
    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing essential news over distractionsJournalist Jessica Yellin left mainstream media to curate essential news on Instagram, focusing on what truly matters and filtering out noise and distractions

      Jessica Yellin, a respected journalist, emphasizes the importance of filtering out "noise" in news media and focusing on what truly matters. After recognizing that many people dislike the negativity, partisanship, and conflict focus in mainstream news, she left the industry to provide news in a different way through her Instagram account, "Jessica Yellen." She separates essential news from trivial distractions, allowing consumers to focus on the information that significantly impacts their lives. The media's 24-hour news cycle often fails to do this effectively, and Yellin believes that consumers need curators to help them navigate and prioritize their news intake.

    • Filter out the noise and focus on stories that matterSifting through news can increase participation and knowledge, with Olive and June for at-home nails, Blue Nile for custom engagement rings, and UnitedHealthcare TriTerm for flexible health insurance options.

      It's important to filter out the noise in news and focus on stories that directly impact your life or expand your knowledge. Olive and June offers an affordable and convenient solution for achieving salon-worthy nails at home, while Blue Nile allows for the creation of unique engagement rings online. UnitedHealthcare TriTerm medical plans provide flexible and budget-friendly health insurance options for those in between jobs or during open enrollment periods. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sifting through the noise in news and focusing on stories that matter, as this can increase participation in important issues and make individuals feel informed rather than intimidated. Additionally, the speaker found through a survey that many people feel less knowledgeable after watching the news due to jargon and lack of explanation or next steps, and aims to change this by re-engineering the way news is presented.

    • Focus on factual reporting to reduce anxietyNews media should prioritize factual reporting to reduce anxiety and promote a more informed public

      The news media often focuses on anxiety-inducing stories and worst-case scenarios, which can increase feelings of fear and uncertainty. Instead, there is a need for clear, factual reporting that informs audiences without causing unnecessary anxiety. This can be achieved by focusing on the facts of a situation and providing context, rather than making predictions or speculating about emotions and feelings. Additionally, audiences have a responsibility to seek out reliable sources of information and to be discerning in their consumption of news. Ultimately, by prioritizing factual reporting and reducing sensationalism, news outlets can help reduce anxiety and promote a more informed and calm public.

    • Staying Informed: Be Aware of Misleading News HeadlinesCritically read news headlines, consider tone and language, look for context, and be aware of tactics to avoid misinformation.

      News headlines can be emotionally manipulative and misleading, so it's essential to be aware of this and tune into your body's reaction to them. Some news organizations rotate headlines to see which ones get the most traction, and they may target different headlines to different audiences. Old stories about the same topic may also be brought up and presented as new, which can be misleading to readers. To navigate this, read headlines critically, consider the tone and language used, and look for context and labels to help understand the relevance and timeliness of the stories. Being mindful of these tactics can help you make informed decisions based on accurate information.

    • Finding Effective Solutions in Everyday Life and MediaOlive and June provides quick-drying manicure kits, while Lume offers a deodorant with long-lasting odor control. Both prioritize customer satisfaction and offer discounts for new customers. Serious news outlets maintain high journalistic standards.

      Olive and June and Lume offer innovative solutions to common problems, providing high-quality manicure kits and deodorant with long-lasting results. These companies, Olive and June with its affordable and quick-drying manicure system, and Lume with its mandelic acid-powered deodorant offering 72-hour odor control, are game changers in their respective industries. Both companies prioritize customer satisfaction with various discounts and offers for new customers. Meanwhile, in the realm of journalism, serious news outlets strive for accuracy and truth, maintaining high journalistic standards despite potential changes over time. These examples illustrate the importance of finding effective and reliable solutions in everyday life and media.

    • Understanding News Reporting: Verifying Information and Distinguishing Hard News from OpinionVerify news information from multiple sources and distinguish between hard news and opinion pieces for accurate understanding and engagement in a democracy.

      While news reporting may not always be perfect and can include opinion or analysis, the people behind it work hard to verify information and provide it as a service to help us understand the world. It's important to distinguish between hard news stories and opinion pieces, and to check for multiple sources and the amount of information provided. News outlets may not always clearly label their content, so it's up to us as consumers to be discerning and understand the difference. The responsibility to accurately interpret and engage with news is a crucial part of being an informed citizen in a democracy.

    • Approach news with a critical mindsetRecognize different reporting styles, understand media business, expose yourself to diverse perspectives, and challenge filter bubbles.

      While it's easy to blame the media for biased reporting, it's important for audiences to approach news with a critical mindset. Instead of getting angry, assume that media outlets are trying their best and bring your own intelligence to discern fact from opinion. By recognizing different reporting styles and understanding the business side of media organizations, we can feel less abused and more empowered as consumers. Additionally, it's essential to expose ourselves to diverse perspectives and challenge our filter bubbles to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. The media may not have a uniform political leaning, but individual reporters and organizations have their unique missions and business priorities.

