
    #1757 - Dr. Robert Malone, MD

    en-usDecember 31, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • From carpenter to molecular biologist: Dr. Cole's journey in scienceThrough perseverance and curiosity, Dr. Cole transformed his life from a carpenter to a groundbreaking molecular biologist, overcoming personal losses and scientific challenges, while continuing to adapt to the evolving demands of research and everyday life.

      The speaker, Dr. Cole, has had a long and distinguished career in the field of molecular biology and virology, with a focus on retroviruses and gene therapy. He started as a carpenter and farm hand in California, but decided to pursue a career in science after losing his mother to breast cancer. He went on to make groundbreaking discoveries in the lab at UC Davis, including the discovery of the retrovirus basis for immunodeficiency in primates, which led to the development of the RNA technology platform used in modern vaccines. Despite these achievements, Dr. Cole was recently kicked off Twitter, and he expressed his frustration with the ongoing pandemic and the need to discuss its impact on everyday life. He also shared his wife's request for a COVID-themed bow tie for an upcoming event. Overall, Dr. Cole's story highlights the importance of perseverance and curiosity in scientific research, as well as the ongoing challenges of balancing personal and professional life in the face of global crises.

    • The Importance of Diverse Voices in Public Health DiscourseAll voices, especially those of qualified experts, should be allowed in public health discussions. Silencing dissenting views raises concerns for free speech and open debate, particularly regarding scientific facts.

      The conversation around public health, particularly during a global crisis like a pandemic, should include diverse voices and perspectives, even if they challenge the mainstream narrative. Dr. Kadlec shared her unique experience as a vaccine expert who was banned from social media platforms despite her significant contributions to the field. Her voice was silenced due to perceived disagreement with the tech narrative, raising concerns about free speech and the importance of allowing open debate, especially when it comes to scientific facts. As a qualified expert without financial conflicts of interest, Dr. Kadlec emphasized the need for individuals to think for themselves and consider multiple viewpoints, rather than being told what to think. This incident highlights the importance of upholding fundamental constitutional principles and ensuring that all voices, especially those with valuable expertise, are allowed to contribute to the conversation.

    • Social media platforms have the power to silence individualsSocial media platforms can ban users without clear reasons, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability, and a chilling effect on free speech. Conflicts of interest and horizontal integration across industries can influence censorship decisions.

      Social media platforms have the power to silence and deplatform individuals based on subjective interpretations of their content, even without clear evidence of misinformation or violation of platform rules. This can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability, as well as a chilling effect on free speech. The speaker in this conversation shared personal experiences of being banned from LinkedIn and having a Twitter account suspended, with no clear explanation given for the reasons behind these actions. The speaker also highlighted the potential for conflicts of interest and horizontal integration across industries to influence censorship decisions. These issues underscore the importance of promoting transparency and clear communication from social media platforms, as well as fostering a culture of critical thinking and fact-checking to combat misinformation.

    • Limiting Discussions on Vaccine Risks and Treatments during COVID-19 PandemicOpen discussions and access to information in medical research are crucial. Blockades of potential treatments like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin may lead to excessive deaths, as seen in the US with an estimated half million.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been efforts to limit discussions about potential risks and side effects of vaccines, going against the principle of informed consent. An expert in drug discovery, Robert Malone, shares his experience of being infected with COVID-19 and his work on discovering potential treatments, including femotidine (pepsid) and a combination of maudidine and silicoxid. He also mentions the challenges faced when trying to include Ivermectin in clinical trials due to pushback from regulatory bodies. The estimated excess deaths in the US due to the intentional blockade of early treatment is half a million, involving both hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. These events highlight the importance of open and informed discussions in medical research and the potential consequences of limiting access to information.

    • Allegations of a Hydroxychloroquine Conspiracy between Health OfficialsRick Bright's claims of hydroxychloroquine ineffectiveness disputed, Chinese protocol sent to US gov't before his determinations, Merck's Ivermectin statements questionable, NIH faces resistance from pharma companies in testing Ivermectin

      There have been allegations of a conspiracy between health officials Janet Woodcock and Rick Bright to suppress the use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19, despite evidence of its effectiveness against similar viruses. Rick Bright, the former head of BARDA, has stated that he believed there was no evidence of hydroxychloroquine being useful for COVID-19, but this is disputed. The Chinese protocol for treating COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine was obtained in late February and sent to the US government before Bright made his determinations. Merck's explicit statements about the safety of Ivermectin, another essential medicine, are also inexplicable. The motivation behind these actions is unclear, but the classic journalistic advice is to "follow the money." The NIH's Active Committee for drugs, which guides clinical trials for various drugs, has faced resistance from pharmaceutical companies like Merck in testing Ivermectin. Despite initial trial design issues, the committee continues to test Ivermectin at higher doses.

