health Policy Expert and Fox News contributor, presented a study on natural immunity that found antibodies were present in 99.3% of unvaccinated COVID patients, suggesting that natural immunity confers immunity and is more persistent than vaccinated immunity. The left's reaction to this study has been negative, indicating a contentious divide on the issue. It's important to note that natural immunity is not a perfect solution and does not protect against all variants or provide complete immunity. However, acknowledging and valuing the perspectives of those with natural immunity and engaging in open scientific discussions can help bridge the divide and move towards a more informed and inclusive approach to public health policies.

    • Ongoing debates over vaccine effectiveness and natural immunityDespite concerns over new variants and natural immunity, it's crucial to ask tough questions and demand evidence in public discourse.

      There are ongoing debates and questions regarding the effectiveness of vaccines against new variants like Amacron and Delta, and the role of natural immunity. Some individuals and organizations are facing backlash for raising these concerns, with some dismissing the existence of natural immunity to push for wider vaccine uptake. During a recent State Department press briefing, a reporter pressed for evidence supporting allegations of Russian crisis actor operations, highlighting past instances of misinformation and lack of transparency. The exchange underscores the importance of asking tough questions and demanding evidence in the face of official statements. The incident also serves as a reminder of the need for factual information and transparency in public discourse.

    • Early questioning of COVID response could have prevented distrustFailing to scrutinize COVID measures early on allowed institutions to spread unproven narratives, leading to distrust and censorship.

      The lack of critical questioning from the media and academia towards the COVID-19 response measures early on may have contributed to the current state of distrust in institutions. If reporters like Matt Lee had pressed for evidence on the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines, the institutions might have been forced to provide solid proof. This could have prevented the situation where loyalty to these institutions has now vanished. Additionally, there has been an increase in censorship and attacks against individuals who challenge the narratives of the liberal left, as seen in the case of Dan Bongino and the Soros operation. It's crucial to remain skeptical and ask questions to ensure accurate information and accountability.

    • Power Dynamics in GOP Shifting: New Influencers RiseThe Republican Party's power landscape is changing, with new influencers like Trump, Carlson, Fox News, Club for Growth, Daily Wire, Breitbart News, online influencers, and websites gaining prominence, causing fear among old power centers.

      The power dynamics in the Republican Party are shifting, with new influencers and organizations gaining clout while old power centers are diminishing. According to an article by Swan and Marquet in Axios, previously influential groups like the US Chamber of Commerce, NRA, Koch Network, Heritage Action, Drudge Report, National Review, and conservative movement groups were the key players. However, now, figures like Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Club for Growth, Daily Wire, Breitbart News, and online influencers, including Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Dan Bongino, Joe Rogan, Jack Passobic, Charlie Kirk, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and websites like the Daily Wire and Bright are dominating the scene. These new players are causing fear among those who previously held power, leading to attempts to censor and demonetize conservative news sites. For instance, left-wing activists Nandini Jammy and Claire Atkins, who are working to combat disinformation, are linked to a Soros-backed group called Good Information Inc. This shows how the power structures within the Republican Party are evolving rapidly.

    • Tech Firms and Disinformation: A Complex IssueTech firms, funded by influential individuals, have engaged in disinformation tactics under the guise of research projects, raising concerns about potential censorship and violation of free speech, particularly in elections.

      Tech firms like New Knowledge, funded by individuals like Reid Hoffman and George Soros, have engaged in disinformation tactics under the guise of research projects. This was evident during the 2017 Senate race between Roy Moore and Doug Jones, where New Knowledge created fake Russian bots to influence public opinion. Google, through its employees and partnerships, has been working with these individuals and groups, raising concerns about potential censorship of free speech and violation of the First Amendment. The situation becomes more complex when these groups have themselves been accused of disinformation campaigns, and yet they are the ones flagging others for the same offense. The implications of these actions, particularly in the context of elections, are serious and require scrutiny from regulatory bodies and the public. It's crucial to ask candidates about their stance on stopping big tech from collaborating with governments to censor free speech. Failure to address this issue could lead to dangerous consequences for our democratic processes.

    • Discussing the impact of big tech on elections and constitutional freedomsCandidates must address concerns about big tech's impact on elections and constitutional freedoms. Biden's excessive lying and hypocrisy from figures like Eric Holder undermine trust in politics and the importance of truth and transparency.

      During a recent discussion, the importance of candidates addressing the growing threat to big tech's impact on elections and constitutional freedoms was emphasized. It was made clear that any candidate unable to provide answers to these concerns does not deserve votes. Additionally, the issue of misinformation and lies, specifically from the left, was addressed, with examples given of false claims made by Joe Biden. The point being made is that Biden's propensity for lying is at an extraordinary level for a politician, and his words cannot be taken at face value. Furthermore, Eric Holder, a former Attorney General, was criticized for hypocritically accusing the GOP of election rigging while New York's own redistricting map was revealed to be heavily gerrymandered. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of truth and transparency in politics and the dangers of disinformation.

