
    How to buy a car (without being taken for a ride)

    en-usFebruary 18, 2020
    Why is it important to remain calm when buying a car?
    What factors should you consider before purchasing a car?
    How can preapproval for a car loan benefit you?
    Why is long-term car financing generally not advisable?
    What alternative options are suggested for financing a car?

    Podcast Summary

    • Stay Calm and Focus on Your Needs When Car ShoppingConsider family size and commuting needs before buying, stay calm, and use resources like NPR's Life Kit and financial tools to make informed decisions and get the best deals.

      When it comes to car buying, it's essential to keep your emotions in check and focus on your needs. Car dealerships aim to excite you and get you as high as possible on their "excitement meter," but it's crucial to remain level-headed and make rational decisions based on your requirements. Philip Reed, an expert in car buying, suggests considering factors like the size of your family or your commuting needs before making a purchase. By focusing on your needs and avoiding unnecessary excitement, you can save money and avoid financial pain. Additionally, using resources like NPR's Life Kit and financial tools like the Apple Card can help you make informed decisions and get the best deals. So, remember, stay calm, think about your needs, and don't let the dealership's excitement meter sway you.

    • Get preapproved for a car loan before shoppingPreapproval helps determine budget and interest rate, enabling smart shopping and avoiding lengthy or high-interest loans. Test driving is crucial to discovering the right car fit.

      Before you even step foot on a car dealership lot, it's crucial to get preapproved for a car loan. This simple step can save you from potential financial pitfalls and help you make informed decisions about your car purchase. By getting preapproved, you'll learn your interest rate and budget, enabling you to shop smarter and avoid lengthy or high-interest loans. Additionally, test driving the car you're considering is essential to discovering which model truly suits your preferences. Despite the abundance of online research, many people overlook this essential step and may end up with a car they're not entirely satisfied with. Remember, being an informed and targeted shopper is key to a successful car buying experience.

    • Find a Patient, Knowledgeable, and Non-Pushy SalespersonWhen buying a car, find a salesperson who is patient, knowledgeable, and doesn't pressure you into buying. Avoid long-term loans and focus on finding a car that fits within your budget.

      When buying a car, it's essential to find a salesperson who is patient, knowledgeable, and not pushy. Diane, known as the "Prius Queen," is an example of such a salesperson who takes every customer seriously, regardless of their budget. However, beware of the 7-year car loan, which may seem attractive due to lower monthly payments, but can lead to financial trouble in the long run. Instead, consider shorter-term loans or focusing on finding a car that fits comfortably within your budget. Remember, buying a car is a significant financial decision, and it's crucial to make an informed choice with a trustworthy salesperson.

    • Long-term car loans can leave you owing more than the car is worthAvoid long-term car loans due to rapid depreciation and significant interest payments, consider buying used or leasing instead

      It's generally not a good idea to finance a car with a long-term loan, such as seven years. According to the discussion, cars depreciate rapidly, meaning you'll likely be paying more for the car than it's worth. This can leave you "upside down" on your loan, owing more than the car is worth. Additionally, you'll pay a significant amount of interest in the early years of the loan, slowing down the principal repayment. This can put you in a vulnerable financial situation, especially if you need to sell the car unexpectedly. A better option might be to consider buying a used car or leasing, which can offer lower payments and potentially save you money in the long run. Overall, it's important to carefully consider the financial implications of car loans and strive to save enough money to make a larger down payment.

    • Negotiating the car priceFocus on car price during negotiation, avoid discussing trade-ins or financing initially, beware of dealership tactics like 'foursquare' method, and stay focused during F&I room negotiations.

      When buying a car, it's essential to approach the dealership with a strategic mindset, keeping your cards close to your chest. Start by focusing on the price of the vehicle and negotiate it before discussing any other factors like trade-ins or financing. The dealership uses a method called the "foursquare" to manipulate the total profit, making it crucial to keep the negotiation focused on the car's price. Once the price is agreed upon, you'll be handed off to the finance officer for contract signing. This stage, known as the finance and insurance (F&I) room, is the most critical part of the car buying process, where you may encounter some pressure to add additional features or insurance. Remember, stay focused on the car's price and keep the negotiation simple.