    • India's Success with Ivermectin as COVID-19 TreatmentDespite controversy, some countries like India have effectively used Ivermectin as part of COVID-19 treatment packages, with success stories like Uttar Pradesh. However, the exact contents of these packages are not disclosed, and the vaccine's benefits for long COVID and potential side effects require further investigation.

      There have been efforts to prevent Ivermectin from being used as a potential low-cost, effective treatment for COVID-19 due to its status as a generic, cheap drug. However, some countries, such as India, have successfully used a combination of early treatment packages, including Ivermectin, to combat the virus. Uttar Pradesh, India, for example, saw success in flattening the curve despite its dense, urban, and poor population. The contents of these packages have not been formally disclosed, but rumors suggest they included Ivermectin. It's important to note that while chloroquine showed efficacy against SARS, the assumption that hydroxychloroquine would work against SARS-CoV-2 is not guaranteed. Additionally, there are anecdotal reports of the vaccine helping with long COVID, but there is currently no solid peer-reviewed evidence to support this claim. Some people, like the speaker, have experienced adverse reactions to the vaccine, including hypertension, irregular heartbeats, and other side effects listed in the vaccine's adverse event report. People with natural immunity may have a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. It's crucial to consider all available information and draw your own conclusions.

    • Natural immunity superior to vaccine-induced immunityStudies show natural immunity from COVID-19 recovery is more effective at preventing hospitalization and disease than vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals with prior infection who get vaccinated later have increased risk of side effects.

      Natural immunity derived from recovering from COVID-19 is superior to vaccine-induced immunity, according to numerous studies. Natural immunity is more effective at preventing hospitalization and developing the disease. The CDC, which funded a smaller and less rigorous study disputing this, may have compromised its position. Furthermore, individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 and get vaccinated later have an increased risk of adverse side effects. This information contradicts the coordinated media narrative promoting the vaccines and may be influenced by the heightened power of social media and censorship. The Trusted News Initiative, a collaboration between big tech and media, further reinforces this messaging.

    • Repurposing the Trusted News Initiative to combat vaccine misinformationThe Trusted News Initiative, originally formed to protect democratic voting systems, now censors and de-platforms opposing views on vaccines, leading to concerns about free speech and informed consent.

      The Trusted News Initiative, established to protect democratic voting systems from foreign influence, has been repurposed to combat vaccine misinformation and disinformation. This initiative, led by the BBC, suppresses information contradicting official statements from health organizations, deeming it as misinformation and disinformation leading to vaccine hesitancy. This censorship and de-platforming of opposing viewpoints is a form of cancel culture, as seen in the early cancellation of virologist Peter Duesberg for questioning HIV origins and more recent attempts to discredit epidemiologists raising concerns about vaccine lockdowns' effectiveness. The global coordination of this censorship is evident in the involvement of Western nations, but its reach extends beyond, raising concerns about the suppression of free speech and informed consent.

    • Debate Continues on Effectiveness of Lockdowns during COVID-19 PandemicSome experts advocate for alternative approaches to lockdowns, while others support stricter measures. Factors such as population health and access to resources influence outcomes.

      The debate surrounding lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic was a contentious issue, with some prominent epidemiologists, such as those who authored the Great Barrington Declaration, advocating against strict lockdown measures. These experts warned of potential harm caused by lockdowns and suggested alternative approaches, such as letting individuals make their own choices. However, their views were criticized and dismissed by some, including public figures like Tony Fauci. The effectiveness of different approaches, such as Sweden's more relaxed stance compared to countries with stricter lockdowns, is still a subject of ongoing discussion and debate. Additionally, the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories highlights the complexities of comparing outcomes across different populations, as various factors, such as age, vaccination rates, and access to healthcare, can influence mortality and infection rates. Ultimately, the situation underscores the importance of considering multiple perspectives and factors when evaluating public health policies.

