
    How to Embrace Responsibility | Monday Marketing Takes: Snap

    enDecember 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • From College Basketball to CMO of SnapKenny Mitchell's diverse background in sports and marketing, including his time as a college basketball star, MLB Hall of Famer, and marketing executive for Gatorade, McDonald's, and Snap, has prepared him well for his role as CMO of Snap.

      Kenny Mitchell's diverse background in sports and marketing makes him an exceptional Chief Marketing Officer for Snap. Throughout his career, he's made a significant impact, from leading the nation in assists in college basketball to becoming a marketer and working for renowned companies like Gatorade, McDonald's, and now Snap. His impressive journey, including his time as a MLB Hall of Famer and an Ivy League point guard, has prepared him well for his current role. Don't forget to connect with him on Twitter @atkmitch for more insights. His unique experiences have given him a valuable perspective, allowing him to excel in various aspects of marketing. Despite his impressive accomplishments, Mitchell remains humble and continues to make his mark in the industry.

    • Recognizing Snap's Potential as a Marketing Platform Early OnMarketer saw value in Snap's visual communication and reach to younger audiences, becoming early adopters and seeing tremendous success.

      The speaker, who has experience in marketing at iconic brands like Gatorade and McDonald's, as well as NASCAR, recognized the potential of Snap as a marketing platform as early as 2011. He was intrigued by the way the younger generation was communicating visually on Snap and saw the value in the creativity of the ad products and the reach of the consumers. Despite some initial challenges, he and his team became early adopters of Snap advertising and saw tremendous value in the platform. The speaker believes that Snap's transformation of communication through visual formats was a compelling use case for brands, especially those targeting younger audiences. He encourages businesses to stay attuned to emerging communication trends and adapt to new platforms to effectively reach their consumers.

    • Snapchat's Larger User Base of 25 Plus Users in the US than TwitterSnapchat's closed platform fosters deeper user experience and original programming, resulting in a larger community of 25 plus users in the US than Twitter's entire user base.

      Snapchat, despite being perceived as a platform primarily for younger users, has a larger community of 25 plus users in the US than Twitter does in its entire user base. This is due in part to Snap being a closed platform, allowing for a deeper user experience and the creation of original programming through Snapchat Originals. For instance, Snap has recently collaborated with Will Smith and his production company to create uplifting content. The scale of Snapchat's user base is significant and often underestimated, with daily active users surpassing Twitter's monetizable daily active users on an apples-to-apples comparison.

    • Engaging content reaches massive audiences during crises or changesWill's program reached 35 million people through effective storytelling and communication skills, highlighting the power of engaging content during times of crisis or change.

      Creating engaging content, especially during times of crisis or change, can reach massive audiences and build strong connections. This was demonstrated through a program featuring a well-known personality, Will, who shared stories and reminisced with former castmates from home, reaching 35 million people. The success of this program was due in part to Will's communication skills and his production company's understanding of mobile platforms. Additionally, marketing a content platform involves considering multiple stakeholders, including consumers, advertisers, agencies, and regulators, requiring messaging that addresses their unique needs. This shift in perspective has been both challenging and rewarding. Overall, the power of storytelling and effective communication in reaching and engaging large audiences cannot be overstated.

    • Supporting community during uncertain timesKenny and Snap prioritize community engagement, particularly for Gen Z and younger millennials, providing education, inspiration, and resources to navigate uncertain times.

      During this challenging period, Kenny and Snap prioritize supporting their community, particularly Gen Z and younger millennials, by providing education, inspiration, and engagement through their communication platform. As a responsible company, they feel a tremendous obligation to ensure their users have the right tools and resources to navigate these uncertain times. For Kenny, an exciting career moment was connecting with influential figures like Dwyane Wade, while for Snap, experiencing new places and being part of the marketing industry have been memorable experiences.

    • Unforgettable moments with Dwayne 'The Rock' JohnsonDwayne Johnson's positivity and kindness shine through, creating lasting impressions on those around him.

      Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is not only an accomplished athlete and entertainer, but also a genuinely kind and beloved human being. The speaker, who has had the privilege of traveling with him for business, shared a story about their experiences in China and Australia. In China, they were greeted by a crowd of over a thousand fans at the airport, creating an unforgettable moment for both the speaker and Johnson. During their time in Australia, they were there during the NBA lockout, but Johnson's positive attitude and kindness still shone through, making a lasting impression on those around him. The speaker emphasized that Johnson is not just a celebrity, but a true human being with a great team and a heart of gold.

    • Impact of social media on attracting large crowdsA tweet from a popular figure can lead to thousands of people showing up, despite chaos. Express appreciation and leave reviews to make an impact.

      The power of social media can attract a large crowd quickly. The speaker shared an experience where a tweet from a popular figure resulted in thousands of people showing up for an appearance. Despite the chaos outside, the speaker appreciated the experience and expressed gratitude for being a part of it. Additionally, the speaker encouraged listeners to leave reviews for the podcast and highlighted a positive review from a listener named underscore Johnny BX. Overall, the episode emphasized the impact of social media and the importance of expressing appreciation and gratitude.

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