
    About this Episode

    How would YOU live your life if you weren’t afraid of judgement?

    Take a walk on the wild side with the beautifully frank, Bisexual Body lovin’, BRCA Babe Amanda Loy, and find out what it takes to stop being a people pleaser and live your best “F*** YEAH” life!

    From a young girl with body dysmorphia, to coming out, to being in a polyamorous marriage (yup, we had all the questions too!), and making the decision to undergo a double preventative masectomy, Amanda shares her courageous journey to learning inner confidence.

    Recent Episodes from Business, Babies and Bossing It

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    How to share your personal brand story with clarity and confidence: with Georgina Lee-Jones
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    Before starting her business Simple Matters Media, Georgina was an award-winning BBC Documentary Producer/Director and journalist for 15 years working on primetime network television programmes, including Crimewatch and Panorama.

    She’s passionate about the power of great storytelling. in this episode, she talks to us about building compelling narratives to help brands effectively engage with their customers, internal teams and investors.

    Why sales is no longer about selling

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    When imposter syndrome tells you to say no, but you say yes anyway

    When imposter syndrome tells you to say no, but you say yes anyway
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    What if we could persuade you that the only difference between you and them, is their ability to switch up the word “no” for “yes”!

    When our planned podcast guest was a no show today, we guessed that nerves had gotten the better of her, which got us talking about how fear of judgement and impostor syndrome can negatively impact the opportunities that are presented to us, and how social media has left us all feeling vulnerable to mass criticism and ridicule.

    But Cass saying “YES” to an opportunity 2 years ago landed she and Jess as part of the cast of a recently aired Amazon Prime TV Show (eeek!), so spoiler alert, the moral of this week is ALWAYS do what scares you most and no matter how it works out, you’ll never have to live with regret.

    Overcoming anxiety and post natal mental health with Jade Tambini

    Overcoming anxiety and post natal mental health with Jade Tambini
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    Why who we surround ourselves with matters

    Why who we surround ourselves with matters
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    Equality begins at home - with Steph Douglas

    Equality begins at home - with Steph Douglas
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    How to be intentional with your time and implement daily rituals

    How to be intentional with your time and implement daily rituals
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    How to map out your dreams and goals (even the seemingly impossible ones)

    How to map out your dreams and goals (even the seemingly impossible ones)
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    So in this episode, we want to share with you how we take those fleeting hopes and dreams that you might never think are possible, commit them to paper and map out a clear pathway, with defined steps to point you in the right direction. Let’s start turning dreams into reality.