    • Concerns over Accuracy and Reliability of COVID-19 Mortality DataThe VAERS dataset used for vaccine safety studies has issues with accuracy and only shows all-cause mortality. COVID-19 death counts may be inaccurate due to financial incentives for hospitals to label deaths as COVID-19 related, potentially misrepresenting data.

      The data set used to study vaccine safety and mortality, VAERS, is known to have issues with accuracy and reliability. The only consistent outcome variable is all-cause mortality, but it's not definitive proof of vaccine causation. There's a financial incentive for hospitals to label deaths as COVID-19 related, which raises concerns about the accuracy of COVID-19 death counts. The CDC made a determination early on to consider a COVID-19 positive test result as a death cause, even if the person died from other causes. This practice, while not explicitly coerced on hospitals, can lead to inaccurate data labeling. The financial incentives for hospitals to label deaths as COVID-19 related can lead to potential misrepresentation of data, making it challenging to distinguish between vaccine-related and unrelated deaths.

    • Concerns over Transparency and Ethical Violations in Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical TrialsHistorical practices allow pharmaceutical companies to offload liability to contract research organizations, raising concerns over data manipulation and ethical violations. Regulatory agencies like the FDA must prioritize transparency and rigorously enforce regulations to protect public health and trust.

      The lack of transparency and accountability in clinical trials, particularly in the case of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, has raised concerns about data manipulation and potential ethical violations. The responsibility for ensuring the data's integrity lies with Pfizer, but historical practices have allowed pharmaceutical companies to offload liability to contract research organizations. This creates a conflict of interest and makes it difficult to trust the reported data. The distinction between clinically significant events and those that may go unnoticed without further testing is important, and the way studies are designed and reported can significantly impact what data is made public. Ultimately, it's crucial that regulatory agencies like the FDA prioritize transparency and rigorously enforce regulations to protect public health and trust.

    • Concerns about data manipulation in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trialsWhistleblowers allege data manipulation in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials, potentially impacting analysis and approval. Interconnections between companies and platforms can influence info dissemination, with significant financial and suppressive consequences.

      There are concerns about data manipulation in clinical trials, specifically the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials. These concerns have been raised by whistleblowers and have been the subject of presentations and investigations. The potential manipulation of data can impact the analysis of clinical trials and the approval of treatments. Additionally, there are interconnections between companies involved in clinical trials, fact-checking, and social media platforms, which can influence the dissemination of information. The consequences of these issues can be significant, including financial implications for researchers and potential suppression of opposing viewpoints. The situation raises questions about the integrity of clinical research and the transparency of information sharing. It's crucial to ensure that ethical standards are upheld and that scientific discoveries are based on accurate and unbiased data.

    • Hospitals targeting physicians for early COVID-19 treatment based on financial incentivesHospitals are reporting physicians advocating for early COVID-19 treatment due to financial incentives to treat patients in hospitals, potentially suppressing early treatment and risking patient health globally. False allegations against doctors are also a concern.

      Hospitals and hospital administrators are targeting and reporting physicians who advocate for early COVID-19 treatment, potentially due to financial incentives. This is a new development in medical licensing boards' roles, which traditionally focus on determining suitability based on drug abuse, sexual activity, or malpractice. The speaker, a licensed physician, shared his personal experience of receiving a complaint from the director of recruitment in external affairs of a hospital in Maui, claiming false allegations about his education and medical achievements. The hospitals' financial incentives to treat COVID-19 patients could be a motivating factor for suppressing early treatment, as it may prevent revenue from being generated when patients are treated outside of hospitals. This trend is not limited to the United States and has been observed globally. The speaker also mentioned a recent paper from Hong Kong reporting an incident rate of myocarditis in boys hospitalized after vaccination of 1 in 2700, with a historic death rate post-myocarditis being about 27%. The assertion that the myocarditis after vaccination is different and less severe is not based on fact.

    • Vaccinologist's concerns about reproductive health effects of COVID-19 vaccinesVaccinologist Robert Malone raises concerns about insufficient reproductive toxicology and teratogenicity studies, potential long-term effects of synthetic lipids, and the speculative nature of myocarditis cases in vaccine data packages.