    • Prepare for buying a car from a dealershipGet preapproved for a loan, negotiate interest rate, and maintain a calm demeanor during negotiations to secure the best deal.

      When buying a car from a dealership, it's crucial to be prepared and educated about the process to avoid being taken advantage of. Dealers can make additional profits through various tactics, such as extending the sale time or offering less favorable loan terms. To minimize your time at the dealership and secure the best deal, consider getting preapproved for a loan beforehand and negotiating the interest rate. Remember, dealers may try to manipulate your credit report or offer higher interest rates than you qualify for, so be aware and firm in your negotiations. Additionally, maintaining a calm and collected demeanor during negotiations can help you secure the best possible deal.

    • Check credit score and get prequalified for a loan before car shoppingResearch car prices online, ask for credit score check during preapproval, and use Kelley Blue Book or CarMax for trade-in assessments to prepare for successful car buying experience.

      Before you go car shopping, it's essential to check your credit score and get prequalified for a loan to avoid unexpected high interest rates. During the negotiation process, be aware that dealerships aim to make a profit on trade-ins. Use resources like Kelley Blue Book for a rough estimate, but getting a price quote from CarMax can give you leverage in negotiations. Additionally, researching a good price for a car online is an effective way to prepare for the buying process. Remember, being informed and prepared can lead to a smoother and more successful car buying experience. Furthermore, during the preapproval process, don't hesitate to ask the lender to check your credit score and offer you the best possible rate. This can save you from potential surprises and disappointment later on. Also, if you're trading in a car, be aware that dealerships may not always agree with the Kelley Blue Book value. Obtaining a price quote from CarMax can provide you with a more accurate assessment and give you bargaining power. Lastly, researching a good price for a car online is an essential step in the car buying process. By being well-informed, you can enter negotiations with a clear understanding of the market value and avoid overpaying for a vehicle. Remember, knowledge is power, and being prepared can lead to a successful and satisfying car buying experience.

    • Car dealerships earn less from sales and more from add-onsPrepare for car buying by getting preapproved for a loan, test driving preferred cars, and starting negotiations with the car's price. Avoid pressure to buy overpriced add-ons.

      Dealerships make less money on car sales than they used to and make more money on additional products and services. Don't fall for the pressure to buy add-ons like extended warranties, tire protection plans, and paint protection plans the day of your purchase. These items are often overpriced and can be obtained elsewhere. Do your research ahead of time and practice saying no in the dealership to avoid feeling intimidated. Other key takeaways include getting preapproved for a loan before shopping, discovering your preferred car by test driving, and starting negotiations with the price of the car. Remember, car buying can be intimidating, but with preparation and a clear strategy, you can navigate the process successfully.

    • Negotiating Car Loans and Avoiding Dealership Add-OnsNegotiate the best car loan to save money, avoid unnecessary dealership add-ons like extended warranties and rustproofing, and consider purchasing these items separately or doing without them.

      When buying a car, negotiating the best loan and avoiding dealership add-ons can help save you money. Car dealers make a profit from car loans, so it's essential to secure the best financing deal possible. Additionally, dealership add-ons, such as extended warranties and rustproofing, can add unnecessary costs to your car purchase. Instead, consider purchasing these items separately or doing without them altogether. For more helpful tips, visit NPR's Life Kit website or subscribe to their newsletter. A fun, random tip from a listener is that you can request $2 bills from your bank. This simple act can make for an interesting conversation piece when using the bills. Remember, small changes in your spending habits can lead to significant savings. Listen to NPR's Choiceology podcast for more insights into the psychology and economics behind people's decisions, and visit Sotva's website to learn more about the importance of quality sleep for overall health and well-being.

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