    • Understanding news organizations as businessesExplain complex news clearly, focus on future implications, and increase diversity in news representation to enhance media landscape

      News organizations should be viewed as businesses prioritizing financial success, rather than political actors. This perspective can help us understand their coverage decisions and potential biases. To improve the media landscape, Jessica Yellin suggests explaining complex news in a clear and complete way, focusing on what happens next, and increasing diversity in the types of faces and voices represented. Decision-making in news organizations involves editorial meetings where management selects top stories, and the news cycle is constantly evolving, requiring nimbleness. Understanding these behind-the-scenes processes can provide valuable context.

    • The media's role in informing the publicThe media plays a crucial role in informing the public and should be taken seriously. Distinguish reliable sources from those that spread misinformation, and be aware of the credibility of your news sources.

      The media plays a crucial role in informing the public and should be taken seriously, despite any misconceptions that it may be fabricating stories. Reporters work diligently to bring hard-to-get news to the public, and it's essential to distinguish between reliable sources and those that spread misinformation. People have various sources for news, but it's important to be aware of the credibility of those sources. The media's job is to report facts and provide analysis from experts, not from uninformed individuals or fake experts. The audience's discernment is crucial in determining the legitimacy of the sources they consume. The media's role in democracy is significant, and dismissing its importance can be detrimental.

    • Discerning facts from information: fact-checking and contextual understandingCross-verify information from multiple sources, consider perspectives, and understand the mechanics of fact-checking to make informed decisions.

      Discerning facts from information requires a combination of fact-checking and contextual understanding. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cross-verifying information from multiple sources and presenting it in context. However, not all facts are black and white, and some are subjective or contested. In such cases, it's essential to consider the source of the information and the perspectives involved. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the mechanics of fact-checking and the existential question of what truth means. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to take pride in their ability to assess information and make informed decisions. The speaker, who shares news without noise on Instagram, encourages everyone to stay informed and engage in thoughtful conversations about the news.

    • Exploring the depth of news and understanding its impactListen to the Sharon Says So podcast for thought-provoking discussions on news, inflation, beauty standards, and more, and engage with the community to expand your knowledge.

      Understanding the news goes beyond just knowing what happened. It's important to delve deeper into why it matters, how to think about it, and the context behind it. Host Jessy Piellen, who can be found on Instagram, Twitter, and her website News Not Noise, explores these topics through interviews with various experts. From discussing inflation and its causes to the evolving standards of beauty and plastic surgery, Piellen's podcast, Sharon Says So, covers a wide range of thought-provoking subjects. If you're interested in learning more about the news industry, be sure to check out Piellen's novel, Savage News. She encourages listeners to engage with the podcast by following, subscribing, leaving a rating or review, and sharing episodes with others. By doing so, you'll not only be supporting the podcast but also contributing to a community of curious and engaged individuals. Tune in to the Sharon Says So podcast for another mind-blowing episode.

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    Special thanks to our guests, Sami Sage and Emily Amick, for joining us today. 

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    Special thanks to our guest, Stephanie Harrison, for joining us today. 

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    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

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    Special thanks to our guest, Ana Raquel Minian, for joining us today.

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    Audio Producer: Mike Voulgaris

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

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    Special thanks to our guest, Paul Sparrow, for joining us today.

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    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

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    Special thanks to our guest, Joe Ingle, for joining us today.

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    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux 

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    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Special thanks to our guest, Jen Psaki, for joining us today.

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    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

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    Special thanks to our guest, Doris Kearns Goodwin, for joining us today.

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    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Special thanks to former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes for his time and contribution to this episode. 

    Host/ Executive Producer: Sharon McMahon

    Supervising Producer: Melanie Buck Parks

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder 

    Writers: Amy Watkin, Sharon McMahon

    Researched by: Kari Anton, Sharon McMahon, Amy Watkin, Mandy Reid, Melanie Buck Parks 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    My newsletter on the building blocks of making and argument: https://elisacp.substack.com/p/building-blocks

    1. Quick takes

    My previous newsletter on the virtues of speaking vs. silence, specifically on social media: https://elisacp.substack.com/p/speaking-silence-social-media

    TikTok on my recent reads about indigenous people in America: https://www.tiktok.com/@elisacp/video/7297727779171306794

    Two recent podcast appearances:

    The Jen Marples Show: https://thejenmarplesshow.buzzsprout.com/1851595/13936173-what-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-can-teach-us-about-midlife-with-elisa-camahort-page-blogher-co-founder

    When the Flames Go Up podcast: https://whentheflamesgoup.substack.com/p/episode-22-im-never-going-to-do-that?utm_source=activity_item#details

    SAG/AFTTRA strike is over: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/duncan-crabtree-ireland-sag-aftra-deal-ai-streaming-1235643425/

    The 2023 elections on 11/07/23: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/11/07/us/elections/results-key-races.html

    Where to find me:

    My website: https://elisacp.com

    Sign up for my newsletter, This Week-ish with Elisa Camahort Page: https://elisacp.substack.com

    Calendly: Schedule an intro session with me!: https://calendly.com/elisacp

    Thanks to Ryan Cristopher for my podcast music:


    Road Map for Revolutionaries by me, Carolyn Gerin and Jamia Wilson:


    Social media handles (I'm on the other platforms too, but this is where I'm spending my time):

    Threads: @ElisaCP

    TikTok: @ElisaCP

    Insta: @ElisaCP

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisacamahortpage/

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