      The safety data for COVID-19 vaccines, particularly regarding potential effects on reproductive health, has been a subject of controversy. Robert Malone, a vaccinologist and the inventor of mRNA technology, has expressed concerns about the lack of thorough studies on this topic. He believes that the focus on myocarditis cases being mild and temporary, without citing concrete studies, is speculative. Malone also criticizes the lack of rigorous reproductive toxicology and teratogenicity studies in vaccine data packages. He points to the distribution of synthetic lipids, which package the RNA and help it enter cells, to the ovary and bone marrow at high rates, raising concerns about potential long-term effects. Malone's concerns stem from his professional background and the observation of his discipline being destroyed without solid reasons, leading him to speak out against the current state of vaccine safety data.

    • Observed effects of synthetic molecules on menstrual cycles and ovariesSome synthetic molecules, including spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles used in certain vaccines, have been linked to menstrual cycle disruptions and potential ovarian health issues. These findings have led to concerns in certain communities regarding vaccines' impact on reproductive health.

      Synthetic molecules, when introduced to the body, can affect the menstrual cycle and have other adverse effects. This was observed in rodents and humans, leading to concerns in certain communities, such as the Hasidic Jewish community, who closely monitor menstrual cycles due to religious reasons. The common variable in these cases is the ovary. The spike protein, present in both COVID-19 and certain vaccines, has been linked to various health issues, including micro coagulation and myocarditis. Additionally, lipid nanoparticles, used in some vaccines, have been found to affect the ovaries specifically. These findings have led some communities to discourage vaccination due to potential reproductive health concerns. It's important to note that not all vaccines have these issues, and further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind these adverse effects.

    • Rare autoimmune responses to COVID-19 vaccines may cause myocarditis, pericarditis, and neurological symptomsVaccines can trigger autoimmune responses leading to rare cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, neurological symptoms, and potential damage to blood vessels and the blood-brain barrier.

      The COVID-19 vaccines, both RNA and adenoviral vector types, have been observed to trigger autoimmune responses in some individuals. These responses can lead to conditions such as myocarditis, pericarditis, and neurological symptoms including brain fog and hallucinations. The spike protein, which plays a key role in the virus's ability to infect cells, is also present in the vaccines and has been identified as a potential cause of these reactions. The spike protein exists as a trimer and has a receptor binding domain that interacts with ACE2, allowing the virus to enter cells. While the vaccine version of the spike protein has been engineered to prevent fusion with cells, it can still interact with ACE2 and trigger an immune response. The exact mechanisms behind these reactions are not yet fully understood, but they may involve damage to blood vessels and the blood-brain barrier, leading to inflammation and potential tissue damage. It's important to note that these reactions are rare, and the benefits of vaccination in preventing COVID-19 infection and severe disease far outweigh the risks for most individuals. However, it's crucial to continue monitoring and studying these reactions to better understand their causes and potential preventative measures.

    • Discussing Potential Toxicity of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Focus Beyond ImmunogenicityThe importance of addressing potential toxicities in COVID-19 vaccines beyond focusing on immunogenicity, as toxicities associated with engineered spike proteins have not been adequately proven safe, and individuals with higher glycemic index may be more susceptible to adverse effects, including latent virus reactivation.

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that the focus on making the COVID-19 vaccine more immunogenic has not adequately addressed the issue of potential toxicity. The speaker noted that the onus is on pharmaceutical companies to prove the safety of their engineered spike proteins, yet this has not been sufficiently demonstrated. The speaker also pointed out that there are toxicities associated with the spike protein, which is a common variable across different vectors, including vaccines, viruses, and adenoviruses. The speaker used the analogy of a duck to illustrate this point, stating that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably toxic. The speaker also touched on the issue of latent virus reactivation, specifically with regards to herpes viruses, which are DNA viruses that can hide in the body and cause issues when they are reactivated. The speaker suggested that individuals with a higher glycemic index may be more susceptible to these adverse effects. Overall, the discussion highlighted the need for more transparency and open dialogue regarding the potential toxicities associated with COVID-19 vaccines and other interventions.

    • Impact of mRNA Vaccines on Immune System: T-cell Suppression and Cancer SusceptibilityConcerns arise over potential T-cell suppression from mRNA vaccines, increasing susceptibility to unusual cancers and infections, with ongoing investigations into the length and cumulative effect on immune response.