    • Holder's Hypocritical Stance on RedistrictingEric Holder, a former Democratic official, criticizes redistricting in GOP-controlled states but remains silent on the issue in Democratic ones, employing a 'Suda Blue strategy' to manipulate the system.

      Eric Holder, a former Democratic official, has been criticized for his hypocritical stance on redistricting and election rigging. While he publicly condemns redistricting in Republican-controlled states, he remains silent on the issue when it comes to Democratic states. This strategy, known as the "Suda Blue strategy," allows Holder to manipulate the system in favor of his party. The discussion also touched upon the growing rebellion against cancel culture in the tech industry, with alternative platforms like Rumble and Paralleleconomy gaining popularity. Additionally, a seemingly satirical article from Vice suggested unconventional methods to secure masks, highlighting the absurdity of some regulations and the growing importance of alternative platforms.

    • News Discussion on Lightning Round Topics: Trudeau's Protests, Vaccine Mandates, Facebook, Biden's Disorientation, and Google PodcastsTrudeau declared protests illegal, Republicans threatened government shutdown over vaccine mandates, Facebook lost users due to censorship concerns, Biden's disorientation sparked parody videos, and Google Podcasts app was discontinued.

      During a recent news discussion, various topics were covered in a rapid-fire format known as a "lightning round." Some of the stories included Justin Trudeau declaring protests illegal, Republican plans to shut down the government over vaccine mandates, Facebook losing users due to censorship concerns, and President Biden appearing disoriented in a parody video. Craig Lord from Fox News criticized Trudeau's handling of protests, while the speakers expressed skepticism about troop deployments to Europe and the collapse of Facebook. A humorous parody video of Biden wandering around the White House was also discussed. Additionally, it was announced that the Google Podcasts app would be discontinued and listeners were encouraged to switch to other podcast platforms. Dan, a participant in the discussion, shared his personal experience with the costs of running for office.

    • Running campaigns in expensive media markets and free speechRunning campaigns incurs expenses, free speech protects companies, media personalities compete, donate blood, no Trump VP nomination for Dan

      Running a campaign comes with significant expenses, particularly in expensive media markets where TV commercials and mail campaigns can be hugely expensive. Free speech and control on company boards are crucial to prevent sellouts and engagement in cancel culture. A current issue is the ongoing competition between media personalities, with Brian Stelter and Joy Reid both making questionable statements, and the potential shift in ratings. Additionally, there's a call for people to donate blood due to a current shortage. Regarding a potential VP nomination for Trump, Dan has never considered it and is committed to his current job.

    • Dan's focus on activism, authenticity, and making a differenceDan Bongino uses his platform to help others and make a positive impact, working on creating apparel for charity instead of personal profit, and believes observing economic uncertainty could potentially change its outcome.

      Dan Bongino values authenticity and giving back. He shared that he's working on creating Dan Bongino apparel to benefit a charity, rather than for personal profit. He also spoke about his favorite Marvel superhero, the Hulk, sharing that as a child, he wished for the strength to fight back. Now, he's using his platform to help others and make a positive impact. Another topic discussed was the uncertainty of hitting rock bottom in the economy, with Dan expressing that it may be difficult to identify and that observing it could potentially change its outcome. Overall, Dan's focus is on activism, authenticity, and making a difference.

    • Dr. Peter McCullough to Appear on Dan Bongino's Show Tomorrow on RumbleProminent COVID-19 figure Dr. Peter McCullough will appear on Dan Bongino's show tomorrow on Rumble, offering an alternative platform for those censored elsewhere.

      Dr. Peter McCullough, a prominent figure in COVID-19 discussions, will be appearing on Dan Bongino's show tomorrow at 9 p.m. Eastern time. McCullough has been a target of censorship from left-leaning platforms, making Rumble a potential alternative for those who want to continue watching his perspectives. Bongino encourages his audience to subscribe to his show on Rumble to ensure they don't miss the interview. The importance of this interaction lies in the ongoing censorship debates surrounding various platforms and the potential impact on the dissemination of diverse viewpoints.

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    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is now available for at amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0593086880/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_5BDTABYFKRJKZBT5GSQA

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Q&A Link: https://youtu.be/A3OgiD9Dktc


    Mentioned in this episode:

    A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: https://huntergatherersguide.com once again available at amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hunter-Gatherers-Guide-21st-Century-Challenges/dp/0593086880/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1634424371&sr=8-1

    Root Quarterly: https://www.rootquarterly.com

    Dose of Leadership podcast with Richard Rierson: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bGEiWy5XbQhJk8XdApNyt?si=z2yNBfYCTt6FOqXwlZiqUQ&nd=1

    Don’t Freak Out: Catching Covid after you are vaccinated improves immunity. https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/national/dont-freak-out-catching-covid-after-you-are-vaccinated-improves-immunity/news-story/a65e560935dc5f4a271e9bcba226478e

    100 years of the culture war, article in Spike by Frank Furedi: https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/09/17/100-years-of-the-culture-war/

    Seattle School Cancels Halloween “Pumpkin Parade,” says it “marginalizes students of color.” On ZeroHedge, 10/15/21: https://www.zerohedge.com/

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