      The ongoing discussion revolves around concerns regarding the impact of mRNA vaccines on our immune system, specifically in relation to T-cell suppression and the potential for increased susceptibility to unusual and aggressive cancers. This is based on anecdotal evidence from doctors, as well as laboratory data indicating abnormalities in key signaling molecules used by T cells to communicate. The window of time after vaccination during which one might be more susceptible to infection is also a concern. The efficacy of the vaccines may be waning, and the multiple jab strategy could create more periods of T-cell suppression. There are also concerns about high-zone tolerance, which is the ability to shut down T-cell response against specific antigens after multiple injections. Additionally, the use of mismatched vaccines that don't fit the current circulating virus could be akin to taking a flu vaccine from two seasons ago and expecting it to protect against the current flu strain. The length and cumulative effect of T-cell suppression post-vaccination, as well as the impact on overall immune response, are areas of ongoing investigation.

    • COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and concerns of waning immunityPeter Thiel raises concerns about waning vaccine efficacy against Omicron and potential negative efficacy, citing personal experiences and ongoing research on vaccine-enhanced infection or disease.

      The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly against the Omicron variant, is a topic of ongoing debate. Peter Thiel, during a conversation, expressed concern about the waning efficacy of the vaccines and the possibility of negative efficacy, meaning an increased risk of infection for those who have been vaccinated. He shared personal experiences of friends who tested positive for COVID-19 after being vaccinated and having previously had the virus. The FDA was aware of the potential risk of vaccine-enhanced infection or disease (VED), but did not require vaccine manufacturers to conduct studies on it. This is a complex issue, as there are confounding variables that make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions. Some data suggests that the risk of infection may be higher for those who have received multiple vaccine doses. However, it's important to note that this is a topic of ongoing research and debate among experts. The discussion also touched upon the history of vaccine development efforts and the potential benefits of drug repurposing.

    • Immune response to Omicron could be impacted by previous vaccinationsThe hypothesis suggests that repeated vaccinations with a mismatched antigen could skew the immune response, making it less effective against the Omicron variant, a phenomenon known as original antigenic sin. However, this theory is not yet peer-reviewed and requires further research.

      The ongoing debate around the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against the Omicron variant is centered around the potential impact of previous vaccinations on the immune response to this new strain. The hypothesis is that the vaccines may be driving the immune system to focus on an antigen that no longer exists, leading to a less effective response to Omicron. This phenomenon is known as original antigenic sin. The argument is that repeated vaccinations with a mismatched antigen could skew the immune response, making it less functional against the new variant. However, this hypothesis is not yet peer-reviewed and further research is needed to confirm its validity. In simpler terms, our immune system may be preparing for the "last war" based on previous exposures, and the new Omicron variant could catch us off guard.

    • Understanding the Behavior of Omicron VariantOmicron may be more infectious but less pathogenic than previous COVID-19 strains, causing symptoms like sore throat and runny nose instead of chest pain and loss of taste and smell.

      The Omicron variant of COVID-19 behaves differently than previous strains, particularly in its infectiousness and potential pathogenicity. When infected, the virus typically enters through the nasal or faring mucosal membranes, whereas the vaccine introduces the spike protein rapidly into the body. Omicron seems to replicate at higher levels but may be less pathogenic, as suggested by data from Hong Kong. This could explain why some people experience less severe symptoms, such as sore throat and runny nose, instead of chest pain and loss of taste and smell. It's important to note that the CDC's initial modeling suggesting that 70% or 80% of all COVID-19 cases in the US were Omicron has been revised, as more data has emerged. The difference between high and low pathogenicity viruses, such as H1N1 influenza, may provide context for understanding Omicron's behavior. The WHO has reported no known deaths associated with Omicron worldwide, but it's important to remember that causation and association are not the same, and many people who have died from COVID-19 had multiple comorbidities.

    • Despite low mortality rate, Omicron is highly contagious and early treatment crucialThe Omicron variant has a low mortality rate but high contagion, making early treatment essential. Availability of monoclonal antibodies is limited due to government interference.

      Despite reports of Omicron causing toxicity in hospitals and high transmission rates, the mortality rate of Omicron is remarkably low, similar to a common cold. The R0 (reproductive coefficient) of Omicron is in the range of 7 to 10, which is significantly higher than the original Wuhan strain and Delta variants. This means that it is highly contagious and everyone is likely to get infected, regardless of preventative measures. Early treatment with monoclonal antibodies is crucial, but availability is becoming increasingly difficult due to government interference. It is important to find a healthcare provider who can administer early treatments as soon as possible. Additionally, there have been concerns about the accuracy and motivations behind modeling projections and government press releases regarding the spread of Omicron, which have caused unnecessary fear and panic. The situation raises questions about government disregard for bioethics and federal regulations, and the legality of vaccine mandates.

    • CDC data overestimation of COVID-19 variant infection ratesGovernment's decision to halt monoclonal antibody distribution may have been based on overestimated infection rates, leaving doctors without effective treatments for hospitalized patients

      The data used by the CDC to project high infection rates for COVID-19 variants like Omicron may have been overestimated due to mathematical modeling based on older data. This overestimation has led to a shift in focus away from effective treatments like monoclonal antibodies, which are still effective against dominant variants like Delta. The government's decision to stop distributing these treatments has left frontline doctors without essential resources for treating hospitalized patients. This disconnect between public policy and logic raises concerns about the motivations behind such decisions and the potential consequences for public health.

    • Erosion of Trust in Public Health and GovernmentThe expiration of emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines could lead to questionable decisions in public health policy due to political motivations, lack of transparency, and accountability. This has resulted in a crisis of faith in public health, government, and the vaccine enterprise.

      The expiration of emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines may be leading to questionable decisions in public health policy. Some argue that there could be political motivations for extending the state of emergency, which could result in the continuation of controversial measures and the suppression of effective treatments like monoclonal antibodies. The lack of transparency and accountability in government and media responses to the pandemic has fueled widespread distrust and skepticism towards institutions and the scientific enterprise. The situation has led to a crisis of faith in public health, government, and even the vaccine enterprise, with many questioning the true intentions behind certain policies and decisions. The long-term consequences of this erosion of trust could be significant, potentially leading to a loss of confidence in the scientific community and the government's ability to effectively respond to future crises.

    • Living in a world of mass formation psychosisRecognize global totalitarianism, value human dignity, community, and integrity, and work towards rebuilding social bonds to combat mass formation psychosis caused by large investment firms manipulating public opinion through media in a fragmented society.

      We are currently living in a world where large investment firms, decoupled from nation states, prioritize profit over morality and have the power to manipulate public opinion through media. This, combined with societal fragmentation and free-floating anxiety, creates an environment ripe for mass formation psychosis – a phenomenon where a large population becomes hypnotized and follows a leader or narrative, disregarding facts and attacking dissenters. To combat this, we must recognize the global totalitarianism we're facing, understand the importance of human dignity, community, and integrity, and work towards rebuilding social bonds. The media, controlled by the same large funds, can further perpetuate this issue, making it crucial for us to become aware of this mass formation psychosis and find common ground as a society.

    • Mass Formation Psychosis: Tribal Mentality and Loss of Personal SovereigntyMass Formation Psychosis is a phenomenon where people are being divided into tribes, leading to a loss of personal sovereignty and critical thinking skills. It's crucial to resist this trend and protect free speech while being open-minded and objective in analyzing information.

      We're living in a time of mass formation psychosis, where people are being divided into tribes based on various factors like political affiliations, vaccination status, and ideologies. This tribal mentality is leading to a loss of personal sovereignty and critical thinking skills, as individuals are being pressured to conform to the beliefs of their respective tribes. This pressure often comes with the risk of being censored or deplatformed, leading to self-censorship. It's essential to resist this trend and stand firm in our beliefs, while also being open-minded and objective in our analysis of information. Free speech is a fundamental principle that our democracy and society are built upon, and it's crucial that we protect it. Additionally, the use of technology for surveillance and control, such as vaccine passports and social credit systems, is a slippery slope that we must be aware of and resist.

    • Credit scoring as a preview of social credit systemsCredit scoring reveals potential negative impacts of technology and data collection on individuals' access to opportunities and privacy, particularly for children. The power and benefits of these systems would primarily accrue to a small elite, while the underreported damage caused by COVID-19 policies and vaccines on children goes unaddressed.

      The credit scoring system serves as a microcosm of a potential social credit system, where individuals' access to credit and opportunities are determined by an algorithm, much like how our actions and behaviors could be monitored and evaluated in a broader social credit system. This discussion also highlighted the potential negative impacts of technology and data collection on children, including psychological damage, loss of privacy, and manipulation. The current credit scoring system and the potential social credit system are concerns for everyone, but the power and benefits would primarily accrue to a small elite. The discussion also touched upon the underreported damage caused by the COVID-19 policies and vaccines, particularly on children, and the lack of attention and action towards addressing these issues.

    • Perceived Issues with COVID-19 Vaccine Reporting and Bias in AdultsDiscussion suggests under-reporting of vaccine injuries in adults due to financial incentives and fear, while children's adverse events more likely reported. Complexity in distinguishing vaccine-related from natural causes. Importance of transparency and accurate reporting for understanding vaccine risks and benefits.

      There is a perceived issue with reporting and bias in relation to adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in the adult population. The discussion suggests that there may be under-reporting of vaccine-related injuries in adults due to various reasons, including financial incentives and fear of repercussions. In contrast, adverse events in children are more likely to be reported and noticed due to the absence of pre-existing conditions like heart attacks and strokes. The speakers also touched upon the complexity of distinguishing between vaccine-related and natural causes of adverse events, such as myocarditis or sudden deaths. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the use of alternative social media platforms, such as Getter, for sharing and discussing information that may be censored on other platforms. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of transparency and accurate reporting in understanding the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccines.

    • Defeat the Mandates Rally in D.C. against Vaccine Mandates and CensorshipThe Defeat the Mandates Rally in D.C. is a global movement against vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, censorship, and limits on reasonable debate. It aims to promote personal liberty and the right to make individual health choices, regardless of political affiliations, vaccination status, religion, or ethnicity.

      On January 23rd, there will be a Defeat the Mandates, American Homecoming Rally in Washington, D.C., between the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. This rally is not about being anti-vaccines, but rather about being anti-mandates. The event aims to bring people together, regardless of political affiliations, vaccination status, religion, or ethnicity, to stand up for personal liberty and the right to make individual health choices. The rally is part of a global movement against vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, censorship, and limits on reasonable debate. The organizers believe in the power of natural immunity, informed consent, and the collaboration between doctors and patients in medical decisions. The website for more information is defeatdemandatesdc.com. The event invites people from all over the world to join and work towards ending vaccine mandates and promoting freedom.

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    In this episode I address the George Soros-funded operation to shut down free speech.  News Picks: Axios is concerned about the new conservative power players. Biden is looking to grab your guns again. Rumble makes a big announcement about its growth numbers. What was the FBI doing with this powerful spyware program? Hunter Biden’s buddy is free to roam around, while Jan 6th defendants sit in jail?  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Impact of COVID-19 on Pharmacist Scope of Practice: Before and After the PREP Act

    Impact of COVID-19 on Pharmacist Scope of Practice: Before and After the PREP Act

    For years, pharmacy advocates have urged policymakers to make changes to state scope of practice laws that would permit pharmacists to prescribe and administer certain tests and vaccines at the pharmacy. How has COVID-19 impacted these efforts? In this episode, special guest Will Chang, Chief Legal Officer of UpStream, and attorneys Richard Hughes and Kala Shankle discuss the history of pharmacists' scope of practice before the pandemic, how the response to COVID-19 shifted pharmacists’ roles, and what’s next as the pandemic emergency winds down.

    Visit our site for related resources and email contact information: https://www.ebglaw.com/dhc45.

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    Visit: http://diagnosinghealthcare.com.

    The EMPLOYMENT LAW THIS WEEK® and DIAGNOSING HEALTH CARE podcasts are presented by Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. All rights are reserved. This audio recording includes information about legal issues and legal developments. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and should not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances, and these materials are not a substitute for the advice of competent counsel. The content reflects the personal views and opinions of the participants. No attorney-client relationship has been created by this audio recording. This audio recording may be considered attorney advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

    The Illusion of Consensus: Rav Arora on the DarkHorse Podcast

    The Illusion of Consensus: Rav Arora on the DarkHorse Podcast

    Bret speaks with Rav Arora on the DarkHorse Podcast. They cover the failure of institutions, what we might build in their place, and how we get there

    Find Rav at his Joint Substack with Jay Bhattacharya: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/
    Find Rav on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ravarora1



    The Wellness Company: Services and supplements including Spike Support Formula, for vaccine injuries and long Covid. Go to twc.health/DARKHORSE to save 15% of your order.

    PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.


    Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon. 

    Please subscribe to this channel for more long form content like this, and subscribe to the clips channel @DarkHorse Podcast Clips for short clips of all our podcasts. 

    Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.


    Mentioned in this episode: 

    Can Sam Harris Pull Back: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/cp/138291630

    “Pro Vaccine” Publication: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/p/how-covid-warped-the-journalism-industry

    Cardiologist Regrets Vaccinating Young Men: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/p/cardiologist-regrets-vaccinating

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    Ep. 1302 -  They’re Going To Tell You To Mask Again. No.

    Ep. 1302 -  They’re Going To Tell You To Mask Again. No.

    The Biden administration considers a new mask push, even for the vaccinated…my answer is no.

    Check out Debunked. Where Ben Shapiro exposes leftist fallacies in 15 minutes or less. Watch the full season available only on The Daily Wire: utm.io/uc9er 

    My new book, 'The Authoritarian Moment: How the Left Weaponized America's Institutions Against Dissent,’ is available now for pre-order! Secure your copy today before it releases on July 27th. Click here: https://utm.io/udsnA

    Subscribe to Morning Wire, Daily Wire’s new morning news podcast, and get the facts first on the news you need to know: https://utm.io/udyIF

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #100: The Demolition of Dissent (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    #100: The Demolition of Dissent (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    In this 100th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

    In this episode we discuss consensus, forced consensus, and the manufacture of consensus. We discuss medical misinformation, censorship, and freedom of speech (and freedom to listen). We also discuss how Australia is approaching vaccines and exposure to Covid. We talk a bit about one hundred years of the culture war, and the use of the props of science to drive change. We pick up a couple items from This Week in The Absurd and Appalling: Teen Vogue jumps another shark, and a pumpkin parade is cancelled. Also: how to find the sea lion on your car, and what to do about it once you’ve found it.

    Get your Goliath shirts right here: store.darkhorsepodcast.org

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Support the sponsors of this show:

    Vivo Barefoot: Shoes for healthy feet—comfortable and regenerative, enhances stability and tactile feedback. Go to www.vivobarefoot.com/us/darkhorse to get 20% off, and a 100-day free trial.

    MDHearingAid.com: Use promo code DARKHORSE to receive a significant discount off your order of already inexpensive, high-quality hearing aids, plus receive a free extra charging case. Or call 1-833-772-1392.

    Four Sigmatic: Delicious mushroom coffee made with both real coffee and two species of mushrooms. Up to 40% off and free shipping at Foursigmatic.com/DARKHORSE.

    Get your Goliath shirts right here: store.darkhorsepodcast.org


    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is now available for at amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0593086880/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_5BDTABYFKRJKZBT5GSQA

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).

    Become a member of the DarkHorse LiveStreams, and get access to an additional Q&A livestream every month. Join at Heather's Patreon.

    Get your Goliath shirts right here: store.darkhorsepodcast.org

    Like this content? Subscribe to the channel, like this video, follow us on twitter (@BretWeinstein, @HeatherEHeying), and consider helping us out by contributing to either of our Patreons or Bret’s Paypal.

    Looking for clips from #DarkHorseLivestreams? Check out our other channel:  @DarkHorse Podcast Clips  

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Q&A Link: https://youtu.be/A3OgiD9Dktc


    Mentioned in this episode:

    A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: https://huntergatherersguide.com once again available at amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hunter-Gatherers-Guide-21st-Century-Challenges/dp/0593086880/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1634424371&sr=8-1

    Root Quarterly: https://www.rootquarterly.com

    Dose of Leadership podcast with Richard Rierson: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bGEiWy5XbQhJk8XdApNyt?si=z2yNBfYCTt6FOqXwlZiqUQ&nd=1

    Don’t Freak Out: Catching Covid after you are vaccinated improves immunity. https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/national/dont-freak-out-catching-covid-after-you-are-vaccinated-improves-immunity/news-story/a65e560935dc5f4a271e9bcba226478e

    100 years of the culture war, article in Spike by Frank Furedi: https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/09/17/100-years-of-the-culture-war/

    Seattle School Cancels Halloween “Pumpkin Parade,” says it “marginalizes students of color.” On ZeroHedge, 10/15/21: https://www.zerohedge.com/

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